Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, January 30, 2011, 06:04:16 AM

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I think the qualifiers "zelith," "katith" and "dekith" mean months. The ending "-ith" reminds me of "-ber" for December, November, October, etc.

Feel free to ignore the following crazy rambling.

OUTLANDISH THEORY TIME: There never was an amazon named Quintinga. There was only Destania, pretending to be an Amazon and calling herself Quintinga, to catch Aniz off guard. He would never have suspected that an Amazon being would be any threat to him, and that's why Destania succeeded. She fell in love with Edward while she was pretending to be Quintinga (off on her quest after leaving the Academy), and after killing Aniz, decided to see if she could be with him as herself. It also explains why the name "Edward Ti'Fiona" meant anything to Abel back in SAIA - even if Aaryana didn't know that Destania married Edward, it doesn't mean that Fa'Lina didn't know, and then told Abel. And that applies even when my crazy theory isn't true.

It clears up the coincidence of Edward's first wife killing Aniz, but still leaves a lot of questions. I just don't get why Destania allowed herself to become attracted to a being at all, whether she really was wounded in a battle or she was pretending to be an Amazon. She never does anything unless it fulfills one of her goals. Unless her goal the whole time was to have children and up the numbers of clan Cyra.

If Destania is Quintinga, then Aniz-Edward off the table. Destania's not that dull. I am mulling an epileptic trees theory - that after "Quintinga" defeated Aniz, instead of killing him she installed him in Edward's post. Cubi are masters of mind magic, after all. He would have been robbed of his identity and charged with slaying monsters, including his own kind, when before he had been seeking to increase his clan's (and his species') numbers. She would have had to stick around to make sure the magic didn't fail. If she had a child with him, it would certainly have been clan Cyra instead of clan Siar, adding insult to injury. That scenario would have allowed her to be with Aniz and make him suffer at the same time. Still doesn't explain where the original Edward went, but explains why Destania stuck around with some random being and even had a kid with him. It's exactly as convoluted as the best of epileptic trees theories, maybe more.


Quote from: Indy on January 30, 2011, 08:18:11 PM
OUTLANDISH THEORY TIME: There never was an amazon named Quintinga. There was only Destania, pretending to be an Amazon and calling herself Quintinga, to catch Aniz off guard.

Doesn't work, Alexi would be a cubi then.  And that was Shot Down.

When I heard that Aniz was killed by an amazon I immediately thought of this.


Quote from: AndersW on January 30, 2011, 09:10:51 PM
Quote from: Indy on January 30, 2011, 08:18:11 PM
OUTLANDISH THEORY TIME: There never was an amazon named Quintinga. There was only Destania, pretending to be an Amazon and calling herself Quintinga, to catch Aniz off guard.

Doesn't work, Alexi would be a cubi then.  And that was Shot Down.

When I heard that Aniz was killed by an amazon I immediately thought of this.

Funny, but when heard about what Alexis mom did to Aniz I was thinking more along these lines http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gasAFyonmmI .

Good night everyone. I need to sleep.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Time for me to throw in a few random observations.

1.  Amazons are not a race, they are a society, of the hand full we've seen, one is a dragon, one a mythos, one a being, and one was an undead.   So, maybe Quintinga was a being, maybe she was a Succubus, maybe something else, we don't have any image to go by.  

2.  Cubi-Being crossings don't always result in a Cubi, just usually.

3.  I've pointed out before that Alexsi and Dan have an amazingly strong family resemblance for step half-siblings.  I grant that that could just be the luck of genetic recombination, even the improbable is still possible.  But the "Quintinga was Destinia" hypothesis seems more likely.  Not that I insist on it.

Edit:  :) Thanks for the correction, Maark30


Quote from: inuhanyo on January 30, 2011, 09:38:35 PM
Time for me to throw in a few random observations.

3.  I've pointed out before that Alexsi and Dan have an amazingly strong family resemblance for step-siblings.  I grant that that could just be the luck of genetic recombination, even the improbable is still possible.  But the "Quintinga was Destinia" hypothesis seems more likely.  Not that I insist on it.

They are not Step siblings, they are half siblings.  Edward is both of their father.  The likeness is very likely in this case as well as the fact they they are feline not human.
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club


I am thinking more to the idea that Quintinga and Edward took out Aniz but she died and Edward gave her all the credit for the kill knowing that it is bad business to kill a Cubi but it is a great achievement and honor to the Amazon culture that she was from. Destania went to the inn to see the beings that killed Aniz and pulled a "By my Laws" ploy to see his reaction.  In that instant she saw the truth of what happened and Edwards feelings about his late wife and his infant daughter.  In that instant she was hit with a flood of his positive emotions and it helped her remember what life was like for the centuries she was with Aniz.  She fell in love with Edward in that moment and since beings live such short lives (compared to Cubi at least) she didn't want to waste a minute.  This is the same reason why she is so loving to Alexis as she raised her.   :mowcookie
This is just a theory though.  :mowtongue
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club


I'm in on the "words after the years are the names of rulers" theory.  That's what I thought at first, anyway.  It's possible, but it seems unlikely, that Abel and May were both born and Abel was registered as a citizen in Zinvth in the same month of different years.  Those events are the closest together chronologically, so it makes sense that they all took place within the same demon's(?) reign.  I guess we'll find out!
~ Bakoneko >^^<

*** Is a girl ***


Oh before I forget to mention this, Amber this is the cutest image I have ever seen.  The whole arch your back  and pounce bit was so kitten cute.  Great job there.  :kirby
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club


Quote from: Naldru on January 30, 2011, 08:13:20 PM
If the report is false, I see the following possibilities: Quintinga actually believes that she killed Aniz but was mistaken, Quintinga knows that she didn't kill Aniz but filed a false report, somebody else reported that Quintinga killed Aniz and Quintinga didn't deny it.  This last case has some of the following subcases:  the report was totally fictitious,  Quintinga killed somebody else, Quintinga did something else that resulted in the report.  One could prepare a fairly substantial tree of candidate hypothesis.  (Actually, the tree above does need some better arranging, but it serves as a starting point.)

You're missing a very key detail about falsified reports and incubi.

Clan marks.


Quickly coming out of lurker mode to note http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1095.php where Abel himself states losing his ability to dream, and now we have this (thankfully friendly) dream. Maybe it's the booze?

As for Aniz/Edward talk and the like I think I will stay out of it, so many theory's, and Amber is a ace at picking ideas no one had even thought up.


Quote from: inuhanyo on January 30, 2011, 09:38:35 PM
Time for me to throw in a few random observations.

1.  Amazons are not a race, they are a society, of the hand full we've seen, one is a dragon, one a mythos, one a being, and one was an undead.   So, maybe Quintinga was a being, maybe she was a Succubus, maybe something else, we don't have any image to go by.  

2.  Cubi-Being crossings don't always result in a Cubi, just usually.

3.  I've pointed out before that Alexsi and Dan have an amazingly strong family resemblance for step half-siblings.  I grant that that could just be the luck of genetic recombination, even the improbable is still possible.  But the "Quintinga was Destinia" hypothesis seems more likely.  Not that I insist on it.

Edit:  :) Thanks for the correction, Maark30

Wait, isn't the result have to do who is stronger so why would you get a being once and then a cubi the next especially in the span of two years unless you think they're equal somehow.
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Quote from: Famout on January 30, 2011, 11:15:37 PM
Quickly coming out of lurker mode to note http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1095.php where Abel himself states losing his ability to dream, and now we have this (thankfully friendly) dream. Maybe it's the booze?

Losing the ability to dream might just be another falsehood he was told.  The loss of dreaming might be self inflicted and not a must happen event.
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club


OMG!!!! :U Abel is too cute!!! :love3 Squeeeeeeeeee!

For this adorable Abel, Amber deserves a tasty treat herself! :bun :bun :bun

As in regards to the information, I must say I was quite shocked when I read Quintinga's name.... :disbelief ......it really hit me from nowhere, so to speak. I must say I'm glad though that she finally gets an in-comic mention. I hope that soon we actually get to see what Alexi's mom looked like! :eager

And I am willing to bribe for it! ;)

As for all this random theory business, I'm staying out of it; not that I don't have my own opinions, but because I'd rather be surprised by what happens next. :3

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


I'd get involved in the

Look at the little Abel! Look at the cute little Abel! I wanna see a wallpaper of CUTE...


I wonder who the fourth match is going to be.
Am I the only person who thinks that Mr. Roboto rusts out and eventually becomes the Ironman?

No not that Ironman, the other one!


Dang, I missed quite a party here! Okay, personal input...

My pet theory on the names is centuries. You'll notice all the names occur in different ones. However, the resident ruler thing may have something to it... assuming there's actually A central leader to everything to base the name off of anyway. In a land where people likely to be in power live for millenia... it is surprising that there are three different one over the span of less than 400 years.

Next: Aniz was apparently killed in 1964, this is when Abel was 373 (if I've got this right) which is well over the limit given to Aniz for additional children by Fa'Lina. This makes me wonder if in the 73 or so years Aniz tried for any other children.

As for Aniz/Edward, there are many reasons why this may not be the case, but just about every single one (and by that I mean ACTUALLY every single one) I've seen has a back door to it. Destania would have noticed: despite the pain between the two, she still loves him and it's possible he still loves her. It would hardly be a surprise that upon finding him, when he essentially apologized (hypothetically) for everything, she forgave him and they got married. The fact that Alexsi isn't cubi: the earlier linked comic did NOT shoot that down for all that other things (such as not having wings) do. More importantly, if Aniz was Edward all along, he's a fairly weak cubi so it may not be so surprising his child with even a being was not a cubi. Then later come Dan, his genes would have been overwhelmed by the much stronger ones of Destania. Even in the somewhat farfetched scenario that Destania was Quintinga, it's probably possible for two cubi to have a non-cubi child. I could probably shoot down/find a hole in anything else people come up with.

So I'm not saying this is definitely the case (there's even less evidence for than against), just that it really still is possible. And while I'm not sure if I believe it or not, my plot senses are tingling all over about it being true. This sort of convoluted thing is much what I'd expect from good writers actually.



What relatively recent, considering the age of creatures, event marked year zero?

Post of the Dead:
"When there is no more room in hell, this thread will walk the earth"


and lo, the Aniz = Edward conspiracy theory is laid to rest.

at long last.  >:3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Turnsky on January 31, 2011, 03:05:27 AM
and lo, the Aniz = Edward conspiracy theory is laid to rest.
at long last.  >:3

Why do I get the impression of a roach that has had its head cut off?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: AmberCross on January 31, 2011, 02:33:43 AM
Next: Aniz was apparently killed in 1964, this is when Abel was 373 (if I've got this right) which is well over the limit given to Aniz for additional children by Fa'Lina. This makes me wonder if in the 73 or so years Aniz tried for any other children.

Seventy-six, two hundred and seventy-six, or three hundred and seventy-five years?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Maark30 on January 31, 2011, 12:17:51 AM
Quote from: Famout on January 30, 2011, 11:15:37 PM
Quickly coming out of lurker mode to note http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1095.php where Abel himself states losing his ability to dream, and now we have this (thankfully friendly) dream. Maybe it's the booze?

Losing the ability to dream might just be another falsehood he was told.  The loss of dreaming might be self inflicted and not a must happen event.

Either that, or Abel has been gifted with dreaming .... by Mab.   :U

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


The strangest thing of all isn't that he might have tried again with Quintinga, or that he might have replaced Edward. Its the fact he tried it with what's possibly could have been an adventuring duo. Both Edward and Quintinga could have had ways to figure out Aniz'x ruse ending in Aniz death and he still might have made the attempt.

If Aniz was making a repeat performance, what gave him the idea it would be healthy for him to try that?

Than again Aniz did have a habit of jumping the gun and Dan's dad did have a way of saying things that could be misinterpreted. Though another possibility is that any big fat bounty placed on his head by Kria might have finally caught up to him (Sometimes you got to knuckle down and repair those holes those drunks leave when you mallet them and that takes cash) and Aniz might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 31, 2011, 08:17:19 AM
Quote from: AmberCross on January 31, 2011, 02:33:43 AM
Next: Aniz was apparently killed in 1964, this is when Abel was 373 (if I've got this right) which is well over the limit given to Aniz for additional children by Fa'Lina. This makes me wonder if in the 73 or so years Aniz tried for any other children.

Seventy-six, two hundred and seventy-six, or three hundred and seventy-five years?

Well, Aniz hid and waited 373 years and then may have tried to have children a little early, targeting Edward and Quintinga.   I think he may have messed up during his attack in doing away with Edward when Qunitinga walks in on it and she takes out Aniz with her instant Hammer.  However, Quintinga maybe have been lethally wounded during the battle.  And Edward gets some credit of the killing Aniz.  



Quote from: AmberCross on January 31, 2011, 02:33:43 AM
Well, Aniz hid and waited 373 years and then may have tried to have children a little early, targeting Edward and Quintinga.   I think he may have messed up during his attack in doing away with Edward when Qunitinga walks in on it and she takes out Aniz with her instant Hammer.  However, Quintinga maybe have been lethally wounded during the battle.  And Edward gets some credit of the killing Aniz. 


You're right. We don't know if Quintinga survived the fight with Aniz. If the guessed time line (IE: Aniz died ~25 or 26 years ago) is right, then Quintinga might have been killed by Aniz.

If that were the case, then the bounty from Aniz would have gone to Ed. That would have given Edward not only a reason to retire, but also enough money to settle down and start an inn.

This would also mean that Abel's reason for helping Dan is that Aniz' children and allies are after Dan. Not to mention Destania's enemies.

There's also a chance that Ed was replaced by Aniz before Quintinga met him and that Quintinga freed an imprisoned Ed by killing Aniz. Thus, giving Quintinga an ally and lover while setting up the revenge killing of Quintinga by Aniz' children.

But, I think my first guess is more likely. 

Quote from: Brunhidden on January 31, 2011, 04:13:41 AM
dang, and i got the shirt and everything

Win. That shirt is pure unadulterated win.
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on January 31, 2011, 10:47:13 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 31, 2011, 08:17:19 AM
Am I the only person who thinks that Mr. Roboto rusts out and eventually becomes the Ironman?

No not that Ironman, the other one!

Ryy Lazurus

Just a wee querrie.
I gathered that Amazons are basicly indepentant orders of warrior women in Furrae. But would they (very basicly) just be specialised adventures? I make the point due to the whole mind shield thing (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_705.php). If so, Quintinga could have a powerful advantage over Aniz. Also, just because she got the fatal blow, does that mean she was hunting solo? Amazons being societies, plus what ever ties she has to other adventures (being married to one and all).

However, all these little question marks in my head cannot destract me from the real issue in this matter.

Dear God! Abel is. Just. So.  . . ADORABLE!!!!!

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Hariman on January 31, 2011, 11:07:27 AM
Quote from: AmberCross on January 31, 2011, 02:33:43 AM
Well, Aniz hid and waited 373 years ......  And Edward gets some credit of the killing Aniz. 


You're right. We don't know if Quintinga survived the fight with Aniz. If the guessed time line (IE: Aniz died ~25 or 26 years ago) is right, then Quintinga might have been killed by Aniz.

If that were the case, then the bounty from Aniz would have gone to Ed. That would have given Edward not only a reason to retire, but also enough money to settle down and start an inn.

This would also mean that Abel's reason for helping Dan is that Aniz' children and allies are after Dan. Not to mention Destania's enemies.

There's also a chance that Ed was replaced by Aniz before Quintinga met him and that Quintinga freed an imprisoned Ed by killing Aniz. Thus, giving Quintinga an ally and lover while setting up the revenge killing of Quintinga by Aniz' children.

But, I think my first guess is more likely. 

HEY HEY That was all just my guess... the most likely one maybe but it is STILL JUST A GUESS  ANd Aniz would have just kill ED than replace him.



Quote from: Ghostwish on January 30, 2011, 11:06:05 PM
Quote from: Naldru on January 30, 2011, 08:13:20 PM
If the report is false, I see the following possibilities: Quintinga actually believes that she killed Aniz but was mistaken, Quintinga knows that she didn't kill Aniz but filed a false report, somebody else reported that Quintinga killed Aniz and Quintinga didn't deny it.  This last case has some of the following subcases:  the report was totally fictitious,  Quintinga killed somebody else, Quintinga did something else that resulted in the report.  One could prepare a fairly substantial tree of candidate hypothesis.  (Actually, the tree above does need some better arranging, but it serves as a starting point.)

You're missing a very key detail about falsified reports and incubi.

Clan marks.

As stated by Kria, cremation works wonders

I purchased a book on conspiracy theories last week.  (The branch of the book store was closing, and it was seventy five percent off.  Of course, it could be stated that anybody who listens to conspiracy theories is somewhat off.)  I'll have to check the book to see if it has any suggestions for heating up this discussion.  A little hotter, and we can use it as a replacement for geothermal energy.

It's been a while since we've had a discussion with over 120 replies.  Do you think that this may be the one?
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on January 31, 2011, 03:51:16 PM
Quote from: Ghostwish on January 30, 2011, 11:06:05 PM
Quote from: Naldru on January 30, 2011, 08:13:20 PM
If the report is false, I see the following possibilities: Quintinga actually believes that she killed Aniz but was mistaken, Quintinga knows that she didn't kill Aniz but filed a false report, somebody else reported that Quintinga killed Aniz and Quintinga didn't deny it.  This last case has some of the following subcases:  the report was totally fictitious,  Quintinga killed somebody else, Quintinga did something else that resulted in the report.  One could prepare a fairly substantial tree of candidate hypothesis.  (Actually, the tree above does need some better arranging, but it serves as a starting point.)

You're missing a very key detail about falsified reports and incubi.

Clan marks.

As stated by Kria, cremation works wonders

I purchased a book on conspiracy theories last week.  (The branch of the book store was closing, and it was seventy five percent off.  Of course, it could be stated that anybody who listens to conspiracy theories is somewhat off.)  I'll have to check the book to see if it has any suggestions for heating up this discussion.  A little hotter, and we can use it as a replacement for geothermal energy.

It's been a while since we've had a discussion with over 120 replies.  Do you think that this may be the one?


I was just sayin' that in a world where there's a ton of these batshit-crazy shapeshifters about, they're going to want very solid evidence on a 'confirmed' kill. Clan marks would be the most obvious way, perhaps some manner of soul identification the next. And given that a lot of folk want him dead something harsh, they'd REALLY want to make sure he's a corpse and not a fake.

Also, about the cremation, I'm pretty sure Kria was telling Dan to stop being a stupid-head and BURN the body, not bury it.



Quote from: Anker Steadfast on January 31, 2011, 08:20:02 AM
Quote from: Maark30 on January 31, 2011, 12:17:51 AM
Quote from: Famout on January 30, 2011, 11:15:37 PM
Quickly coming out of lurker mode to note http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1095.php where Abel himself states losing his ability to dream, and now we have this (thankfully friendly) dream. Maybe it's the booze?

Losing the ability to dream might just be another falsehood he was told.  The loss of dreaming might be self inflicted and not a must happen event.

Either that, or Abel has been gifted with dreaming .... by Mab.   :U

Which would mean that he is the one that still has a boon from her as she mentioned to her daughter in  http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1035.php. Either that or she granted Abel a new boon as she befriended him.
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club