[2 Comics] Nonchalant Paran0ia and Puppies in Purgatory pages 11-12

Started by GabrielsThoughts, January 11, 2010, 01:18:34 AM

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which project should I work on next?

Nonchalant Paranoia [time travel, magical girls and superheros (Melissa, Meagan, and Bade fight off an alien invasion]
1 (100%)
Losing Focus [ a camera goes missing and there's an investigation (Curtis storyline)
0 (0%)
Ace in the Hole [knock off peeps part one interwoven with a story about curtis first death.
0 (0%)
Squirrel's Nipping On God [ several years after blowing up a convineince store Curt runs out of money,  moves back in with his parents and ... is replaced by an evil magical doupleganger who turns him into a squirrel.
0 (0%)
Diamonds In The Dust Bin [ Durring an internet dating fiasco Adam and his  fair wheather friend Manuka have a problem involving a homicidal girlfriend and some really bad men after 500k worth of diamonds.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 1


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


It would spread the wonder and majestic creation to all viewers on the internet, instead of having it be exclusively viewable by the forum.

You'd broaden your audience that way.
Help! I'm gay!


I already have them on Smackjeeves... linked with the banner below although for some reason onlinecomics.net has moved the listing to the mature section recently and I  the closest I have to mature content is the word "ass" which crops up every now and then. 
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


What's your comic name listed as on smack jeeves? I searched for Knock off peeps, but it didn't find anything.
Help! I'm gay!



Although grllv.com



take you to the same location. sadly, people ignore banner and base quality purely on the number of fans or popularity.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


What does banners have to do with this?

Help! I'm gay!


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.






I was thinking more of a sarcastic yah sound than a traditional yeah when I used yea without the h' . Atomic girl is a  fictional superhero that was created during the 50's and was used as a showpiece to get people interested in the atomic explosions and bombs that were being tested in the Nevada desert. Jamurai is a local independent comic series about an asasin named jamurai, he was mentioned because I had borrowed the lines under the eyes from that artists style when I made the dog. I knew about krypto looooong before the television show cam out and I thought it would be funny to mention him.   
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


"Ace in the hole" and "Losing Focus" projects are already completed, save for editing and color,  and can be found under the  Sniffing Glue banner.

"Nonchalant paranoia" is incomplete, save for writing, and is part of Transient Pulse.

"Squirrel's Nipping on God" and "Diamonds in the Dust Bin" have been outlined since late 2007 and were only named recently.

each voter is allowed one votes, so use them wisely.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


...a little extra money might work as an incentive to dangle a carrot in front of my nose since I've never recieved a dime of financial support and since you've clearly provided me with almost no emotional support I see no reason why I should have an update schedule.

Newsflash: comics are not lucrative. In fact, it's probably the least profitable sector of art.

As for emotional support, I take it you mean comments, feedback, conversation, etc. I haven't let any comments because I don't read your comics.

I can't. I've tried. Repeatedly.

They're not bad: they're just really, really dull. I don't find them interesting in any way, and it's hard to follow what's going on for more then the first two or three pages. I don't like the style of art or writing, and that's pretty much a matter of preference. I don't believe technical skills are required to make a great comic, and I can appreciate goofy and silly comics even if I don't like them, but I haven't found anything to say about these comics.

Honestly, I admire your ability to update. I really do; I think it's downright olympic. Sadly, quantity does not make up for quality.

If you want constructive comments and technical feedback, well, I don't know where to begin. That'd be the biggest wall'o'text I've ever posted.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


To put it more bluntly: People support the things they like.  For all your talk of being a great writer or a talented artist or whatever it is you're claiming, you've not really put out anything that anyone has liked.  This can be evidenced by the fact that, for the most part, no one responds to your art.

This isn't just the fault of poor/bland writing or a rather rudimentary artistic approach, but also somewhat of the attitude you've tended to display.  Folks have tried to tell you how they felt about your stuff and even how to improve it, as best as they could, and you flat out ignored them and just kept on doing what you were doing and then, apparently, wondering why they didn't like it or fawn all over it.  You not only didn't listen to them, but you clearly don't understand them or even try to.  In fact, you'd often retreat and try to protect your ego by proclaiming yourself as destined for great things because of your course of study.  This air of assumed superiority is a massive turn off to folks and can even very quickly grow into spite or worse: hate.  I think you know as well as I do that you're viewed in a fairly dim light around these forums.  I would think that rather than whine about it as you did in that last page, that you would do something to improve upon it.

That is, afterall, what these boards are for.  Artistic improvement.  Think on that a bit.


There's not much to say that hasn't been said already.

However, we could all offer honest critiques but since we've been treated with such hostility when folks have even looked like they were so much as slightly disagreeing with you, we've become leery.

Asking for 'donations' to support something only works if there's a not only a fanbase, but is well liked enough to generate such a following, otherwise it's just insulting and egotistical to think you can glean any kind of monetary gain from such an endeavor. However, since you're so keen on a "quantity over quality then get paid" approach, i'd think if it weren't for the lack of grotesque musculature, you would've come from the Rob Leifeld school of art.  You tend to take criticism just as well, however.

I won't even begin to start on the writing, as i'm no real authority on literature other than the fact that yours doesn't impress me whatsoever, but the haphazard layout of the pages, right down to your seeming fear of 90 degree angles for panel borders strikes me as odd to say the least, and detracts from the flow of each page, not to mention that your linework seems rather uneven and messy at times, it just screams that you lack the patience to do each one carefully enough to provide something that could stand alone, even by color.  i'd mention that, but it seems you're happy enough treating a box of copics like crayolas so i'll leave you be.

Which leaves me with one last thing... the fact that you treat an art forum like your own personal comic archive, is it enough that you have it on one site without spreading it around like the bubonic plague? take into consideration each comic weighs in on average, 240k, now multiply it by the number of pages you put up here.. 31 pages? at 240K, 'bout 7440k, 7.44 meg or so.. doesn't seem much in the realms of high speed connects, but spare a thought to those with slow connections.. it's slower than molasses in Siberia.

In short, While you might have some inkling of talent, it's compounded by the fact you seem to have an overwhelmingly high opinion of yourself, and you favor to hide behind the "style" excuse of yore. Which is about as valid a style as the belly-flop is in the Olympic high dive, it's just not gonna earn you points right there.

I may be blunt, even hostile.. But this is how *I* learnt, and truth be told it's a heck of a way to learn, the "trial by fire" it also helps one to develop those two fundamental skills of even surviving as an artist: the ability to learn and grow from the advice of others, and the ability to take criticism with grace and eloquence, no matter how harsh it might be. If it's informative, it's worth taking note.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Mao... Turnsky... you're not helping.

Your comments have been mean spirited, self centred, and unconstructive. In fact, if this is the kind of feedback he usually gets, I wouldn't blame him for getting defencive.

Quote from: Turnsky on April 21, 2010, 09:46:53 AM
I may be blunt, even hostile.. But this is how *I* learnt, and truth be told it's a heck of a way to learn, the "trial by fire" it also helps one to develop those two fundamental skills of even surviving as an artist: the ability to learn and grow from the advice of others, and the ability to take criticism with grace and eloquence, no matter how harsh it might be. If it's informative, it's worth taking note.

Bullshit. Critique differs from criticism in that it is not hostile. It is possible to be polite when commenting.

It is important to have a thick skin when looking for comments... this is because there are over opinionated self important jackasses critics out there who make a lot of useless, spiteful comments.

Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 21, 2010, 09:03:01 AM
I think you know as well as I do that you're viewed in a fairly dim light around these forums.
Did you take a survey? You don't speak for me, by the way. Thanks.

Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 21, 2010, 09:03:01 AM
That is, afterall, what these boards are for.  Artistic improvement.  Think on that a bit.
Last I checked, it was a community for discussion.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: WhiteFox on April 21, 2010, 05:15:15 PM
Mao... Turnsky... you're not helping.

I'd argue that you're not either but that's opinion.

Quote from: WhiteFox on April 21, 2010, 05:15:15 PM
Your comments have been mean spirited, self centred, and unconstructive. In fact, if this is the kind of feedback he usually gets, I wouldn't blame him for getting defencive.

For someone who doesn't really know me, you're awful quick to tell me that I'm being mean spirited.  Self-centered?  How?  I'm not seeing it.  I would honestly like to have you explain this one to me.  Non-constructive? Destructive?  Honestly, I feel that I posted a reality check and I do honestly hope it gives him pause to think and hopefully he takes something out of it.

Quote from: WhiteFox on April 21, 2010, 05:15:15 PM
Did you take a survey? You don't speak for me, by the way. Thanks.

I don't need to take a survey to talk to people or to read the forum, Whitefox.  I never said I spoke for you, nor implied it.  I don't live in a bubble, I have friends.  Friends who strangely enough post here and frequent this place.

Quote from: WhiteFox on April 21, 2010, 05:15:15 PM
Last I checked, it was a community for discussion.

Indeed, so consider that next time you try and tell me, effectively, to not post what I think and feel.  More to the point though, these boards (or this board I guess) is for artistic discussion and improvement.  Note the part where it says:

Quote from: Damaris on January 06, 2007, 12:22:50 AM
By posting your work in the Art Forum, you are sharing your work with others. However, you are not doing it for the sole purpose of garnering praise and showing the world how slick your art "moves" are. This for is for sharing AND critisism. They go hand in hand here. If you are not looking to improve your work and just want praise, go get a DA account.

Folks have tried to help and be constructive.  He hasn't really noticed.  I'm pointing out what others have tried to point out, but I'm doing it in a far more poignant manner.

Regardless, your post reads like something posted in haste and anger so I'm not going to hold it against you.  Think whatever you like, Whitefox, but I have an opinion and I will voice it.


I am not an expert or anything but since this guy advised me (and usefully) as well, i will drop my 5  cents.

The graphics is fine. Maybe because i am not an artist or anything, i tend to view graphics as vessel for some content. Of course there are really good looking comics like DMFA and SimulatedComicProducts, Noob Comic,  etc. but others , like XKCD or Perry Bible Fellowship have had less of art and are popular too - the last one even after it ceased to release.

As for other things - i liked some of the jokes , like the one about justice not filling stomachs,
I think a lot of perceived dullness comes from difficulty of following sometimes (i know , i am guilty too, and now i see just what everyone meant when seeing someone else do it)
And i think that if you made the panels rectangular, it would make it easier to read.
Another thing   - perhaps making the individual issues a little shorter - at most 6 panels i think would help to make it more interesting - as such it seems to me there are a lot of filler panels that do not aid the understanding much, or provide comedy.

I hope anyone finds my input useful
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


WhiteFox, being harsh is kind of the only way to beat down some people when they're tuning out everything else. It's not nice, yeah, but if GT had showed the slightest inclination to improve and had actually listened to people in the past, then people would have been a lot nicer. I've received some very patient feedback from Mao and Turnsky, so I know this isn't the sort of thing they give everybody just 'cause.

So honestly I'm impressed that you were so patient with him in your initial comment. I would've went soaring off the handle like a happy blue jay. But from the looks of his comments on his Sniffing Glue website and from what he's said in the past, I don't think GT deserves your feedback, which has always been helpful for me at least, or Mao and Turnsky's criticism.

I think they were right about everything.


I'm gonna try and hold my temper all things considered, if i do come off as "openly hostile" right now, it's because i have something else that's pissing me off, so my ire is relatively increased, just be warned.

Quote from: WhiteFox on April 21, 2010, 05:15:15 PM
Mao... Turnsky... you're not helping.

Your comments have been mean spirited, self centred, and unconstructive. In fact, if this is the kind of feedback he usually gets, I wouldn't blame him for getting defencive.
The trouble is that he's gone for the "Offensive-defensive" in the past even when folks have been polite with him. And sometimes to get through to some people, you have to be somewhat heavy-handed, and go for the big mallet.

Quote from: Turnsky on April 21, 2010, 09:46:53 AM
I may be blunt, even hostile.. But this is how *I* learnt, and truth be told it's a heck of a way to learn, the "trial by fire" it also helps one to develop those two fundamental skills of even surviving as an artist: the ability to learn and grow from the advice of others, and the ability to take criticism with grace and eloquence, no matter how harsh it might be. If it's informative, it's worth taking note.

Bullshit. Critique differs from criticism in that it is not hostile. It is possible to be polite when commenting.

It is important to have a thick skin when looking for comments... this is because there are over opinionated self important jackasses critics out there who make a lot of useless, spiteful comments.

Didn't i say i might be Blunt and/or hostile? again, sometimes it pays to smack the unresponsive with something large enough to get it through their skulls and perhaps their ego, -especially- those who hide behind their excuses in terms of "it's my style" or the like because they refuse to admit that perhaps they do need improvement and move forward in such a direction... "Mookie" of Dominic Deegan is notorious for this behavior, for the record, and has only recently shuffled forward after years of criticism, both good, bad, & harsh..

Look, critique to me is more about the actual CONTENT of the criticism rather than the actual inflection.. Let me tell you a story, i had a mentor, an artist, a damn fine one at that, whom pretty much said back in the day that i needed work in a fairly blunt and semi abrasive manner.. you'd be up in arms about it, saying "oh no that's being too harsh, that's not criticism!"... She then proceeded to give me redlines of my work and tell me how i could be better at what i do.

All i'm saying is: "Your art sucks" is not helpful criticism, but "Your art sucks, and here's where it does suck" can be helpful, if rather blunt.
it's still criticism, and helpful if there's something to be gained from it, moreso if it actively gets the attention of the person it's directed at.

And truth be told, posting anything that's remotely artistic on the internet is like flying over Berlin during WW2, you'd best prepare yourself for flak.

You might be used to the 'silk glove' approach, but there's things i could say right now, that'd make me just an asshole to some folks, a champion to others, even yourself.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Keaton; I don't know Gabriel. Not very well. Turnsky told me a thing or two about him, but frankly, I went into this thread keeping in mind that I wanted to form my own opinions about him from personal experience. If anything, I wasn't sure if GT didn't take comments well, or if Turnsky was bad at making them. I'm giving him the benefit of a doubt, here.

As for the so called "beat down" that some people need, I don't believe it. The thing is... It's like...

That's it. I need to finish a tutorial I've been trying to write for the past three months. I didn't come here to start a flame war.

[edit] Keats, that last line is more directed to anything I can say in reply to Turnsky or Mao, not to you. For the most part, I just don't believe that comments have to be hostile.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Whitefox: Newsflash: comics are not lucrative. In fact, it's probably the least profitable sector of art.

GL: There are three measures of success. There's money, emotional fulfillment, and satisfaction of completing a task.... I believe in self-determinism (one chooses their own destiny), and the sublime(the idea that there is something greater than yourself) as opposed to beauty(appealing to the vanity of others or oneself ).  My characters are fully autonomous and choose their own path. I've learned and picked up on narrative patterns that I generally try to avoid so as to keep the story unpredictable and different. In that sense the stories are a bit like 24, Battlestar Galactica, and Caprica. However, unlike those shows , the comic has no pattern, I tried to create a beginning, a middle, an end, and alternate endings and interpretations of events so that people could construct their own interpretation of event.  I included bonus materials, extras,  and general OMAKE crap that occurs after I've finished a chapter.  

WF: As for emotional support, I take it you mean comments, feedback, conversation, etc. I haven't let any comments because I don't read your comics.

GL: Coments and discussion are good, because they let you know you are making art. And show that people recognize you are making art.

WF: I can't. I've tried. Repeatedly.

GL: that's because It's contemporary art and it's supposed to be so uniquely  innovative, and original, that it repulses you at the same time. In a couple years it will be many of the ideas will have become so commonplace that the comic will actually become better with age.

WF: They're not bad: they're just really, really dull. I don't find them interesting in any way, and it's hard to follow what's going on for more then the first two or three pages. I don't like the style of art or writing, and that's pretty much a matter of preference. I don't believe technical skills are required to make a great comic, and I can appreciate goofy and silly comics even if I don't like them, but I haven't found anything to say about these comics.

GL: I usually try to have at least one pun on every page and set up a joke every three pages to maintain interest. As a long form comic it works great if you update 3 to 5 pages at a time , however if people don't like puns or  looking at the page for the first time it gets pretty lame. I also was attempting to create a sense of drama and suspense.  The comic works better in print... but only the later ones the early ones have big ideas but the panel arrangement and story structure and editing make me cringe.

WF: Honestly, I admire your ability to update. I really do; I think it's downright olympic. Sadly, quantity does not make up for quality.

GL: Thank You? Personally  I think The color issues are exceptional if you can get past the first one. Nonchalant paranoia is still pretty horribly unedited  and incomplete.  

WF: If you want constructive comments and technical feedback, well, I don't know where to begin. That'd be the biggest wall'o'text I've ever posted.

GL: I'd be satisfied if someone told me what characters they liked the most and which ones they hated the most, so that I could focus almost exclusively on stories with them and ignore the rest of the characters as nothing more than occasional cameo's.  

Mao Laoren

To put it more bluntly: People support the things they like.  For all your talk of being a great writer or a talented artist or whatever it is you're claiming, you've not really put out anything that anyone has liked.  This can be evidenced by the fact that, for the most part, no one responds to your art.

GL: OMG!!! You think I'm a talented artist and writer. Page views would indicate that there are at least 17 readers 3 of which I'm guessing are Mods. In all seriousness I have never claimed to be a talented artist or writer so  I thank you for the backhanded compliment or whatever you were trying to imply.

The closest I've ever came to claiming I was talented at anything was when "Turnskey" referred to me as some moron, because he didn't like my review that Transformers: ROTFL. My opinion was that the movie sucked because of poor sound design, editing, and writing, or handling,  and I gave examples why it disliked it from the simplistic narrative, to the annoying characters. In fact the only thing I liked about ROTFL was the action scenes which I had become desensitized to by the end of the movie.  In his response, Turnsky misinterpreted my review as saying I could write a better movie, and told me I was fanboy wannabe, Michal bay was the Sh17!, and the closest I'd get to making a movie was as a Janitor.    I retaliated by supporting the idea that anyone can do whatever the hell they want whether or not they had money or talent, regardless of class or social standing... personally, I still believe this.
Eventually, I implied that in 30 years or so there would be a movie celebrating Ewe Boll in much the same way Tim Burton celebrated Ed Wood. And I followed this up by stating that I could very easily become the next Jim Henson or Walt Disney. This is still very true given the average human lifespan, my skill set, and my relative location in the United States the chances of me becoming a celebrity are 1 in 20 and that number would jump to 1 in 15 if I moved to Los Angeles. Of course once I turn 30 the odds drop, but I think that's because people usually give up by that point.  

ML: This isn't just the fault of poor/bland writing or a rather rudimentary artistic approach, but also somewhat of the attitude you've tended to display.  Folks have tried to tell you how they felt about your stuff and even how to improve it, as best as they could, and you flat out ignored them and just kept on doing what you were doing and then, apparently, wondering why they didn't like it or fawn all over it.

GL: No, I've pretty much been ignored entirely. Spelling and color were the only complaints prior to 2007 and I've been fixing that. The story and structure are sound and there have been background artifacts have been part of the images since 2004.

ML:  You not only didn't listen to them, but you clearly don't understand them or even try to.  In fact, you'd often retreat and try to protect your ego by proclaiming yourself as destined for great things because of your course of study.This air of assumed superiority is a massive turn off to folks and can even very quickly grow into spite or worse: hate.  I think you know as well as I do that you're viewed in a fairly dim light around these forums.  I would think that rather than whine about it as you did in that last page, that you would do something to improve upon it.

GL: I've never said I was destined for anything great. However, since I believe in taking responsibility for my own destiny. And it is clear that that the God who rules this universe has blessed me in some way that makes people think that I am destined for something more than what I think I'm capable of at this time,   I would think this aire of superiority is the same as the critic (popcorn comics ) who flaunted  HER education as making HER a superior judge of quality than I. Because when I argued her incompetence, I did it by on the same intellectual level.  As was my right, to do so, just as it was my decision Bann her for commenting directly into my comic after giving me the scathing review to gloat about how superior she was. Just as it was my right to eliminate the comics that I made before I was 21 since it was clear she hadn't read anything but the filler, profiles, and one chapter. I suppose I should have treated the critic like a child, since I clearly have an unfair advantage of being a man and all.// I realize someone hurt her but there is no way I'm going to let someone get way with calling me Lazy.    

ML: That is, afterall, what these boards are for.  Artistic improvement.  Think on that a bit.

GL: and no one said ANYTHING __ EVER__.  I' m always thrilled with comments and I would PM a response to let them know I had read their response because I was stupid that way. Of course, by not using the quote system tunskey is going to insinuated MAO 's Dialog or White Fox's Dialog as my own

However, we could all offer honest critiques but since we've been treated with such hostility when folks have even looked like they were so much as slightly disagreeing with you, we've become leery.

GL: I'm not being hostile. I'm responding to political arguments that have been stirred up because I said that I wanted some form of acknowledgement or financial support. This argument at least supports that what I've created  is in fact art and validates me as an artist.  

TK: Asking for 'donations' to support something only works if there's a not only a fanbase, but is well liked enough to generate such a following, otherwise it's just insulting and egotistical to think you can glean any kind of monetary gain from such an endeavor. However, since you're so keen on a "quantity over quality then get paid" approach, i'd think if it weren't for the lack of grotesque musculature, you would've come from the Rob Leifeld school of art.  You tend to take criticism just as well, however.

GL: Yes, readers will often find overly muscle-bound men in my comics, and women treated as nothing more than sex objects. If you must know, the body design was inspired by the  Batman Beyond and JTHM  which was itself inspired by underground art  of the 90's

TK: I won't even begin to start on the writing, as i'm no real authority on literature other than the fact that yours doesn't impress me whatsoever, but the haphazard layout of the pages, right down to your seeming fear of 90 degree angles for panel borders strikes me as odd to say the least, and detracts from the flow of each page, not to mention that your linework seems rather uneven and messy at times, it just screams that you lack the patience to do each one carefully enough to provide something that could stand alone, even by color.  i'd mention that, but it seems you're happy enough treating a box of copics like crayolas so i'll leave you be.

GL: the color actually has method to the madness I reuse the same 25+ colors. Other things, such as someone on a bender or hallucinating having uneven features, well honestly I Had to do something that indicated they were drunk. As for the paneling, Why does it have to be the same set every time?  I'll print up one of the ones I like every now and again, but for the most part the panels are as unique as the page itself.

TK: Which leaves me with one last thing... the fact that you treat an art forum like your own personal comic archive, is it enough that you have it on one site without spreading it around like the bubonic plague? take into consideration each comic weighs in on average, 240k, now multiply it by the number of pages you put up here.. 31 pages? at 240K, 'bout 7440k, 7.44 meg or so.. doesn't seem much in the realms of high speed connects, but spare a thought to those with slow connections.. it's slower than molasses in Siberia.

GL: I already have my own personal archives, and the pages are not actually stored in the forum here, they're on photobucket. Plus, my comics are approx 500K each because I like quality  as much as the next person.  

TK: In short, While you might have some inkling of talent, it's compounded by the fact you seem to have an overwhelmingly high opinion of yourself, and you favor to hide behind the "style" excuse of yore. Which is about as valid a style as the belly-flop is in the Olympic high dive, it's just not gonna earn you points right there.

GL: Sweet I have inking talent... (just kidding. Seriously I have just as much talent as you do.)

TK: I may be blunt, even hostile.. But this is how *I* learnt, and truth be told it's a heck of a way to learn, the "trial by fire" it also helps one to develop those two fundamental skills of even surviving as an artist: the ability to learn and grow from the advice of others, and the ability to take criticism with grace and eloquence, no matter how harsh it might be. If it's informative, it's worth taking note.

GL: You're being hostile? Honestly the only way to take criticism with grace is to either ignore it or destroy it. If there is a third option, I am not yet aware of it. However conforming to another person's ideas of right and wrong doesn't make you much of an individual.


Mao... Turnsky... you're not helping.

Your comments have been mean spirited, self centred, and unconstructive. In fact, if this is the kind of feedback he usually gets, I wouldn't blame him for getting defensive.

GL: he's right

WF: Bullshit. Critique differs from criticism in that it is not hostile. It is possible to be polite when commenting.

GL: Right again.
The only time I've been openly hostile about how crappy any comic, other than my own,  was when I read a comic created by four to eight people, and even then I withheld my judgment until I had read the first story arch, eight chapters, with eight  writers, and  one story, told with bitmap art. I honestly believe if a group eight people cannot write, draw, or color a story that makes any sense that it should be disbanded into groups or individuals that can get the job done.   The same holds true for movies, if 127 people cannot tell an interesting story, then they need to break up the project and work on something else as a backup.  
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 22, 2010, 04:13:54 PM
GL: I'd be satisfied if someone told me what characters they liked the most and which ones they hated the most, so that I could focus almost exclusively on stories with them and ignore the rest of the characters as nothing more than occasional cameo's.

This would be the crux of the matter. I don't care about any of them. I don't identify with any of them, and I'm not emotionally invested with any of them.

I don't know how to advise you on that matter... it's a pretty ephemeral element, and I'm not all that versed on the subject.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 22, 2010, 04:13:54 PM
TK: I may be blunt, even hostile.. But this is how *I* learnt, and truth be told it's a heck of a way to learn, the "trial by fire" it also helps one to develop those two fundamental skills of even surviving as an artist: the ability to learn and grow from the advice of others, and the ability to take criticism with grace and eloquence, no matter how harsh it might be. If it's informative, it's worth taking note.

GL: You're being hostile? Honestly the only way to take criticism with grace is to either ignore it or destroy it. If there is a third option, I am not yet aware of it. However conforming to another person's ideas of right and wrong doesn't make you much of an individual

Masters of various trades and subjects, as well as multi-millionaires, will tell you a completely different story. For saying you have the potential to be the next Walt Disney, you really don't seem to know any of his background, or how he got to be where he is, on a learning or mental level.

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 22, 2010, 04:13:54 PM
GL: that's because It's contemporary art and it's supposed to be so uniquely  innovative, and original, that it repulses you at the same time. In a couple years it will be many of the ideas will have become so commonplace that the comic will actually become better with age.

Well dairy ages into delicious delicious cheese, mold just. . . continues to be a pile of mold. Sometimes, some things just don't change.

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 22, 2010, 04:13:54 PM
The closest I've ever came to claiming I was talented at anything was when "Turnsky" referred to me as some moron.

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 22, 2010, 04:13:54 PM
ML: This isn't just the fault of poor/bland writing or a rather rudimentary artistic approach, but also somewhat of the attitude you've tended to display.  Folks have tried to tell you how they felt about your stuff and even how to improve it, as best as they could, and you flat out ignored them and just kept on doing what you were doing and then, apparently, wondering why they didn't like it or fawn all over it.

GL: No, I've pretty much been ignored entirely. Spelling and color were the only complaints prior to 2007 and I've been fixing that. The story and structure are sound and there have been background artifacts have been part of the images since 2004.

Ooooo, artifacts, I thought those things in the background was just pixelation, are they actual objects? I couldn't really tell. As far as story and structure, to be honest Gabriel. I never really thought it had so much of a story as a compilation of random short skits piled together in a non coherent style of drunken humor.

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 22, 2010, 04:13:54 PM
GL: and no one said ANYTHING __ EVER__.  I' m always thrilled with comments and I would PM a response to let them know I had read their response because I was stupid that way. Of course, by not using the quote system tunskey is going to insinuated MAO 's Dialog or White Fox's Dialog as my own

So the times I've commented on your various strip/art threads and apparently I'm considered a nobody. Is this because I'm not a dedicated artist? Or because I don't have a 'comic' of my own to make my opinion worth being heard?

Also I like how you say turnsky is going to abuse the quote system, when you don't even use the dumb thing.

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 22, 2010, 04:13:54 PM
GL: I already have my own personal archives, and the pages are not actually stored in the forum here, they're on photobucket. Plus, my comics are approx 500K each because I like quality  as much as the next person. 

So is Amber's comic a terrible because her comic's filesizes are only about 120 k/b?
Wow, I had no idea amber's comic is so so terrible quality. I'll have to let her know ASAP. So she can learn from the pros.
Help! I'm gay!


*sigh* Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel.. i do so find it "interesting" on how you go out of your way to seemingly contradict yourself.
I'm gonna abuse the heck out of the quote system for this, just so it's easier to read for folks so they know what i'm saying, and what was said by others, and so it doesn't look like an impenetrable wall of text.

QuoteI've never said I was destined for anything great
really? but didn't you already say:
QuoteAnd I followed this up by stating that I could very easily become the next Jim Henson or Walt Disney.
QuoteAnd it is clear that that the God who rules this universe has blessed me in some way that makes people think that I am destined for something more than what I think I'm capable of at this time

as for this:
Quoteand the closest I'd get to making a movie was as a Janitor.    I retaliated by supporting the idea that anyone can do whatever the hell they want whether or not they had money or talent, regardless of class or social standing... personally, I still believe this.
in my opinion, you were pretty much stating that you'd get in at top rung, i'm sorry to say that in most cases you'd normally start out at the bottom, and work your way up, i never said then that you were gonna STAY scrubbing dunnies, just that most likely you were gonna start out at the lower echelons of the proverbial pecking order. A brilliant example of you "not listening" if you'd pardon the fact that we're communicating via text.

QuoteNo, I've pretty much been ignored entirely. Spelling and color were the only complaints prior to 2007 and I've been fixing that. The story and structure are sound and there have been background artifacts have been part of the images since 2004.
I think Drath covered this quite nicely, really.. you seem to either ignore, or attempt to blast out of the water when somebody comments, mostly just ignore... but for this topic, a giant wall of text that makes it hard to read in one go.

Quoteand no one said ANYTHING __ EVER__.  I' m always thrilled with comments and I would PM a response to let them know I had read their response because I was stupid that way. Of course, by not using the quote system tunskey is going to insinuated MAO 's Dialog or White Fox's Dialog as my own
i could argue that folks have said stuff, but i've already said my bit on THAT. However, as i said before, i used the quote system to help facilitate easier reading of a post, the quote tags do exist for that very reason.

QuoteThis argument at least supports that what I've created  is in fact art and validates me as an artist.
"art" is a very subjective word, here. recently Roger Ebert stated that video games were not art. however that doesn't make video games any less of an art form, just like Piero Manzoni's "artist's shit", is also ironically "art" but that also doesn't change what it was thought to be inside those little thirty gram tins.

QuoteI already have my own personal archives, and the pages are not actually stored in the forum here, they're on photobucket. Plus, my comics are approx 500K each because I like quality  as much as the next person. 
you REALLY don't understand how the internet works, do you? You mustn't, since you never really said anything to the contrary to this post, but if your comics are half a meg each, that must make your threads nightmarish for those with slower than broadband speeds, hell, it's slow on a 1mbit+ connect sometimes.
Would it kill you to just post the image links?

QuoteSweet I have inking talent... (just kidding. Seriously I have just as much talent as you do.)
further proof of you "not listening" to folks, i said Inkling... here, let me pull up the meaning since it seems that you don't know this little slice of the English language:
ink·ling   [ingk-ling]
1. a slight suggestion or indication; hint; intimation: They hadn't given us an inkling of what was going to happen.
2. a vague idea or notion; slight understanding: They didn't have an inkling of how the new invention worked.

i said you *had* an "Inkling of talent"

QuoteOMG!!! You think I'm a talented artist and writer. Page views would indicate that there are at least 17 readers 3 of which I'm guessing are Mods. In all seriousness I have never claimed to be a talented artist or writer so  I thank you for the backhanded compliment or whatever you were trying to imply.
now, page views also include your own, for the record.. but, do note that WF's DSOF generates more attention than yours, take that as you will, and perhaps learn something from that, he's obviously doing something right, that you aren't.

In closing i find that you have wasted potential that is compounded by your unwillingness to learn from those who could give you helpful advice, and your egotistical nature, if i never gave you an 'art review' i can give one now.

For starters i'll give the 'color' thing a pass, since you use the same 25 or so colors, theres not much one can do about that aside from the "expand your color palette" comment.

Your anatomy has always been off, where it's either uneven bodies, shoddy foreshortening techniques or just stretched limbs where it suits, i can't genuinely fix that, and somehow i don't think you've tried. Take a look at the progression of a lot of webcomics on the internet, see how some of the more popular have improved over the years, then look at yours.. Truth be told you've stagnated.
Writing? well, again i'm no expert, but yours is, quite frankly, all over the place.. whatever story you have going lacks cohesion, and definitely lacks the draw of the short-story.. even one-shot pages have a consistency going on.
Your comic's pacing is all over the place as well, it shows clearly that you have some idea about "storyboarding" but you have some issues with the execution of that. Again, that can't be fixed with simple advice, just learning from one's mistakes might help you along that way.

that's all i'll have to say, but i shall end with a question: How long have you been drawing for?

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..