The Mad God's Masque and Bellicose Ball (OCC) (Taking New Submissions)

Started by Cogidubnus, July 16, 2008, 08:01:20 PM

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D'ya feel lucky?

Heart of the Earth
7 (43.8%)
The End of the World
9 (56.3%)

Total Members Voted: 15


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: Basilisk on August 15, 2010, 11:40:45 PM
hey, Cog... the guy with the bacon.  Can Bas smell the bacon and whatnot? Can he sense anything that's going on on the other side of the doorway?

He can.

It is delicious bacon.

And yes, he can see everything going on on the other side. :3


Quote from: Cogidubnus on August 15, 2010, 11:23:42 PM

Spots - Cerebus was trying to say that you should run away right then, before you get lynched by the soon-to-be-angry mob.

Whups — OK, I'll work on an edit.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Oh yeah, and it's actually a temperate forest you're in right now, Corg. Much as I do like the serenity of an arctic environment.

Corgatha Taldorthar

My apologies, I thought it was a temperate forest, but during the winter time. What's the policy on editing, since Techmaster has already posted?
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


I imagine that Tech's post doesn't really touch on yours, so go right ahead.


ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Got a mod to unlock this.

Whoa! Are we really back in action, cog? :O Wonder how many peopel are still around...and while I suspect it's the point, I'm quite confused as to the most recent post. xD So, did everyone in the game suddenly get teleported to a snowbank or something?

EDIT: wait a minute....oooh, I think I see what's going on. All our characters were 'dreaming', were they? And now we're back to 'reality' (as in, directly after the original Ball), or the current reality as subjective as such a thing is in a game like this?


Yes, it was a dream. It was a terrible idea. I have ended that.

Everyone is outside the original castle, in the gardens in the southwest corner of the grounds. It appears that it was turned into a graveyard.



Indeed! If you'd like to submit something, PM me with the idea and we'll see how it goes.


Whomever wakes up are those that still wish to continue is the gist of it, yes?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on July 29, 2011, 06:38:35 PM
Whomever wakes up are those that still wish to continue is the gist of it, yes?

Something of that nature, yes.

Corgatha Taldorthar

I am in, and do want to continue, but the internet connection is a bit spotty and will likely remain so for several days. Going to try to get a post up now though.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Meet Tinti, the Mit'Delir.

Name: Tinti

Race: Delir*

Gender: Female

Species: Mit

Physical Description: With fair skin, a narrow jaw and high cheekbones, Tinti is what many Delir would call the perfect woman. Her brown eyes flash from piercing to soft and back again within moments, unrestricted by the dark brown hair she keeps wrapped in a tight bun, held together by a thin yet durable metal rod. The neon green markings on her face create the appearance of two almondswith a single dot in the center, one on each side, pointing towards the corner of the eye. A small filigree adorns her brow, matching a larger version scrawled across her bosom. A thin line extends down her neck and back, ending at the tailbone. More lines branch off, outlining the occasional rib and tracing from shoulder to palm and hip to ankle, ending in a short spiral. More filigree circles the navel and extends outwards, one point reaching the solar plexus. These marks accentuate Tinti's lithe form and fluid stride. Often she will dress in a blue velvet top with a hole to reveal the bosom ((take this style, then open the hole upwards and have it hold together with a high neck, if that helps)) and a sarong of the same blue, only shimmering.

Combat Abilities: Tinti is able to perform many "parlor tricks" inherent to the Mit'Delir, such as moving small objects, creating small lights that can move at her discretion, or creating small noises, as well as some basic elemental ball spells. In addition, she has trained with the Cor'Delir and learned to defend herself in close-quarters combat, both with and without her natural talents. Beyond these talents, she also has earned decent control over the elements of her realm (Fire, Lightning, Life, Land, and Aether) such that, among other things, she may create golems. These can be small golems that last for hours or even days, large golems that last for minutes at best, and anything in between.

History: As a Mit'Delir, and heir to a House closely allied with the King's, Tinti was raised to be a diplomat. Her training ranged from self-defense to economics to socialization. Her mother, the Lady Cromwald, was careful to take an active hand in Tinti's upbringing so that she could quash any unwanted developments of character. In time, Tinti developed an interest in the family's forgery business, learning the procedures to create many different types of armory, weaponry, and cookware.

Trivia: Tinti made the metal rod holding her bun together.
She's been seen occasionally exploring outside of Phristan for relics.
In addition to forgery, she has also taken up tarot as a hobby.
Though it may not appear as though her clothes have any pockets, it is not uncommon for her to have a tarot deck, a rod of amber, and a recording stone available with a snap of her fingers.

*The Delir look much like humans, save for their markings. These markings consist of lines and dots one to two millimeters across and can take any shape, though filigrees and stripes are the most common.

The Delir are one of the few surviving races in the Aetherian Sea. Based out of Phristan, the remains of a floating isle after the Shattering, they are separated into three classes: the Mit, the Cor, and the Phin, referred to as the Mit'Delir, the Cor'Delir, and the Phin'Delir, respectively. The Mit'Delir have a natural aptitude towards the magical arts, often building or maintaining Phristan. They are denoted by neon green markings upon their face and body, and have light skin. The Cor'Delir are known for their prowess in the ring, and as such are usually found sparring and training to become the ultimate warriors. They are identified by their electric blue markings and middling skin color. Finally, the Phin'Delir have an endless spirit for adventure, frequently leaving the confines of Phristan and exploring the Aetherian Sea for relics from before the Shattering. They can be easily spotted thanks to their dark skin and fiery red markings.

In Deliran culture, the Mit'Delir are the aristocracy, while the Cor'Delir provide might or labor, depending on the state of the kingdom, and the Phin'Delir perform much of the research. Relationships between the different classes is frowned upon, though that's not to say that they don't ever mingle.


So, maybe it's just me, but I'm having a bit of trouble deciphering the GM posts I've seen so far. Can we perceive the entire post, or if not, what can we perceive?


There we go. Azlan's got the right idea.

It's the fabled Castle Perilous folks. No one is up for a little swords and sorcery?

Perhaps my DM'ing style isn't suited here. Should I auto people's characters more, to advance the story? I generally present a set of circumstances, and wait for a reaction, and then show consequences from there, but if that's not working I'm up for suggestions.

Additionally for those who are confused as to what's going on, here is what the party is generally aware of

1: There is a Castle, the one the ball was in. It's in front of you. It's dark outside, and snowing, and you woke in graves outside of it. Red flowers are blooming in great quantities, growing ever thicker the closer one comes to the castle itself.

2: It's cloudy, the full moon can be seen through the cracks in the clouds, and firelight is reflecting off the clouds, indicating that a lot of something is on fire.

3: A gryphon dumped snow on you all.

4: There is a well-dressed wolf with a sword approaching you. I think everyone got bored with some of the exposition your party wasn't aware of and skipped this. That's fine, not your fault. But if nobody says anything I'll assume you critically failed your spot check and proceed from there.

3: *EDIT* This three was misplaced, and he misses his parents, 1 and 2, and feels out of place with his older brother, 4. It's very sad.


It took a while to get to posting as the replies to your post were a little confusing...

"Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out."

Edit: slight addition to the RP post as I just now noticed the minion surge forward bit had not made it into the post.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Apologies, but my...what is it people say, 'muse' to play Karazkt has dried up. :B So, I guess I'm withdrawing from this RP, just letting you know rather than leaving ambiguous silence behind (I know -I- hate that. :x )

Was a good run, though. I had fun. :)

Corgatha Taldorthar

My apologies. I had to edit my post following a mis-read of Cogidubnus's post. It should fit in with the narrative better now.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


I think we can officially call overkill on the poor wolf. >.>


Quote from: Cogidubnus on October 22, 2011, 12:18:51 PM

Melodie of House Icewing

Melodie finished the casting the binding spell, and as the white light settled onto his immobile form to keep him that way, she turned to finish berating Azlan for shooting first and asking questions later.

Berating who now?  Azlan certainly has a lot of cameos in this RP :P
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


QuoteTinti's healing goldem did good work. The wolf moved from stillness, gurgled something, and grabbed at Baseel's neck, trying to pull himself up. He gurgled again, blood dripping from his mouth, pulling while he tried to speak. "Help..."

Er... Last I remember, I was fixing up Corgatha...

Quote... she ran to the fallen man after seeing the wolf under the ministrations of the shirtless demon. Mixing Life with some Land for guidance, she formed a healing golem and allowed it to do its job on the poor fellow.


Quote from: Inumo on October 23, 2011, 04:19:09 AM
QuoteTinti's healing goldem did good work. The wolf moved from stillness, gurgled something, and grabbed at Baseel's neck, trying to pull himself up. He gurgled again, blood dripping from his mouth, pulling while he tried to speak. "Help..."

Er... Last I remember, I was fixing up Corgatha...

Quote... she ran to the fallen man after seeing the wolf under the ministrations of the shirtless demon. Mixing Life with some Land for guidance, she formed a healing golem and allowed it to do its job on the poor fellow.

Ah. The way that was worded, it seemed like you were healing the wolf, as Corgatha wasn't really injured very visibly. I will fix.

*edit - all of the errors reported so far have been fixed.