04/17/10 [DMFA#1106] - Oh What A Tangled Web It Is!

Started by RandomMetaphysics, April 16, 2010, 09:48:46 PM

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Hoooo boy.
This should be... interesting >:3
*Grabs popcorn*

Silver Pomeranian Genji

Oh, my! Looks like Lorenda is for a big shock come Thursday. What will happen, I wonder? *slinks back under rock*
Mah Boi, this peace is what all true lawyers strive for. Anybody know Moira Gianna's number?


Talk about getting caught in a lie...whew!  My my Kria, what ever are you up to?

*Waves to Toast...glad to see you back!*
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


This can only end in a hilarious disaster...

For some reason, I'm reminded of an old Home Improvement episode...
"You don't understand. When our kids play 'doc-tah', we nail 'em for malpractice."


Judging from Lorenda's reaction, I think it can be safely said that Dan doesn't know that he is supposedly her boyfriend. Or, if he has somehow found out, Lorenda herself isn't aware of the fact.

This can only lead to "hilarity". No, wait, scratch that. Leading to a vein of awkward could be a possibility too. Just what is Kria planning at with all this?


 :mwaha  Oh, there will be awkwardness, yes my precious, yessss....


Is Kria going to break it to her daughter that she wasn't fooled by Lorena's lie or is this the reason for mentioning vegetables in the first place?

Yes. I know the first one is the more reasonable one, but Kria has always been the one with the supprises. :P

Wonder if Abel will let Dan out unescorted since his last visit with the Soulstealers?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Hanii Puppy

kria is a sneaky deviant.

I was going to say sneaky b***h, but that would've been mean 3:

and I'm drunk 3:

and I want huggles 3:

EDIT: And ignore me

EDIT2: and I censored my naughty word 3:


Quote from: joshofspam on April 16, 2010, 10:47:32 PM
Wonder if Abel will let Dan out unescorted since his last visit with the Soulstealers?

Well, Dan wan't technically unescorted on his last meeting with the family either. It just so happened that his escort has all the attention span of a baked potato.

That is still a good point, however. It also raises the question of if Kria is going to get her brother involved in this "dinner". Considering Kria's less than happy attitude with said brother, she might even be hoping for a confrontation between the two. Although, now I think about it, are Kria and DP still on speaking terms?


Quote from: Vicorus on April 16, 2010, 10:57:40 PM
Although, now I think about it, are Kria and DP still on speaking tems?

I very much doubt it


I guess this answers my question about whether or not he knows he is Lorenda's "boyfriend".

I hope Abel comes along Thursday, he needs to get out more

Titanium Dragon

Quote from: joshofspam on April 16, 2010, 10:47:32 PM
Is Kria going to break it to her daughter that she wasn't fooled by Lorena's lie or is this the reason for mentioning vegetables in the first place?

Yes. I know the first one is the more reasonable one, but Kria has always been the one with the supprises. :P

Wonder if Abel will let Dan out unescorted since his last visit with the Soulstealers?

You know, I wonder if we were too eager to read into that as being "Kria knows what's going on" and not "Kria is hinting that she knew about the relationship all along." I mean, WE, the reader, know what happened, which flavors our perspective on things.

Of course, Kria might just being doing it to poke Lorenda for lying to her and is making her eat her vegetables now.


Quote from: dravus on April 16, 2010, 11:05:50 PM
Quote from: Vicorus on April 16, 2010, 10:57:40 PM
Although, now I think about it, are Kria and DP still on speaking tems?

I very much doubt it

Agreed. :3 As his departure wasn't exactly a pleasant one:P

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


DMFA reader since 2000!


Hm.  Is it just me, or does the art in panel 2 look really, really good?  I'm not sure what it is about it that strikes me so, but it does...


I'm not sure, but I think that middle panel of Dan qualifies as a heroic pose. Dan hasn't been striking enough of those lately. I approve.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


I had a feeling this was how it was going to end up and that she was planning to Invite them both over to catch Lorenda in her lie. Why she wants to do this,  other then to  perhaps prove she wasn't fooled, is what I want to know.


Compared to the older (and i mean OLDer) strips, Today's strip really shows how much Amber has improved on her backgrounds. The old backgrounds where just there... but today's background just adds to the total tone of the individual panel. I wonder if Amber ever thought she'd get this far?


This is why I love Kria.  She's just so much FUN!   :D
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 16, 2010, 11:49:14 PM
I'm not sure, but I think that middle panel of Dan qualifies as a heroic pose. Dan hasn't been striking enough of those lately. I approve.
I think it is the hair, but both this comic and the last look really good.  I have long been fond of Amber's ability to express emotions though the face and by body language.

Quote from: Rambon on April 17, 2010, 12:30:11 AM
Compared to the older (and i mean OLDer) strips, Today's strip really shows how much Amber has improved on her backgrounds. The old backgrounds where just there... but today's background just adds to the total tone of the individual panel. I wonder if Amber ever thought she'd get this far?

:theorycrafty artsy conspiracy ahead:

Well, even rather recently(middle panel), Amber has chosen backgrounds that deliberately don't draw attention to themselves.  Partly this is because many, many scenes happen indoors but it is also a stylistic choice to trick the viewer subconsciously to focus on what is important rather than the extraneous floor(or wall).  That or laziness....  But here recently the scenes have occasionally been outdoors giving the opportunity for the backgrounds to be more varied than usual and the results are really quite good.  Especially considering Amber traditionally loathes scenery.


Kria... the architect of a disaster so horrible and awkward that it will only be rivaled by its beautiful and hilarity.


Madd the Sane

Quote from: joshofspam on April 16, 2010, 10:47:32 PM
Wonder if Abel will let Dan out unescorted since his last visit with the Soulstealers?
Abel doesn't get out much unless pushed. His response to Alexi's order to get out was to slink to his room instead of follow the guys to the mall.
However, no doubt Fa'Lina has heard by now that Dan was hurt severely recently and will order Abel to keep a better watch on him, especially around the Soulstealers. She probably got word from Cyra herself.  :batman

Crazy idea time: Abel and Lorenda end up together >:3
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


I predict Dan will not tell Lorenda anything when she invites him over for dinner on Thursday.  I assume the dinner will either be at Kria's place or at a restaurant.

If Abel invites himself along, then he might get a chance to re-meet an old friend.   :)

Anker Steadfast

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Somehow I think Kira was onto Lorenda's 'boyfriend' plan from the start.  I mean it would be another way to mess with her brother.
Kira at times only pretends to be a bubbly and flirtatious individual while showing remarkable cunning and planning skills.

Still I like Dan's resolve.  He will do his best to not involve Lorenda with her mother's schemes that involve him.
Though something tells me that Dan should tell Matty what is going on.

...I am going to need a score card to keep up.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Madmann135 on April 17, 2010, 02:28:48 AM
Though something tells me that Dan should tell Matty what is going on.

That would require that he have some sort of clue as to what is going on.


Quote from: Vicorus on April 16, 2010, 10:23:19 PM
Judging from Lorenda's reaction, I think it can be safely said that Dan doesn't know that he is supposedly her boyfriend. Or, if he has somehow found out, Lorenda herself isn't aware of the fact.
I would say that Dan's entire reaction in this page means that he's clueless.

QuoteThis can only lead to "hilarity". No, wait, scratch that. Leading to a vein of awkward could be a possibility too. Just what is Kria planning at with all this?
Previously the awkward was that Kria would catch Dan with Matilda.  Now things can get a bit weird if she catches Dan with Lorenda, while Kria is trying to force the lie for some unknown reason.

Quote from: Madd the Sane on April 17, 2010, 01:18:57 AM
However, no doubt Fa'Lina has heard by now that Dan was hurt severely recently and will order Abel to keep a better watch on him, especially around the Soulstealers. She probably got word from Cyra herself.  :batman
I'm not sure he knows that Kria was involved in any of it.  Last I saw he didn't seem to know Lorenda's last name, or that she was related to Kria.  If it was Lorenda who brought him back alone, he may not be aware of it.

And panel 2 is really awesome.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Registered just to ask this.

Judging by Kria's history when she found out her husband was cheating on her, anyone else think that Amber might throw an evil curveball and have roasted taur as the main course on thursday?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: jeffh4 on April 17, 2010, 01:25:33 AM
If Abel invites himself along, then he might get a chance to re-meet an old friend.   :)

Now, that would be interesting. Oh, to be a fly on the wall at that meeting...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Vicorus on April 16, 2010, 10:23:19 PM
This can only lead to "hilarity". No, wait, scratch that. Leading to a vein of awkward could be a possibility too. Just what is Kria planning at with all this?
Teaching her daughter a lesson, most likely. The lesson being "if you lie, do it properly". And having lots of fun with the awkwardness and embarrassments in the process. Teh awkward! Yesssss ...   :eager

I keep spelling it as "ambarrass", why is that?   :paranoid

Quote from: Lego3400 on April 16, 2010, 11:49:53 PM
I had a feeling this was how it was going to end up and that she was planning to Invite them both over to catch Lorenda in her lie. Why she wants to do this,  other then to  perhaps prove she wasn't fooled, is what I want to know.
I think the technical term is "for shits'n'giggles".

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 17, 2010, 03:57:03 AM
I would say that Dan's entire reaction in this page means that he's clueless.
Business as usual, in other words   xD

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 17, 2010, 04:43:32 AM
Quote from: jeffh4 on April 17, 2010, 01:25:33 AM
If Abel invites himself along, then he might get a chance to re-meet an old friend.   :)

Now, that would be interesting. Oh, to be a fly on the wall at that meeting...
Didn't Amber say something about Abel not going to meet Devin?

Now, on to the important stuff. Which vegetables will be involved? I feel the dreaded Brussels sprouts will make an entrance. No sane person likes those. And will Kria rip off Dan's shirt or pants first? I'd start a betting pool, but I fear some :smurf will mess it up.


Quote from: Bjalf on April 17, 2010, 05:06:13 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 17, 2010, 03:57:03 AM
I would say that Dan's entire reaction in this page means that he's clueless.
Business as usual, in other words   xD

I still say that's a front.  Clueless people tend not to become renown adventurers.

That said:
"Every time I got really rich, I'd take some crazy chance and lose everything.  I was the yo-yo of the Fleet.  One run I'd be captain of five, the next I'd be pulling maintenance programming on some damn routineer.  Given how time stretches out with sublight commerce, there were whole generations who thought I was a legendary genius - and others who used my name as a synonym for goofball."
--Pham Nuwen, "A Fire upon the Deep" by Vernor Vinge

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E