Flight of Fancy: IC (Mature) {Currently Closed}

Started by Corgatha Taldorthar, January 17, 2012, 08:43:37 PM

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He laughed "Well my Great Great Grandmother Jin was rather happy he saved me, but was rather cross with me for leaving the safety of the academy. I just don't like to stay in place for too long, I like to move about. I was just passing through the city to see what was at the local bookstore and get some supplies. I wasn't even in there 20 feet before I was grabbed and arrested. I tried to explain I wasn't even a resident and just passing through and they responded with clocking me in the back of the head. I woke up in a cell." He sighed.

"Some beings huh? They refuse to change or even adapt or accept some people. I didn't even know it was an anti-creature city."

"Yeah, I heard alot of things about him, good and bad, but I still owe him, and clan Daryil my life. All I know is that after I was free, I got the frig out of there. I did not know what his plan was but I needed to get out."


"The way I hear it, King Thias had a very liberal policy towards Creatures," Jakob said.  "It was only when his son took over that everything went to hell.  And by that time, the permissive policies of his father had made it it haven to quite a sizeable number of Creatures.  Werrew may have made his share of mistakes too, but gods willing, it will be a long time before there is another regime change in the Kingdom of Exemplar, so it should remain Creature-safe for some time to come.  But you never usually know what the future holds."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Back in the slavehold...

Kenyan smiled at his newfound friend's eagerness. <All right, then. Thank you for this. If we're successful, we'll both escape this place alive.>

He thought back carefully, trying to remember what the Cheshire had said they needed. <We need to find...a blue ball with frost on it, even if the room is warm...a set of keys...and a room full of maps. Those are pieces of paper the big creatures use to find their way,> he added, unsure if the rat knew what those were. It was possible; ship rats had more experience with Beings than anyone in his pack. He only knew what a map was because some of the Beings who tried to enter the forest carried them.

The lion gently picked up the young rat and placed him on his shoulder. <Remember, don't make any noise unless you see the things we need. The big creatures can't know we're there. It's just like scavenging.>

Sniffing the air, Kenyan followed Xyrtia's trail and the smell of metal to the vent and padded inside, keeping his claws sheathed, his ears open and his nose down.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Shax thought to himself for a moment before turning back to the wolf. "Hm... Perhaps in that case I should return there someday to properly thank him for freeing me from a unjust death sentence. If I recall correctly, if they had offed him, I would of been next in line." Sighed the cabbit.

"Either way, little by little, some places are starting to become more accepting of creatures. Slowly, but things like that take time."


"Yes, I think thanking him would be a good idea," Jakob said.  "He would likely appreciate that.  And yes, things are getting much better.  I hope it continues to do so.
"While there are now many cities which will accept or at least tolerate us, we do have many enemies and wouldn't take much to ruin everything we've achieved, acceptance-wise."

Jakob sighed.  "Even so, I'm still not sure if I should break disguise yet.  Once I do it can't go back in the bottle.  But if I stick to it for too long it will look suspicious if I'm forced to break it.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Boarding Ramp to Flame of Freedom

"I understand that my form can be unsettling, but I have no intention of causing any trouble, and my money is good. I merely wish to book a single trip on this vessel."

The bear shipguard stationed at the boarding ramp stared at the thing before him flatly, while the slightly smaller mountain lion ticketmaster counted out the cash that had been offered, though he kept giving a critical eye to the shipguard's target. They had been debating back and forth for several minutes now, as the ticketmaster seemed leery of letting something so unusual and unknown onto the ship. But eventually, the ticketmaster rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Well then, ah...'sir', here is your boarding ticket, with your room number. Welcome to the Flame of Freedom, we hope you enjoy your flight. We will be watching you, however." The ticketmaster said in a more cordial voice despite the warning.

"Thank you. I do have hopes that this will be an enjoyable and educational voyage." The thing replied, with a voice that buzzed slightly, as if it wasn't spoken by natural vocal cords, before it strode up the ramp to officially board the ship.

Anyone inside the ship and near the entrance area to the Flame would then see a most peculiar entity cross the threshold. It wasn't very tall, topping somewhere between four and five feet, but it didn't look mcuh like anything most denizens of Furrae were used to seeing. The thing seemed to be made of shiny-black metal, formed into exoskeleton-like interlocking plates, and with articulated joins in all its limbs. It walked on four spindly, multi-jointed legs that radiated outward from its 'waist' in an X-shape, and evoked the image of a spider despite missing half the limbs. Or at least, half the limbs in the right place. The 'torso' was shaped out of multiple overlapping layers somewhat like a suit of platemail armor, and both sides had two arms mounted for a total of four, with each arm almost as spindly and jointed as the legs, though the ends had articulated grasping fingers on the ends. The creature also didn't seem to have a head; instead, flowing and neon-glowing green lines were etched into its body and limbs, swirling around and forming arcane patterns and runes, while on the 'front' of the 'torso', there were three bright neon-green points of light arrayed in a sideways-triangle formation, suggestive of eyes.

At last, Xephelon had made it to the Flame of Freedom. The Green Imbuer Mythos had heard of this marvel of both mundane and magical engineering, and he just had to see it up-close and personal for himself, to appreciate the genius of its construction and enchantment, and perhaps to learn a trick or two from examining it. Xephelon had gotten a scedule of its intended destinations and stops some time ago, and had traveled to this tow.n to head off the Flame so he could get onboard, and now he was. Though, he noticed something that was quite..off...from the moment he stepped across the entryway. There seemed to be a strong magic-damping field woven into the structure of the ship. Xephelon had heard ahead of time that the ship employed anti-divination measures to prevent cheating at the onboard casinos, but he didn't realize the measures were so...pervasive. Fortunately, they had little effect on such a deeply and permanently enchanted assembly such as his exoshell. Most of its functions remained active and intact even within the field, and it didn't inferfere with him fueling the exoshell, but Xephelon could already feel that it would be much more difficult for him to work new magical infusions while onboard the ship...if he could do so at all. That was annoying. On a related note, the permanent 'magic-aura sight' feature of his exoshell, one of the several interlinked visual enchantments, couldn't pick up many magical auras in the first place, whether of magical objects, Creatures, or spellcasters, as the damping field was suffocating them all. That was also annoying, but less so. He could manage with that. But it would make his learning experience rather more difficult. Xephelon started wondering already if the one-way ticket he'd puchased was worth the price he paid, but he pushed such thoughts aside. Much too early for such things.

Xephelon looked around the entrance area, taking note of the Beings and Creatures present, as well as observing the general amenities of the room, to see if there was anything so far that might catch his interest. If not, he was thinking of probably asking someone for a tour of the ship sometime soon.


"Well I'll make sure I do that after this cruise is over, unless we are going to stop near there, in that case ill just fly over and pay a visit." The Cabbit stated. "It would be nice to properly meet the man who saved my life."

Shax sighed, looking about. "I hope the ship takes off and soon. Maybe if we are lucky the gecko won't make it off in time to have the story printed, but that is also a two way street... While stuck on the ship it's more of an opportunity to make another story on us, or some of the others here."


Eden's head swung around, a bright grin spreading across her face. "HEY KAF!" She giggled, finishing restraining the intruder.

The ferret signed, looking at the tiger, then the tazy devil."...Who are our guests?" He asked non-chalantly, entering the room and tossing his crumpled hat aside.

"Oh This asshole?" She motioned to Kirrim before decking him across the face yet again. "He broke into our room. Had to bust him in the face." SHe leans towards Ephy. "This little scamp Ephy! Say Hi Ephy~"
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Paladin Sheppard

As Eden finished restraining the intruder the Diminutive Devil stat up on the bed, sheathing her knives from whence they came.

"Yup I'm Ephrael!" the Redhead said nodding at Kaf with a grin that could quite easily cause him to doubt her level of intelligence.

"Yea he broke in here trying to steal stuff".


"Whatever that reporter has in mind, I suspect I am going to find out when we make our next stop," Jakob said darkly.

"You know," he said suddenly, glancing at Shax, "I'm not sure I asked where you were planning to go."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Perhaps... I just hope it won't be too bad." The Cabbit sighed, looking about.

"To be honest I never really picked a destination to stop at. I might just keep going until I get bored of the flight. I have the funding to keep going for awhile. As I said before, I boarded the ship just to try something different from my usual methods of travel. From what I read, the view of the ground from in the air is quite the sight to behold. I would not know, I actually cannot even fly with my own wings..."


"If we were meant to fly, we'd have been given tail feathers," Jakob shrugged.  "But I won't deny they're dead handy for parachuting down if you fall."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


In Town, in a tavern known as the Copper Tooth

"They're perfectly legal," The elephant huffed, "And they came with the barback," He gestured his head at the Undead Giraffe girl; the aware breed, rather than the other two automatons. "Dunno where she got a license for personal use; all corpses are property of the state. But most of the adventurers don't seem to mind a bargirl with no complaint about the odd pinch," the man grimaced at his own joke, "Sorry, that was crude. Bit bitter about it really. She's a good barback, can't afford to replace her, but since I hired Cheryl it seems I never see my regulars anymore. What can I get yer, miss?"
It was almost possible to miss the hushed conversation of the dingos in the corner, amongst the elephant's workday gripes.
"Way I hear it, secretary a' transit's running a plant-and-seize on that big ol' blimp in the harbor to-daaaay!" there was an eruption of laughter and a lot of banging on the tables, enough to easily drown out the next bit. "I know! I know! Just like the one last month! With the tea convoy? 'YOU get a beating and YOU get a beating and YOU get a beating and EVERYONE GETS ARRESTED!' Haw! I couldn't believe my luck when I got the tip! They can't POSSIBLY catch everyone, there's gonna be escapees! Keep your eyes on the bounty boards boys," there was a clink of glasses. "We gettin' PAID this month!"

The boarding ramp of the Flame of Freedom

A pair of Quaggath police officers passed Xephelon on the ramp upwards, looking... Serious but disinterested in him. They probably mistook him for a construct. Common mistake.
"Hey there little guy!" Oh dear. Very common mistake.
A wolf demon, dressed in the livery of a guard aboard the Flame of Freedom, crouched down next to Xephelon with a smile. "You here with a mage, lil' fella? Some nice young lady's guard-golem maybe?" He leaned over with an interested smile, "Huh, slick design, maybe you're someone's masterwork. You talk buddy? Able to tell me who built you?"

The Vents of the Flame of Freedom

Kenyan felt like he had been crawling for a good couple months through the dank corridors of the ships ventilation system. Between the slight damp and endless twists it was almost like traveling through the intestines of some massive, steel organism. Finally, light began to glimmer toward the end of the arbitrarily chosen passageway.
The rat on Kenyan's shoulder began to seem nervous, only getting more so as they approached the slitted vents. It seemed to open up over the cafeteria. Two pairs of police officers in uniforms Kenyan didn't recognize entered from the main doors.
<Those men smell like steel...> The rat squeaked to the lion nervously, <Steel and old blood.>
They say animals sometimes react before a weather event occurs...

Singing Grin's incredibly expensive luxury suite

A bang came at the door once, twice.
"Quaggath police, open up. Routine inspection."

In Town, In the Cafe

Jeremiah sipped his tea and gave a slight shudder. Where had that chill come from?
"Where to next, Miss?"
In The Cafeteria of the Flame of Freedom

There were now eight pairs of police officers in the large room, and it was beginning to catch the patron's notice. More were filing in. Through the swinging of the doors at one end Jacob could see the gecko from before again, an officer pinning his arms behind his back, slitted eyes wide and lips twitching with frantic, stuttered protests and explanations.

One of the officers finally came forward and stood at rest, a rhino. The buckles of his coat, the edge of his badge and the pips above it, the lacquered gleam of his nightstick, the edge of his horn... All shone with a polish that could only come from hours of daily attention and precision.
"Nobody move." His voice was loud, yes, but had an additional quality to it that made a listener inclined towards silence, like a drop of ink in a glass of milk. It ran up the spine and prodded a part of the brain where fear lived. Not the fear of a running animal, but a fully civilized adult who has wondered, for that split second, if they REALLY should be doing whatever it is they are doing.
"There have been reports of severe contraband aboard this ship, as well as several violations of international law. There will be a complete inspection of the ship. All passengers and crew are ordered by the state of Quaggath to come with us for processing, giving their statements, and a background check." A calloused hand rested, casually, on the gleaming, lacquered nightstick. "I trust there are no objections?"

Kaf and Eden's rooms

In the perfect silence that accompanies any criminal attempting to think very hard about his next move, a law established in every crime movie of the age, they could almost hear a commotion, on the next floor of the ship...


"Great," Jakob muttered to Shax.  "Well, I guess we'd better just go with the flow and get it over with.  I just hope things don't get too interesting when they try to arrest the dragon."

I guess the real problem is what race I should answer as, Jakob thought unhappily.  I mean, they'd surely warn us... they wouldn't have taken this route if 'Cubi are persona non grata here... right...?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Shax huffed, leaning against the table and shaking his head "Un-friggin-real. You know it kinda figures something like this would happen. I can't seem to enjoy myself once without something going wrong..." The cabbit looked over to Jakob. "This may be trouble too if they find my clan mark... Seeing as I'm trying to looking like a being..." He whispered


"You boarded here," Jakob hissed.  "Did you find out what the locals make of 'Cubi?  Will we be killed if we're found out?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"I boarded with my wings hidden. They seem fine with Cubi but I don't know their views on Cubi in disguised as beings..." he sighed.


"If you want to play it safe, reveal your backwings," Jakob suggested.  "I doubt they'll spot you in this crowd."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


     Xephelon skittered aside as the police officers passed by him, and while they did seem to brush him off as something to be ignored, that actually wasn't such a bad thing to Xephelon. It was certainly better than being run out of a town or hunted down as a 'rogue construct' by ignorant townsfolk. As Xephelon then turned and was about to walk deeper into the Flame of Freedom, a stranger's voice suddenly directed itself at him.
     The stranger's mislaid assumption, however, was rather more irritating. However, it still happened often enough that Xephelon had a bored speech down pat for this situation. He turned himself to face the wolf-Demon, who was somewhat insultingly kneeling down and talking to him like a child--or rather, an unintelligent construct.
     "I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I am not a golem, nor do I belong to anyone. What you see before you is merely my exoshell body, and I built it myself. I am actually a type of Mythos, though as we are quite uncommon in these regions of the world, your confusion is understandable. Will that be all, or is there anything else I can help you with?" Xephelon spoke all the words smoothly to the inquisitive Demon, through the slightly 'buzzing' voice his exoshell had. When he finished talking, his three light "eyes" flickered once each in succession.


"I might as well show both anyway... Even if I only show my backwings it would be obvious... My wings are duality..."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha smirked at the bartender's joke, albeit with a roll of her eyes, and chuckled.  "Well, so long as it works, I suppose.  Pint of ale, as I said, please," the jaguaress said as a few coins rolled to the elephant.

As she took a swig of her drink, swallowing easily through the different yet tangy flavor, her ears casually swiveled around to take in the conversations.  But it was hard to hear anything edgewise with the dingos behind her and to the side, boisterous as they were.  She briefly wondered if it was a canine thing, being easily excitable, or if they were just more than a little full on alcohol.

But she certainly couldn't ignore what they had said.  She chanced a glance at the table listening in on the news about a plant-and-seize on a dirigible.

But there's only one dirigible docked... her eyes narrowed back into her drink.  Maybe it's not as violent as they make it seem.  But still, would this be a good or a bad thing?  If they find the slaves, the crew will be in a world of trouble, which works.  Crap though, James is part of the crew.  And who knows how things will go for the slaves and the passengers.  I'd better get back there.

She quickly chugged back the last of her drink and slid the mug back to the bartender.  "Thanks for that, gotta run," she said as she jetted outside, adjusting her cloak to make sure that the colors she bore on it matched the standard of the Shadowed Depths Monastery.

The panthress easily dodged the weaving people and crowds, which were lessening bit by bit as the afternoon wore on into evening.  But once she made it back to the dock, she had to stop in her tracks.  Quite a few more uniformed officers than what would pass for normal seemed to be entering and staking out the docks and deck of the Flame of Freedom.

Her ears flattened.  Somehow, I don't like the look of this.  Better get in and find Kaf.  Maybe the moose, if he knows anything...I think I might know how to get in.

Opting for amiability first, Aisha strode up to the side of the ship.  She hoped that her sword wasn't too conspicuous, being the only weapon easily seen on her person, but with the colors of the Healers at her back, it was a possibility that the law enforcement wouldn't be highly on edge.  Surely she didn't look like any of the passengers, who were high society types.  And that was the idea.

"Pardon me, good sir," she waved to the nearest officer.  Her stance was confident and straight, her eyes focused with curiosity about the situation at hand, her short smile welcoming, her demeanor not lacking of a fighter's prowess.  "I couldn't help but notice all of this activity," she gestured to the grandiose Flame of Freedom.  Her other hand settled on the hilt of the Dragonblade.  "May I ask what's going on?  An adventurer certainly can't pass through a city without offering aid to the local men in uniform."

*     *     *

As a short time passed in their room, with enough time for Jake and the pangolin to clean themselves up a little, the Gryphon soon started to wonder when Singing Grin would be back, and if she would be.

But when someone had finally come to knock at the door, it didn't sound like Singing Grin or a staff member with the room service they'd ordered.  Instead there came the authoritative voice of the police.

Jake and his companion paused, looking between one another at this development and thinking it over quickly.  It seemed all too perfect...maybe they didn't have to wait for the Cheshire.  If the city's law enforcement were inspecting the airship, then surely...surely they could be told about the situation at hand.  The slaves would be taken back.  Maybe they'd be free.

As Jake moved to open the door, the pangolin tugged his arm.  "Wait, is that a good idea?" he hissed.  "Those guys are usually armed."

The Knight-Captain grinned confidently.  "You've seen me teach my hand-to-hand, friend.  I can handle anybody armed.  Look, he says he's police.  We have a chance."

"And what if he's not who he says he is and aims to put us back down there?"

Jake's golden eyes narrowed with the kind of determination that the pangolin had seen in others before: heroic, courageous, and foolhardy.

"Then we don't go without a fight," he said with a nod of finality.  "Now just stay calm."

Straightening his coat and neck ruff, Jake opened the door to the stern, rocky face of the officer and the badge and colors of the uniform of Quaggath, before he had a chance to knock again.

"Why, evening, officer.  Routine, eh?  Well, come in; we've nothing to hide.  I assure you of that." the avian opened the door with a grand sweep of his arm, as if presenting the lavish room like a showman.

The pangolin, sitting in a chair by the desk at the end, sighed inwardly.  We are SO screwed.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"The dual-wing thing is only obvious if they know about it," Jakob muttered.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Kirrin rolled his yes silently cursing his luck for the moment as it he finally tecognized the ferret from the pictures that was in the room. A deep growl resonating from his throat as his head jerks to the side once he's struck again. He looks to Kaf and just stares for now, sighing a little more like he were bored or had resigned himself to what he thought was going to happen. The ruckus outside didn;t help his thinking either.  "They won't throw me in jail you know...they'll cut my head off...just because of what i am...." He whispered slowly, though he said it aloud it seems he was talking to himself.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


With a sigh, the cabbit slunk down in his chair slowly, his backwings giving form and spreading out slightly, the silver and purple feathers giving a slight gleam against the black membrane of the bat portion.


Even as experienced as he was at crawling through small places, Kenyan was exhausted from the vents. They were damp and dusty, and all he wanted was to get out of the steel tunnels and lick his fur until he couldn't feel the walls of the vent on him anymore. But he hadn't yet found the things the Cheshire needed, and his friend hadn't mentioned seeing anything unusual yet. Though he was certainly acting nervous enough. Not being a ship-rat himself, Kenyan could only guess at what had his companion shaking so badly until they reached the light.

He knew better than to try opening it immediately, particularly once he heard voices. His friend squeaked nervously, and Kenyan paid close attention to what little he could see through the slots. Not long after his friend warned him, a voice rang out - one that commanded attention, and for some reason, made the lion's hackles rise. Something about that voice brought to mind the sound of teeth against teeth, and the rasp of scales on tree roots and dirt.

He shook his head - this wasn't the forest, and it certainly wasn't the swamp. The men were dressed more like the men who came to search the forest whenever hikers went missing. They might not be dangerous at all. Kenyan turned to his friend, using nonverbal rodent cues to say: <Stay quiet and keep your ears up.> Then he listened carefully to what words he understood.

Nobody move... He didn't. He barely even breathed.

Reports...aboard this ship...violations...law... Well, surely kidnapping innocent people and forcing them to fight in armies was illegal. Was that what the rhino meant? Were they going to be saved?

Inspection of the ship...all passengers and crew...ordered...to come with us... Oh. Oh no. That wasn't good at all. If they found Ms. Grin or Jake, all the effort was for nothing. And what would happen to those who couldn't tell anyone where they were from, like himself or Xyrtia? Kenyan felt himself shaking a little and forced himself to focus, clenching his fists and toes. He could smell the air well enough to tell that nobody he knew was in the room, but everyone there was afraid. He couldn't just leave, not until he knew more.

So he stayed still, keeping himself next to the vent rather than over it, scanning the room to see if the things he needed were there. A set of keys...maps...a blue ball with frost on it...
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Xyrtia was crawling over some sort of social room with the smell of food when the sound of a fear-inspiring voice reached her ears.
She hesitated.
It was all the vents needed to creak, then moan, then collapse and drop their payload into the room below. The bluejay dropped into the lap of someone; she got a glimpse of pink-ish fur on the fellow before she scrambled to her feet, bolting in the first direction she could go. Tripping over chairs and bumping into tables, she booked it for the clearest doorway she could find, vaguely registering the horned leathery fellow with the shiny things on his clothes as she made her escape. "Sorry!" she shouted as she fled, hoping she had only interrupted some sort of polite conversation. Judging by the atmosphere and the voice from earlier, though, she hadn't. Krraak, she mentally started cursing. Krraak krraak krraak krraak krraak krraak...


Jakob sat calmly, with an air of resignation, waiting for the situation to sort itself out.  The way he saw it, the sooner they were escorted off the ship to take statements, the sooner things could get back to some semblance of normality.  Trying to escape would only make things worse.

Suddenly one of the ornately-decorated vents fell from the ceiling, chunks of metal and fixtures crashing down upon the crowd.  A rather weatherbeaten-looking avian crawled out from the wreckage and began scampering about madly like a feral bird trapped in a building.

"What the hell was that...?" Jakob asked aloud.  "A stowaway...?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel and Jeremiah were walking down the main approach to the airship, ice cream cones in hand. The coolness inside the shop had been the last bit of pleasantness for the dragon before she stepped back into the no-magic zone. Her good mood was melting away faster than the ice cream. She hated the loss of magic and was very resentful of the airship forcing it onto her even if she never set foot into the casino.

One advantage of being a high-flying predator was that even in her small form Mel had better than average distance vision. As they turned onto the road leading to the airship docks the dragon could pick out the change of uniforms on the boarding ramp. Uniforms that she had noticed people scurrying away from on the streets of the city. She sighed, of course this stupid airship had been taken over by the police. She turned to her companion/victim. "I am sure you have errands of your own to run. I will take Guy's leash and let you get on with them," she offered as she stuck a hand in her pocket to find the promised tip.

Once the frog was paid off and had disappeared into the crowd Mel and the pink clockwork poodle wandered towards the ship as if she hadn't a care in the world. She could see that the dark furred feline from the bar was pretending to be a nosy bystander and a being-sized metal lump announced it was one of those mythos who mass produced charms. She sniffed disapprovingly, the artistry of true charm crafters would always prevail.

With a quick glance to see where the boarding ramp seemed most disorganized Mel waded into the confused knot of indignant guests and police. With a careless gesture she handed the leash and a shopping bag of cookies to the first officer who dared to step in front of her. "Porter, take these to suite 105. I am missing my spa appointment."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Shax sat back up in his chair with a small nod. "I suppose you are right. Lets just hope they are not trained to spot it is all..." He said with a sigh. The cabbit looked back over at the officers grouped at the entrance. "I wonder what they are really after..." He would question, still wondering what they were looking for aboard this airship.

After a few moments of staring, he looked up, hearing a small creak, just before the avian dropped through the vent, and right on top of Shax, causing him to cry out in surprise. The chair under him gave way onto the sudden weight of the newcomer on top of the Cubi, the chair would giveway and collapse from under him, making the cubi fall to the floor with a loud thud. By the time he was able to regain his focus, the Blue Jay had already gone. With a shake of his head, the cabbit looked over at Jakob. "What in the hell was that all about?"


It was only then that the fennec incubus noticed something, it was quiet, strangely quiet. Nobody seemed to be in the halls where he was traveling. As if a great happening just passed him by sweeping over and whisking everyone away. "'Where is everyone? And what's happening?" he said, making his way over to the nearest window and looking out to see just what the commotion or lack of it was about.