*Answered* Ignore or delete at your will, mods!

Started by Inumo, June 22, 2010, 12:53:15 AM

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Sooo... I sent Amber an email, but I am way too much of a technophile to know what an acceptable waiting period is before I start worrying... Sent one from my yahoo account on Friday and one from my gMail account on Sunday (in case Yahoo!'s blocked). Anyone with experience know about how long it takes for her to respond...? Here's a copy of the email just in case some of you have asked the same questions before and can save Amber from turning into Ambaaargh.

QuoteI sent this via my Yahoo! account, but I'm impatient and know that @yahoo.com emails are sometimes blocked. Anyways, if the subject didn't give it away, I am a recently-made (as in June 14 recent) fan of yours (thanks to Chalo's guest comic and the link). I'll avoid your doxophobia and just say, do you happen to be in an update hiatus right now? Their hasn't been an update yet (as of this writing, 8:37 GMT-7 [MST, in other words], June 18, 2010), and I can't tell when the last page of your main story arc was updated (Xepher doesn't date their HTML code [tsk, tsk], and the "Last Modified" time is whenever I access it). So, I'm not sure if it's you on hiatus, or if it's just transitional issues that the news post refers to.

--<name omitted>

P.S. Either this will make your brain make a break for the border, or you'll be seriously confused:


Let me know which one.


I'm gonna try to swoop in before the mods rip you apart. Most of these questions can be answered by the regular forum-goers, which is what I'm about to do...

Amber is on hiatus for all of June. Please leave her be to reduce her risks of Artist Burnout.

Second, as far as I know, Amber responds when she responds. Last I heard she was in Califur and until one of the mods lets us know that something horrible has happened to them, then we just have to assume that she and her party are fine.

Third, duck in three... Two... *Dives behind a rock.*

EDIT: I have Nazi'd my own grammar! Bwaaaaahahahahahahaha!
Oh, and please READ THE RULES since this is your first post and commenting on such is obligatory.


Thanks! I'll edit the topic so other goers know this should be ignored.


Did you really think that your posting would save him, Drayco?

First and foremost, being a technophile has nothing to do with your ability to be patient and wait for a response or to use a very simple and readily available function on the forum:  the search function.  In the case of the latter, it might actually encourage you to make use of said function and find out this information for yourself.

Next, like any person, she responds when and if she responds.  Usually if the information isn't readily available (can't be found with a search) and she feels it's not unreasonable to answer it, she will likely do so, assuming she ever gets to your e-mail or doesn't notice that it's been dealt with here.

As for the contents of the e-mail:  In short, she's on vacation.  Doing the convention thing.  Went to Califur and will be at AC starting tomorrow.  After that she'll be heading home to snuggle up to her pets and husband and, most importantly, her art table.  I will say that, given how long she's been away from home and with how hard she's been working while away, she may need a day or two to get herself sorted out.  She's been going right to the wire to  do as many things as possible for the conventions.  It's pretty amazing really.

Btw, Xepher is the host of the page code and, afaik, doesn't do any maintenance on it.  Going off a simple idea of how the code works for this site, I can say that due to the dynamic nature of the code, the page you are seeing was likely generated on request.  Meaning last modified when you asked to see it.

Finally:  Caps lock screaming 'anime/manga' quotes at strangers will not have either of the expected results that you seem to expect in this case.  In the best of cases it will get you written off as being a bit socially maladjusted and possessing too much free time.  I don't need to cite the other cases because I'm sure you've seen and heard them before.  My suggestion:  Act like you would in person, you'll likely get better results.  If you really would walk up to some random stranger (or a stranger who isn't so random in this case) and scream something like that at them, then I suggest you seek some counseling as you really are socially maladjusted and not in the cool Hollywood way.

Either way, welcome to the forums.  Read the rules and FAQ's and take them to heart.  They're the key to your continued survival here.  I would also suggest you check out some of the other aspects of this forum, as there's much more to it than DMFA.  Enjoy your stay.

llearch n'n'daCorna

* llearch n'n'daCorna hrms

To correct, or to ban? Which requires less effort? ;-]

... yeah, okay. I'll give you a second chance. As Mao says, hyperactive ADHD responses don't get you much. If you're looking for the Last-Modified headers, try on the archive pages rather than the home page; the iframe may cause the server to do odd things with homepage stuff. Or check some of the images.

Ease down a little. She'll respond within a couple of weeks, usually. Like most normal people, and rather unlike me, responding to emails is not the only thing she does of a day. Take a chill pill, look around the forum, and relax.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Out of curiosity, I tried using the search function. This thread is the only relevant news on Amber's vacation that shows up -- most of the other results were from 1-3 years ago. :rolleyes


Try searching for califur and amber in the last 60 days
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


You could also take it a step further then Naldru's suggestion, try atleast skimming her news posts underneath the comic once in awhile. If you're one of those people who goes ballistic because a comic hasn't updated then you should be JUST about the right level of neurotic to read the newspost that accompanies pretty much every update and gives all that vital information on when the comic may update again that you so crave.

Things you learn from news posts on webcomics

1. How the artist is currently doing emotionally.
2. Whether they'll be updating regularly in the coming week or not.
3. If they've contracted any mild to life threatening diseases that may delay the comic.
4. How much the artist hates their own work, or how much of an arrogant douche the artist has become recently.
5. How much the artist hates themselves, you, your family, your friends, and your dog Mittens.
6. Whether or not the artist is going to be at any upcoming conventions, even ones near your no doubt pungent self.
7. If the artist is taking a vacation, hiatus, or generally decided to make you suffer. Other good signs of this are serious cliffhangers in the comic itself.
8. Things the artist did with your mother last Friday.
9. ??????
10. Profit.

I'm sure there's more but my ADD is reaching it's limi.....KITTENS!!!!
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Amber hates Mittens? Oh, no!

... wait, I have a dog called Mittens? When did that get here?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 28, 2010, 07:44:31 PM
Amber hates Mittens? Oh, no!

... wait, I have a dog called Mittens? When did that get here?

UPS they're THAT damn good.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Yeah, Netro, this fail was posted before the announcement had been made about the hiatus on the main page.

Anker Steadfast

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Inumo on June 29, 2010, 12:33:06 AM
Yeah, Netro, this fail was posted before the announcement had been made about the hiatus on the main page.

I know, I just wanted to get my dig in before this got mined.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on June 29, 2010, 03:36:13 AM
In Soviet Russia, dog hates you!

In soviet russia , da? Then why to show  american dog as reference, eh?
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Anker Steadfast

Aw, I just needed a mad dog picture to illustrate it ... wether or not it's from russia isn't the important bit, it hates you all the same.  :D

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on June 29, 2010, 03:57:13 PM
Aw, I just needed a mad dog picture to illustrate it ... wether or not it's from russia isn't the important bit, it hates you all the same.  :D

I dunno about that, he looks so friendly and inviting to me. Hims just wants a hug doesn't him.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Netrogo on June 29, 2010, 05:56:25 PM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on June 29, 2010, 03:57:13 PMAw, I just needed a mad dog picture to illustrate it ... wether or not it's from russia isn't the important bit, it hates you all the same.  :D
I dunno about that, he looks so friendly and inviting to me. Hims just wants a hug doesn't him.

He probably does want a hug, right after he eats your face.  >:3

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


That dog looks like it's been raised from the dead... after being buried for a month.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

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