Ketchup-Crumbles says hello =)

Started by Ketchup-Crumbles, April 02, 2010, 06:43:58 PM

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Hi I'm Ketchup-Crumbles (oO that's weird... I like to write that name, but somehow I think, I wouldn't really like to be called like that...)
I think it's hard for me to give a normal intro/description of myself, since I'll try to impress people when exposed like this Oo.
Well then, I'll try to write as much about me as comes to my mind =)
I'm a 22 year old female from Germany. I didn't invent the name "Ketchup-Crumbles" myself, someone from the internet did and I liked it =) I like to give additional and slightly unrelated info in parenthesized sentences (e.g. I just recently got a new computer, so someone please ask me about it, because I'm really proud of it xD). I've read DMFA for quite some time (maybe half a year?) before registering and I registered 2 years ago, so it took me really long to get here... At the moment I have lots of free time, as my next semester doesn't start until the 12th of April. I study Material Science. I like doing lots of stuff, but mostly I'm rather dreaming about stuff than actually doing it (like drawing: I would love to draw more, but I spend so much time thinking about how I would draw a specific pose and searching for references that I don't start with the actual drawing...) I also have a rather short attention span. New ideas can keep me occupied for a week and mostly no longer (I will most likely stop checking on the fan-bar-thread in about a week  :< )
That's about all I can think of now.



A female german person! I would greet you in broken german if it was not for the forum rules!

Welcome to being active on the forums, please enjoy your stay, watch out and read the rules, be aware of mods and beware them.  :U


*Waves a Cod fish around.*

You a loony too? Or one of them normal folks that seem to be looking around here? If yes to either, then en garde! If no to either well... darn.

Welcome to the forum! Crazy stuffings and thingles go to that way! *Points in random direction.* Smart and not crazy, that way! *Points in another random direction.*
Who is the sanest of us all? Why, the insane of course!


Quote from: Ketchup-Crumbles on April 02, 2010, 06:43:58 PM
Hi I'm Ketchup-Crumbles (oO that's weird... I like to write that name, but somehow I think, I wouldn't really like to be called like that...)
I think it's hard for me to give a normal intro/description of myself, since I'll try to impress people when exposed like this Oo.
Well then, I'll try to write as much about me as comes to my mind =)
I'm a 22 year old female from Germany. I didn't invent the name "Ketchup-Crumbles" myself, someone from the internet did and I liked it =) I like to give additional and slightly unrelated info in parenthesized sentences (e.g. I just recently got a new computer, so someone please ask me about it, because I'm really proud of it xD). I've read DMFA for quite some time (maybe half a year?) before registering and I registered 2 years ago, so it took me really long to get here... At the moment I have lots of free time, as my next semester doesn't start until the 12th of April. I study Material Science. I like doing lots of stuff, but mostly I'm rather dreaming about stuff than actually doing it (like drawing: I would love to draw more, but I spend so much time thinking about how I would draw a specific pose and searching for references that I don't start with the actual drawing...) I also have a rather short attention span. New ideas can keep me occupied for a week and mostly no longer (I will most likely stop checking on the fan-bar-thread in about a week  :< )
That's about all I can think of now.


Guten Tag!  Wie geht's?  Willkommen zu diesen Foren!  Wir sind sehr freundlich hier, aber bitte ziehen nicht den Mao ein.

I think that's correct.  I had to look up "forums" and "to feed."  My grammer may be out of place too, I'm a little out of practice.  You sound a lot like me actually.  I have a big imagination, and I can draw, but I just never get around to putting the two together.   :mowsad
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Shachza on April 03, 2010, 02:56:09 PM
Guten Tag!  Wie geht's?  Willkommen zu diesen Foren!  Wir sind sehr freundlich hier, aber bitte ziehen nicht den Mao ein.

And for compliance with the rules, I think that's something like:
"Good day!  How are you?  Welcome to this forum(?).  We are very friendly here, but please don't ?? the Mao."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'm not sure about the last sentence either ;) "bitte ziehen nicht den Mao ein" where "ziehen" would mean "pull". Well, I'll not pull the Mao then  :) German is a crazy language.... I'm lucky I was brought up with it. Russian is the easiest language I've learnt so far (had it in school)... they don't really need much grammar... just put all the words together and you get the sentence and if you're unsure about the word-endings just slur them when you speak and no one will notice ;)
But fun rule "no other language than English on forums". I think I've never seen that rule on forums before, but then it makes sense, as it might be rather hard to find reliable mods, that can fluently speak other languages (and even if you understand the words, it's not given you understand the meaning).
Makes me wonder though: I had the idea of translating DMFA. Is there probably a rule against it?

Thanks for the welcome

Quote from: InsanityRequiem on April 03, 2010, 04:05:38 AM
You a loony too? Or one of them normal folks that seem to be looking around here? If yes to either, then en garde! If no to either well... darn.

Well, I don't really believe in sanity. I've found that persons might really appear to be sane, but if you take a closer look they are not. Also sane and boring are quite similar to me ;)
But I'm also not the cod fish waving kind of insane... mainly cause there are not many cod fish around (and I'm not a fish expert either... I'm pretty sure I'd pick the wrong fish...). My kind of insane likes to smile at people... for minutes... until they get really nervous ^^ (ever tried doing that to a classmate during an exam?)

Ah, and thanks for the warm welcome ^^



I believe he was trying to say to not feed me.  Which is fine, really.  I have a full time job, I can feed myself. :D

As for 'insane' types, we get a boat load of them here every few months.  They come along, annoy everyone and then either smarten up or disappear.  Either solution works for me.

Either way, welcome aboard.  Enjoy your stay. :)


Quote from: Ketchup-Crumbles on April 03, 2010, 05:49:11 PM
I'm not sure about the last sentence either ;) "bitte ziehen nicht den Mao ein" where "ziehen" would mean "pull". Well, I'll not pull the Mao then  :) German is a crazy language.... I'm lucky I was brought up with it.

I didn't get all that deep into it, but on the whole English is far weirder.  The i-before-e rule for instance.  It took me a long, long time to realise that was a crock that only worked in certain circumstances.  German I like as a language, I just wasn't very good at it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 03, 2010, 06:06:05 PM
Quote from: Ketchup-Crumbles on April 03, 2010, 05:49:11 PM
I'm not sure about the last sentence either ;) "bitte ziehen nicht den Mao ein" where "ziehen" would mean "pull". Well, I'll not pull the Mao then  :) German is a crazy language.... I'm lucky I was brought up with it.

I didn't get all that deep into it, but on the whole English is far weirder.  The i-before-e rule for instance.  It took me a long, long time to realise that was a crock that only worked in certain circumstances.  German I like as a language, I just wasn't very good at it.

Mao has it right.  I was trying to say "Don't feed the Mao."  My pocket dictionary didn't help me with "to feed" so I tried online.  I tried a couple variations of the word in english, but the only verb it spat back out was "einzehen."  I wasn't sure at all about it, but "Don't pull the Mao." works just fine; you wouldn't want to poke, prod, or pull at him anyways.

Oh, and "I before E, except after C."  Unless you're a scientist.

I like German, it makes more sense to me.
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Shachza on April 04, 2010, 02:22:57 AM
Oh, and "I before E, except after C."  Unless you're a scientist.
Or you're trying to spell "weird", "height" or various other words.  Oh, and "being".

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Welcome  :)

Oh and, Mystery solved. To feed translates in to Füttern.

Bitte füttern sie den Mao night.


Quote from: Lone_Wolf on April 04, 2010, 07:31:03 AM
Bitte füttern sie den Mao night.

Whoops, my own attempt would have rendered as "Do not eat the Mao".

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 04, 2010, 07:24:20 AM
Quote from: Shachza on April 04, 2010, 02:22:57 AM
Oh, and "I before E, except after C."  Unless you're a scientist.
Or you're trying to spell "weird", "height" or various other words.  Oh, and "being".
I before E
Except after C
And when they say "Ay"
As in "neighbor" and "weigh".
Unless it's weird.

:D (go go elementry school rule rhymes!)


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 04, 2010, 02:10:19 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 04, 2010, 07:24:20 AM
Quote from: Shachza on April 04, 2010, 02:22:57 AM
Oh, and "I before E, except after C."  Unless you're a scientist.
Or you're trying to spell "weird", "height" or various other words.  Oh, and "being".
I before E
Except after C
And when they say "Ay"
As in "neighbor" and "weigh".
Unless it's weird.

:D (go go elementry school rule rhymes!)

The American English language really seems to rely more on "where does it feel like this should go to be grammatically correct?" than anything else.  It could be the whole melting pot thing that dominated so much of the formation of the country.
            <-- #1 that is!


Heya, Ketchup. Hope you enjoy your stay in this interesting place using your new computer... What kinds of features and stuff does it have?   :januscat


Awww, you asked about my computer  :boogie
The graphics card is not that good, GeForce 9800 GT (1024 MB), but I like the CPU ^^ Intel Core i5 - 750, 4 x 2,67 GHz  and my RAM 4GB DDR3 and my 24" screen ^^ I never knew much about computers... but when my laptop  broke in December, my boyfriend suggested a desktop PC as they are "cheaper". And then he taught me all I had to know about it xD And now I'm a really happy desktop PC owner :) (I couldn't find a similar offer on, but I got mine really cheap. When I asked in a store they calculated a similar PC like the one above for 840€, the one I got now is 520€. That would still be 700$, but it seems to me prices on the computer market don't work that way... e.g. just the CPU would be 194$ on but 184€ on So my PC should be something like 600$?) Next thing I'd change about the PC: get a new graphics card (GeForce GTX 260 or maybe GTX 275) and a bit more RAM =)


PS: Why does the spell check know Hz, KHz and MHz but not GHz?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Shachza on April 04, 2010, 02:20:21 PM
The American English language really seems to rely more on "where does it feel like this should go to be grammatically correct?" than anything else.  It could be the whole melting pot thing that dominated so much of the formation of the country.

I blame Mr Webster for messing it up for everyone. But that's another story.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 04, 2010, 11:29:07 AM
Quote from: Lone_Wolf on April 04, 2010, 07:31:03 AM
Bitte füttern sie den Mao night.

Whoops, my own attempt would have rendered as "Do not eat the Mao".

Aaargh. That's what you get from typing English several nights in a row. The GHT rule prevails again. my English teacher would be proud. My German teacher...not so much.


I *would* prefer to not be eaten.

Also.. why are you worried about me?  I'm not even a mod.  I can't do anything to anyone.

llearch n'n'daCorna

You could sarcastic them in their figgins. I'm sure that that's a fate to be avoided.

It still raises concerns - shouldn't the moderators be feared more than the common peons?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Heh.  Maybe that old Bestiary that we had going underestimated me?

I shall declare myself Lord of the Pit Mine!

I will be like the Hades of CMF!  Muahahahaha!


Welcome fellow ex-eastern block person! (i assume you are from DDR if you learnt russian in school) !
I am Czechoslovakian so in a sense we are ex-neighbours!
I am doing engineering at school so topic-wise we are neighbours too :D
Have lots of fun in the forum but not so much that it makes you drop out !
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


^^ Nope, I'm from western Germany. In 11th grade we had the option to learn another language (Spanish or Russian) up till then I had English since 5th grade, Latin since 7th grade and French in 9th and 10th grade. I was glad I could finally drop French, that language really didn't work for me. And I went with Russian 'cause my parents speak it and I thought they might help me (they didn't, but at least I didn't speak it as horribly as my classmates that had never heard a Russian word before xD). I was born in Kazakhstan, but I moved to Germany when I was 1,5 years old xD So the "ex-eastern block" still counts, though I wasn't there long ;)
And about pull-feeding Mao... Now I've this image stuck in my head where I could try to pull and feed him at the same time with some kind of sausage-rope...
You all told me, I shouldn't...

Btw... where can I put all my random questions? I don't want to start a new topic for any small question... (of course now I can't remember which questions that were, but they were really minor...)



While I appreciate free food (and being hand fed by the sound of it)  I still feel the need to point out that it's not necessary.

However you're more than welcome to do so.  You happen to be female so this is also a long as your BF doesn't mind. XD


That is a nice sounding computer... I don't know too much about the difference between some of the specifications, but from what I do know it looks good.

Very nice with the multilingual. Latin even, that's cool.   :januscat


You have a better PC than me!  And cheaper too...  Now I'm jealous!  GRRRR!   >:[

Do you happen to game with a computer like that?
            <-- #1 that is!


xD Nope, I'm not doing any gaming yet. My BF and his best friend try to get me playing Call of Duty (6?). But atm I'm not willing to spend some more money on games, as I have to save for my summer holiday  :) I also want to get a Wacom tablet (Intuos 4 M) which is still at 300 - 350€... So the only games I play now are Ragnarok Online and the built in Windows games xD (I like Mahjong :B) But the performance of this computer is awesome.



 As far as built in games go , i really liked Robots in Gnome desktop... Maybe someone did a win version too - it§s not that the game is protected
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Now that we are on the topic of games and gaming: I really liked the old old oooooold Commodore/Amiga games xD Those were the ones I grew up with (I loved sitting with my brothers and watching my Mom play P.P. Hammer) So here are some of those I love and remember from that time: as mentioned P.P. Hammer, Monkey Island 1&2, Indiana Jones (3? The one where they searched for the Holy Grail), Logical and some game where the kid was jinxed so his body and head were two separate balls...


llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears