How did you discover DMFA and when?

Started by MT Hazard, September 29, 2010, 06:59:55 PM

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Madd the Sane

I can't remember how I stumbled into DMFA, but my join date is October 2006. I think it was in a link section of someone else's webcomic :/
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


Lesse, back in grade 9 early grade 10. So it was 1999-2000.

I was friends with the guy Amber did some of the Human comics for. By the name of Slinkoboy.

Both him and Amber were in the Tim Dawson Community of "Dragon-Tails". I was also on Furcadia in the lost lake area, but only ran into Mab a few times. Was pretty good friends with Merlitz and one or two other people though. :b

I basically started reading it when she uploaded them.

Oh man, I miss those days.
Help! I'm gay!


I had been watching Amber's Mab's Land website for a while back in 2004-2005, and always loved her stuff. :) I found her website through a 'Not a Bishounen' award sitting on the old Mousekaroos webcomic page (or DrowTales), loved it, and then browsed DMFA when the 'Just Winging It' arc launched and was interested by what I saw.

I was on the Nice forums for a short time, but didn't really get into the community until you guys moved from there onto the new server here.


I'm not sure how long ago it was, but there was a wallpaper war between DMFA and one of Syke's strips (Alien Dice or Cyantian I think). I followed the links, wondered what the hell a "Mow" was and have been addicted ever since.  :mowdizzy
Shoes for industry!


Quote from: hartree on September 30, 2010, 08:30:26 PM
I'm not sure how long ago it was, but there was a wallpaper war between DMFA and one of Syke's strips (Alien Dice or Cyantian I think). I followed the links, wondered what the hell a "Mow" was and have been addicted ever since.  :mowdizzy

Alien Dice. I wasn't there for the event, but I saw it in the archives.


I discovered the sprite comic Bob and George by noticing my brother reading it. That was my first experience with web comics. I noticed a link on Bob and George that lead me to another sprite comic Pebble Version which I really only read long enough to go into the comic's links page. Amongst the links I noticed one of the "I'm the King of the Sporks" banners. That lead me to start reading DMFA at This Comic.

It was about the fourth web comic I really started reading and first non-sprite comic. When I started reading I originally thought furry simply meant "the characters have fur."


Quote from: Drathorin on September 30, 2010, 02:03:53 PM
...and Amber were in the Tim Dawson Community of "Dragon-Tails".

They linked to each other sometime in 2001, I believe. End of story.


I started reading about a year and a half ago.

And the way I found out about it is a funny story. I was reading interactive vore :mowcookie stories on when I came across a part of a story that hadn't been added to it for DMFA characters to vore eachother and it had a link to the comic. After reading through the archives I was hooked.

Anker Steadfast

I frankly cannot remember, but it has been a while.
I think somewhere around the Twink adventures when dan was crossdressing?
I didn't join the adventures until fairly recently though.

Quote from: Amber Williams on September 30, 2010, 01:48:37 AM
Sometime back in 1997 I started sketching some random misadventures for a friend.  In 1999 the lil buggers amassed enough to form into an archive and crawl onto the internet. Next thing I knew the whole thing infested a corner of the internet and I haven't been able to get rid of it despite the amount of times I sprayed. :C

Wait what ?
Dan is sprayed ?

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


I found it around (2005?) 2006 ( NICE join date ) while surfing the internet collecting whatever webcomics I could find.  :B

Of course my memory is lacking and I cannot say for sure that it wasn't earlier, I only have my former nice account to makes estimates on.

I think I used the nickname. "stranger" first then moved on to, Manu Thi-hunter, Kimaro and Tajaka....


Hmm, I joined the NICE in Oct 2003, soo... I started somewhere in the early three-hundrets. :rolleyes

Found it through a link from another (since vanished :< ) webcomic.
It was one of the first webcomics I found.
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on October 01, 2010, 02:23:55 AM
Quote from: Amber Williams on September 30, 2010, 01:48:37 AM
Sometime back in 1997 I started sketching some random misadventures for a friend.  In 1999 the lil buggers amassed enough to form into an archive and crawl onto the internet. Next thing I knew the whole thing infested a corner of the internet and I haven't been able to get rid of it despite the amount of times I sprayed. :C

Wait what ?
Dan is sprayed ?

Yes, with Bug Spray  :)


I myself discovered DMFA by looking through a furry fandom site, where they had a list of furry comics, I decided to check it out and liked it, I believe the first comic I saw was somewhere in the 700's.

Wallaby Warrior

I was looking at Tim Dawson's art earlier this year (not sure exactly when) and, followed a link to Mab's Land. Seeing something familiar-the word "DMFA," which I remembered from the April Fools Comic Swap in the Dragon Tails archives-I clicked that link and saw Abel flying in gryphon form.


Oh god, I still hate it how I missed this comic for so long. First of all, I'm webcomic addict. I have literally read hundreds...perhaps over thousand of them. I found links to DMFA all the way since the first comic I read, but when I checked it and looked at the first pages (I don't know how I missed the current pages), it looked bad and skippe it for a year or two. I constantly kept bumping into it, but I always remembered "this was the bad comic...skip".

Then at some point I got bored at constantly finding it and kept wondering why the hell people have links to DMFA on their comic sites. I think I tried over five times read DMFA from the start. Then I finally simply skipped the oldest pages and went straight into the pages that started make sense.

I remember I didn't sleep that night, because I had to read trough the comic nonstop...the newest page at that moment was But I must have first found it long before that...i just didn't read it...

To this day DMFA is in my top comic list category and those I check every day even, if I know they have not updated...


Hmm, I can't really remember when I first found DMFA. I know it was years ago.  I think it was back during the first forray into the twink territories, when Lorenda was first introduced. I didn't join the forums though until just a couple years ago.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


I've read so many online comics I can't remember when or how.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


How?, Silverfox's comic ! Maybe it was some time that Amber did a guest something for her, or vice versa or maybe I just clicked a link from furfire.

When? Um. 2002? 2003? One of those two dates. I was living with my mum and finishing college. THAT WAS LONG AGO NOW.



First post on this forum... which is wierd.  I've been reading DMFA since 2001 I think, around strip 90ish???  ... when it went to In Full Technicolor from black'n'white.  Strip #170 cemented the website in my Bookmarks of Eternity.

1) Its been amazing watching the art improve over the years -- the Esteemed Artist does some amazingly delightful work these days.
2) the sense of humor has really gotten sharp.  putting humor into 3 or 4 panel strips and having excellent "gag timing" is really difficult.
3) watching the Esteemed Artist hone her integration of humor and pathos has also been quite interesting.

I really wish she had t-shirts, mugs, or archive collection CDs to sell or something.  I started reading Megatokyo back in 2001 also and have quite a pile of Fred's merchandise now.  Unfortunately, page hits and "fan" posts like this seem to be the only skritching we can give for the work she puts out.

(those who read animesuki forums probably recognize me... yes, its me)


Actually she started selling t-shirts at conventions this year and there's been talk of an online store.  Keep on eye on this forum for more on that.  There's a sticky in here with a bit of info on it as well.  You can also donate to her by clicking the 'Feed the Mows' button on the main comic page, if you're so inclined.

Also:  Welcome to the forums.  Read and follow the rules (as you agreed to do when you signed up) and enjoy your stay.


I found it trough Youtube, more specifically trough Tapewoolfs channel.
I was just looking for some funny videos about morrowind when I found his "Documentary about floaty people". I checked his channel and the featured video was one of the DMFA radio plays so I watched it and was immediately hooked.
When I came the comic was on page 987, but I went back to page immediately went back to page 1 to read trough the entire thing.