05/07/2010 [DMFA#1114] Scary, scary ghosties!

Started by jeffh4, May 07, 2010, 01:33:21 AM

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You know, if you look closely at the door knob/handle in the semi-darkness, you will notice that it is slowly turning. Very, very slowly, but it's definitely moving. The really creepy part is that switching on the lights doesn't help.

You must not look at the door knob/handle!



Quote from: Icalasari on May 07, 2010, 11:41:25 AM
And I have been afraid of unlocked bathroom doors ever since :3
Don't let your significant other learn about this or you'll be teased mercilessly!  :-)

Quote from: Icalasari on May 07, 2010, 11:41:25 AM
Oddly, I still became a voreaphile despite that dream, which shocks me...
Do unto others. . . .

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Bjalf on May 07, 2010, 11:43:15 AM
You know, if you look closely at the door knob/handle in the semi-darkness, you will notice that it is slowly turning. Very, very slowly, but it's definitely moving. The really creepy part is that switching on the lights doesn't help.

You must not look at the door knob/handle!


Oh man - I wish I lived in a house with round door handles, because it's harder to assert if they are turning or not.
And then, I'd so try and get my better half to believe it was turning.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


I see the knobs turn in the dark when the door is locked (the locks here are ones you push in the knob to lock) ;.;

Oh, once I saw a disembodied pure white hand slam against the window of a locked up, abandoned house

Quote from: MT Hazard on January 08, 2011, 10:54:19 AM
Warning! This cubi has encountered an unknown error and needs to restart
Do you wish to start in safe mode ? Y/N
Loading last known good configuration.....
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I don't get nightmares, fortunately. Used to though, and those were frickin insane.

I know they say it's impossible, but I've been killed in a dream. Got shot in the face by a robot. Never woken up so confused in my life.
Post of the Dead:
"When there is no more room in hell, this thread will walk the earth"


Quote from: Unsilenced on May 07, 2010, 01:47:08 PM
I don't get nightmares, fortunately. Used to though, and those were frickin insane.

I know they say it's impossible, but I've been killed in a dream. Got shot in the face by a robot. Never woken up so confused in my life.

The people who say it's impossible are also the people who say all of the other bullcrap that makes websites like snopes and tv shows like Mythbusters possible.  I've been killed in dreams... lots.


Quote from: TheZombie on May 07, 2010, 03:47:41 PM
Quote from: Unsilenced on May 07, 2010, 01:47:08 PM
I don't get nightmares, fortunately. Used to though, and those were frickin insane.

I know they say it's impossible, but I've been killed in a dream. Got shot in the face by a robot. Never woken up so confused in my life.

The people who say it's impossible are also the people who say all of the other bullcrap that makes websites like snopes and tv shows like Mythbusters possible.  I've been killed in dreams... lots.

Apparently one time too few.. . . .  :)    Zing!


I used to get killed in dreams all the time. It wouldn't end the dream, I'd just be a ghost or (more often) a giant moth or something. At least once I spent a few (subjective) hours lying around pretending to be dead after being killed. Because, you know, I was dead, so I was supposed to just lie there.

Falling wakes me up every time, as long as the fall is a short enough distance that I wouldn't be hurt -- like, stumbling on a crack, or falling off a bicycle. Plummetting from a mile in the air to leave a giant crater? Nah, that's not gonna do it.


Quote from: terrycloth on May 07, 2010, 05:02:23 PM
I used to get killed in dreams all the time. It wouldn't end the dream, I'd just be a ghost or (more often) a giant moth or something. At least once I spent a few (subjective) hours lying around pretending to be dead after being killed. Because, you know, I was dead, so I was supposed to just lie there.

Falling wakes me up every time, as long as the fall is a short enough distance that I wouldn't be hurt -- like, stumbling on a crack, or falling off a bicycle. Plummetting from a mile in the air to leave a giant crater? Nah, that's not gonna do it.

Worst. Dream. Ever.

If I recall correctly (it was years upon year upon years ago, I was but a wee one,) the "getting shot in the head" dream woke me up instantly. I only saw the bullet travel through the water (I was underwater, trying to hide from the robots with the guns) and strike my forehead before I was wide awake.

I don't fall very often in dreams, though sometimes I get a falling sensation right before I fall asleep that wakes me up instantly. So very, very annoying. The most common result for falling off something in a dream is to think "This is going to hurt like a motherf- ... oh hey I landed," then the dream proceeds into some other completely unrelated and illogical event.

Oh, and I once managed to hurt myself in a dream. See, I had figured out it was a dream and was trying to prove it, so I slapped myself... but I apparently did it in real life at the same time... sooo... yeah.


What was this thread supposed to be about again?
Post of the Dead:
"When there is no more room in hell, this thread will walk the earth"


I spent the last 5 days with my feet itchy as hell thanks to mosquito bites in the middle of the night because I can't sleep with my feet under the covers. It is a legitimate fear indeed. *still trying not to scratch my feet off*

I don't really think there needs to be an explanation- We've got the undead, we explained vampires, why do we need ghosts?

Baal Hadad

I don't like to have my limbs hanging over the edge of the bed, but that's because occasionally I get a sense of gravity changing so that I feel like I'm falling off the bed (and there's nowhere TO fall!)....



Most of my dreams are nightmares, but I've never been KILLED in one....  >.<


I haven't had a nightmare in like, 15 years. I almost feel like I'm missing out.
A Scarydragon approaches!

>[Word Play]
     [Backwards Logic]

Attic Rat

Back when I had a tent-trailer, for camping and fishing trips, I had this silly notion that someone could lift the edge of the canvas, grab the bottom end of my sleeping bag, and yank me out of the trailer to do horrible things to me...

Funny thing, if someone was so inclined, that would be a near-perfect way to do a camper in.

"Near-perfect". I always slept with a snub-nose .357 revolver in the sleeping bag with me, and I'm a light sleeper.
You have your security blanket - and I have mine.
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


For some oddball reason, I don't have dreams.  :<

Just big white space or big black space but beyond that, no dreams.

I have plenty of daydreams though!


Quote from: Attic Rat on May 07, 2010, 06:10:13 PM
Back when I had a tent-trailer, for camping and fishing trips, I had this silly notion that someone could lift the edge of the canvas, grab the bottom end of my sleeping bag, and yank me out of the trailer to do horrible things to me...

Funny thing, if someone was so inclined, that would be a near-perfect way to do a camper in.

"Near-perfect". I always slept with a snub-nose .357 revolver in the sleeping bag with me, and I'm a light sleeper.
You have your security blanket - and I have mine.

Note to self, don't try to scare campers by lifting the corner of the tent up, grabbing scaree, and pulling them bag and all out from under the tent because they MIGHT be armed. (It's just as well, I HATE camping...)

Speaking of camping, my parents, sister, and I once took a trip out to Colorado in a Ford extended cargo van. (You know the van you see in the "Chances" demotivational posters? That, but without the lettering on the side. Well, while on the way, they decided that it would be a good idea to stop and camp in Yellowstone National Park. Now, visitor centers are full of useful information... Like advising (idiot) tourists who wear bells and carry pepper spray to ward off bears in case they attack the difference in bear droppings. (For the record: Black bear: Contains berries and berries and smells like poop. Grizzly Bear: Contains bells and smells like pepper spray. Yeah, think about that.) Thankfully, we weren't THAT stupid.

HOWEVER! The visitor center also had some info that advised people NOT to leave food in their cars as bears CAN and WILL peel off a vehicle's windshield, making most auto-repair shops look like amateurs. Plus, if they wanted to, they could smash open a window with ease. Now, for whatever reason, my parents still decided to camp in Yellowstone anyway, figuring we'd be safe in a large, mostly metal van. Plus, we did have protection in the form of a .357. (I think. Regardless, too low caliber for anti-bear operations.) Well, they stayed in the back, on an air mattress supported by a large wooden platform on some buckets, my sister slept on the rear bench seat. Oh, where did I sleep you ask?


Thankfully nothing happened, but I didn't sleep much that night...

EDIT: Oh yeah, I left out a few details...
My dad isn't the greatest of shots in the best of times, either. For me, I figured that the odds of ME getting shot instead of the bear would be pretty good. (Yeah, he'd be half asleep and panicking because OMG! There's a bear breaking into the van! And it looks like it's gonna eat my son! Well, we don't exactly get along too well, either...) And to be honest, me getting shot was probably the BEST-case scenario as if he managed to hit the bear he probably wouldn't kill it, and it'd become one angry-as-hell bear. And guess who was within claw's reach?
Yeah, and they WONDER why I assume that they're idiots for the sake of argument all the time now...


I like being mostly fearless.  The only thing I'm irrationally fearful of, and only occasionally, is that something not human is creeping around in the dark near me, watching me, and is going to try and get me.  I mean seriously, what is more creepy than an alien levitating outside your 2nd story window peering in at you through the small cracks in the shades?

Fortunately my dreams are always weird.  Very few scare me, and there's only one that I can remember ever making any kind of sense.  (I dreamt of being abducted after spending all day reading a book about alien abductions.)

I have a tendency to have very vivid dreams about travelling, or needing to travel but being unable to when I'm sleeping late and have to get up for work.  I did that last night...
I was at the Eau Claire river near where I grew up, searching the river for broken and abandoned cars.  I found my first car, a mazda 626, though it was silver instead of white.  It was stuck in a sandbar near the shore.  I walked/swam? across the river (I'm not sure how I got there; I was suddenly across the river and remember thinking that I had traversed it, and was glad not to be wet) to a large house (there was no large house there irl, there is a 6-lane bridge) where my mom was throwing a party with lots of people.  When I was on the deck I noticed that a storm was rolling in, and I saw a tornado start to form.  We all ran inside to hide, but it passed us by on the other side of the river far beyond the trees over there.  I went back to the deck but it was still raining heavily and the river had swollen to a raging torrent flowing to the east. (the actual river flows west)  I knew I couldn't get across now because it was too deep now and I would get wet. (I can apparently swim whitewater rivers, I just didn't want to get wet)  The storm passed quickly and the river calmed down, but there weren't just one car stuck in the sandbar now, there were three.  The 626 had changed into my current car, a mazda millennia, and now there was an old-style VW beetle and some other car my mind never identified.  It was here that I woke up and realized I had 12 minutes to get to my car or I would be late for work.

/boggle  :erk

Not quite as weird as the time I dreamt about a female friend's sister.  (She's an only child)
            <-- #1 that is!


I haven't had a real nightmare in decades, sometimes I kind of miss them.  :/ I am a lucid dreamer, some part of me always knows when it's a dream. Better than night terrors, but I miss really dreaming. Even when I had the 'naked while teaching class' dream, I knew it was a dream, and kept on teaching, to see if I had anything interesting to say. Sometimes I think that my subconscious hates me, because I never react to these things.

Fears, I really don't like heights or falling. That's about it, but heights, with the danger of falling, gives me the cauld grue. I don't mind roller coasters, but the Ferris wheel? Nuh uh, no thanks. :P

The Auld Grump


The worst exam type dream i had  was doing a maths exam, which came in a BOOK - literally a booklet with about 80 pages worth of problems.
Or the mathematical olympics perversion (i was on national level once it was perhaps a twisted rehash) which included dozens of questions.... part of answer to each pointed to another one, on about five paths which ends made up a code (the last numbers ) which one had to enter into a grid at the end and solve the code (one number could be deduced if you had others right, somehow) which was the only thing that was marked

Also possibly the most bizarre thing was as a small kid, i had a dream that a coat tried to eat me - it was one that my grandmother always hanged on the door so that the light from the living room would not go in.

As for dying and stuff - i found out in a dream you kind of cannot die - you just are there , wondering why you still live when x happened. Also you cannot feel pain which isn't external, at least i can't , luckily.

Also in most of my dreams, i see myself in kind of 2D isometric above view, which freely changes with FPS...without me noticing even...

As an addition , i hate nightmares and am happiest when not dreaming much. Some of the stuff i had a few times would qualify as (new) outer limits episode... i do not remember most of them though, mainly the part when i woke up sweaty

What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: danman on May 07, 2010, 08:18:12 PM
The worst exam type dream i had  was doing a maths exam, which came in a BOOK - literally a booklet with about 80 pages worth of problems.
Or the mathematical olympics perversion (i was on national level once it was perhaps a twisted rehash) which included dozens of questions.... part of answer to each pointed to another one, on about five paths which ends made up a code (the last numbers ) which one had to enter into a grid at the end and solve the code (one number could be deduced if you had others right, somehow) which was the only thing that was marked
Okay, I yield and you win. (I loathe math...)


Quote from: Drayco84 on May 07, 2010, 08:22:58 PM
Quote from: danman on May 07, 2010, 08:18:12 PM
The worst exam type dream i had  was doing a maths exam, which came in a BOOK - literally a booklet with about 80 pages worth of problems.
Or the mathematical olympics perversion (i was on national level once it was perhaps a twisted rehash) which included dozens of questions.... part of answer to each pointed to another one, on about five paths which ends made up a code (the last numbers ) which one had to enter into a grid at the end and solve the code (one number could be deduced if you had others right, somehow) which was the only thing that was marked
Okay, I yield and you win. (I loathe math...)

As a bonus, the first dream happened the night before an actual maths exam (which were done in gym room , for about two hours) and i woke up slightly late because of it,...
you can imagine the wonderful feeling

Normally i heart math - i am engineering student after all.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Woo, I agree with Amber. My feet and rear have to be covered or I'm not sleeping.


Quote from: danman on May 07, 2010, 08:18:12 PM
The worst exam type dream i had  was doing a maths exam, which came in a BOOK - literally a booklet with about 80 pages worth of problems.
Or the mathematical olympics perversion (i was on national level once it was perhaps a twisted rehash) which included dozens of questions.... part of answer to each pointed to another one, on about five paths which ends made up a code (the last numbers ) which one had to enter into a grid at the end and solve the code (one number could be deduced if you had others right, somehow) which was the only thing that was marked

Also possibly the most bizarre thing was as a small kid, i had a dream that a coat tried to eat me - it was one that my grandmother always hanged on the door so that the light from the living room would not go in.

As for dying and stuff - i found out in a dream you kind of cannot die - you just are there , wondering why you still live when x happened. Also you cannot feel pain which isn't external, at least i can't , luckily.

Also in most of my dreams, i see myself in kind of 2D isometric above view, which freely changes with FPS...without me noticing even...

As an addition , i hate nightmares and am happiest when not dreaming much. Some of the stuff i had a few times would qualify as (new) outer limits episode... i do not remember most of them though, mainly the part when i woke up sweaty

You definitely *can* die, you just can't be dead. Being dead is, naturally, sort of a "game over" for the dream. My dreams are all first person... though I don't quite understand what you mean by FPS (That stands for First Person Shooter... so do you kill a lot in dreams?)

I have never had a "unprepared for exam" dream, though I've had a few where I was walking around naked. In those dreams, I tended to be the only one that noticed my nudity... weirdness.

More fun with physical action during a dream: I had a dream where I was in a trench with a rifle. The commander (who I never actually *saw*) ordered "over the top" and I tried to lift myself out of the trench and march towards the enemy lines. It didn't work. No matter how hard I pushed down with my hands, I couldn't get my legs over the rim of the trench. The strange thing was that I could feel physical resistance when I pushed down and gravity when I fell back again. When I woke up, I figured I had been sorta "jumping" with my arms by thrusting down towards the bed, bouncing into the air and crashing down again. Repeatedly.

Sleep push-ups.

I also one told my sister (quite loudly) to "shut the ****up" while I was asleep. That was fun, especially since she happened to be *right* there (we were staying in a hotel room.)

Oh, anyone else ever dream that they got up and went to school... but then wake up and realize they're still in bed and be like FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!

Happens to me a lot.

On the other hand, it can also be awesome when it happens with other things. Like during the summer I sometimes dream that it's September, but then I wake up and it's June. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! 
Post of the Dead:
"When there is no more room in hell, this thread will walk the earth"


Quote from: Unsilenced on May 08, 2010, 12:18:28 AM
You definitely *can* die, you just can't be dead. Being dead is, naturally, sort of a "game over" for the dream. My dreams are all first person... though I don't quite understand what you mean by FPS (That stands for First Person Shooter... so do you kill a lot in dreams?)
Danman probably got the terminology wrong, or just typed "FPS" instead of "first person".

I once had a dream where I was an FBI agent or something. I've forgotten a good chunk of events, but long story short, NO, you DON'T hear the bullet that kills you. But, I think this was also at point-blank range at the back of my head or something, too...

The last thing I remember is this painful burning along my spine and being completely unable to move, where before I could just wiggle around.


Quote from: Shachza on May 07, 2010, 08:02:24 PM
I like being mostly fearless.  The only thing I'm irrationally fearful of, and only occasionally, is that something not human is creeping around in the dark near me, watching me, and is going to try and get me.

You know, I am really tempted to show you Marblehornets and Slenderman now, but you would just show me an unlocked bathroom door ;.;
Quote from: MT Hazard on January 08, 2011, 10:54:19 AM
Warning! This cubi has encountered an unknown error and needs to restart
Do you wish to start in safe mode ? Y/N
Loading last known good configuration.....
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I have a severe case of Apiphobia.............. D: All thanks to a very traumatic experience when I was around 4, when I got stung multiple times........:crying Even now if I see something even remotely black and yellow striped I run!

Although, I will also say that I too don't like sleeping with feet or limbs hanging off the bed  :< I always have a feeling that something under the bed will grab me and drag me underneath. However, if it's anything like the movie Little Monsters, then I wouldn't mind! :D

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Oh, I forgot another one of my permament fears

Mannequins. Creepy things...
Quote from: MT Hazard on January 08, 2011, 10:54:19 AM
Warning! This cubi has encountered an unknown error and needs to restart
Do you wish to start in safe mode ? Y/N
Loading last known good configuration.....
Loading WinMows....


It's fun having a phobia that nobody has heard of before.

Of course, there are problems with people not understanding that it is, in fact, a phobia... but the advantages of no-one being able to tease/scare you with it are well worth the downsides.
Post of the Dead:
"When there is no more room in hell, this thread will walk the earth"

Anker Steadfast

Ah, dreams .. they can be so much fun.

I remember having a dream, where I was racing in a standard car class, in best trackday fashion.
Pounding around a track in a beemer (the z4 M, nice car) and I was *far* ahead of the competition.
I was actually getting bored, so I started drifting around the cirquit for fun, which slowed me right down.
Now, as the other racers caught up to me, my manager started to yell at me, telling me to wake up and get on with it.

And then I woke up, because a classmate was poking me, telling me to wake up and get back to the examn I was in.
I looked down at my papers, decided I had answered all the questions well enough and I didn't feel like checking them once again ...

.. so I went back to sleep.  :D

I had a very nice dream about this young lady named Sarah, which cannot be retold on this forum because it's x-rated.

When the examn was over, the teacher managed to take the papers, grade them and put them back again - without waking me up.
I woke up to a nice B+ on my examn paper, second best test result that day - And I was well rested.

My friends still call me the sleeper to this day, because of it.  :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


That's absurdly impressive Anker.  I wish I could do that, but I can't power nap; I either have to sleep for at least 3 hours or just forget it.

I'm an accomplished daydreamer though.  I often daydream while traveling.  Sometimes my imagination is so vivid that I don't remember traversing the area between my starting and ending locations.  That's not so bad when you're just walking to class, but driving to work can be frightening.  Amazingly I'm a pretty good and cautious driver regardless.   :)
            <-- #1 that is!