Started by Rafe, November 07, 2011, 01:17:20 AM

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Mongrels second season is starting tonight Nov, 7, at 2230 on BBC Three - and, I assume, various places on the internet.


TWO new Programmes:

    Season 2, Episode 1 – Aired: 11/7/2011
    Marion and the Goldfish

Destiny finds a knock-out strategy to win her dream man - John Terry's dog.
Recruited by a secret society of bloodthirsty foxes, it's time for Nelson
to kill or be killed. Marion is entranced by a peculiarly knowledgeable goldfish.

    Horror Special

With Destiny on heat and trapped inside the pub by sex-crazed zombie dogs,
Nelson has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to woo her. Marion's night in is ruined
when Vince reveals he's a karaoke hog. And after a rickshaw driver runs over
her dinner, Kali seeks explosive revenge.

Some more stuff:
Another great mock-serious promotional trailer:

And what the heck, one more, with Nelson wondering if his unusual attraction to TV physicist Brian Cox means he's gay:

I assume torrents and various video rips will be showing up almost immediately, although much of what was up of the first season (at least on Youtube) has mysreriously vanished.  If you see any of the mew episodes showing up, please let the rest of us know.

And a warning, Mongrels is a puppet-based show, but it's an adult puppet-based show. The first season included things like like cannibalism, pedophilia, the holocaust, castration, rape and incest, this season will apparently feature... uh, this:



*reads the list of 'topics' in the first season and what shall be featured in the second*

Soooo... this show took it's ideas from the majority of Furaffinity postings?   :P
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Can't tell if that last photo is bestiality or a Godfather reference.

...knowing the show, it's probably both.


click on the link and you'll find out. 
The dialog is the best part.

Here it is again:


I have the DVD of Season 1. Delighted to see a new season.

Oh dear.


Well, watched the first two episodes on iplayer. Forced, self-referential for humour and ill-paced. All a bit shite, really.

Oh dear.


hopefully they'll get into the swing of things.  I've seen several shows that use up a lot of their planned stories early on, and then regroup to have a successful, interesting run.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


i always like introducing this show to people as "the british sesame street"


Quote from: bill on November 13, 2011, 11:28:45 PM
i always like introducing this show to people as "the british sesame street"

Oh, you are evil - and I wish I had thought of that. [plans on stealing it, anyway]

The British have made great use of puppets over the years.  My vote for all-around kids show / adult entertainer puppet. and British equivalent of Kermit the Frog would have to be Basil Brush.  

and a video clip:

He's a cute, button-eyed, life-of-the-party raconteur type, and according to a flashback on Mongrels, a disappointment when Nelson meets him and finds out his idol is a holocaust denier:
( From episode 4, "Nelson the Stroke Virgin")



New Episode Tonight - Monday, 21 November:

Episode 4

It's Vince's wedding day and Nelson is thrilled to be his best man. Now all he has to do is find just one nice thing to say about Vince in his speech - or die. Destiny adopts a high-risk strategy to avoid sitting at the singles' table. Kali is faced with a difficult dilemma over the wedding buffet - is it acceptable to eat your own cousin?

The current DMFA page, with Jyrras and Abel staring at the night sky reminded me of this clip from tonights episode.   Vince and Nelson end up stranded on an island together... okay, it's a traffic island, but all the same, being cut off from civilization has strange effects on them, especially in the moonlight:

For a preview of the island segment go here:

I took this picture of Vince getting his "island make-up".  
