08/15/09 [DMFA#1030] - In the words of the Guinness guys, "Brilliant!"

Started by Jairus, August 15, 2009, 01:15:11 AM

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Truly, an insidious plot, Mab and Albanion! In fact, it's so insidious I don't think I really get it, aside from meaning that a lot of hot demons are gonna be swooning for him.

Also, this means that Jy's gonna get even more attention from the ladies. Poor guy.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


I'm sure we'll understand in time. Or not, as the fae desire.

When I first read this, I thought, "Hm, this could be awkward." :U

Then I remembered Jyrras is gay.

Is there a way this could end well?



Janus Whitefurr

.....I get it.



This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Baal Hadad


Talk about ambitious....  Except that to these creatures, a year isn't really that long, is it...?


I think I get it... Wait does that even make sence? Ok so I don't get it.

Baal Hadad

I just realized something--are those FANGS Albanion has???   :erk


Quote from: Baal Hadad on August 15, 2009, 02:36:55 AM
I just realized something--are those FANGS Albanion has???   :erk
Meh, he's fae, they don't really need a static appearance.

Baal Hadad

Quote from: senrath on August 15, 2009, 02:41:28 AM
Quote from: Baal Hadad on August 15, 2009, 02:36:55 AM
I just realized something--are those FANGS Albanion has???   :erk
Meh, he's fae, they don't really need a static appearance.

True, but usually they look more or less the same....  *shrugs*


He's adorable, intelligent and rich... If he was in the spotlight this plan would be redundant.
Jyrras is now protected by some odd 10,000 girls thinking that they can "set him straight," or at least go both ways, and some odd 10,000 guys that want to take him out on a date.

I can only imagine the looks on Dan, Able, Alexsi, Lorenda and Kira's faces if they see this headline. 

Jyrras does not have to worry about assassination attempts for a while but he does have to worry about the paparazzi.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


The plan is simple: One need not fear what lurks in shadows when you're always in the spotlight.


haha! everyone will notice now if he goes missing.Brilliant plan!
<wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka>
"Why no, officer, I am not made of pancakes."


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Baal Hadad on August 15, 2009, 03:01:33 AM
Quote from: senrath on August 15, 2009, 02:41:28 AM
Quote from: Baal Hadad on August 15, 2009, 02:36:55 AM
I just realized something--are those FANGS Albanion has???   :erk
Meh, he's fae, they don't really need a static appearance.

True, but usually they look more or less the same....  *shrugs*

Not really.  While Jyrras was talking to Mab's daughter (I forget her name at the moment) she changed her appearance while talking.  And when Nutmeg was pretending to be Albanion, she was found out because she kept shifting her pattern.

Plus it's probably really more of a cartoon visual effect rather than something to be taken as actually having happened, which makes it all moot anyway.

My personal comment is... I LUL'ED SO HARD at the last panel.  Seriously.  Epic.  Is it going to balloon into horrible American Idol-esque or The Bachelor-esque popularity? This could be AWESOME and TERRIFYING at the SAME TIME. 8D


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 15, 2009, 04:57:36 AM
I like it.  But where did they get the photo?
Faked, perhaps?  Fae are shapeshifters just like Cubi (witness Nutmeg's impersonation of Albanion), and this Jyrras is already lacking the bracelets and regained glasses and goggles.


I really don't see the merits of such a plan, there are a few things that jump out at me.

1: They would have to make sure people actually read it, and considering how most creatures seem to behave, I doubt that many of them would even bother taking a glance. Even if some do, there are still going to be those that don't.

2: Why would they care? There's a very strong political incentive for eliminating him. Creatures are attracted to power sure, but I doubt too many would find themselves so strongly attracted to someone they've had a strong motive to murder and never met in person.

3: The publicity won't really protect him, I mean, creatures (well, demons in particular) don't seem to particularly dislike negative notoriety. A horde of being/creature suitors would also not protect him from some psycho coming to his house and slitting his throat in the night.

Granted, Fae and detailed plans don't really seem to mix... but...


Simultaneously one of the funniest but most confusing strips I've seen in a while.


Quote from: ishidan on August 15, 2009, 07:15:05 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 15, 2009, 04:57:36 AM
I like it.  But where did they get the photo?
Faked, perhaps?  Fae are shapeshifters just like Cubi (witness Nutmeg's impersonation of Albanion), and this Jyrras is already lacking the bracelets and regained glasses and goggles.

It could just be an old photo taken before the bangles were put on him.
A Scarydragon approaches!

>[Word Play]
     [Backwards Logic]


Quote from: ishidan on August 15, 2009, 07:15:05 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 15, 2009, 04:57:36 AM
I like it.  But where did they get the photo?
Faked, perhaps?  Fae are shapeshifters just like Cubi (witness Nutmeg's impersonation of Albanion), and this Jyrras is already lacking the bracelets and regained glasses and goggles.

Ooh.  I like that idea.  And yes, I noticed the lack of bracelets, but that could also mean that the photo was taken previously (Kria?  Lorenda?) or that we've done a cut and the bangles have now been removed (or it's just still an idea in their heads and not real).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Loved this, I laughed pretty hard at the last panel. Although shouldn't it be 'Gay Bachelor of the Year' or even 'Gay Single Father of the Year' if we're concidering Deebs?

Quote from: Baal Hadad on August 15, 2009, 03:01:33 AM
Quote from: senrath on August 15, 2009, 02:41:28 AM
Quote from: Baal Hadad on August 15, 2009, 02:36:55 AM
I just realized something--are those FANGS Albanion has???   :erk
Meh, he's fae, they don't really need a static appearance.

True, but usually they look more or less the same....  *shrugs*

It's for visual effect. Most cartoon/anime characters when doing something devious crafty and otherwise wicked tend to get devil horns and tail. Amber just chose to portray evil as getting fangs instead.

Although its certainly not impossible for him to have fangs. Remember both Lorenda and Kria do. Perhaps creatures aren't constrained to their species traits the same way as Beings? And technically Fae are made of magical energy and are shapeshifters, why should they be bothered with whats right or wrong appearance wise?
I'm not lazy... I'm motivationally impaired

How to be an evil Overlord Part 1|Part 2

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This is the first time I've seen fangs on Mab(which is odd as she's a freaking cat), or maybe my memory is just being stupid.
*Pokes brain*
I'll go with the latter.


They haven't grown extra teeth or anything, it's the classic "devious idea" look.

Corgatha Taldorthar

I thought I would be above saying something like this, but apparently I'm not.......

Is it me, or as this arc progresses (all 6 strips or so) do Mab's boobs get bigger and bigger each comic?
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on August 15, 2009, 09:36:18 AM
Is it me, or as this arc progresses (all 6 strips or so) does Mab's boobs get bigger and bigger each comic?
I blame the glasses problems.

Chaosnet device not responding - check breaker on the Unibus


The last panel was hilarious. I think I get what the plan is. They probably have that put in one of the most read magazines in furrae, people see it, and if he goes missing, everyone would go looking for him, with would be bad for the creatures who took him out.
I'm back, and tired.


Quote from: The1Kobra on August 15, 2009, 07:17:21 AM
I really don't see the merits of such a plan, there are a few things that jump out at me.

1: They would have to make sure people actually read it, and considering how most creatures seem to behave, I doubt that many of them would even bother taking a glance. Even if some do, there are still going to be those that don't.

2: Why would they care? There's a very strong political incentive for eliminating him. Creatures are attracted to power sure, but I doubt too many would find themselves so strongly attracted to someone they've had a strong motive to murder and never met in person.

3: The publicity won't really protect him, I mean, creatures (well, demons in particular) don't seem to particularly dislike negative notoriety. A horde of being/creature suitors would also not protect him from some psycho coming to his house and slitting his throat in the night.

Granted, Fae and detailed plans don't really seem to mix... but...

1. That wouldn't be a problem if it ended up in multiple magazines popular among the creature crowd, and dating/procreating with beings seems to be getting more and more popular in the creature crowds nowadays.  And think about what's driving them to murder him in the first place.  Peer pressure from an ambiguous bickering council is often no match for raw fan-girl/fan-boy affection, especially with something as cute and cuddly as Jyrrus.

"Oh, Jy jy is my bishonen, I could never harm him!"

2. You also have to ask this too: Who really cares about politics?!  I mean, when you think about it, how much of the creature crowd really cares about what the creature council says?  Probably it's around the same percentile of people that actually vote in any given election in the world. :rolleyes
The fact that they haven't even seen him yet is probably what's convincing them to want to kill him, but once they actually eye one of those magazines, they'll probably react in much the same way as Aaryanna did after he put on that cubi patch or Kria after he bit her ankle, and have a complete change in heart.  The only way they'll kill him after that is if they squeeze the life of out him in their glomps.

3. Again, consider the kind of crowd that would be fans of Jyrrus.  Sure, some creatures love it when beings and other creatures of lesser power hate them, but this will often come back and bite them in the butt later on, especially when it comes to adventurers.
Also, I don't think many creatures like it when fellow creatures of their species are in a crowd that opposes them, especially if those creatures are more powerful than them, and given the before mentioned reactions of Aaryanna and Kria to Jyrrus, odds are that there will be a few powerful creatures from all circles that will Jyrrus is the cutest thing since Mows.
Finally, killing off someone with that kind of popularity will be bad politically as well.  Just look at how Michael Jackson's fans are looking for anyone to scapegoat for his death, and how rapidly the reputations of those scapegoats are getting torn apart.  As I have said above, odds are that there will be at least one person amongst Jyrrus's fans that any creature wouldn't want grudging against them, or could do some damage to were it hurts the most: their bank accounts.  Hello, hello, criminal lawsuit anyone?  Heck, that'd probably happen even before this popularity boom, given Jyrrus's mother's stature in the courts.
I'm just saying, if a psycho did come and kill Jyrrus in the night, the resulting mayhem would probably be very similar to Michael Jackson's death after this popularity boom.  Through all the fan effort alone, someone would eventually find this psycho and make them pay very dearly for their crime.
If the world of Furrae already had a situation similar to this happen with a famous star dying, then any being or creature would definitely think twice about killing him.  If they new anything about fan popularity worked they'd think twice about killing him.  And if not...well, I guess Jyrrus will become something like the Furrae world's Michael Jackson, and he could always be brought back as an undead like Albanion suggested.

Icon by Sunblink


...I wish I had something intelligent to say about this comic, but I'm still laughing too hard.

I just had someone come into the room to make sure I was alright, actually, I'm laughing so loud. That never happens.  :mowtongue


Wildy still has feelings about Jyrras and paparazzi bothering Jyrras might make Wildy angry.  You don't want to make Wildy angry.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on August 15, 2009, 11:30:35 AM
Wildy still has feelings about Jyrras and paparazzi bothering Jyrras might make Wildy angry.  You don't want to make Wildy angry.

Paparazzi + Wildy = Dead Paparazzi :mwaha

Icon by Sunblink