[Story Idea] Ever have an Idea that makes you say... (NSFW)

Started by thegayhare, April 07, 2009, 07:30:01 PM

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The other day while discussing a story Idea I had with a friend I made a joking reference to the creatures from the alien movie... I mentioned something about alien butt huggers. So after going to bed that night I started to day dream about how that would work...

the rest of this post might not be appropriate for younger readers, brain bleach will be available for a small fee

I give you the Xenopervs

A full Grown xenoperv runs the gammit in colors from light pink to a darker rich brown (basically the range of human flesh tones)... to tell you the truth other then the color change and removing the teeth and spikes from the tail they look just like the creatures from alien... they were phallic enough with out any more modifications.

The first stage of life comes in the insidious alien butt huggers. Fleshy spider like creatures with 6 long clawed legs and a long tentacle like tail. Like the alien face huggers the butt hugger springs at it's host. It tears threw any clothing in its way and attaches itself to the victims butt. the legs latch on to the persons hips and the tail slips down and wraps around the genitals (they prefer male hosts for a better grip) the creature then releases a long flexible tentacle that worms it's way into the victim (it's not all that unpleasant a feeling if you forget the sudden alien ass rape portion of it) It's a rather long tentacle and this takes along time since it has to make it all the way to the victims stomach. Then it deposits the embryo retracts the tentacle and falls off. It's very hard to remove since it has such a firm grip on the mans groin attempting to remove the butt hugger would result in the lose of the victim's sexual organs.

Once the butt hugger is off though the xenoperv grows inside it's host belly and the host shows no outward signs of discomfort... other then a sore butt and sever case of the munchies. after a short time the alien is ready to give birth. The victim starts to feel nauseous. The penis shaped serpentine creature forces it's way out of the stomach into the esophagus and out through the mouth... the host despite feelings of deep violation survives other physically unharmed... It only takes a few hours for the freed perv to fully mature into an adult Xeno ready to catch more hosts for implantation

Yes I'm a sick sick bunny


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Ryudo Lee

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on April 08, 2009, 12:30:52 PM
I'm gonna burn in hell for this but...

I guess their arch nemesis would be the sexual predators (NSFW!!!)?

Belive it or not I'm planning a Sexual predator story (featuring an alien that steals pred equipment) and thats what made me think of the Xenopervs


That sexual Predator toon is hilarious! I gotta say the whole site was pretty funny. Of course I'm a bit prejudiced.


I've definitely had thoughts like that. When you're trying to decide between stabbing and killing your favorite character by accident, or having another character kill themself so that someone else can't have the chance... especially in  happy story, it feels awkward. :<

DMFA reader since 2000!


Well to explain I was dubbing about FA and I came across a a thumb nail that intrigued me

I'm a big fan of Copy Wrongs so if I come across some cartoon classic or new I have to check it out.  So the thumb nail stated Odie +18... and I had to check it out just for the hell of it.

The pic was rather tame you couldn't see anything but it was a non anthro Odie boinking a fire hydrant.

I happened to get the first comment in and it was this

"He should get together with Spunky from Roko's modern life.

Spunky had an on screen affair with a hydrant after his former lover Roko's mop ran off with spunky's therapist"

The artist laughed so I thought some more and this came out of my brain

"Ohh I know we need a pic of them at a fancy resturant double dating.. each with there own hydrant

Then Spunky could have a three way with they hydrants while Odie films it"

And the artist thought it was so good he says he's going to draw it

some times my brain is truely evil