Sudden change of events...

Started by Sprocketsdance, June 07, 2009, 08:00:35 AM

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As odd as it was my mom became a nun.. she's been living with the sisters for almost three years now. She's had her habit for almost two years and with so of having the title 'Sister'. This December would have been when she took her temporary vows (closed ceremony, big event, though secretly we were invited).

Now, somehow that isn't going to happen. Yesturday (Friday) I was informed by my brother that we needed to pick mom up on Sunday. At first I thought it was just her vacation got moved up but he said "no, she's coming back permanently."

I don't know what happened.. I don't know if it was some stupid thing by the pope (if so he is SO on my list..) or if mom really did something bad (she does have a rebelious streak.. but she was behaving herself).  This was her life-long dream.. she was estatic when she found out that yes, she could be a nun. But now that has been torn from her.

I'll find out once we pick her up what happened. And this poses as a pretty rough situation since the house she was in is being rented by my brother so she'll likely be living with me since most of her friends are up north. Luckily we do have a spare car, it's just sitting because it has a $600 bill on it to fix.

I'm glad to have my mom back and near-by so I at least have some parent around (for advice and such ^^; ). I just didn't want her to ever to through this.. I thought it was all set for her. But all in all we'll get through this. Our little family has been through rougher sitations, but it'll just take time.


I feel for you there.  I had an aunt who became a Catholic nun (she was born CoE which upset my grandmother when she converted).  She had to leave too, though it was for health reasons in her case.

This was something of a shame, not just because her heart was in it, but also because... well, the female side of that branch of the family are a bit unstable, and it kept her out of mischief.

I hope things work out for you.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 07, 2009, 08:07:58 AM
I feel for you there.  I had an aunt who became a Catholic nun (she was born CoE which upset my grandmother when she converted).  She had to leave too, though it was for health reasons in her case.

This was something of a shame, not just because her heart was in it, but also because... well, the female side of that branch of the family are a bit unstable, and it kept her out of mischief.

I hope things work out for you.

Thanks Tape, I appreciate it. I hope your aunt is doing ok now.


Quote from: wuffnpuff on June 07, 2009, 08:15:43 AM
Thanks Tape, I appreciate it. I hope your aunt is doing ok now.

Last I heard, yes.  I don't think I've seen her this year, though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I really wish I could come up with something other than a trite cliche to post, but it seems I can't, so I will just say I truly hope everything works out for the best.
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi



That sucks. It would be weird for her to be randomly kicked out as it were. I wonder if someone really just didn't like her. I too hope things work out whether she does stay with you or otherwise. I am also intrigued by this list of yours...   :januscat


Well, you were right Lysander, it basically was that someone didn't like her and told a sob story against my mom. And this hasn't been the first time either.. the only thing is this girl is also a new sister, but she's 23 and is treated as the golden child since the order really needs new, young recruits. My mom wasn't necissarily kicked out.. but rather was pushed to go in that direction. I do believe it's all for the best, though. She's doing a lot better now and I guess she'll be staying with my brother for a while. We might switch back and forth with being hosts :)

And thank you guys so much for your sentiments I (as well as mom) appreciate them greatly.   :hug  <~~That's for all y'alls.

Oh, and Ly,  my list.. well.. I didn't have one before.. but I call it my angry list. =)


i can understand the situation- i myself almost became a Carmelite monk when i was a teenager

its hard to think of a more drastic change in ones life

on the other hand, my wife worships Thor. her parents are non-practicing members of the Swedish covenant, which i gather is an obscure protestant organization. its a crazy old world, and its full of crazy people
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.




Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Thanks again guys  :hug you've all helped =)  Mom is doing better, still trying to get used to being out in public and able to make her own decisions (Granted, she was only shut up for three years.. but still it's a long time to not have your independence). If anything, it's all uphill from here.