
Started by thegayhare, July 30, 2006, 10:48:34 PM

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Hello all

Well My birthday's comming up.
Now why is this in the tower of art you might ask...
Well a good cake is a work of art in and of itself.  I was wondering if anyone had some sugestions for the type of cake I should make I'd be open to them. 
Hell I might do more then one.  Making a cake is the highlight of my birthday...  For me anyway.  It's the only time I can play with decorating a cake and not worry and not need an excuse.

Now there are two kinds cakes.  There are eating cakes, which taste great but might not look that fancey

and then there are pretty cakes.  Which I always make tastey but the look is the important part

I'll post pictures when finished

But for now what sort of cake should I make

an eater?  or a looker?

I'll probably do something bunny themed...

Ohh I could do a cheesecake (like the third piccy)

Ohh maybe a layed bunny shaped yellow cake with butter cream layers and decorative sugarpaste covering...

so any sugestions?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Are we supposed to keep the suggestions PG-rated? :-)+) If not, might I suggest finding the "Nanny Ogg's Cookbook" and making a strawberry wobbler? :-)

More seriously... uh... I'd vote for a looker - they're always impressive, even though they're often more work to make.

As for theme.... well, bunnies are always nice, but it depends on what you have on hand and what you feel like making...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Mel Dragonkitty

Was that first cake one of the ones where you make up so many round and rectangular cakes and cut them up to certain dimensions to make designs? Like tanagrams with baked good? I hadn't thought of those in forever. My mom used to make those all the time. She had three or four books of the patterns. I remember the pony being at a lot of birthdays and the bunny every Easter.

Thanks for reminding me of the goofy birthday cakes of my past. (My birthday was last week, I wonder if I can retroactively get my mom to make me a pony cake. :) )
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The bunnies on the lawn there are so fricken CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE.
About which cake to make... not sure... it's one of those hard choices... x.x


I've got to find the pictures of them, but Amx and I made a pair of groom's cakes for a friend, a pediatrician, who married another pediatrician (and have four kids now!).

They were shaped like the guy from Operation, with mint shapes. I wired the cakes to have his nose flashing. The best part was that they were red velvet cakes! You can imagine the response they got!!

Go for looks, really!


Xze Say Eating...Cakes are made to be eaten durnit!! X3

But if you can, go for both ^w^

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


*Envies TGH's mad baking skillz* D:

Awesome work, bunny boy. :3


Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on July 31, 2006, 08:22:28 AM
Was that first cake one of the ones where you make up so many round and rectangular cakes and cut them up to certain dimensions to make designs?


It was one of the first cakes I made and recorded

It's a bit messy cause It was made before I got any professional tools.  But thats 2 chocolate circles one cut in to a cresen for the second part of the body.. the extra cake went into the tail, trunk and legs.  all made on the fly  I have a few designs too.

I have a ake Irealy want to make... it's a looker but it's not the kinda cake that would be good for a birthday... it's mre a give t your sweety cake


Well a few people I know say something isn't worth eating if it doesn't look lovely. Though if it's too beautiful they're afraid to damage the work of art.
If it was just me, I'd say go for something that tastes good. If it's for anyone else, try to make it look nice. From what I've seen and heard, you can do at least one of the two very nicely.:januscat

King Of Hearts

Chalk up another one for eating.

While people do first eat with their eyes, its when they touch upon the buds of your tounge that you can truly appreciate the fundamental character or "cakeness" of the pastry if you will.

In the end what do you want to hear?

"Oh it looks delicious!" or "Oh its Delicious!"

But in the end, the choice is yours alone.

Jack McSlay

interesting... I remember I had a pac-man and N64 controller cakes for my birthday

I think it's pretty cool to see cakes the shape of their flavors... why not a carrot-chaped carrot cake?
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Personally, I <3 cheesecake.

But I like Jack McSlay's idea about shaping it like its flavor, though..... a fun idea would be to shape it like somethign else to throw peopel off. Make a cheesecake chaped like a carrot or something :P


well any cake I make is good eating  the main differnce between a looker and an eater is the construction

look at my second cake... that was last years birthday butters cream icing... it's a messy icing  hard to get it to look right.  course it's yummy, and since I wanted it to be bunnies in grass  the messy bits fit.

now look at the strawberry cake.  thats marzipan,  which takes alot of effort to make (thats not a big deal) but it's rather dry  and chewy  still good but not for everyone.

the shaped cheese cakes are interesting the only problem with that is the spring form pans... you need.  I guess if I could get some shaped silicon baking pans (I haven't seen any) you make the cheesecake and then freese it then peel off the pan.

I love my silicon pans

Now I need to find my liquid glucose...  I've gt the jelled glucse and liquid glycerin right here but I can find the liqued stuffs

Jack McSlay

when I had my N64 controller cake we here at home just made a rectangulasr dual-layer cake and just cutted it off till it got the shape of a N64 controller, so no huge need for custom shaped-pans
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but you can't make cheese cake in a normal pan
It's to fragile  for a normal pan

but yeah It's easy to make a basic shaped cake


Somehow I expected to be going the distance... going for speed...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on August 02, 2006, 11:04:35 PM
Somehow I expected to be going the distance... going for speed...


llearch n'n'daCorna

TGH is all alone, all alone in his time of need?

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Vaguely Creepy

I say you should make a looker, so there's more cake-making to enjoy.

Does cookie cake count as cake? (I realize probably not, but I'm a chocaholic so I have to ask.) If it does, and you made one, then maybe you could shape the individual parts, bake them, then find some way to stick them together, like with icing.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Mmm, lollycake.

I still remember the cake my mother made me for my 16th. Banana fairy cake. Or sponge cake, depending on where in the world you are.
I still remember it because it had a half a banana poking phallicly out of the hold in the middle (ring tin) :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'd agree with the idea of making something looki like what it is, like with the strawberry. Probably quite enjoyable to make something like that. Most creative thing I've thought of doing with a cake was getting the interior to look like a checkerboard with 1/2 cherry and 1/2 chocolate. :januscat


If they all taste good, then go for the looker. (If time isn't an issue)

Hehehe, how about one of [these]? :mwaha
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK

topher chee

foods that usually lok pretty wierd actually taste the best.....except animal organs


yes tiger I've seen that cake before

the only problem I'd have is I've got 5 cats would you like to take the risk of setting the cake out and having onw of them mistakenly think we moved there litter box.

besides with the amount of scooping I do I don't even want to think about it



Maybe TGH should make an ice-cream cake?

And Tell Xze what he'd like her to draw for his birthday :3

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I had a great Idea for a cake... I'd planned everything out, I'd bought everything I'd needed and I can't do it now

the 30 dollars worth of stuff I'd purchased fr the birthday is gone, half of it thrown away,  my recipie book is with them.

I might still do something but I don't know I don't feel like celebrating anymore

good night all


I read your post in the other thread.
I'm sorry to see you so sad and hope your situation will improve - considerably.  :mowwink
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


well I'm not going to to be making my cake on my birthday.  but I've got my cake planned out in my head

It'll be almost like last years but it's going to be a 2 layer round banana sponge cake,  with green grass frosting.  I'll also make a small cupcake cut off the top  make a little hollow in one side,  use the bits from the top in a root pattern then frost if with brown butter cream icing.  then I'll scupt little sugar paste bunnies  it'll be a momma and babbies gathered round a treestump

Vaguely Creepy

That sounds adorable!

And delicious.

Be sure to take a picture of it for us, okay?


I would love to see such art. Very creative ideas there. :januscat