Phone billing fraud!

Started by Alondro, December 22, 2010, 11:16:47 AM

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Everyone in the US, check your phone bills!  Look for any charges from a company called ILD Teleservices, especially if tied with billing from '' or other odd-sounding Internet companies.

IT IS FRAUD!!  Specifically, wire fraud (since it involved fraud being perpetrated on an interstate level utilizing telecommunications companies).

If you should find such charges, first get your phone company to block any third-party billing.  Second, file a complaint with the FTC, the Better Business Bureau, and any other consumer protection agencies you can think of (the more complaints, the faster the action, ie, 'The squeeky wheel gets the most grease'). 

Third, I also recommend filing a complaint with the FBI office in your area.  This is interstate wire fraud and falls under their juristiction.  Consumer agencies and lawsuits do some damage, but if the company settles, they can just shift operations around a bit and then start the fraud up again once the heat cools down, as they have done repeatedly in the case with this company.  If the FBI can successfully bring a case of wire fraud against them, however, this will result in enormous fines AND jail time for the perpetrators, potentially obliterating the fraudulent company entirely.  Interstate wire fraud is something the FBI takes very seriously, as it was one method the mafia used extensively to launder money and extort funds.

I am also considering a class-action lawsuit in NJ if I can find more people in our state who've been victimized.  Just this morning, I found 6 other people I know who had this charge on their bills this year!  With such a percentage of affected people just in my small pool of contacts, this fraud is likely enormous on the national level.  One out of every 3 people I know... tens of millions of victims possible... between $15 and $20 per victim (per month if they don't realize it)... hundreds of millions of dollars in fraud!

In the words of Alestair Moody:  CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!! 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Doctor Smoov

This is good to know; thanks for the info. One question though ... what porn site is this scam attached to so I know which ones to cancel?


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