Is tired...

Started by thegayhare, September 28, 2009, 11:06:23 AM

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I'm so tired of my sister and her drama.

I really don't know what I've done to deserve this animosity.

most recently she posted a public journal in which she stated her Ex had used her phone to send a text message.  a little ways down she was asked by some one about this Ex and she stated they were still incredibly close. 

this struck me as odd sinec the only EX's I know of live half the country away from her, nearer o me then her and she hates them.  So I sent her a private message asking if that ment she'd split from her current boy.  I figured a pm was best since I don't like airing some one elses dirty luandry in public.  3 or 4 days no reply till I woke up this morning and noticed she had a new journal up.  Instead of replying to my message in private she issued a public rebuke of "People prying into her privacy"

I tell you I realy had it with all this melodramatic bullshit.  She hasn't talked to me in months... I've recived one email (a picture of a large man with a tiny laptop that she thoguht was funny and forwarded to a large list of folks).  She refuses to call the house because I might pick up, but she posts nicy nice in my own journals or shouts cause I guess she wants the rest of the world to think she's just so sweet. 

I realy don't know what to do.  She's my sister and I love her but she's also a manipulative, vindictive little which some times.

ehh sorry to clutter up the board with my drivel

I just needed to get it out, and some place she wouldn't see it , I don't need this thrown back in my face, like everything else


Eeee...yeah, your sister does sound like a girl with issues. Unfortunately, I don't really have any advice to give, as I've never had to deal with something like this...


I sympathise Hare I really do. My younger sister is exactly the same, just as spiteful. She doesn't keep online journals but that doesn't stop her being a Grade A bitch. She lives 5 minutes down the road from me, but if we see each other walking down the road, she will cross the street just to get away from me. Won't say hello. Won't even acknowledge I exist. I have spent years pouring blood, sweat and tears into getting the relationship to work even to the point of admitting guilt for things that everyone else me included knows are not my fault. I have debased myself for her many times because blood is thicker than water and I want to be someone she can love and trust as siblings should be (although I don't deny some rivalry is only natural) but it seems she is pigheaded just like our father. And so now I've just grown jaded with the whole schtick and just let her be. I've done everything I can and if she's not willing to try theres nothing else to be done.

My advice would be to leave her be for a while. Don't respond to her comments in your journal. Let her know that way that you're pissed at her and that she's done something wrong. If she really gives a shit about you as her brother she'll come around eventually. If not then theres nothing you can do about it and just let her get on with it.

In the meantime here's a hug  :hug because I know just how lonely it feels when family turns against you.
I'm not lazy... I'm motivationally impaired

How to be an evil Overlord Part 1|Part 2

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I know what it's like to have an annoying sister. Of course she's only 7, but still.
I'm back, and tired.


Quote from: Succubus_1982 on September 28, 2009, 02:51:05 PM
My advice would be to leave her be for a while. Don't respond to her comments in your journal. Let her know that way that you're pissed at her and that she's done something wrong. If she really gives a shit about you as her brother she'll come around eventually. If not then theres nothing you can do about it and just let her get on with it.

In the meantime here's a hug  :hug because I know just how lonely it feels when family turns against you.

Thanks hon It's hard though I mean I stopped watching all her stuff but she's still railing on about it

It's frustrating

She's also the type to edit her memories to fit her outrage.  One of her recent screeds was 3 years ago we were all planning on going to AC together but she and her boyfriend at the time couldn't the money and they said they couldn't go.  I was able to find a roomate and still went.  She's not interpreting this as I sabotaged there chances of going, and then went behind there backs and went to the con anyway.

and I also did sometihng stupid she responded to a post I'd left and I was stupid enough to read the reply.  now I'm sick to my stomach,  I feel like I'm going to throw up.  Oh it's good fun.

she's still rambling on about how she tried so hard to keep in touch...

Like a post of  *poke* is realy a conversation starter.

Gods I don't need this, ever since I started my job I don't have insurance so I can't afford my meds so I realy don't need this stress.


Like I said just stop paying attention to her for a while. You're only making yourself more upset by reading her journal and giving her the victory she's obviously after. Steer clear until you feel calm enough to face her and still be rational, then DON'T BRING IT UP AT ALL. Use reverse psychology and be nice like nothing happenned. This will throw her off and make her think 'Well hang on a sec, maybe I'm the one that's being stupid about this' then if she has a shred of decency and intelligence she'll apologise. If not well she's a lost cause and I'd recommend keeping contact minimal. Be civil to her if you should HAVE to spend time in her company but nothing more.

But like I said first of all you need to make a distance between you two and keep it until things have cooled off. If she comments on your journal, ignore or delete or whatever. And don't comment on hers. Even if you think it'll help.

All the while things are like this with you thrusting your views on each other you're just going to keep spiralling further and further down into aggression and frustration until things turn really nasty.

It seems to me as if most of this is being done for attention. She's feeling pissed off about her relationship issues and unloved, but rather than welcoming the concern of her family she just sees it as interfering and gets more frustrated. She wants people to feel sorry for her, but only the people she chooses. Us girls are contrary like that  :P We make no sense when we're upset. Let her be and when she's ready she'll seek you out.
I'm not lazy... I'm motivationally impaired

How to be an evil Overlord Part 1|Part 2

You can Skype me at lucy_locket82 but note me first or I might delete you