02/20/10 [DMFA #1090] - When life gives you lemons, kill the lemon farmer

Started by Bjalf, February 20, 2010, 07:29:25 AM

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Anyway, it's just the first date, and Pyro is a gentleman, so no hanky-panky.


Quote from: D'ymkarra on February 20, 2010, 12:56:51 PM
Quote from: Madmann135 on February 20, 2010, 12:12:17 PM
By what Alexsi just said I am guessing that she is going to expand her dragon riding skills.
As much as many of us would like to see/ believe this, you've overlooked Amber's 'nobody gets any' rule.
I think this rule applies to "on camera time," not necessarity "out of frame time."  Even if Pyro and Alexi just crash  for the night, I doubt Dan and Matilda will just be playing tiddlywinks until morning.  And no, there was no euphamism implied there. 


P.S. Bummer on the no video games, Amber. I assume it's because you are too busy, or at least lots of other time-consuming stuff is higher on your priority list.


Ooh! Double posting!

.. wait, where's the popcorn smiley?   :doommuffin

Edit: Theeere it is!


Titanium Dragon

Quote from: Bjalf on February 21, 2010, 03:22:05 AM
Anyway, it's just the first date, and Pyro is a gentleman, so no hanky-panky.

Yes and no; they've been together for quite a while at this point, I think.

Plus we all know she once brought Pyroduck tea wearing only a...

It always amuses me how much fans think about "did they or didn't they". Not that I'm not guilty of that as well, it just amuses me and probably says something sad about us.

Though at least we care about the characters. Pyro and Alexsi are probably lower on my list of characters, though, probably because they haven't really gotten as much screen time as some of the others - it amuses me that Abel isn't on at least the supporting characters list at this point, though, given that at this point he's overshadowed even Mab in terms of screen time since he has shown up.