
Started by Rochy, May 09, 2010, 03:10:09 PM

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I'm new obviously, but I was was just wandering when does the comic update? Nice, simple, and new ^^


Read the rant, wait and watch.  :)


Usually on sunday , thursday and some other days, but varies.
Makes it that more exciting to get up in the morning
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Thank you guys or gals. ^^


For as long as I have been reading DMFA (3 some odd years), it has always updated Friday through Sunday with Abel's Story on Mondays and occasionally there is a blackout or some Extra thing maybe on Tuesday.



I.. don't think she's been doing this schedule for three years but I could be mistaken.  However, currently the schedule is as lilpuppy said.  : Friday, Sat, Sun = Regular comic (unless stated otherwise in a rant) and Monday = Abel's Story.


Huh... I just thought it was "Whenever Amber darn well feels like it!" and was willing to leave it at that...

Prof B Hunnydew

But Amber is real good in not disappearing without a word.  And she really tries to update three times a week.  She started with Mon, Wed, and Fri, and then sometimes did something nutty like five times a week.  That burned her out, so she went to the weekend schedule after some faulty starts back to the Mon-Wed-Friday line-up, again.


Anker Steadfast

I don't worry so much about update schedules when it comes to webcomics.
I rate them instead on activity, which tends to reflect the artist(s) interest and dedication to the comic/project.
Once they lose interest, so does the comic/project - And that often spells the end of it.

Basically, if a comic updates :

  • Several times a week : Very active, usually very steady too. Will usually have an epic story, that will be finished. Followed by another epic story.
  • Once a week : Active, and likely to continue so, though there can be sporadic breaks. Usually finishes the main story .. and then dies.
  • Once bi-weekly : Semi-Active, but often very accident prone - often goes on hiatus. 50/50 chance of it ever completing the story.
  • Once a month : Sporadic, extremely accident prone - A hiatus often means it's almost dead. Restarts usually falters and then dies.
  • Anything less : Technically dead, often full of fillers and breaks, and hiatus', and restarts.
Well, that's my way of rating webcomics, obviously DMFA is at the very top, and has a promising future indeed.
I reckon everyone have a way of rating things - No one way is likely the most correct, but helps us set things in system .. of a sort. :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Sheesh, can't you even read the front page?

QuoteSo come again every Friday to Monday to see a new comic of their exploits!