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Started by Shadrok, September 07, 2009, 08:40:47 PM

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How best to describe the situation? Well... Last night/ this morning around midnight my mom started throwing up blood and call dialed 911. The ambulance arrives and my dad helps my mom outside to the stretcher and the paramedics take over from there.

My dad and I go back in the house and start preparing to head to the hospital (aka locking up and all what you do when you plan to leave the house.) when we head outside the ambulance is still sitting in the drive way. My dad approaches them to see what's the matter and it seems that the nearest hospital's ER is full, so my dad talks with them and my mom over what they should do and finally decide on where to go.

We then get in the truck and follow the ambulance to the hospital. When we arrive it is about 2AM now the doctors and nurses take over for the paramedics and do all the things that they do (IV's and all that). Over the next few hours they do test and start giving her blood to make up for the amount that she had lost.

Around 6AM she throws up blood again, it's not looking good and I'm trying to keep from braking down, as is my sister (who rode with us to the hospital).

Around 9AM they place her in ICU. We check in on her once they have her set up in a room and it looks like they have everything stable now. By this time My dad and I have been up for 24hours without sleep and my mom tells us to go home and get some rest.

On the way home my sister calls my aunts and tells them what is going on. When we get home it's 10AM and I go to my room and fall asleep. Around 3pm my dad wakes me and go back to the hospital to check on mom.

By this time my aunts have visited mom and had called my sister to tell her what was going on. I turns out that my mom tore her esophagus and due to some of the meds she is taking for her liver, her blood was thin and didn't clot as easily. They plan to keep her there for a while and have already given her 4 pints of blood.

When we visited her she was doing better her blood pressure was a lot better then when we had first arrived and they have stopped her throwing up. So it looks like at the moment that she should be ok.

Just keep us in your prayers, thoughts, or what ever it mite be you do in cases such as this.

Listening to: New Divide by Linkin Park


I hope all the news is good and shall pray to the Holy Catholic Godman that it may be so.

Oh dear.


Prayers down range, hope all ends well.
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi



Oh jeeze man, that's terrible. I don't know how well I'd handle it if something like that happened in my family.

Coincidentally, I should be giving blood for a blood drive in two days... now I'll definitely not forget.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Where's AlexWars1? He has all the blood he's stolen. Which isn't that much...
Enough joking.

I feel very, very sorry for you and your family. I will hope that you get through all right (You being the collective plural).


Ugh.  I hope things turn out for the best, I really do.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wow.. I am so sorry... *hugs* thoughts and prayers are with you.


:tighthug I hope everything works out, dude.


Indeed. With luck, prayer, and the respectable efforts of the hospital, things should pull through. Take care, and good luck, incidentally.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


It's good to hear that at least the doctors know what the problems is and your mother seems to be in stable condition. Good luch to her and the rest of your family through all this; My prayers go out to you.   :januscat


Thanks everyone for the well wishes.

We just got back from visiting my mom, she's doing better she hasn't thrown up any since the incident in ER as earlier mentioned. They have taken her off oxygen, and she her blood pressure is normal. She was even sitting on the corner of the bed talking to my aunt when we walked in. She still had an IV in her arm, and they didn't need to give her any more blood after our last visit.

Over all it looks like she's recovering well. As far as eating, she has to stay with liquids at the moment. My dad has taken some of the chicken broth mom had made the night before and put the in a thermos. The hospital gave her some broth they had but it was too salty (it was possibly from a can). Thanks again everyone for the well wishes.  :hug


I hope everything will be okay dude. Many prayers shooting off in your direction.
Help! I'm gay!


Some good news always makes things easier to take in. I hope she makes a full recovery.


Hmm, is there an underlying chronic condition she's been dealing with?

Or did this a primary symptom?
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Last night the hospital moved mom from ICU to a room, then around noon told us that she mite be able to go home. (Which didn't actually happen until 3pm as we had to wait on the doctor to arrive and tell us that she could go.)

So far things have been ok. She's still weak and gets dizzy from time to time when she tries to walk too much. Yesterday they had her on solid food but tonight she wanted just chicken broth as her stomach felt a little queasy (Could be due to her being off the nausea med the hospital had her on). We'll see if things improve as it could also be all the moving around she's been doing since she's gotten home.

Apart from her queasy stomach and dizziness the only other problem has been swelling due to the saline they gave her. For the most part the swelling is going down as she is no longer hooked up to the IVs. So it looks to be going well at the moment. Dad and I are keeping a close eye on her just to make sure things are ok, though dad is concerned that they mite have released her too soon. This could be due to the way the doctor didn't examine mom before letting her leave (just asked her some questions) or it could be the fact that she pretty well much went from ICU to home.

She has been given a prescription but the hospital's doctor told mom to talk to her normal doctor before she starts taking it.

Quote from: Alondro on September 09, 2009, 11:42:21 AM
Hmm, is there an underlying chronic condition she's been dealing with?

Or did this a primary symptom?
She's had liver problems for about three years now. This was the first time throwing up blood. We believe it's due to the liver meds as one of the meds said that it could cause ulcers and another thins her blood so when combined you have an open wound and blood that is thin, not a good combination. At the moment she is not taking any meds (The exception is one of her meds her regular doctor prescribed her, which can not be stopped cold turkey. (She'll have to decrease the dosage over time.)


Ah, liver meds and blood thinners.  Never a good combination.

At least the bleed wasn't in the head.  One of my uncles is now permanantly disabled from a subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by his doctor foolishly prescribing him both coumarin and aspirin at the same time, and the pharmacist not catching that it was a potentially lethal combination.

One of the big warnings of coumarin (and other similar blood thinners) is that you NEVER take aspirin when you're taking those drugs, because the risk of dangerous bleeds goes up exponentially.

I'm not even a doctor and I know that!  People really dropped the ball on it.  :/
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


 :hug  I'm glad things are looking on the up now. I'll still keep my fingers crossed though.


I wish you and your mother all the best, and hope she will have a speedy recovery.
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wow good luck hon


I know how bad that can make a person feel

You just do your best and be there fpr your mom