05/30/2010 [Last Resort #181] Fly, Already!

Started by Zedd, May 30, 2010, 01:20:00 AM

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Oh crappppp,mister sniper you have indeed have angered the little one and better make a tree and leave as the saying goes!  :U


When Jigsaw gets angry she gets focused.
I do believe that the sniper will not see this one coming.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Walking along a string of lights like that will probably clue the sniper in to how much trouble he's in. :U

Cue the Alfred Hitchcock theme. :3

Then again I don't think his show ever had ninja acrobatics. :B
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Stupid N00bie

Triangulation requires three different points in order to find another point in any plane, but so far she only has two, when he fired at the "Scout" and her.
So I'm not too sure that triangulate is the right word for what she is doing, unless she gets shot at again.
Can you conceive the birth of a world, or the creation of everything?
Creation takes time.
Time is limited... for you.
It is limited by the breakdown of the neurons in your brain.
I have no such limitations.
I am limited only by the closure of the universe.
The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the universe,
as inevitable as your own last breath.
And yet, there remains time to create. To create, and escape.
Escape will make me God.

I am Durandal.

llearch n'n'daCorna

N00bie, you can triangulate with two lines, as long as you have direction. Stereoscopic vision provides you with two lines per shot, since you get each eye seeing a slightly different angle. So it's possible to triangulate with two data points, since they're actually four.

But it's not anything like as easy as it sounds, and it's much much easier to just get a third shot. Unless you'r eon the recieving end of the shot, of course. ;-]
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