Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {2}

Started by Gareeku, July 21, 2006, 05:41:02 AM

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Hearing Alex speak, Gareeku's brow furrowed in annoyance at his words.
"Well I can tell you're going to be a reliable ally in a fight." Gareeku said, his voice filled with sarcasm as he spoke. Turning back to the situation at hand, a grimace appeared on the wolf's face as he hoped that the two in the hallway at the top of the stairs would get out of there safely. He didn't exactly want any fatalities today.


Alex smirked "Don't get me wrong... Gareeku, wasn't it? I like you, but I don't value above my own life.  I'm not a warrior like you, I don't believe in honor and doing the right thing." Alex glansed opstair once more. "Altough I would really like to kill the guy that did that to you, but he has a gun and dieing isn't on my agenda." He grabbed a few chairs from the barrida and put them infront of the stairs. He yelled to the people upstairs "Hey cubies, are you alriight up there?!?"


Chris was restless and nervous from his earlier nightmare when he heard the cry of "Assassin!". It appeared that there would be some action today, and this was evidenced by Gareeku's wound and the sounds of a scuffle upstairs.

Chris had stood and drawn his handgun, unsure where the threat was. He saw some of the group he met earlier head upstairs, and from the sound of things they were now engaged in combat. He had considered helping Gareeku, but it looked like his injury was being taken care of. As he then saw Gareeku head upstairs himself, he noticed that he didn't have his warp-aci with him.

*Well, darn. I figured that little green creature would be able to help greatly in a fight...* Chris wondered where Li could be. He walked over to Gareeku and Alex, intending to ask this and other questions.

"I overheard you saying you want a gun yourself." Chris said to Alex as he glanced down at the pistol in his paws (which was at that moment pointed at the floor). "Can I help?"

Turning to Gareeku before Alex could answer, Chris asked, "And where is your little warp-aci helper? Is it in danger?"


  Hearing the crashes from upstairs, Anzimani crossly broke her connection with the seals on the windows, letting the magic flicker and disappear. There was no point in draining herself to keep up shields when the assassin was already inside. She left her sword in its sheath, as her magic would be much more useful against someone weilding a gun. She prepared to cast a shield around herself if needed, but didn't do so immidiately. Shields drained her more than anything else, apart from form-shifting. It was a good thing she had spent time building up her magical stamina.

   She clacked her beak in irritation, padding over to where Gareeku and the others were, by the stairs. Glancing warily at the newcomer, she peered up the stairs. She couldn't see anything except a peice of empty hallway at the top.

"Is this who wanted to get all these adventurers together?  One guy with a gun, taking us all on? That can't be it. No one's that dumb."


Feline reflexes seem intent on winning the day, and Arc has plenty of time to -hear- Paladin coming. Terrain and apparent tactical-training advantages far surpass numerical advantage in such situations. He moves back, holding his rifle one-handed as he hops back, bringing his own sword out and up in an attempt to knock Paladin's two shortswords off-course.

"Back off before I give you an impromptu trepanning, Поймите?"


Hearing Chris talk of Li, an idea suddenly manifested itself in Gareeku's head. The wolf had let Li roam the local area, as he knew very much of her curiosity and her fondess of exploration.
Li...come to me...I need your help... Gareeku called out in his mind. Normally, Gareeku did not possess telepathy, but he and Li had developed a mental connection with each other through the times they were together. A few seconds after he had called out to her in his mind, the little creature appeared on his shoulder.#
"What's wrong, Gareeku? What's going on?" the little warp-aci asked as she looked around at the state of the inn, before noticing his injury, "Gareeku, your arm!"
"I'll be fine..." the wolf replied calmly, before decided to explain further via their mental connection, but I need you to get me upstairs. There is a gun-weilding man up there. Get me behind him.

"Back off before I give you an impromptu trepanning, Поймите?"

"I don't think you're in a position to make such threat..." a calm voice suddenly said from behind the feline mercenary. Stood there was Gareeku, Li perched on his shoulder and his blade held in his uninjured arm, pointed at the back of the mercenary's neck as the wolf's eyes did not move from looking at the stranger. If he tried anything, then it would safe to say that he would receive a rather nasty cut to the neck. "Drop your weapons."


"Опять...?" - he practically spits. "The arm wound not enough for you?"

Arc does nothing for the time being, practically 'frozen' in place, tail not even moving.


Listening to the feline stranger speak, Gareeku smirked, his white canine teeth showing as he chuckled slightly.
"What can I say? I'm a persistent guy." the wolf said in reply, "I'll say it again; drop your weapons. I also want to know what exactly your mission is. Spare no details."


Blaze's ears picked up as he heard someone yell 'How you doing, cubies?' up the stairs. He grimaced slightly as he thought to himself.

Of all the things for this person to be carrying, it just had to be a gun... I don't really have the reflexes to take on one. If I had set up a fire shield before, I'd be fine, though I'd be limited in any way I could attack... not to mention this place is a fire hazard in the making... The incubus groaned inwardly. Why'd I go running up like this? Damn, even RJ would do better in this situation than me! He paused, wincing as he remembered the last time he tussled with her. Maybe not...

His thoughts were interrupted as Gareeku appeared behind the feline, sporting a warp-aci on his shoulder, and a sword at the feline's neck.

Blaze eyed the gun, then glanced at Gareeku after he told the feline to lower his weapons. "If he doesn't comply, then shall I melt them right in his hands?"


Listening to Blaze's words, Gareeku grinned slightly.
"If he doesn't comply, then yes. I'm sure his weaponry is quite expensive," Gareeku commented, not moving his sword from its position at less than an inch from the feline's neck, "we wouldn't want all that money to go to waste now, would we?"


Quote from: Gareeku on August 07, 2006, 07:12:14 PM
Listening to the feline stranger speak, Gareeku smirked, his white canine teeth showing as he chuckled slightly.
"What can I say? I'm a persistent guy." the wolf said in reply, "I'll say it again; drop your weapons. I also want to know what exactly your mission is. Spare no details."

"Fine. I hear a lot of things, specifically that old Johan Cross is coming out into the open again in this area. Knowing his history, I'm sure I needn't mention the fact that there is a lot of money on his head when it comes to telling you my mission is. Dead or alive, in fact."

He glares at Blaze.

"If, however, my informants are wrong, I'm sure something can be arranged in terms of compensation. And then I suppose I'll have to go looking for another job. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Really. Because being stuck in the arse-end of no-where is not particularly useful."

Arc pauses.

"And do remind your friend downstairs - it's 'Mercenary' not 'Assassin'."


He nodded at Chris" Will do do later, discuss a price if you will " Alex smirked at sound of Gareeku's voice upstairs Warp-Aci, Great idea Gareeku. Alex took the chairs way from the stairs and put them around a table. He heard the Feline comment. "...Mercenary not assassin" Alex grinned He should have stayed away from assassins work then, Because killing someone for money is assassin territory. He put his knife away and went upstairs. As he saw the feline he stopped grinning. "So here's our mercenary that attempts assassinations." He looked at the feline and then his gun. Nice equipment...  A shame that Gareeku is a warrior, Most other people would have killed the intruder by now.


"I can tell you quite a bit about him," said a raccoon demon in Jakob's voice.  He was still a little queasy from seeing Gareeku bleed, but he'd had enough presence of mind to conceal himself.
"I've studied his history and spoken to the Beings he left to run his empire after he disappeared.  In effect, he can really be considered to be three separate people.
"To begin with, Johan Cross is just a pseudonym.  What his real name is, we don't really know.  But we do know he was a regular easygoing guy, until someone assassinated his friend and mentor.
That's when he flipped out, became evil and started calling himself 'Cross'.  All because of people like you," he added sadly. "He spent about three hundred years planning revenge, and built a small empire on the side.  In particular he shut down a number of rival crime rings and turfed a few Creatures out of their territory.  Perhaps he wasn't the only one who can hold a grudge for hundreds of years.
"Anyway, when he finally got his revenge, that took away the drive that sustained him.  Some say he was ashamed at what he'd done.  Either way, he disappeared - presumed dead.
No-one really believed that though, and people still take bets on who might really be Cross, even though he hasn't been seen in a hundred years .  One of the favourites is that nature film guy, Jacob Peterson or whatever his name is.  I've never been able to ask him about it, though.
"Finally, there was someone pretending to be Cross a couple of years ago.  Gareeku here was telling me about that.  Apparently it was some succubus puppet of Charline's."

"So," asked the raccoon, "Who are you after?  The crime lord, the impostor or the harmless-looking guy who makes wildlife films?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Arc turns to Alex.

"Mercs take on any kind of jobs. There's a thin grey line between extremes. It's shared by many professions - Bounty Hunters, Assassins, Adventurers... so many people see in black and white."

He slowly lowers the sword back to his side and thumbs the rifle's safety on, but drops neither. He also takes on a bit more of a relaxed stance.

"Safety's on - besides, I wasn't quite expecting the 'royal guard' and whatnot. Especially not this many `Creatures` in one area. I mean, come on. Two incubi and a demon in this backwater? What are the chances, eh?"

He then glances over to the `coon-demon.

"People like me? I don't kill for sport, nor for blood. It's a dirty job - but without people to do it, what happens? Things go to hell in a handbasket, if you'll pardon the expression. Being a Merc is a lucrative business - much like being an Adventurer or Bounty Hunter. Difference is, I don't mind taking shots at either side. There are jobs I won't take. Collateral is not my style."

He pauses at the mention of there being two alternatives.

"Whichever is the real one and can be confirmed as such. Need I say more?"


Still peering up the stairs, Anzimani's eyes narrowed at the 'raccoon's words.
What is he going on about? Did he just name himself as possibly being Johan Cross? Anzimani had, of course, heard of Johan Cross in her travels, but she assumed he had been killed by an adventurer who did not want to garner attention, or something of the sort.
Something wierd is going on here... She didn't say anything, as she hoped Jakob had some reason for what he was doing. Instead, she listened closely in case another clue was presented.


Alex smirked "You and I are much alike feline." Good, Evil it's all the same to me, I wouldn't hurt anyone in this party tough. These people can help me and have been tolerant of my presence..... Alex stopped thinking remembering that he was among Cubi. "However I really would like to know why you didn't kill our friend Gareeku here. You where taking a risk by letting him warn us." and entering the tavern before assaulting someone might have been smart.


((`scuse the rapid fire posts, it's easier if I remember to tackle the questioning as it comes rather than letting it build up into one lengthy rant-like thing.))

Arc eyes Alex.

"Risks are in the job description."


"Yes, people like you," said the demon bitterly, "people who kill others for personal gain.  If those three demons hadn't murdered his mentor in an attempt to usurp his patronage, Cross as we know him today would never have happened.

"I've been trying to compile a biography of Cross," the raccoon explained, "Trying to give people a true picture of what he was really like.  Most of the rumours about him eating Beings, mass executions and rampant soul-devouring are quite simply false.  As near as I've been able to tell, the death toll from his entire reign was about ten people, including the demons he swore vengeance upon.

"On average, that's one man every 30 years.  How many people have you killed?" he asked, looking distastefully at the cat's fearsome assortment of automatic weaponry.  "You speak of avoiding collateral damage, but you shot Gareeku, you thought nothing of using an assault rifle in an inn full of innocents and opened fire on one of the Royal Guards.. all in pursuit of a retired gangster who in all likelihood is quite happily making documentary films about wild mushrooms."

Calming down, the raccoon paused for moment.  "Have you ever considered that whoever it was might be ashamed of the Cross era?  Perhaps they want to forget about it and try to pretend it never happened.  Besides.. supposing you did meet Johan Cross.  What then?  No-one knows what he looked like then, let alone now.  The only way you can prove that the man you've caught is Johan Cross is if they own up to it themselves - which they can't do if you bring them in dead, by the way.
Even then, who would believe them?  While writing this book I've met five 'cubi who claimed they were Cross, and I'll probably meet at least five more before I've finished it."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I don't get a single word of this... Blaze thought to himself, remembering to keep his mental shields up- he didn't want anyone to see a weakness in him, even if it was knowledge-based. I'd probe some minds, but I doubt I wouldn't be noticed... and it's not my style either. I'm surprised at how comfortable these other people are with me...

Blaze decided to stay quiet, listening intently to what was being said. He would just have to work it out later...

Paladin Sheppard

Straightening out of his combat stance, Paladin with one fluid movement sheathed his swords behind his back. He started as Ark made the comment about the Royal Guard but then realised it was just a comment.

Leaning against one of the walls he waited as the conversation played out.


As Jakob explained the story of Johan Cross, Gareeku's eyes glanced over to the winged squirrel. He seemed so familiar...like he was a sibling of someone he had met before...

Shaking these thoughts from his head, Gareeku's attention was refocused on the feline in front of him.
"Well, you've got the information. What the raccoon says is true. I did defeat a Johan Cross impersonater a couple of years ago, yet as the raccoon has said, the succubus was nothing more than a pupput under Charline's control." Gareeku explained, still holding his blade at the feline's neck, always wary of any possible surprises.


Anzimani scooted around the barrier and cautiously made her way up the stairs. She formed a small, purple ball of light around each hand as she did so.

"Who sent you?" She asked as she reached the top, and was able to see the mercenary at last. Her shrewd brown eyes were fixed on his face. "Is someone paying you for this information? And if not, why is it important to you?"


Gabi heard noises, and then shouting. She sprang out of bed, scolding herself for not being there and for letting her thoughts and feelings delay her. She got dressed as quickly as she could manage, and ran towards the source of the sounds.

She stopped before she made it to the stairs and tried to make out what was going on. Many had gathered there, some of them with blood on their furs. Everyone who had been at the table with her the night before seemed to be there, as well as Paladin and some others he didn't know. One looked remarkably similar to a squirrel succubus she'd met before, only he was male. They seemed too focused to notice her. They were all surrounding someone she couldn't recognize, and a raccoon she could almost swear was Jakob in disguise was telling a story about Johan Cross and his various impersonators. The story matched what she had heard only partially, and she wondered what his idea was.

She walked a few more steps towards the group. She didn't want to speak out and interrupt whatever was going on, but she did want to make herself useful. Aware of the presence of several cubi, she directed her thoughts to them. Is there anything I can do to help? I'm a healer.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


"You want the headcount? Half a dozen HVTs*. That's not counting bodyguards. If they're dead, they can't testify against it either."

Arc listens to the rant, then turns to face Gareeku.

"Just makes my job easier, nyet?"

He then turns to face Anzimani, locking eyes in an entirely uncomforting manner.

"Nobody sent me. I don't get paid for information, I get paid for bringing my target in, dead or alive. Depending on who they are, I can get paid by different people. Simple enough."

((*High Value Targets))

((Yes, PARANOIA logic. As in the old P&P RPG. They can't testify against you if they're dead. Likewise, they can't testify against any accusations. >:3 ))


The raccoon said nothing in reply.  Instead he wrinkled up his face and sneezed a few moments later.  What he was actually doing was sending a telepathic reply to Gabi, but it took a lot of concentration and he had to conceal it somehow.

"This guy shot Gareeku's arm," said a voice in Gabi's head, speaking rapidly. "someone's bound it but he should be your top priority.  Pal's hit too but his armour took most of it.  Check him out later.  Watch out for the cat.. someone sent him to kill me and he doesn't seem to care who else gets hurt."

"Well," said the raccoon to Gareeku, "what are we going to do with him?  We can't just let him go because he'll kill us.  Even if we take his weapons first, the guard will find out that he attacked Paladin and they'll kill him.  Strange as it sounds, I don't want his death on my conscience."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Listening to Jakon speak, Gareeku smirked slightly.
"Personally I don't give a shit about his death on my consience," Gareeku said flatly, "But I suppose now isn't the best time to be thinking along these lines."
It was then that, probably to a few people's surprises, that Gareeku sheathed his sword. However, he would be ready if the feline tried anything.
"I think he should come with us," the wolf continued, keeping the hand on his uninjured arm on the hilt of his blade, "He could come in handy. Besides, if he''s really that desperate for a bounty, then whoever is behind these kidnappings may have a nice little price on their head."


The flames vanished from Blaze's hands as he stood down.

"I may not be involved in this situation directly... but I would rather not have such a death on my conscience either- not when I don't even understand the situation itself." His golden eyes landed on the feline and Blaze raised an eyebrow at him. "The wolf here is making a pretty good deal, I reckon. Either case, if you refuse, it seems someone will die. There are too many of us for you to take all on at once. Even by the time you move, I'd already have burnt you to a crisp."

Mentally, Blaze smacked a palm to his forehead for resorting to bluffing. The actual chances he'd be able to do something like that in a situation like this with so many people around were slim to nothing.

He continued though, "If you go with them, you'll probably end up with a nice amount of money anyway. Plus, you'd be doing something more justifying than you are now."


Gabi nodded and approached Gareeku slowly. She didn't have the cubi's ability to read thoughts but it was obvious he had other things in his mind right now. After he sheathed his sword, and after looking around to make sure no one was about to start fighting again, she touched his hand gently to get his attention.

"May I have a look at your wounds?," she asked him.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Arc flicks an ear toward Gabi.

"I'd suggest removing the bullet before trying any healing. If none of you can manage that, I should be able to."

He ponders, running his tongue over his teeth as he thinks over the matter.

"Alright." He smirks. "Better than being stuck out here."


"Good, " said the raccoon in a relieved tone of voice.  "you know, it's a good job Johan Cross isn't here.  He would probably just have killed you." so saying, he turned away and sat down at a nearby table as Gabi began to examine the wounded.  With his back to them, no-one could see as he concentrated on Gabi's mind again.

"Gabi," he thought, "I'm not sure I trust the cat, so I'm going to stay raccoon for a bit longer.  Address me as 'Jay' if you can, and I'll trust the others pick up on it."

'Jay' looked at his watch - it was approaching 7:30.  He stood up again, and carefully avoiding the sight of Gareeku's wound, made his way to Gabi.  "Do you remember who has the map?" he asked her, verbally this time.  "It's changed before... I want to see if it has any further enlightenment for us."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E