Society at Crossroads. (Mature) Interest/OOC thread. (open)

Started by Corgatha Taldorthar, October 01, 2011, 08:02:31 PM

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Corgatha Taldorthar

Twenty-five years ago, the Godan came, and fell upon the peaceful civilizations in the Vale.  Most were destroyed, entire races died out.  Many said the Godan were from the Gods themselves, punishment for the decadence of the people. One of the last surviving societies, a Human city named Genmar, contacted an ancient, enigmatic, and isolationist race who lived north and east of the Vale, the Slithzerikai. If the Godan had come from the Gods, the Humans made a deal with a devil to survive. In exchange for their cooperation, the Sliths demanded a tribute of one of Genmar's citizens a year, for fifty years, for sacrifice to their Dragon-God.

Faced with annihilation, Genmar chose to survive, and agreed to the demands of the Sliths.  With the Sliths' entry into the war, the tide changed.  Slowly, the Godan were beaten back. With the armies of the Sliths allied against the Godan, the tide of the war began to change.  Slowly, the allied forces began to recaputre the vale. Over the past twenty years, the warriors of the two peoples have fought side by side, first to stalemate and then to guarded triumph. The sight of Godan became a rarer and rarer event.  A recent string of allied victories have pushed them to the very limits of the Vale, and rumors floated that the hostile species was all but wiped out.

A fact which your group, sent on deep reconnaissance, was sent to confirm. It was a difficult, smelly, and time consuming mission, but you were able to ascertain that all the remaining Godan had pulled back to one of their cave fastnesses, where you doubt more than six hundred are left. What they've been gathering for is unclear, perhaps a last ditch strike of some sort.

Still, you have their locations and general strength, and it's time to return to Genmar to report.

I would like to note that the above is *not* my world building. The original campaign was written by one Ian "Alcritas" Klinkamer, (last name intentionally distorted) who has given me permission to make some spin-offs. I thought this would make a good springboard to a forum RP.


Every character Bio should have




General skill set.

General personality


"World Rules"

This is adapted from a campaign in a classless RPG system, which used a number of skills to simulate what would be the various class abilities of DnD. Humans are the dominant species in the vale, and there are a few others you'll be running into that I don't want to introduce *just* yet. Furries do exist, they'd be about 7% of the general population, but power-wise, they'd be analogous to DMFA Beings, and don't have any significant advantages or drawbacks over humans in terms of martial or magical ability.

Technology level is at a kind of late classical with some exceptions. There are some fairly complicated engineering projects out there, but generally, you won't see anything more advanced than a water wheel. Most weapons, armor, and tools are made out of bronze, although iron and steel do exist, but they're not generally available.

Magic is low powered relative to DnD, but still extant, and still very important. A lot of magic is more ritual-oriented, with things like scroll scribing and potion brewing very prevalent in the Vale. There *are* a few mages here and there who can wave their hands and wipe out entire battalions, but nobody of that kind of power lives in the Vale, with the possible exception of the Slith Dragon.

The Godan do not employ any known magic, and is one of the reasons that they've been steadily pushed back in the latter stage of the war. However, they average 9 feet tall, weigh on average about 800 pounds, and while a bit slow, are very strong and enduring. They are dangerous opponents, and not to be underestimated. Nobody has ever had peaceful contact with the Godan, and while they do have a crude language that you know a few words of, it is unclear from what few prisoners have been taken what they want or where the motivation for a near genocidal assault on the Vale came from.

The RP is open for about 4-6 players, if sufficient interest exists. The way the plot is written, you're all part of a relatively elite (but not necessarily the best out there) Genmar reconnaissance squad. Most of your superiors will be humans. You're about a half day's easy walk to Genmar, quicker if you hurry.

I will be happy to answer any questions, and when I get around to sucking less with graphics work, I'm going to look at uploading a map of the Vale.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Are you still running Deathtrap Dungeon? I was just about to make a post there asking who we were waiting on again...


Just to be clear, is this merely the first arc of a longer-reaching plot, or a short-term change of pace rp?

Corgatha Taldorthar

No, there's a *much* longer arc in the wings. This is kind of the first step, and the following pieces will logically flow from what happens in stage 1; but there's a very complicated plot going on.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Paladin Sheppard

Name: Ephrael Falco

Appearance: Athletically built human female of 24 years, fiery red shoulder length hair usualy gathered behind her head with ribbon and plats, blue eyes, average bust.

History: Hailing from one of the outer villages that was not in the path of the Godan, Ephrael's family avoided the death and destruction of the Vale. The village elders however were not the kind to sit around and wait to be rolled over, instigated a militarization of the village and a few of its neighbors. Hunters were trained in greater numbers and taught to fight on the move, and with minimal support, smiths made weapons in greater numbers, and the town guards were drilled into a serious force.

When of age Ephrael had joined the newly formed Ranger force, yet due to her tendency for practical jokes and minor kleptomania was constantly in trouble. Only her skill and ability kept her in the force, and when Genmar sent for experienced scouts Ephrael was 'volunteered'.  

General skill set: Ephrael is a skilled marksman with a bow, handy with daggers, knives and small axes, as well as superior observation and tracking skills. She is also very well versed in using poisons, and regularly coats her arrows.

General personality: Ephrael is a bubbly and seemingly immature woman (often described as psychotically hyperactive), yet highly intelligent and caring. The immaturity is mostly a front for her fun seeking nature, but when the chips are on the table Ephrael is steady and calculating.

Possessions: Kukri style daggers. Long bow and bronze tipped arrows. Cloth top and skirt with a studded leather cuirass. Food and water skin, mortar and pestle with some pre-prepared poisons.  Coin purse with a year's worth of pay in gold silver coins with a few bronze scattered in.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Paladin: Accepted.

I'm going to set the player limit at 6.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


When you say Classical period, what exactly do you mean?  What is a good analog for culture that we can use for the Vale?

Sorry, but muse is awake now, and plotting for a char. :U


If the primary material is bronze... sounds Greek-y, maybe?


True, but there are alternatives.  Like Indian, Egyptian, Persian... :B

Corgatha Taldorthar

No, Arcalane got it right, this is a very Classical Greece-styled campaign, with Genmar being the polis that you guys call home, even if you don't live anywhere near the walls.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Corgatha Taldorthar

I suck at making maps.

I really do, but this is the best I could make :(

As should be not entirely clear, the Vale is a roughly oval shaped lowland, enclosed on almost all sides by mountainous terrain. The only easy entry or exit is in the north, where a plateau allows access to the wider world, although some of the mountains, especially in the Northeast, are passable.

You can't really see the map notes, sadly, so I'll just try to annotate as best I can. :(

The large grayish blob in the center is Genmar, the only major surviving city in the Vale. It's walled, has a population of about 15,000, and since the Godan war has become the de-facto leader of the resistance. It's ruled by a King Alci, living in a citadel in the northern section of the polis, but in large part the generals between them run things, since the war-time economy has been in place for the past generation.

Northeast of Genmar, only about two miles from the walls, is Evergreen. While it is true that there are un-walled settlements all around the main polis, Evergreen is the largest, and populated mainly by absorbed refugees who are now pretty much Genmar citizenry. A few semi-draconian laws exist, but they're mostly overlooked in favor of the easy access to walled protection.

Following the main road northeast about 12 miles, one comes to the Main Temple. It is dedicated to all 5 Gods and Goddesses, although worship of Hagadon is all but unheard of, and Benthalas has a small flock. The temple is a massive edifice, and truly one of the wonders of the Vale. (More updates on the Gods and religion will be featured later) There are temples in the city, but this is the religious headquarters, as it were. There has been some grumbling about the need to split forces, but the Temple has stood firm so far.

Going eastward down the road south of Genmar, one would reach Caldris, the major settlement of non-humans. It has been hit hard by the Godan, and about 5 years ago, military alliance has turned into a full-blown protectorate, with a permanent Genmar garrison in the village. While most residents realize that the troops are necessary, there are worries that Genmar will turn Caldris into a colony.

About the same distance in the other direction is the small town of Molidax. Many years ago, long before the Godan war a great wizard named Alcritas, seeking solitude, set up in Molidax. Many aspiring magi, seeking his guidance, flocked to the village. Alcritas taught some of them, but soon fled, deprived of the solitude he was originally seeking. Many of his pupils however, stayed, and Molidax boasts a population of magi well out of proportion to its numbers. When the Godan struck, this profusion of magi helped, but not enough. While the village survived, it was forced to accept help from Genmar, and in return ceded sovereignty.  While the presence of magi is no longer overwhelming, it is still probably the best place in the Vale to go to for magical goods or services.

Far in the northeast, facing the Slithzerikai lands, is the Checkpoint. Officially, it is a fort to protect the Sliths in their mountain homes and their caves in case the Godan break through in the Vale. Everyone and their brother knows, however, that the fort is there to guard against Slithzerikai aggression, in case something in the alliance turns sour. The Sliths have a fort just like it a few miles further up, although nobody from Genmar has been inside.

To the southeast, in the most densely wooded area in the Vale, lie the Faerie lands. The Faeries are an alliance of several woodland magical creatures, with dryads, unicorns, sprites, and centaurs being spotted on occasion. Extremely xenophobic and isolationist, the Faeries are one of the few civilizations in the Vale to even prosper; for whatever reason, the Godan have never attempted to attack them. Rumors abound of some supreme power that they wield, but most people who venture into their forest uninvited never see one of the inhabitants, and official  envoys from Genmar are politely but firmly rebuffed.

Somewhat near the forest, but out of immediate sight of the woodlands, lies the Refugee camp. It is the primary home for all those who were dispossessed by the Godan, but are too sick, weak, or maimed to otherwise re-settle and make a go at it somewhere else. It's one of the most miserable places in the Vale, and many people avoid it.

That's it for the geography update. I'll put one up about religion in the Vale if more interest is shown.

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Question:  What sort of reconnaissance are we doing?  The sort where there is a genuine chance of being spotted, and needing to fight, or are we supposed to be so stealthy, that we should have no trouble avoiding detection?

Because right now, I'm thinking of a Soldier character, assigned with the group to keep them alive if they're found, and possibly physically strong enough to earn money from the lay people via labor.  Assassins and spies tend to be so over specialized they have no other means of earning food for their table. :B


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 01, 2011, 08:02:31 PMStill, you have their locations and general strength, and it's time to return to Genmar to report.


Corgatha Taldorthar

Arcalane nailed it for how safe you are.

The character of the recon was more that there certainly was a *chance* of being caught, and you guys aren't supposed to be invisible death-demons, but the Godan are somewhat clumsy and stupid, and while there were several close calls, you managed to avoid any combat, although you were spotted a few times and had to dash and hide.

Hope that helps.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.