Review & Talk of a Sci-Fi Classic

Started by techmaster-glitch, September 19, 2009, 09:14:17 PM

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Janus Whitefurr

A spanking for you, hare!  :P

Quote from: thegayhare on September 22, 2009, 06:54:23 PM
okay look at 2...  Robo was still a clunker... then they break out Cain in that new robot body... bigger then ED-209 ever was he's massive and should have handled like 2 tons of tracktor and he could dance rings around robo

The RoboCop 2 in Miller's original comic was just as epically massive. But then again, in still media like comics it's easy enough to show rapid movement with motion lines and the like, so the combat was actually pretty fluid. In the movie though... yeah. To me the movie's 2 looked like the wanted a huge clunker of a construction/military robot (that somehow moved pretty spritely) not the "knight in shining armour" image they were going for with Murphy.

Quote from: thegayhare on September 22, 2009, 06:54:23 PM
All that just proved the limits to Robo's usfullness and then they made anouther one... in the miniseries it's 10 years later and they build a second robocop using a freind of murpheys named cable and they use the exact same slow as mollasses design, cept he has two guns and black armor

If I recall, though, RoboCable was designed to beat RoboCop in a straight up fight. Unfortunately I forget most of that miniseries - I more remember the other one, with Diana, Pudface Morgan, etc.

The other thing about Murphy being a clunker is simply the whole implacable intimidation factor. Sure he's slow, but nothing you throw at him is going to stop him. You could run away, but he can easily just track you down through heat sensors (thermographic imaging!) and other things. Though much like Superman, no one ever really runs from Murphy - they stand there and stupidly shoot the Bulletproof Cyborg while he guns them down.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on September 22, 2009, 07:21:29 PM
A spanking for you, hare!  :P

Promises promises.

If I recall, though, RoboCable was designed to beat RoboCop in a straight up fight. Unfortunately I forget most of that miniseries - I more remember the other one, with Diana, Pudface Morgan, etc.

I liked the series too I particularly liked the over the top animated ads for steriod antibully gum and the like

It's just I still can't get over how slow he is it annoy's me far more then it should
It can't even be blamed on the tech level either

Look at the otamo ninja bots from 3 or the massive robo 2 It seems like a designed obsolecence issue to me

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: thegayhare on September 23, 2009, 12:23:43 AM
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on September 22, 2009, 07:21:29 PM
A spanking for you, hare!  :P

Promises promises.

Quote from: thegayhare on September 23, 2009, 12:23:43 AM
It seems like a designed obsolecence issue to me

This IS Omni Consumer Products we're talking about here. Definitely a business-first corporation even if the Old Man at the helm was something of a more gentle soul with an actual dream - surrounded by money hungry executives like Dick Jones and yes, even Bob Moreton, the guy who came up with the RoboCop concept. I imagine if R2 had worked perfectly, R1 would have been scrapped like *that*, but as per the movies he shows he's tougher and made of more awesome than the new models.

Also, Otomo was made by the Japanese. 'nuff said.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.