Clan Leader Wallpapers!

Started by Liatai, March 31, 2010, 09:06:21 PM

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Hello there, folks! I come bearing goodies. :smile

It occurred to me that we have fanbars, "clan-familiar" fanbars, etc. for each clan leader shown thus far, but no wallpapers. I've already been decorating my laptop's background with pictures of the clan leaders (Dimanika got a lot of weird looks, I can tell you that xD), but I thought "Hey, I can do better than  just setting the image to 'tile' and hoping it fits." So, I whipped up a few simple backgrounds with the GIMP.

Each wallpaper has the clan leader's picture and clan symbol on it. I have everyone so far except for Kish'Ta; I don't have an FA account and there's a freeze on registration for them, so I can't access the full-sized picture of her. I made them in two sizes; if you want a different size, feel free to poke me.

So, without further ado! Wallpapers!

*edit* If anyone else wants to post clan-leader wallpapers, too, feel free! I'll link them to this post for easy access. c:

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Made By RobbieThe1st - High Resolution: 2560X1600

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Made By MelSkunk - Many Colors!!: 1280x800  -  1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Made By MelSkunk - Color: 1280x800  - 1024x768

Made By MelSkunk - Color: 1280x800 - 1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Made By MelSkunk - Color: 1280x800  -  1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Right, Glowy Symbol: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left, Glowy Symbol: 1280x800 - 1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Made By MelSkunk - Color: 1280x800  -  1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Made By MelSkunk - Color: 1280x800  -  1024x768

Leader On Right: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Leader On Left: 1280x800 - 1024x768
Made By MelSkunk - Color: 1280x800  -  1024x768


Might I suggest including like the clan "subtitle" kinda like how Dimanika's is "Quack Quack"?


Hmm. :3 I might have to give that a try, once the site goes back up so that I can double-check what they are. I'm not sure that they wouldn't make the wallpapers look too "busy," but I guess I won't know for sure until I try, huh? 


Very cool, thank you!  Though just as a note it looks like Quoar's clan symbol is only half there...  Still, Clan Leader wallpaper!  Whoo!   :boogie


Oh, hey, similar-username buddy! *high-five*

Good to know about Quoar's symbol! On my screen, it looks like it has a little glowy grey border around the black part; I'll have to see if I can't bring that out a little more.


Cool, thanks! And GIMP is way better than Photoshop *high five*


Maybe if you changed Quoar's background color? ^^;

Glad to know the Daminika Clan is receiving confused looks as a wallpaper! ;)

These are very nice - thank you! :)


I like the simplicity myself. The only thing I have to comment on, is all the base background color is black......Maybe you can make each one a certain color that reflects each leader (for example a complimentary color, like on the color wheel), but also compliments and doesn't make it hard to see the clan symbol (Like Quoar, which was pointed out by Liari)??

That way each wallpaper is as unique as each clan leader; therefore making each one more special!  :mowhappy

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3

Psychedelic Mushroom

 :C Gyah! Since I share a computer with my family. (But get to do the layout) All my buttons are on the right side of the screen!!!! :U I can't see Quoar!! Nuuu.  :< Bah. His picture is in my sig that's good enough for me.  :3

Good job on these but try not to use black for the background, Poor Zezzuva looks like she's melting into the background!  :B


Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on March 31, 2010, 11:59:43 PM
I like the simplicity myself. The only thing I have to comment on, is all the base background color is black......Maybe you can make each one a certain color that reflects each leader (for example a complimentary color, like on the color wheel), but also compliments and doesn't make it hard to see the clan symbol (Like Quoar, which was pointed out by Liari)??

That way each wallpaper is as unique as each clan leader; therefore making each one more special!  :mowhappy

I second this.. seeing Jin on black was kinda.. guh?!
Now if only I can convince my girlfriend a Seme wallpaper is better than her picture as my wallpaper.. :mowdizzy


I hear you on the black; the main reason I chose it was because the original pictures had a black border around them, and I was lazy and didn't want to futz around with them too much.  :P I can try the complimentary-colors idea, but I can't guarantee how good they'll look. Any suggestions for colors for each leader?

Professor Fate: I can flop the picture around so Quoar's on the left and his clan symbol's on the right. c: What size would you like?


its too bad that it would probably be too "busy"  to take just the leader and put them on a background that fits their emotion... For example.. putting Seme on a a background that looks like rain clouds (I dunno why but I always fell more depressed and down when it rains) or like Fa'lina on a background reminiscent of a sunrise (hope for a new day)  That and it would look better if those were drawn by amber too but that is a lot of extra work as well lol


Quote from: MelSkunk on April 01, 2010, 01:22:45 AM
Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on March 31, 2010, 11:59:43 PM
I like the simplicity myself. The only thing I have to comment on, is all the base background color is black......Maybe you can make each one a certain color that reflects each leader (for example a complimentary color, like on the color wheel), but also compliments and doesn't make it hard to see the clan symbol (Like Quoar, which was pointed out by Liari)??

That way each wallpaper is as unique as each clan leader; therefore making each one more special!  :mowhappy

I second this.. seeing Jin on black was kinda.. guh?!
Now if only I can convince my girlfriend a Seme wallpaper is better than her picture as my wallpaper.. :mowdizzy

I third this!

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: MelSkunk on April 01, 2010, 01:22:45 AMNow if only I can convince my girlfriend a Seme wallpaper is better than her picture as my wallpaper.. :mowdizzy

Impossible - If a girlfriend sees anyone but herself on your wallpaper, she will think you do not like her anymore.
It's one of those things, like the "does these pants make my butt look big?" which you just cannot win.

Some girls are ok with it, but then they won't ask you to put them as wallpaper in the first place.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on April 01, 2010, 11:43:19 AM
Quote from: MelSkunk on April 01, 2010, 01:22:45 AMNow if only I can convince my girlfriend a Seme wallpaper is better than her picture as my wallpaper.. :mowdizzy

Impossible - If a girlfriend sees anyone but herself on your wallpaper, she will think you do not like her anymore.
It's one of those things, like the "does these pants make my butt look big?" which you just cannot win.

Some girls are ok with it, but then they won't ask you to put them as wallpaper in the first place.

Well, she didn't... it was a cute photo.. But you're right, now that it's there, unless I replace it with a cuter photo of her I am doomed...  :<


I'm going to make some coloured ones myself since I have spare time.. That way the people who want black get black and the people who want fruity rainbows get that ;)

Okay, made two, one of Kish'ta since I started going by posting order, then I just skipped ahead to Jin

Kish'ta 1280x800   Kish'ta 1024x768
Jin 1280x800    Jin 1024x768

And no more unless the thread person says it's okay, realise I'm stepping on toes :(


The thread person says those are awesome. Go for it! c: In fact, I'm going to snag the Jin one for myself, if you don't mind!

I've also tried to give Quoar's symbol a little bit more of a grey glow around it, so his clan symbol looks less like it's half-there. The grey-glow versions are here...
1280x800 - 1024x768


Sweet!  (grabs the glow-Quoar and Fa'Lina backgrounds) 

Thanks very much. :)


Quote from: MelSkunk on April 01, 2010, 01:49:43 PM
I'm going to make some coloured ones myself since I have spare time.. That way the people who want black get black and the people who want fruity rainbows get that ;)

Okay, made two, one of Kish'ta since I started going by posting order, then I just skipped ahead to Jin

I think I need to stick with the black backgrounded ones.  I don't need any more questions about my orientation.
            <-- #1 that is!


For those of us who keep our icons on the right sides of our screens, I've added a set of black wallpapers where the clan leader is on the left and the symbol is on the right. Enjoy!

Also, MelSkunk, if you don't mind, I linked your wallpapers to the first post in the thread, too, so that people can find them easily. :smile

Psychedelic Mushroom

Quote from: Liatai on April 01, 2010, 06:17:31 AM
Professor Fate: I can flop the picture around so Quoar's on the left and his clan symbol's on the right. c: What size would you like?
It's okay, I managed to Edit the picture myself and now he is the CENTER of my screen so now NO buttons shall cover his awesome clothing. >XD hah!
Quote from: MelSkunk on April 01, 2010, 01:49:43 PM
Okay, made two, one of Kish'ta since I started going by posting order, then I just skipped ahead to Jin
Those are really really good. Now I'm questioning weather I want Kish'ta or Quoar's picture....however my family might freak out at Kish'ta..  :<. Quoar it is. >XD


Quote from: Shachza on April 01, 2010, 06:07:13 PM
I think I need to stick with the black backgrounded ones.  I don't need any more questions about my orientation.

Well , making these, I realise there's a awful lot of pink in the first few leaders.. Imagine having Taun!
(No, really, she's a badass.. look at the hot pink.. guys? GUYS?! Yes.. yes I'm straight...)
(and black too  :<)

Quote from: Liatai on April 01, 2010, 09:39:27 PM
For those of us who keep our icons on the right sides of our screens, I've added a set of black wallpapers where the clan leader is on the left and the symbol is on the right. Enjoy!

Also, MelSkunk, if you don't mind, I linked your wallpapers to the first post in the thread, too, so that people can find them easily. :smile

Awww.. thank you.. gonna be making the all.. eventually :P

Quote from: MelSkunk on April 01, 2010, 01:49:43 PM
Okay, made two, one of Kish'ta since I started going by posting order, then I just skipped ahead to Jin
Those are really really good. Now I'm questioning weather I want Kish'ta or Quoar's picture....however my family might freak out at Kish'ta..  :<. Quoar it is. >XD

I'm gonna make Quoar eventually.. And yeah.. Kish'ta is ... so freaky!

Papers round two!

Seme 1280x800  -  Seme 1024x768
Taun 1280x800  -  Taun 1024x768

Slogging through them.. Amber uses too much black and pink, the next few should be a bit more diverse


I'm impressed by all you guys work - You have done a great job.
Only... 1280X800? Why not work at a higher resolution(even if the artwork just gets blurrier)?

Still, you guys inspired me - Here's my simple take on Cyra's: 2560X1600.
Tools: VectorMagic, Gimp

Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.


Quote from: MelSkunk on April 02, 2010, 02:12:36 AM
Papers round two!

Seme 1280x800  -  Seme 1024x768

Yay! Seme!

Edit: *pouts* For some reason my computer wil only save then as  PNG Images, and I can't use those as Background Images.. How odd..


I know that you can do this in Paint, Photoshop, and the GIMP, but I don't know about any other image programs (I think they'd work the same); just open the image, click "Save As," delete the .png part of the file, and save it as a JPEG (replace the .png with .jpg). I think most computers can use JPEGs as backgrounds, so that should help. c:


Quote from: Aurawyn on April 02, 2010, 09:36:13 AM
Quote from: MelSkunk on April 02, 2010, 02:12:36 AM
Papers round two!

Seme 1280x800  -  Seme 1024x768

Yay! Seme!

Edit: *pouts* For some reason my computer wil only save then as  PNG Images, and I can't use those as Background Images.. How odd..

Um, they're all saved at PNGs, I'm sorry... I didn't know people couldn't use those as background (ys, it shows a .jpg extension, for some reason Tinypic does no matter what you upload)


I would just like to generally comment that all of you are doing an awesome job. I think the backgrounds are super cool, and now we can all have uber clan pride! Yaaaaaaaaay! :D

*Now waits for a nifty Quoar BG in ORANGE to appear.* >_>


*gasps* Colours other than red and black in my backgrounds? Yay!
Three more for you Cubi fans (I actually kinda like dragons too, can't we all get along?)

Zezzuva 1280x800  -  Zezzuva 1024x768
Nact'larn 1280x800  -  Nact'larn 1024x768
And weeee one of my favorites
Dimanika 1280x800  -  Dimanika 1024x768
presented in glorious "question-your-sexuality-o-vision

And I haven't even gotten to Cyra yet  :<

And..uh.. orange? Umm... :.

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: MelSkunk on April 02, 2010, 11:45:22 AM
Quote from: Aurawyn on April 02, 2010, 09:36:13 AM
Quote from: MelSkunk on April 02, 2010, 02:12:36 AMPapers round two!

Seme 1280x800  -  Seme 1024x768
Yay! Seme!

Edit: *pouts* For some reason my computer wil only save then as  PNG Images, and I can't use those as Background Images.. How odd..
Um, they're all saved at PNGs, I'm sorry... I didn't know people couldn't use those as background (ys, it shows a .jpg extension, for some reason Tinypic does no matter what you upload)

There's a simple fix to the problem, open the picture in an instance of Internet Explorer browser, rightclick it and select "use as wallpaper", this will save a .BMP version of itin the windows system folder, named "internet explorer wallpaper.bmp", or something in that vein, which works just fine as a wallpaper. :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: MelSkunk on April 02, 2010, 01:17:14 PM
And..uh.. orange? Umm... :.

You know, or not, haha. All the colors of the rainbow are good, I firmly believe (in case you couldn't tell). You've certainly exhibited this in Dimanika's background. :D