Furrae/DMFA CRPG project (modellers/concept artists wanted)

Started by tkg, August 09, 2006, 12:02:49 AM

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What should we name our project team?

Team Furrae
Lost Lake Ltd. (LLL)
Lost Lake Inc. (LLI)
LostIncLake (LIL)


Hi again. Part of the reason why I joined the forums at this point was that I'm in the process of creating (most probably) a CRPG (or Computer Role-Playing Game), which I, at the beginning of development, had not the slightest idea what would compass. After reading a post written by Amber at the old forums about how she perceived a game revolving around Furrae would be, however, it hit me... it would've been a blast to see the world of Furrae in interactive 3D :D

As of now, much of the basic functionalities of the world editor is done (which is the most important part to start out with, IMHO), along with tidbits of code for things that perhaps will be used in the final game in one form or another. I will take care of the coding myself, but I'm going to need someone to create content for the game as well - which is where you guys may enter the picture ;)
Initially, this will be marked a non-profit project, but if luck has it, we might as well make some earnings from it (if we can get all copyright-holder's permissions, of course). Basically, it's just for the fun and experience of it.

Is this idea too far-fetched? I, for one, don't think so... the game engine will be made anyways, it's just a matter of what content to let it churn. Then again, it's still the matter of gathering a dev-team - which is why I would like to hear your opinions on this first, as fellow DMFA-readers ;)

topher chee

I say go for it man, I would definitely go for it since my comp is incompatible for Second Life, would we e able to make our character at the beginning?


Well, I think that (near) total customization of the player character should be in order, but that's probably because I prefer the more open style of RPG's (like the 'Elder Scrolls' games by Bethesda). I haven't gathered too many ideas of how the game will be playing, at all - mostly it's all technical stuff, like how the different parts of the game engine will work together and such. The discussion of in-game features should (hopefully) not be that far up the road, though.


Ah I thought it be like one my favorite games...Out of Order...Grrrreeat game


Out of Order? Never heard of that one before I made a quick search for it on Wikipedia... guess I'll have to try it sometime, as I'm a sucker for most point-and-click adventure games ;)

Back on topic, though; here (<- clicky) are a few screenshots which portray some of the features currently working (to a degree) in the editor so far. Its stronger points at the moment are the ability to edit something from any distance, so long as it is loaded into the scene (for instance, all of the terrain editing shown in shot #2 was done from the actual viewpoint) - another one I'd say is the tile deformation routine, which forms the terrain tiles, based on the height points at each of its corners, by using bicubic interpolation. [/stunningly_boring_details]

I think I'll get some webspace for this project later today, where I will list everything that has been (or has yet to be) implemented into the engine. A link shall then be provided for the morbidly curious :B


Very cool! :mowcookie

Maybe you could get people here to help if you need any.
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Quote from: TKG on August 09, 2006, 12:02:49 AM
Hi again. Part of the reason why I joined the forums at this point was that I'm in the process of creating (most probably) a CRPG (or Computer Role-Playing Game), which I, at the beginning of development, had not the slightest idea what would compass. After reading a post written by Amber at the old forums about how she perceived a game revolving around Furrae would be, however, it hit me... it would've been a blast to see the world of Furrae in interactive 3D :D

This is going to sound rather negative, I apologise in advance.  It's something I can get rather passionate about :)

We've had this kind of conversation before, and I must admit that I can't get overly enthusiastic about the idea of a 3D Furrae.  Furrae as presented in DMFA is vibrant, colourful and let's face it, cute.  I've not yet seen a 3D engine which does that.  The closest I've seen is SL, and the models of Dan etc done in that look rather more creepy than endearing, IMHO.  If you've written a cartoon rendering engine that would help slightly, but you'll still lose all the amazing colouring effects that Amber has perfected in the strip.  And the facial expressions..

My personal preference would be a 2D adventure along the lines of Monkey Island, Simon the Sorcerer etc, since DMFA is 2D to begin with.  You'd need to do an immense amount of Amber-style artwork to do one of those, though.

Be that as it may, I'm still curious.  Which platforms is your engine targetting?

QuoteAs of now, much of the basic functionalities of the world editor is done (which is the most important part to start out with, IMHO), along with tidbits of code for things that perhaps will be used in the final game in one form or another. I will take care of the coding myself, but I'm going to need someone to create content for the game as well - which is where you guys may enter the picture ;)
Initially, this will be marked a non-profit project, but if luck has it, we might as well make some earnings from it (if we can get all copyright-holder's permissions, of course). Basically, it's just for the fun and experience of it.

Is this idea too far-fetched? I, for one, don't think so... the game engine will be made anyways, it's just a matter of what content to let it churn. Then again, it's still the matter of gathering a dev-team - which is why I would like to hear your opinions on this first, as fellow DMFA-readers ;)

Perhaps the reason I dislike 3D is because I've never really made the transition.  Far too much math involved.  I've written some pretty decent 2D engines though, and I know how to design Doom levels almost instinctively.  But I've never really been able to get my head around CSG.

Talking of which, is the engine portal-based or BSP or some other technique that's been invented since I realised I'd never be able to write my own engine?  It's Furrae, so you'll need to be able to have two rooms occupying the same space (Mab's cupboard, Abel's mirror trick etc).  Duke3D was able to do that.

Hey - I might be able to help with writing, though, probably textures too.  I've been trying to learn how Furrae works since I heard about it, and I think I have a pretty good grasp of it these days.

I can probably help on the audio side as well.

Good luck, and I'll try to help if I can.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


You know, if a 3D Furrae thing fails, I could seriously see some adventure game, starring Dan, with a Simon the Sorcerer -ish feel to it if people got together and worked at it.


I imagine if were 3D, then it'd be with that cel-shaded kind of look, it's a lot more brighter.


I agree with RJ. If the game was mad in "normal" 3D, like Second Life, then it wouldn't look right for a world such as Furrae. As RJ said, it would either need to be cel shaded, or just 2D.

*coughfurraefightinggamecough* >_>


I was thinking cell shaded too, it can give a more cute/cartoon/anime look to things than the usual kinds of pixels and polygons. I'm into the idea though. Maybe for the character customization you could set it up to something like Phantasy Star Online. A different species would have different abilities, or at least a few basic classes. Then have a fur/skin color editor of some kind and different hair styles with some color choice as well.

And for Gareeku's *cough* statement, it's not in Furrae, but Ryanide of DA is making a kind of anthro fighting game. :januscat


I just know I'm likely going to annoy some people with this but ...

In all honesty, unless one is trying to portray a very realistic reality, there are only two kinds of 3D graphics that really work, in my opinion.

There's the stuff that's got high-res textures and high-poly models.  This works for realistic fantasy / medieval era games (such as Everquest II or Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time) and realistic modern / Sci-fi games (Half Life II, Red Orchestra) or there's cel-shaded graphics for cartoon games (I'll get to that in a moment).

I've never really seen graphics that work in between, they've looked utterly ugly.  In fact, I have to keep reminding myself frequently that 3D graphics can be pretty because so much of it is ugly these days.  I remind myself of things like Jet Set Radio and Klonoa, both of which were cel-shaded and really very pretty.

The only problem with cel-shaded graphics though is that they can lack detail.  If you consider most cel-shaded games, they're much ado about simple forms and flat colours, much like raytraced graphics.

I've recently been reminded by a number of games, Trickster Online included, how pretty 2D can be because in that case, it's as pretty as a painted picture and quite frequently, a painted picture is used for the backdrops and that provides a level of mixed vibrancy and detail that can't be found in 3D graphics yet, they're not far enough along.

If we did go with a 3D game of Furrae though without making it look horrible, I'd genuinely suggest going the cel-shaded route because whilst it might look a little basic, there is evidence that it can be pretty and it can fit the nessescary niche that it needs to, it can be as bright and colourful as DMFA.


Had to edit my line about realistic graphics, I forgot to add in Half-Life II the first time around and there's no way I can do that, considering it's one of my favourite games (and it's also responsible for one of my favourite comics, too).


A 3d engine that uses cell shaded raphics might  work for furra

XIII managed to do a pretty good job of it


XIII's graphics weren't bad, but I can't say the same about the rest of the game.


Quote from: BillBuckner on August 09, 2006, 11:56:44 AM
XIII's graphics weren't bad, but I can't say the same about the rest of the game.

But moving onto the proposed game...
QuoteOriginally posted by Amber Panyko:
If I had the finances and the godlike control of direction in a sense of gaming despite what anyone else said....

First off, I would avoid having the main character be a cast member of the comic.  It's distracting IMO, and confining.  Part of the fun of gameplay to me is having a character that one can customize and make into "you"...at least to some extent.

It'd more or less start with the option of you being an adventurer, or being a creature.  There'd be a selection of various default species. Canine, Feline, Bear, Avian, Ferret, Mouse, etc etc...along with some colour-options for some customizability.  If you chose creature there would likely be a split in type (Demon, Angel, Cubi) each with some special bonus powers.  Depending on what you choose, you start your story there.

A thing would also be a matter of choice. DO you want to be a good-guy or a bad-guy.
While you wouldn't be a character, you'd be able to interract with canon DMFA characters...and have them join your party depending on things.  If you are playing a good-character, you likely would be able to enlist characters like Dan or Mab. More evil characters could get Regina or Kria.  Then there'd be characters who might not join your team on their own but if another character is in your party would join sides.  A character like Pip will never join a party unless there is Mab, and Mab might likely not join a party unless particular events are in motion or someone like Dan is in team.

Since I claim there would be a dating-esque aspect, I'm of the type who would allow an option for the ability to pursue same-sex pairings...if only through an easily found special code that can make it unlocked in order to protect "ZE CHILDREN".  Though granted if someone tries to woo Wildy with a female character, its going to be a null as one aspect that would be considered is the characters have their own orientations.  And really when I imply dating-esque, there is more to it than just romance since certain characters you would need to build up ally points with.  One would need to gain Jyrras' trust bigtime (either having a teamate Jyrras already is friends with) or doing a lot of dialogues to get enough ally points to have him join party.

I think an issue when I use the term dating-sim is that people will think its a chance to Mary-Sue and hook up with their favorite DMFA character.   Mostly I mean its a way to have to actually earn your allies going to battle with you (and even the possibility of them turning on you)...though who's to say love can't spring anew.

I like being able to get items that when equipped show up on the character and are not just implied there. And I like spell systems.  I like characters with unique skills and particular quirks about them that makes them unique. (Example: If in battle Pip was to fall, Mab would use a revive item automatically. If there were no items, she'd panic, grab Pip and leave the fight)

Plotwise, it would likely end up with some big save-the-world thing. But considering the two sides and the two alignments, it could go a few ways. I'd try to avoid it being a "tour the world of Furrae so I can cram as much reference of familiar places as possible" meaning taking a hop-skip through SAIA isn't a guarantee.

But who knows. This is all mostly things I think would be nifty and what I'd want in a game for DMFA.  Well that and some other things, but I'm tired of typing.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Just out of interest... Did you ask Amber before you posted that? Since I'm guessing it was PM rather than in the forum?

... or did I miss something somewhere? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 09, 2006, 12:23:51 PM
Just out of interest... Did you ask Amber before you posted that? Since I'm guessing it was PM rather than in the forum?

... or did I miss something somewhere? :-)

I read it before llearchyboy, So I guess it isn't a PM but a actually forum post that was quoted.  :mowwink

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah, well, in that case, it's ok. I'll just go back to lurking... :)

Nothing to see here, move along, move along...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


nice idea, but...
Sadly you aren't the first one with a big DMFA game related project, and will not be the last for sure (well unless Amber goes "WOOHOO go crazy no more comics from me *swipe*"  :U ).

You probably heard the following somewhere else too, but that's not mine to know  :3
Many people take the making of a computer game lightly, start to do things in every direction without a real organisation or fixed concept and just "add as you progress" kinda developing. Those games are doomed way before they even start.
Speaking of start, a 3D game engine is all nice and shiny if it's a personnal project, though for a game these days, might more pick up one of the open source engines like quake3 instead of a one man project.
So much for advanced and polished game engine, that's already 5% of the work done.  :)  Because yes, depending on what you want to put in your game, the content will always take most of the time to make. And of course, before you even start to create the content, you have to come up with a development plan, content listing, story, feature list, then find slaves people to make all that content which you have to give them according to their skills, you'll have to coordinate them and do a loooot of other things too. For a well planned, rather basic, free RPG game in 3D, I'd say count 2-3 years at least of devoting yourself to it, given that you found the manpower to actually do something.  :)

that is all, good luck anyway  :mwaha


*Looks at screenshot 2*

Aww man, looks like Llearch already made it into the game. That lucky box.

I can't really comment much on the game idea right now, but at the moment, I wish you luck with it. :mowmeep
Yap by Silver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The DMFA verison of lost lake on SL - does have a role playing areas - but nobody ever comes :D but it is there :D considering how much time i spent building the place ><


I'd for sure try a game (2D or 3D or 2/3rds view) based on Furrae. Go for it. You never get better if you don't try something first, esp. when You can get feedback from game testers.


I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Quote from: KarlOmega1 on August 09, 2006, 03:49:24 PM
Quote from: Gareeku on August 09, 2006, 07:34:39 AM
*coughfurraefightinggamecough* >_>

*coughfurraedatingsimgamecough* <_<

:laugh In my life, those are synonymous!  :laugh

.... minus the Furrae part of course.


the Avatar game, from what i've seen of its screenshots, is also a 3D game with  that wacky way of making it look just like the show.... We could pick up a thing or two from that.


Thanks for the interest, all of you - I'll try to respond as best I can ;)

@Tapewolf: Just to clarify, the rendering engine is not of my own work - that one should be credited Nikolaus Gebhardt.  As for the cartoon rendering, Irrlicht can do that with shaders, although I'm not sure if my current video card can cope with it. I will probably buy a new card soon, though (along with some other sorely needed hardware upgrades).

Portal rendering is supported by native Irrlicht I think, although it's more likely that I'll just add something to that effect myself, as I don't use any of the built-in scene nodes that comes with it.

Glad to hear that you'd be willing to lend a hand on this project - you seem to have a lot of experience on these matters.

@All of you who suggested cel-shading: It's indeed possible that the game would look better (at least regarding the characters) by using the cel-shading technique - I guess it's mostly depending on how you implement it, and what settings you use. Absolutely something to consider, at any rate.

@Gornemant: Yeah, game creation can be an immensely time-consuming process, even if done right. However, with sufficient dedication, it may perhaps fare as well as the DMFA radio project, which is still going strong to this day (and hopefully beyond) ;)
I fully agree with the notion that it needs to be coordinated right down to the slightest detail to be successful in the end, but it all boils down to how much energy the individual team-members want to put in it.

@Aridas Soulfire: Maybe I should look into those 'shots for inspiration, then... thanks :)


As long as you put nudity in there somewhere, we'll be all good.