A Pen and Paper Rp I'm working on

Started by thegayhare, August 11, 2006, 12:41:08 AM

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I've been debating where to post this... It didn't seem right for the RP section even though it is about a role playing game,  It didn't seem right for the tower of art eitther. so I thoiught General would be safe.

Well  off and on I've been toying with putting together a Pen and Paper rp based around a furry world similer to that of Tailspin, Well I've been fleshing out the world more and well I need some help.

mainly with names of nations, and a few cities

See I'll need an usa (capital city of CapeTown), a cuba, a soviet russia, a japan, an arabic nation, a britan, a france, and an africa.

Also between the Soviet nation (it's the one furthest south on the map) and cuba and the us (northern islands west of the archpeligo)  Is the floating free city of Refugee.

More about that later.

I'll be posting more info about the make up of the differnt nations, mad science rules, signature chars,  and  the histopry of the world a bit later 

later all

Xuzaf D

The only name I'm thinking of right now is "Mundus." That sounds like something that would be near the water...


You can use my D&D campaign town of Ardenthell if you like. :) I think I'm pretty good with coming up with names...I'll have to ponder for a bit.

Right now here's what I came up with. Mine tend to be a little weird, so I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you're looking for. But here goes:

Ras Kalawar
Caer Dalweyn

I also came found what could be fun city/nation names (or possibly organization names) while poking around with an English-to-Latin translator. For those fluent in Latin, I apologize in advance if they sound crappy. :P

Valiturus (to be strong, have power, be well)
Liber Tempus (free, independent, unrestricted + time) Hmm...perhaps an organization of people with way too much free time?  :3
Caelestis (celestial, a god, a dweller in heaven)


Wow, that's exactly what I do when I need names-- I flip through my trusty Latin dictionary. (I take the language, but I'm very bad at it.)


Ohh I might be able to use some of those

Mundus sounds like it might be a good name for a costal city or one of the islands in the achipelego

and Valiturus choped down a bit to Valitur for the name of the Usa like nation and Caelestis might be a good name for Cuba since the leader  is named Ceastus Pax.

I think I'll introduce you to one of the signature Air Pirates. 
One of the most feared zeplians seen in the world is the Bacchus,  there symbol of a skull goblit overflowing with wine, or blood.  The Bacchus is home to the "Bloody" Stripe family.  The ship was orrignaly owned by Simon Stripe a former skunk noble turned pirate.  He was never an ambitous pirate and managed to eek out a living on the fringes of the archipelego.  He how ever understood the niceties of pirate life.  Never kill unnessisarily, that causes more trouble down the road (higher bounties, crews less likely to surrender...) never tackle anything too dangerous, and so on.  How ever during the great war his three children lead the crew in a bloody muteny killing him and taking the ship for themselves. 

The three are ambitous, agressive and fairly sadistic and they have earned there new name.  Each of the siblings distrusts the others and there is a constant political battle going on amoung there factions.  To make sure none of them was too powerful control of the crew was split in three. 

Victor the oldest brother, and most tacticly sound was given control of the zeplin and it's officers.  He chooses the targets, sets the course, and controls the warship itself. Victor considers himself an Officer and a gentalman though in truth he's neither, prone to fits of rage when things don't go his way he still has a great tactical mind.  Generalyhe dresses in a suit modled after the officers uniform of the british nation,  he also carries a military saber and a heavey navel revolver at all times

Vincent The middle brother and best pilot was given control over the fighters and hangers.  His job is to lead the ships fighters and bombers into battle, and to protect the warship.  the most easy going of the stripes but with a cruel and vicous sens of humor Vincent doesn't do much when he's not flying, other then drink heavely and plot against his family.  He's the smallest of the three and tries to look bigger then he realy is,  generaly dressed in a heavey bomber jacket he carries two sawn off shotguns and a 45 automatic tucked into his belt

Valeria is the only sister and he youngest of the siblings.  Shes also insane and a vicous sociopath, she was given control of the boarders, the ones who actualy bourd an enemy vessal and seize the cargo.  He's is the largest in numbers but she leads them threw terror and brutal violance.  Though the youngest Val is actualy the biggest and strongest of the three.  Generly she wears all her gear trusting that her brothers wouldn't hesitate to kill her given half the chance.  She wears a ratty flack jacket and full border pack (more on that later)slung on one hip is a cut down and modifiedt gp machine gun and on the other is a harpoon gun.  attached to her back is a large fire axe she calles "speachless" since when ever she pulls it out most conversation stops.  She's prone to paraniod delusions and has had men executed because they looked at her funny.  All in all not the most stable commander

the three are often plotting and planning against one anouther for control of the whole ship.  how ever there efforts have been stymied  mainly by the brothers lack of numbers keeping them from making a move, and valories short temper making it impossible to take advantage that.

During the war the operated with a certain anominty, never taking prisnors or leaving crew alive, they got away with it beacuse  each side in the war would blame the atrocities on tthere enemy.  However once the war ended and the attacks continued word spread of the stripe family.  and earned them the name bloody after the swath of carnage they left across the sea. 

every nation on the globe has a bounty on there heads but so far non one has been able to collect it.  most privateers and bounty hunters just arn't prepared to take on a unpredictable, well armed and savage an enemy as the stripes have become.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Did you want grammatical and typographical corrections, or should we simply remain in awe of your originality, which we may never match? :-)
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Well I can't think of any name ideas right now but I did find this.


Could come in handy when you do the aircraft for the game.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 11, 2006, 06:17:16 PM
Did you want grammatical and typographical corrections, or should we simply remain in awe of your originality, which we may never match? :-)

well concept critisms good but if its gramatical critque you like thats fine too hon

Err did you mean that bit about orriginality llearch? *blushes*

Well I think I'll post the concept behind refugee tomarrow, as well as it's history.

for now I'll post the signature privateer chars.

One of the better known privateer ships out of Capetown is DeucesWild.  Many's the story of of a pitched battle looking all but hoples but for the apearance of there five card symbol(Aces over eights, the deadmans hand) enblazoned across the small zepliane breaching the clouds guns blazing.   It's captain the wolf rouge and gambler Bartholomew DeMont at the helm.

Bart started his carreer as a private pilot working for a the kobyyoshi corperations air security forces.  In the early days of the war Bart resigned his comission and took his own plane and a few close freinds out heading for the allies terretory. As he skirted a battle he came across a crippled soviet zep.  Apon boarding it was discovered the ship's crew had abandoned it do to sever damage. claiming right of salvage they managed to limp the ship into the archipelego and anchored off a small trading comunity.  they managed to get the ship airworthy again and headed for cape town after picking up a few local volenteers.

once in cape town Bart spent the last of his money, and went deep into debt to get the ship combat ready.  He then aproached the govement and was granted his letter of marque by Capetown's mayor.   During the war the the captian and his crew made quite the name for themselves (and quite a lot of money) participating in some of the biggest battles of the war.  After the war they stayed paying for there letters and hunting pirates, rouges and smugglers for Valitur.  Working in places to sensitive or dangerous for the millitary itself.  Lately they've had run in's with the stripe family,  always comming out in a stale mate with both ships coming away bloodied and vowing revenge.

DeMont is a carefree and easy going commander.  The middle aged wolf often playes up the pirate image for outsiders, dressing flamboyantly in navel garb.  A gambler at hart he had a small casino built onto his ship.  During the war he'd often invite captured enemy officers to game with him, this is not an offer he extends to captured pirates.  In combat he loses all his foppish mannerisms and fights with a cold calculating fury.  He carries a naval saber, and his own pair of custom built pistols that he's named (the50/50) the guns are single shot sharpshooters pistols rebuilt to fire 50 cal AA machingun rounds

The ships surgon is an old rabbit named only Doc.  Doc's a whily old leech with bad eyes but he's still an ace doctor when the time comes.  He was one of the few who had come over with bart and had stayed on his crew the whole time.  Doc himself says he's not a fighter but a lover,  he'd rather spend his evenings chatting with the men then fighting with them. 

Kivva Spiritwind is the captian of the dueces pilots.  Kivva is a couger from one of the tribes native to the archipeligo.  early in life she became facinated with the planes flying oer there village and begged he parents to let her go to school in the big cirty ( to them the school at the small trade town nearby) she was studous and spent her days hitting the books, her evenings hanging out t the local hangers, and her weekends at home learning the skills needed in her village.  At 16  Captain Bart came into port with his dying ship.  As an excited youngster she quickly volenteered and threw herself into repairing the ship.  She then aproached Captain bart and signed on as crew.  she learned to fly first hand and made a name for herself in the war and quickly rose up threw the ranks of fighter pilots.  Kivva generaly dresses simply in greese splattered overalls, but has kept a few momentos from her child hood bits of jewely made from the silver forged in her village. She spends a good portion of her time working on her own plane.  She generaly carries a small service revolver and a basic combat knife.

Simons Fitsume is the ships governmental liason officer.  In order to keep the letter of marque, and legaly conduct combat operations, the government of Valitur requires all privateer vessals have one goverment officer on board to make sure no laws or treaties are voilated.   The Fox known as Fitsume Is the dueces officer.  His loyaty is to his goverment first and not the captain so the crew doesn't trust him, most stear clear of him if possible since he veiws them as lowlifes little better then the pirates they hunt.  His image is that of a spit and polished naval officer and as such he carries a saber and naval service revolver.

Qui Lin is the captain of the ships boarders.  She also came with Bart when he left Kobiyoshi for the allies.  It's roumored that she's the duaghter of one of the oriental dragon families but she never speaks of her time before joining the crew. Although if asked she does confirm that she fled her home in disgrace do to some family dispute.  How ever there is no denying the romantic involvment between her and the captain.  A skilled martial artist Lin refuses to carry fire arms and even now will only go into battle armed with the sword she took with her when she fled (I was thinking something along the lines of a heavy chinese war sword).  She dresses simply in loosefitting clothing  for ease of movement how ever her most striking feature is her mask.  they say it is a mark of her shame but when ever she's in public she wares a plain iron mask that covers her whole face.  Only the captain has seen her with out it and he's only comment on her beauty.

Sam (no last name) is a monkey who stowed away  some time after the war ended at the age of 15.  A war orphan the crew adopted her as a mascot and good luck charm.  not much is known about her past but she spends most of her days learnign bits and pieces of knowlage from the crew.  At a recent stop at a desert towns bazzar she purchased an old oddly decorated long barreled rifle off an old camel merchant.  The young monkey spent alot of time with it cleaning the silver scroll work and  replacing the tassels and has become something of a crack shot.

Ohhh thanks Shadrok that could be useful


The floating city of Refugee is a fairly new development.  It sprang up shortly after the end of the war,  though it's origin is owed directly to the war.

As the war dragged on the soviet nation felt it needed a new edge in the conflict and one of there scientests Romus Pyke came up with the Idea of a super carreer.  The plan was to build a ship with steel hulls with hulls twenty feet thick,  the ship would be 300 feet wide and about 2000 feet long.  To provide the proper bouyancy the ships hulls would be filled with a special type of Ice developed by Pykes team (named Pycrete it's basicly water mixed with wood pulp.  It melts slower, is stronger and more durable then plain ice)   In side the ship was a masive refrigeration plant used in warm clims to keep the ship frozen the ship was proppelled by 26 external electric drive moters (a normal engine would run too hot) It would be slow but unstoppable.  It's deck would be covered with close to 30 double barraled dual purpose artillery turrents as well as numerous anti aircraft guns.  Inside it's cavernous hangers it could have held up to 150 twin-engined bombers or fighters.   Because of it's construction meathods it would be almost an unsinkable ship.  Torpedoes and bombs couldn't penetrate it's hull deep enough to do damage and his building materal was readly avaliable at sea.  The Idea was to position the ship in the midle of the ocean as a stable battle platfor to luanch deep raids into enemy territory as well as a refueling point and platform to protect cargo routets.  The first and only super carreer was compleated a month before the end of the war.  Soviet commanders were furious  saying it was the ships drain on funds and resources that cost them the war.  the ship was schedualed to be perminetly decomissioned.  How ever a group of engners who'd spent years on the project,  who's lost freinds to the project mutined and lead by the polarbear forman Corus Klashnik managed to steal the ship and stear it out to sea.    The ship stays  in the cold waters far east of the southern tip of the archipelego.    They barely resisted the soviets efforts to retake the ship untill a second group of disgruntled war vets and a small battered battle ship showed up to assite the embattled enginers.  After the pitched battle Corus officialy named the iceship Refugee.

After that the citty grew up around the ship.  More and more ships came to the growing city and were absorbed into it.  tankers, freighters orld naval warships  most of the engnis and equipment was scrapped and  the hulls converted to housing, storrage and buisnesses.  some ships were converted into floating factories to manufacture needed goods, and there are large barges converted into floating farms.  Most of the city of Refugee centers around the ship Refugee,  which acts as the cities main airport as well as the seat of goverment.  the large numbers of  war vets means the cities militia is extreamly well trained, also the mixture of prewar weapons mixed threw out the city make attacking it risky with out a large fleet.    the latest addition to the city is a massive desalinazation plant on one of the largest tankers in the city (an effort to lessen it's reliance on the weather for freash water)

Goverment in the city is very light with a city council. Corus is nomily the mayor,  but the other council members have a powerfull voice in the running of the city. 

Very little is actualy illegal in the city, murder, theft, and slavery are  the biggiest laws,  but after that little else is outlawed.  there is a small police force in the city suplmented by the local milita. 

One of the reasons the city can still functon today is that it's become too usefull,  each nation on the globe has some presence there and as a trade point it's become very valuable,  stolen goods, and info pass threw the city everyday.  Spies from every nation pass threw refuguee.  So each nation  considers it to valuable to fall under the sway of any other nation  and since it would take a sizable fleet to seize the city, and any nation trying that would be attacked enmass by the others the world has reached a stalemate around the city.

I'll post some of the notable figures in refugee tomarrow or monday