Egyptian Gals V3. (Opinions wanted)

Started by Amber Williams, August 20, 2006, 02:26:45 AM

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Amber Williams

Hey peeps.

Some of you might know this, some of you wont.  Every few years I have a trend of redrawing a particular picture as sort of a way to mark my own improvements as an artist.  The very first picture was done in 2001 while the second was done in 2003.  Having been a couple years now, I've been gearing up to make my third attempt which will hopefully be improved from the previous in many ways.

It also seems fitting that since I've lost all my high-rez files, I should try to get one nice big picture done. 

So far, I've decided one of the new girls to be added will in fact be a cow...since I'm not sure why I missed Hathor previously and it seems fitting. Since its been a year past what I'd like, I decided I will add a second girl in...which is what I'm debating on.

On one hand...I've been thinking perhaps an antelope or a they are very lovely animals and usually underused.  My main concern being that with me adding the cow, having another animal with horns might be a bit obvious.

The other option currently is...believe it or not...a buzzard.  Artistically I think it'd be a nice challenge to try to make a buzzard character.  Course, with there already being a flamingo and a falcon...I'm not sure if thats a bit overboard in the birds.

I did also debate on a scorpian...but thats kinda backrunner along with other animal suggestions like lizards or elephants or whatnot. (maybe next time around)

Also in debate is an aesthetic option with the jackal character, who I actually named Merle. I've been debating if this time around I should actually make her look more like an actual jackal, or if I should retain her Anubis-style appearence.   Both have pros and the point that either way I doubt it will truly bring the picture down whichever option I choose.

What I'm basically looking for is not "you should do this" posts, but more a "I think this option would be better because" posts.  If you think I should do a certain thing, give some reasons why you think its the better of the two.  Either way there is no guarantee over which way I'll go...I just would like some input on it all.

Just curious about what you peeps think.  All have pros cons and really no matter what I think it will end up a decent least I hope.   :E


as a opinion i think a scorpion would be a interesting idea to follow, to be honest there can't be many cute scorpians being drawn out there. Plus i think a scorpions body type would be an interesting experiment for drawing skills.

i agree with you also that a antelope or gazelle would be a good choice, it would surely blend in with the other characters which is maybe a better option,

King Of Hearts

How many are going to be new?

If you are concerened with the cow being too similar with a gazelle/antelope, you could simply remove the cow's horn. The 2003 pic doesnt have enyone with horns so you could get away with it without being that noticable.

Im not quite sure about the buzzard, despite making it a third avian in the group, depictions of Buzzards are rather rare [well, there's that Thundercats villian whatsisface...] But I suppose with proper coloration she could be identified more as her own.

Scorpions, or rather insects/Arachnids/Crustaceans as a whole needs more representation, They give a good contrast to the regular textures of fur/feathers/scales not to mention they would tend to stand out like your 'lil squalene lass.

Regarding the Jackal... Id go with a gamble and try to make her more Jackal than Anubis-type. Whil ethe Anubis type is a safe popular look, as my previous statement have pointed out, there is something to be said about standing out.



I'd rather see a gazelle than an antelope but when it comes to gazelle vs. buzzard...

Well, on one hand, a gazelle might be easier to do right. On the other, buzzard is more challenging and, if done right, will be better than a gazelle. :|

This kind of reminds me of longjump. Should you go for a secure jump and not risk stepping on the board or should you go for world record. :rolleyes
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I'm gonna look at this in my own little fashion so i'm deeply sorry if i confuse you  :3

cow-a very interesting choice since Cows were important to the ancient egyptians. My only remark would be that you make it a specific breed of cow-

antelope/gazelle- this one could possibly be done very well, since you don't see many Gazelles running around. the only problem you might have is the fact that Gazelle's legs are VERY thin, but then of course you'd have the dress to cover the legs up.

buzzard-now HERE is a good idea. The buzzard does NOT get enough respect from anthro/furry fans. i myself had a buzzard character a while back. The buzzard is a probable choice, considering that the Pharaoh's Crown had both a Cobra and a Buzzard/Vulture. The Egyptian Vulture is indeed a beautiful animal, as is the buzzard. Buzzard Vulture

scorpion-a VERY interesting choice. I personally would go for it since the Scorpion is linked to an Egyptian goddess, Serket/Serquet. The only problems i belive you would face is the head. but then again you might come up with a way to fix that.
Also, if you do not want to do a scorpion, perhaps one of your girls should be holding this:
If a scorpion is not what you wish, then prehaps a Scarab, as they were important to the ancient egyptians:

jackal- hmmm...well, this would be a nice choice. the only thing you SHOULD DO is stick with a Basic Jackal's design. Too many Anubis-looking anthros running around claiming to be Jackals.
However, if you want to do an Egyptian dog, you should either do a Basenji:
or egyptian dog (that looks like Anubis):

>w< Call me an Egypt lover...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Don't know much of what to type since my arguments have already been given for the ones I'd suggest. So I'll say the arguments for the gazelle, scorpion, and jackal looking like a jackal would be what I'd go for.
I see very few gazelles around, and have never seen a scorpion drawn in such a way. For the jackal you could keep the egyptian markings as it would still match the picture, but make the one an actual jackan instead of the Anubis look. :januscat


Since you're looking to make an improvement, I think you should try and make it a challenge for yourself as well. The buzzard would be an excellent addition to the cast for that purpose.

Perhaps it'd be a good option to consider dropping some of the original cast in option for new ones though? That way you can place those new characters in. Then again, it wouldn't be like you're doing the re-draw of it then.

I'd like to see the buzzard, gazelle and scorpion personally. They'd be very interesting characters to see what you can do to them.

As for Merle (pretty name, BTW), if you're trying for the Egyptian style, go for the anubis look.

Either way, I know we'll be getting one awesome, mind-blowing picture.


i have also just noticed that you already have an Anubis-looking femme in the bottom left-hand corner of the 2003 picture.

If you want an animal suggestion, i say do an Ibis.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 20, 2006, 01:05:42 PM
i have also just noticed that you already have an Anubis-looking femme in the bottom left-hand corner of the 2003 picture.

Yes, she said that she did. That is the jackal that she is considering revising to look like a normal jackal.

The cow and buzzard I like, especially after reading Xze's post. I really don't see the big deal with adding two horned animals in one revamp, especially since you're also concerned about adding more of the already-existing animal categories like feathered animals.

While I think scorpions are particularly cool animals, I think an insect girl would stick out like a sore thumb among the current group in the picture. I'm not exactly sure why, but I get the impression that an insect would just be too far of a departure from the current set of animals. It'll definitely be more obvious than adding two new furry mammals that just happen to both have horns.

In summary, I like the cow, buzzard, and gazelle as possible additions to the picture.
Yap by Silver.


Quote from: Toric on August 20, 2006, 08:35:21 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 20, 2006, 01:05:42 PM
i have also just noticed that you already have an Anubis-looking femme in the bottom left-hand corner of the 2003 picture.

Yes, she said that she did. That is the jackal that she is considering revising to look like a normal jackal.
i said nothing

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Amber Williams

Good suggestions/opinions all around peeps. Thankye.

As I said...or tried to (I might have failed), the cow is a definate.  She'll prolly be done Hathor-style with the super-long horns as well...which is why the gazelle was an iffy possibility as both would have noticable hornage.

All the characters already drawn will be making their comebacks in thats part of the point to compare the new versions to the older ones.  Which was a reason I wasnt sure if I should make Merle different since it might not be a good basis of comparison...I dunno.

If I do opt for buzzard I'm still debating if I should go buzzard(dark colours) or vulture(light colours) or do a mixlike thing...  Of the set, it does seem a bit challenging.  I should add that last year, the character I added was the falconess.  If I add the buzzard, that will put the avians at 3.

If I recall right, I have 2 birds, 2 reptiles, 1 fish(ok...she's a shark but I'm putting her in fish for now!) and 7 mammals.  The cow will add the number to 8.

I should mention that this will likely by no means be the end all.  A couple years from now I will probably be doing this again with new characters added each time.   What I dont add now, will likely be top candidates next time around.

Either way, thanks again to everybody who's given input so far. Its been full of good points and things I didnt consider before.

topher chee

well, the one done in 2003 is pretty darn good, theres not much more cging you can do with that.
Buuuut....I think you should have a pharoe figure in there somewhere, and maybe a couple of the gods in there...(that is the egyptian gods) like the black dog-like creature, i forget their names.....but yes, something similar to that


Quote from: topher chee on August 21, 2006, 12:54:10 AM
well, the one done in 2003 is pretty darn good, theres not much more cging you can do with that.
Buuuut....I think you should have a pharoe figure in there somewhere, and maybe a couple of the gods in there...(that is the egyptian gods) like the black dog-like creature, i forget their names.....but yes, something similar to that

Anubis & Ra are two names that I believe you are looking for. And the jackal is rather Anubis-like, I would think...

Amber Williams

It wouldnt really be an Egyptian Gals set if there were guys now would there. :U

While I have been toying with the idea of attempting a male set, thats for another day altogether.  Right now I'm still trying to figure out the girl set I want to do.  >:3


I have an interesting one for you, Amber.  It's another choice and something to think about, which might mean that you'll have so much hate in the World for me for having given you another choice to consider, that is, if it's a good choice.  It is a little absurd but I think it's apt because the animal closely resembles one of the Gods, I can't remember which but I'm sure Xze will (well informed Kiwodravefo that she is).  Anyway, before it becomes lost in obfuscation, the suggestion that I have is that you could try an Aardvark.  Yes, I'm crazy, I know.

Now that I've said that, I'm absolutely fascinated by how a Scorpion would look in your art style.  You have a very distinctive art-style Amber so I think you might be able to bring personality to the critter and adding personality to a Scorpion will indeed be a challenge since they don't have very expressive faces.  Usually with mammals and many other animals, there's at least some kind of basis to work from, with insects, exoskeletal critters and so on, that becomes more difficult because that basis isn't there.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough and since I'm not entirely sure I'm being at all constructive or helpful, I'll leave it at that.


Quote from: Amber Panyko on August 21, 2006, 01:46:42 AM
It wouldnt really be an Egyptian Gals set if there were guys now would there. :U

But some boys can be quite girly too ma'am



Have you think to draw a scarab? that was a strong symbol for this culture, and could be interesting see an insectis in this draw; there are fur, feathers, scales, but no chitin... or maybe inlcude both the scorpion and the scarab for the next version...

mmmh, a fat insectis gal... that could be fun...

"Fantasy & Reality are opposed sides of the same coin."
"Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity."

<== Yappity by Silverfox



Quote from: Manawolf on August 21, 2006, 01:16:06 PM
Something to note, Mab's already done a scorpion character:

I thought I'd seen that before. I actually really liked the 'roach character.


Well, round out the shell and you'll have the scarab character, I suppose.


lucas marcone

i belive that a smaller character would help the picture from getting to cluteres.... such as the scorpian. how ever a original looking jackel would be very pleaseing to the eye.
these are just my thoughts. go with what you feel is right.


Quote from: Amber Panyko on August 21, 2006, 12:07:53 AM
As I said...or tried to (I might have failed), the cow is a definate.  She'll prolly be done Hathor-style with the super-long horns as well...which is why the gazelle was an iffy possibility as both would have noticable hornage.
So you mean both of them are pretty horny...

well, someone had to  :P
looking forward to see the new version  :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

*THWAP* You git. :-)

Think it, but don't say it. Think it, but don't say it.

... well, unless you -really- have to. In which case, that's ok, carry on then. (As if you'd listen to me asking you to stop :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm now wondering how a box can effectively 'thwap' someone.  You're defying the laws of physics, aren't you?  *Poke.*


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 22, 2006, 01:21:04 PM
*THWAP* You git. :-)

Think it, but don't say it. Think it, but don't say it.

... well, unless you -really- have to. In which case, that's ok, carry on then. (As if you'd listen to me asking you to stop :-)


Whilst I can't think of anything constructive to add [yet, see edit!], here's a quote from Stargate.

In a discussion between Daniel Jackson and Jack O`Neill;
Daniel; "She's Hathor, the goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music."
Jack; "Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?"


Although what I will say is the difference is noticeable.

As long as they're kept seperate enough from each other in terms of placement and design, the cow/gazelle thing should work ok. Ie, as long as the cow looks like a cow and the gazelle looks like a gazelle. If that makes sense.


I think the potbelly will be enough to tell the difference.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Rowne on August 22, 2006, 02:03:10 PM
I'm now wondering how a box can effectively 'thwap' someone.  You're defying the laws of physics, aren't you?  *Poke.*

-Always- :-)

Besides, it's no fun if you don't have laws to break. Just ask McCavity. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears