Anyone playing D&D on open RPG?

Started by familyghost, August 23, 2010, 11:59:23 PM

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Not sure if this topic would go here, but I'm looking for anyone playing D&D 4e on Open RPG or RP tools. 




Yeah, there's several groups playing d&d in the haunted ballroom, but we're all using MapTool ;)


Urgh... fourth edition....

If you'd ask my opinion, which you obviously don't, I'd tell you that 4th e removed many vital roleplaying elements from the game and added tons of pointless, time wasting, minmaxing rules, reducing the game into hacky-and-slashy combat based tabletop game. And don't even get me started on Monster Manual. AD&D had the best MMs of ALL TIME.


Quote from: Omega on August 25, 2010, 03:13:37 AM
Urgh... fourth edition....

If you'd ask my opinion, which you obviously don't, I'd tell you that 4th e removed many vital roleplaying elements from the game and added tons of pointless, time wasting, minmaxing rules, reducing the game into hacky-and-slashy combat based tabletop game. And don't even get me started on Monster Manual. AD&D had the best MMs of ALL TIME.

Only set of books I have.  Wish I had some ADD or 3.5, but I don't.


Really, all D&D needs to be ditched. At some point I gotta get my system up online so people can use that. So much more streamlined...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Omega on August 25, 2010, 03:13:37 AM
Urgh... fourth edition....

If you'd ask my opinion, which you obviously don't, I'd tell you that 4th e removed many vital roleplaying elements from the game and added tons of pointless, time wasting, minmaxing rules, reducing the game into hacky-and-slashy combat based tabletop game. And don't even get me started on Monster Manual. AD&D had the best MMs of ALL TIME.

My favorite joke is that 4.0 is in reality "3.5 for dummies edition"  - utterly true for me since i started DnD with it , if we don't include Draci doupe,  the czech sibling of ADnD which i played a few times ages back.
As far as rule changes go, i'll take a stab at the new magic&stuff system, since it makes little sense that eg. a wizard with Int 12 can cast the same level and same number of spells as one with Int 18.... not to mention a lot of any tactics is killed by having only the few spells you choose all the time instead of prepare-able slots - any longer combat degenerates into throwing at-wills...  Though, with a good DM and group, any of them is fun.

But yes, the MM you mention had awesome pictures and stuff - danman liked the sort of "old book style" more than the later full color ones.

What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .