Heh, good to be here.

Started by Myr, May 09, 2009, 03:53:13 AM

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All righty. Certainly new to the forum, but not to the DMFA comics. You can call me Myr (Say it like the word 'Mere', or 'Mire'). I'll be nosing around a bit, see if I'd fit in or not while I work on a few details. Anyway, a bit about me, I guess.

I'm a fan of music (Especially foreign and instrumental 'mood' music), a somewhat decent writer and perhaps a slightly rusty role-player.

Either way, good to be here, and looking forward to seeing what this place is like.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Welcome to the forums!

Enjoy your stay!  :boogie

(Whut? No attack from me? GASP.)


Come to my ovenhouse later on for dinner  >:3

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Alas, I think I shall decline that offer...
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Welcome, from one (sort-of) newbie to another.
Enjoy your stay and may you never check out!


Welcome. I just want to warn you now, do not make the box angry. I made that mistake once (so cold). But don't let that scare you off. I'm one of the very few people you can trust on this forum, because almost everyone else is out to get me.
I'm back, and tired.


Quote from: Myr on May 09, 2009, 03:53:13 AM
Either way, good to be here, and looking forward to seeing what this place is like.

It's bad, very bad.

leave while you can D:


Bill, why are you trying to scare away tonights dinner.... guest... that's right tonight's dinner guest... *ahem*... don't trust anyone who gives you warnings... except me, as the local medic, i have no agenda... and am not currently working for  anyone bent on evil things...

seriously... you can trust me...  >:3

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Hello, Myr. Good you have you here, if you know what I mean... Instrumental mood music is great. Have you ever heard of Amethystium? Well whatever the case may be, this one welcomes thee to this interesting place.   :januscat


Ah, the mixed messages, the mildly untrustworthy populace...somehow this reminds me of something I just can't place a claw on...perhaps a scene I did a long time ago, perhaps...I might stay then...while avoiding coming over to dinner anytime soon. Hehehhe...

And thankie-yew for the welcome, Lysander. But, unfortunately, I haven't heard of that group-I'll poke into that when I'm able. My own collection is a touch too varied to have any particular group to mention-but try the artist Keiko Matsui, if you want a start on what I get into at times...particularly the theme 'Mask'.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


People who come to these threads tend to be insane.

Watch out for those people. You don't want to associate with such insane people.  D:
"My existence is comprised of somebody else's delusions. It's the exact opposite of the past. How completely ironic."


"Humans that tried to trespass on God's domain, and a god that simply appeared in the realm of humans. Which of these is more sinful?"


Welcome aboard.  Don't forget to read (and follow) the rules.  Venerate their name and Obey them in All Things.  Aside from that, have fun and enjoy your stay.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


All righty, I'll keep that in mind-no worries. By the way, I'll be honest. Not once have I ever observed a set of rules that are so concise and encompassing on various issues; and I'm liking that. Heh. And back to nosing for me.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Welcome! Dig in, have fun, and watch out for boxes, muffins, boxes, and every so often boxes.


Quote from: Myr on May 09, 2009, 07:37:49 PM
All righty, I'll keep that in mind-no worries. By the way, I'll be honest. Not once have I ever observed a set of rules that are so concise and encompassing on various issues; and I'm liking that. Heh. And back to nosing for me.

The sad part is that every single rule came about because of someone doing something, getting in trouble, and then saying "but it's not in the rules!"

Welcome to the forum.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Corgatha Taldorthar

Quote from: Damaris on May 11, 2009, 07:49:02 AM
Quote from: Myr on May 09, 2009, 07:37:49 PM
All righty, I'll keep that in mind-no worries. By the way, I'll be honest. Not once have I ever observed a set of rules that are so concise and encompassing on various issues; and I'm liking that. Heh. And back to nosing for me.

The sad part is that every single rule came about because of someone doing something, getting in trouble, and then saying "but it's not in the rules!"

Welcome to the forum.

Isn't that how most legal codes are developed?
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Sadly it is.

That's also why there's so many stupid overly specific laws out there.

Welcome. Watch out for the box!
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


After awhile, you'll notice certain laws get enforced less than others. Travel well.