Shattered Innocence (OOC Thread) [M] )Closed(

Started by Noone, February 03, 2009, 02:28:44 PM

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I'm waiting on an azlan response... but other than that... Garis was going to go sleep up in a tree

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

I left things a little vague. I'm not 100% sure as to how exactly 'Cubi step into other people's dreams, just that they do, so yeah..... I'm hoping nobody has a source that says actual contact is necessary.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Don't blame you, I don't think we've seen a solid example of how it's done in the comic. Seems that close proximity is all that is required.


Note: I edited my latest post, I tried to make it more clear that time had shifted to morning, and added a short of Eilan packing everything up as well.


Say.. I was wondering if I could possibly join? I don't mind waiting a bit for a proper opening for my character to come in (especially since I have to type her out.. I have a basic written outline but need to tweak it to fit her to this RP). I may be a bit rusty since it's been a few years since I properly RP'ed.. and even then it was in the Star Wars universe XD (and was not in a forum).  If you don't think it's a good idea let me know  :)

Also.. if I can join, can you give me a bit of info on Whispwood? Thanks ^_^


Well, I try to be accommodating, and the RP is marked as open (I set my Arbitrary Insanity Limit at 7), so you're free to join. I will have  to come up with a scenario to get your character in, but the players are still in a place where it should be fairly easy on my part to do so.

Whispwood is an enigma of Atharra. There is more rumor about the place than established fact, however, the few known dangers of the place, coupled with many circulating rumors, as well as most travelers who go in never returning, mean that very few people actually go near the place. No actual civilization, as far as is known, lives in there.
Whispwood is an incredibly dense forest, the place is twisting and confusing, and is incredibly hard for even the most skilled of trackers to navigate through. The place is also known to be shrouded in a very thick fog, so thick that one could not see the sky through it, and as a side effect, it becomes impossible to tell whether it is night or day. The place also seems to negate magic as well, nothing works inside, magical items, creature powers, ordinary magic, nothing at all. It's a very dangerous place to be, mostly because it is easy to get lost, never come out, and starve.
Whispwood also has a large host of rumors associated with it, most go to lengths as to how dangerous the place is. Some say that some incredibly powerful creatures live there, and hunt down and devour any who trespass within the woods. Others say that the woods themselves are controlled by malevolent spirits, and they themselves hate all animal life and seek to devour any who come within. There are also stories of the witches, beings and creatures who have allegedly had their bodies taken over by the Whispwood's malevolence, and are cursed to forever tend to the woods. There are countless more, but most are of questionable truth at best.
Regardless, the place is completely abandoned by any kind of civilization, the living stay well away from the woods, and there aren't many that dare to traverse the place, at least, not deeply anyways.


Awesome! Thank you for the info too. I should have my character up within the next hour or two =) I'll post it here when finished.


Edit: Ok here she is! If there is anything I missed or need to fix let me know.

Chance Laxia

Snow leopard succubus
Age: 23
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Weight: 140 pounds

Appearance: Dons a heavy, wool, hooded cloak which also cover her wings (and makes her look like she has a major hunch back.. quite silly). She wears a halter top and pair of hipster shorts with a skirt over them. She has the normal fur patern of a Snow Leopard with white chest area and a black tipped tail. Her wings are white with black tips on the lowest feathers. The hair on her head is also white with black tips and one streak in her bangs (like in the avatar). She also wears a belt to keep her two broad-daggers on as well as a pouch for trinkets, a water container, and coins. Her only adornments consist of a leather band wrapped around her arm above her left bicep muscle and a gold bangle around her right ankle. Her clan mark is located on her right rear cheek which looks like a red V with squigglies coming from the ends.

Personality: Always tries to put on a tough act but is prone to giggles and gravitational mishaps.. in other words she can be rather clumbsy. She is friendly and loyal to those who show her any bit of kindness, even trusts too soon for anyone's good. Once she has an objective set before her she will see it through even if she gets through by sheer will alone. She is an optimist and tries to see the good in any situation.

Abilities: She has not come into cubi power yet and so can only cast Fire spells. But since she didn't care to study anything more than Fire she can cast a pretty large fireball a good distance (only if she is well fed and watered of course). Her parents taught her hand-to-hand fighting skills knowing that cubi often are lacking in such things. She is very agile and quick but strong enough to handle her weapons. Very proficient in handling her two broad-daggers she can hold her own quite well. Also even though she is not into cubi power she can still sense emotions around her and can gain a small bit of energy from them. She already knows her favorite taste of emotion: Determination. She has full use of her wings.

History: Living in Astarea was nice. She grew up in a more being-populated area because her father was a 'closet cubi' and didn't like being bothered by other creatures. Her mother was a being and so staying in the area she was born in pleased her. She went to a magic academy for a brief period since she only could only excel at fire magic. The higher-ups of the academy advised her father to teach her at home until her abilities broaded, but they never did. While at the academy she made one friend there who had black on white fur; like a skunk, and a ringed tail - He was kicked out shortly before she left herself. Her mother taught her combat skills while her father taught her fire magic and flight because Chance showed a great interest in wandering off and they both knew she was going to leave first chance she got - and she did.

Possessions: Two broad daggers (also a bit longer than normal daggers.. approximately 2 feet), a leather strap on arm, gold bangle on ankle, belt to hold daggers and pouch, pouch that contains a water container, 20 coins, a kazoo, a rubber band, and a quartz crystal (which she has no idea what it's for - but her father insisted she take it).


Her hair is shoulder length, she does not have head wings yet, her biggest fear is tight enclosed spaces (especially those hewn out of rock), and she is most comfortable when in a forest.

Edit Edit: I tweaked the history a bit..  :3

Color: Orange


Ooo. Very nice character! And ours are from the same region too. Maybe a chance they know each other? ;)


Thanks!! I'm really worried about actually being able to do this but I'm gonna give it my best!

And maybe they do know eachother.. hmmm.. perhaps childhood playground friends?  :giggle


and Garis is off to play mentor for yet another succubus XD

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I'm sure you're up to the challenge :) whenever her cubi powers decide to come in  :giggle

Corgatha Taldorthar

Quote from: Basilisk2150 on May 18, 2009, 08:59:37 PM
and Garis is off to play mentor for yet another succubus XD

Please, he just wants to get under a skirt. :P He tried to tutor Nicha as well, and she wasn't even a succubus :p
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


: wuffnpuff
Character looks good, now I just need to figure out how to get her in, I have a few ideas.

Also, if you want Chance to have met Zanfib prior to joining the RP, you might want to work out the details with Ghostwish, and then tell me, that would be kind of important. As a side note, it might help smoothen the transition to joining with the other PCs.
I'll PM you with an idea to get you in shortly, or maybe tomorrow morning, whenever I iron out the details.


Awesome! Thanks!

Oh, can I change my color to pink? Well.. since I'm a girl and all  :giggle I'll edit my profile post.

So.. Ghostwish.. Lets work this thing out =D Playground buddies or what? ^_^

Corgatha Taldorthar

Oh, and Kobra, Put my post on hold for a bit. I caught another cold, and I'm kind of out of things. I'll put something up tomorrow morning.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Go ahead, I just hope you like reading pink text.

Corg: That's okay, I've got a final tomorrow. Plus, I generally like to leave 24 hours between my IC posts, at minimum.

Edit: The method of entrance has been sorted out, it should happen soon, if all goes well.


Hello fellow RPers,

Just giving everyone the heads up that i'm helping a friend move to cali, and i'm leaving tomorrow. I'll be gone for a week, but i'm bringing my laptop.  Internet connections may be a bit spotty, but i'll update when i get the chance.  I should be able to reply at least every other day so although delayed, i probably won't completely disappear.  Sorry for the inconvenience to you all.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Awww.. bummer.. Well, all for the best perhaps with my character coming in... she might get a moments peace without you trying to paw her up  :P   :giggle

Oh, and Kobra Comander ( :giggle can I call you that? ^_^ ) I have to apologize for being such a pain with this whole gosh darn color thing.. but I just realized how very hard it is to distinguish the pink from the white text (at least for me) so.. would it be too much of a pain for me to go back to orange?

Also I forgot a few lil details on my character profile.. and also I'll have to tweak it a bit once I get Ghost's approval.

Edit: okie dokes I changed the history in my profile a bit :)


QuoteOh, and Kobra Comander ( :giggle can I call you that? ^_^ )
Please don't.

The color change is okay, I'll go update that. (Unless you've changed your mind again)
The new bio is okay too, now I just wait till I can glue you in. It should hopefully happen soon.

Edit: It's confirmed that Zanfib and Chance know each other, I'm sure that encounter will turn out to be... interesting. (grins)


Garis isn't handsy, he's just very flirtatious...

and for Corgatha, it's more that and he's never hooked up with a demon before :P...
anyway... onto more serious questions, Corgatha, are Ked's thought's open or shielded?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kobra, you're a darn-near saint with your patience, thank you!  :giggle

Basil: I can't wait to see what hillarity ensues (granted, I know this isn't a comedy RP.. but still..).


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on May 19, 2009, 12:25:39 PM
Garis isn't handsy, he's just very flirtatious...

and for Corgatha, it's more that and he's never hooked up with a demon before :P...
anyway... onto more serious questions, Corgatha, are Ked's thought's open or shielded?
I can't fully speak for him, but he did post this a while back.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on March 06, 2009, 12:02:29 AM
Ultimately, it's up to Kobra, to decide what is and isn't legit, but I was under the impression that any "loud" thought would be passively picked up by a 'Cubi unless he was shielded. A loud thought is something that is roiling on the thinker's mind, and if it's in Italics, it's probably fair game.

For his own usage, Kedered (There isn't an N in Kedered, why do people keep putting that N in there!?!?!one) doesn't employ a mind shield, as he likes to communicate back and forth with other 'Cubi through low level telepathy. (He consideres it somewhat beneath him to have to talk, but necessary for dealing with non-'Cubi. For a 'Cubi he'd rather telepathically communicate than actually speak) However he's extremely disciplined in what he allows to rise to the surface, so unless one makes a dedicated probe, it's going to be hard to read him.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


RP Update: wuffnpuff is good to go for posting, I probably wouldn't have fast-forwarded that last scene, but I felt it wasn't fair to keep her waiting. Anyways, I'll update the first post with that info.


Quote from: The1Kobra on May 23, 2009, 11:48:42 PM
"Extra planar? Deity?" Eilan raised an eyebrow. "I know some creatures sometimes try to set up cults with them as the center of worship, but I barely think that counts. Regardless, I've never heard of any divination methods requiring, 'extra-planar' connections, are you thinking of something else?"

Tyrian is interpreting the word divination, which in real life common parlance has come to mean the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of a standardized process or ritual, as the old, true term from Latin, divinare "to be inspired by a god".  

Though they have not been mentioned, there are gods and goddesses in the DMFA world of Furrae.  With Amber, things can always change, but in the old Nice forum RP of DaFfA (Doing a Favor for Azlan) she graciously revealed one Goddess that could be used for one of the Player's clerics, Gliynn (Gabi's character).  That goddess was Shinda, the Pheonix Oracle Goddess of Knowledge.

As has happened in the past, things in her lore can change, so this goddess herself may not exist any longer... but then again it still may.

Edit: Ty's ice form is resilient and inflicts cold damage if you get too close to him (Ty can choose to not inflict damage), but he is slow unless moving through snow and ice.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Generally (and yes, I'm a DnD player, though I realize the word 'Divination' may have several interpretations), I set up that Divinations are magical methods of scrying, information gathering, seeing into the future, etc. They don't necessarily have to go through 'divine' means.

Just the way I have the RP set up, there's not really a lot of 'power' in religion. You do get people who are 'clerics', and claim that their powers are from a deity, but their magic works the same way as everyone else's. It's more common in Ithralia where generally those in priestly professions are more educated, and generally more inclined to have magical training, however, it's not really something major in the RP.

Oh, and yes, there's snow aplenty...


As much as I would like to respond right now, I'd rather Ghostie have Zanflab... fib... fib, Zanfib respond to that attack.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Oh go get eaten after three lines or something, ya git. :P