Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered resisted the urge to give into obscenity. While the dreams he tapped were interesting, they were not of the sorts of information he was after. His attempts to chanel them towards the thoughts of family and home failed miserably, and since the young angel didn't seem to have any of the requisite mental awareness to alter his own dreams, Kedered was under the conclusion that what the angel talked about was prophecy. In a flurry of disgust, Kedered disengaged from the Angel's mind, shortly before dawn.

It was useless, a waste of a fine night. The guileless creature would doubtless share the experiences, or cry over them in the morning. I need some way to pry Eilan away. He won't let me apply the force of persuasion I'd need to get the little guy to squeal.

He wandered in a roundabout route back to where the rest of them were, hearing the edges of Kassin's descriptions. They were vague, and filled with his own doubts.What a whiner. Still, I gave oath.

Purposely stepping on some twigs to announce his presence, he asked the gathering "Are we all ready to go? And we should have some sort of plan worked out as to how we are going to investigate this stuff. I doubt Kassin can show his face in public, and the rest of us are iffy to."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Garis was again amused by Ked's attitude. sending a tendril of thought his way One would think you would ask your fellow cubi for some assistance in separating the pair, a simple solution, seeing as we can change forms, one of us should be in charge of guarding Kassin while the others are off hunting for clues.  Simply put, we are capable of keeping Kas hidden because we can deceive, we can influence, and if need be, slaughtering an adventurer isn't going to cause either of us to lose any sleep... not that we need that either...

Calmly walking around while kassin told about his dream, Garis figured that staying put was a bad idea.  "Hey, kassin, are you in any shape to travel, not that i'm trying to rush you or anything, but staying in the same place for long strikes me as a bad idea.  If your still tired, i can carry you, or if nothing else i can scout ahead either on foot, or on the wind."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kassin rose to his feat, gave a slight shudder, and brushed snow off of his wings. "Yeah... I think I'm ready." He stretched out his arms, and made a soft yawn. "Don't worry, I can move on my own."

Eilan turned to face Kedered. "Well... I figure our first destination will be the scene of the crime, hopefully we can find some clue that would give us a new lead, though, I am somewhat afraid that what we may be looking for may already have been found, and taken. If we're lucky, we'll arrive when no one is there. If there is an adventuring group there when we arrive..." He paused himself, going through the possibilities. "I suppose the best option would be to go in, disguised. I won't raise an alarm, neither should Zanfib, and they shouldn't be able to detect cubi shapeshifting, it would mean splitting up again, I think, if it does come to that. We might be able to learn something from them as well. Though I do admit, I do feel a bit uncomfortable splitting up, especially since Kassin wouldn't have a place to hide this time around."

"The other possibility..." He scratched his forehead, and had a look as though stumped by a complex puzzle. "Would be to try and find if there's something we can extract from that dream of his. I'm hesitant to give much weight to such a thing however, divinations are often untrustworthy, and somewhat chaotic. Still, it might help put us on a more solid lead than the one we are on." He looked around at those around him. "Any ideas? I find his second vision quite obvious, though I'm particularly stumped by what his third vision might have meant." Kassin seemed to shudder at this, displaying an obvious discomfort. It wasn't me... she wasn't talking about me... I know, I'm not born of malice, I'm *not*! he thought.
"That aside, we're ready to go, as soon as the rest of you are." Eilan concluded.


For the entire night, Raffiele had settled himself against a tree, only moving to shake off the snow and cold from his leathery wings. With the poisonous magic still in his veins, dreamless slumber would came and went in short intervals of about 90 minutes, not unlike a being with the flu or a cold having trouble staying asleep.

His mood certainly wasn't the better for it. "If the visions are true, it means he's a horrible pariah. He causes bad things to happen to everyone around him. Look at us, we were in the wrong place at the wrong time and now we're wanted men. Hell, him just being at the inn was probably what made it blow up." His brows were furrowed slightly as he stared ahead.

People wonder if the world would be a better place without them... there's no question there'd be fewer deaths in this whole county if Kassin was never born.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered started walking south, moving slowly so that the rest of the group could take notice and follow. As he marched, he projected to Garis You are correct of course, and I apologize for my solitary actions. I do not often work with confederates. But my problems are more iwthin our group than without. I am concerned about Kassin's relatives, and his own oddness. I tapped his dreams last night, but learned little that I probed for, simply the probably oracular dream he related to you guys. I also was unable to guide him, perhaps some side-effect of his dreaming true. I think someone will need to press him for that information, and that will be difficult with Eilan playing nursemaid. Which means that one of us needs to distract him while the other probes our young angel. Would you care for either role?

He then turned to Raffiele. "And he has done nothing. And those of evil intent have free will. A murderer would still murder, and you have no way of demonstrating that Kassin caused the murder in any way. But I suppose it would be characteristic of a Demon to blame the victim." Aloud, to the group as a whole "We should get moving."

He turned southwards and followed his own recommendation.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Tyrian watched Kedered begin walking away, but made no effort to follow it.  Instead he stretched and stood at Kassin's side, facing Eilan.

"Normally I would think that researching this dream would be a good idea, as I could perform a scry or a spiritual reading... I have no skill with divination.  Divination requires that one query an extra-planar source, and I am not a priest of any particular deity.  Much of the source of his history would be buried in his mind, streaked in his soul, and etched into his string of fate.  A probe of his mind could only reveal his conscious history, that part of him which begins where his mind was of sufficient form to begin constructing memories.  I do not think the Cubi or the being have sufficient ability to understand that which they find."

Ty produced a small purple gem, "I can perform a scry on his soul and on that which ties him to the fates of all of us and this world.  Not that I mean his existence impacts the whole world, more of a sense of the part he is expected to play as an actor of a large production.  This will take time and we would need to be someplace secure.  If you know of someone who can perform such research, then it would be better for us to go see them."

The fox gestured to the forest paths before them, "after you.  In whatever we choose to do, I shall stay with Kassin." 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Garis gave Eilan a shrug, then morphed forms in the blink of an eye. one seccond the tallwolf incubus was standing before them, the  next a shorter, pudgier, being, wearing a clergy like robe and displaying tatoos commonly found on druids.  "I'm ready for the investigation, but i suggest just you and i go for now.  Tyrian and Raffiele are dead giveaways above and beyond kassin.  If either Ked or myself are scouring an area where we've hidden the rest of the party, it'll help deter some real adventurers from discovering him... just a thought, though something we should consider."

turning his attention back to ked he sent his replyEither role is fine by me, though i think i'm better suited for going with Eilan.  I don't really care if you share what you find out with the rest of the party, just make aure to fill me in on what you find  he gave a sly grin and stretchedout as it seemed everyone was preparing for travel

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kassin, upon seeing Tyrian's gem, seemed to freak out. He jumped up to his feet, in an almost panicked state. His teeth clattered as he stared at the gem. Eilan gave a concerned look at Kassin, but reassured him by rubbing his shoulder. "Hey, nothing to be afraid of, it's just a gem." Kassin still looked terrified, Eilan withdrew his hand, turning back to Tyrian, with a sigh. "Could you put that away please? You're scaring him." He was still trying to take in all that he had been told, yet, was extremely skeptical, some of what he heard conflicted with what he knew.
"Extra planar? Deity?" Eilan raised an eyebrow. "I know some creatures sometimes try to set up cults with them as the center of worship, but I barely think that counts. Regardless, I've never heard of any divination methods requiring, 'extra-planar' connections, are you thinking of something else?"
"Any kind of active attempts at magical information gathering tend to be either vague or extremely error prone. Generally, with such matters, a very dedicated, active team is required for such a thing, as what they find, while each attempt may hold grains of truth, isn't reliable in of itself, and require conferring with each other to separate truth from fiction. The only places we could likely get such a thing would be a powerful group in Narukh, or the Thularian military, neither of which are feasible options. I wouldn't trust any independent scrying as absolute truth, it's simply too unreliable."

He turned away, towards Raffiele and Kedered, rather irritated by what he had heard from the demon. He turned an angry scowl in Raffiele's direction. "Kassin caused none of the events that happened around him, he didn't blow up the Willow, he sure as hell isn't the one who put a bounty on you, and it's not his fault that you decided to go run away and nearly get yourself killed for it." He made a soft grumble as he got Kassin up. And it sure as hell isn't my fault if you decide to lie to me about what really happened down there. He gave Raffiele a stern look. "Conversation over, I don't expect any of us to like the situation we've been put in, but it's what we've been forced into, cast your blame where it is due." He let out a sigh, and shook his head as he turned away, feeling as though his words might have went to one of the trees.  

"Come on, we have a lot of traveling to do, we're not as close to the place as I would like, so..." he said, turning to Garis. "You don't need to do that just yet." He kept silent after that, after that, they started to move. "Oh, also to note, we won't be able to stay in these woods forever, when we get to the farmlands, we're probably going to have to come out on open terrain. That location isn't heavily forested."

Eilan was sure to stay off the roads. The woods looked twisting, many of the passages looked similar. There was enough daylight to at least see decently well, starlight shining down upon the land. The snow had stopped, though chilly winds brushed throughout. Eilan however, knew where he was going. It was quiet, uneventful, with only a brushing of leaves to be what was heard.

Then, in a flash, Kassin doubled over in pain, let out a wail, he clutched his left shoulder with his right hand. Eilan rushed over to him, immediately alert. "Kassin, what's wrong? Kassin!" Almost in a flash, Kassin shoved Eilan off of himself, and darted deeper into the woods. Eilan looked at him with shock, but in a few moments, he was gone. "Wait for..." he shook his head in frustration. He motioned for those around him to follow, "Come on, he can't have gone far, follow his tracks. Move!" Eilan rushed after him.


Lost in the darkness, cold, bleeding, the last thing you can remember is running, running, running from a trio of savage demons, you weren't guarded, you took the opportunity. It wasn't enough, you were grievously injured, and eventually collapsed in the snow, darkness overtook you.
But in a moment, a faint feeling of comfort returns to you. Feelings of coldness, fading away, they last occupied your mind before fading into darkness. The cold slowly returns, yet, with a subtle warmth to it, feeling returns where none were before, exhaustion in the place of inertness. With a labored breath, you realize you can open your eyes...

Kassin was crouched down to Chance's level, who had been laying face first in the snow, horribly injured. He looked incredibly concerned, as he healed her wounds. Their solitude didn't last, he looked up. A strong looking, bloodhound demon stood over them, and wore a wicked smile, with claws bared.
"Oh my little girl, look at the *prize* you've brought me..." He stared at Kassin, who was paralyzed with fright.


As Eilan made his comment, Garis gave him a mischeious glance then shifted forms a few more times, just to show howeasy shape-shifting was for him.  After the 3rd shift, he stopped his bout of silliness and returned to his prefered form.  He nodded and kept silent, following Kassin and Eilan through the woods .

As Kassin gripped himself in another bout of pain, Garis unfurled his wings and kicked off the ground, flying just above treetop level.  He wasn't really concerned, given his coloring and speed, tracking him would be difficult.  At the same time kasssin radiate pain as he tore off into the darkness.  As Kassin stopped, Garis circled his location and was preparing to land when he heard a faint voice he didn't recognize, and suddenly felt kassin fear.

Taking all of a second to charge a pair of lightning bolts, Garis silently glided in, landing a few feet behind the demon.  He'd kept his senses open, looking for others, but the incubus' primary focus was on the demon hound.  As his feet touched the ground, his hand calmly leveled with the back of the demon's head, and his wings had  become pointed tentacles.  Garis said is an eerily flat voice "You so much as move an eyebrow and your dead.  Now are you?  and who do you work for?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Zanfib had been his usual, quiet brooding self, silently following along while listening to both the auditory and mental communications. He just walked along, towards the back, and wasn't interacting with the group much at all. That all changed when the young angel seemed to have some manner of fit, and then took off running. To this, the psion quirked his eyebrow and promptly took off after him. Now, what could this curious angel be up to this time? He thought to himself as he kept pace, right behind the angel.

As he came to where the angel, incubus and demon now stood, he only took a brief glance at the three before he noticed a familiar form on the ground.. His eyes widened, and his breath stopped for a moment. "Chance!?" He gasped, before his eyes flickered back up to the demon, and he snarled softly. He condensed the energy between Kassin and the demon, covering Chance as well, until it was a thick, immovable kinetic barrier, and came running up to Chance, kneeling down at her side. "Chance? Chance! Are you allright? Chance!"

His gaze shot up to the demon, and he bared his teeth at the creature.. "What the cubi will do to is but a fraction of what I am going to do to your mind, demon. Start talking, or I will simply get the information myself. Whether or not you are a vegetable by the end of it is not my concern."

Corgatha Taldorthar

not again. Why does he have to dart off like that? Actively maintaining his emotional balance, for these children made him lose his temper far too often for his taste, Kedered enacted a speed spell, and then darted through the woods after Kassin. In thirty seconds he reached the angel, and noticed the large, stupid looking dog-demon.

Not bothering to speak, he simply ignited his flame blade, and interposed himself between the demon and Kassin. Off to his left, Zanfib gave a burst of surprise, and Kedered noted it, the first time to his memory the psionic gave off anything other than smug condescension.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Tyrian concealed the gem as he was asked, smirking slightly, so the young tiger knows to fear soul gems, a very wise instinct.  I wonder why he recoils so?

The fox sighed heavily as he recognized the signs Kassin displayed, yet another creature was hurt and he had to dash off to help them without thinking, "bloody hells, that kid is going to be the death of himself and me someday."

Tyrian became one with the snow and sunk into it, rushing off after the tiger angel, following him by his scent and body heat alone.

The presence of the demon was immediately a concern and Ty stopped at a point between Kassin and the demon, in the middle of the space intervening, and rose from the snow.  His Sylphine ice elemental state remained, a pure white fox consisting entirely of ice and snow with blue orbs for eyes, blocked the demon's view and reach to Kassin and the other target.  He crossed his arms like some smug Djin, "you are out numbered and out-classed, leave."  His voice was like that of the howling arctic wind.  (DC 20 save verse fear :P just kidding)
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Chance felt the great healing warmth run through her which now had an edge of cold to it. Taking some deep breaths she opened her eyes to find an unfamiliar face over her. She tried to sit up a moment but her exhaustion still overcame her.  Just a few more minutes.. But then she heard that demon's voice, she turned over, making her muscles move,and pushed herself up to her knees with her ears back and barred teeth. "Get away from him.." She was sure the stranger was the one who saved her.. and even though she doubted she could best this demon she wasn't about to be called a 'little girl' without proving the damn thing wrong.

In just seconds others came into view.. taking different fighting stances against the demon. Then she heard a voice calling her name, turning her to bearer she found a somewhat familiar face. "Zanfib? What the heck?" With what she has recently been through she couldn't manage a better greeting than sheer confusion.


The demon glanced around, however, being in imminent and extreme danger didn't seem to faze his ego. He let out a loud, angry roar, turned his face to Garis, "Oh f___ off s___heads!" He hardened his skin, extended his claws, and curled his right hand into a fist. Fire formed around it, and with a lunge, he launched a stream of fire at Garis. His eyes started glowing bright red, and he radiated palpable anger. He did however, have a mind shield up, a strong one.

Kassin kept his hands on Chance, he tried to keep her from standing up, and away from the ensuing battle, if it could even be called a battle with the odds so starkly stacked against the demon. Kassin tried not to think about that though, as he continued to inspect Chance, catching up on healing wounds he hadn't had time to yet heal. He didn't say anything to her, he was too terrified to speak, yet, it was clear he wanted her to sit down, he didn't think she was in any position to overexert herself after her recent ordeal. She's lost a lot of blood, I think her heart rate is slow.., Thoughts of concern went through his head, and his face wore it clearly.

Eilan got to the scene last, he had his bow out. Once he saw the demon let out a stream of fire at Garis, he quickly got alarmed. Oh great, that might set this whole place on fire.., he has to use fire with all these trees around... He got his mental discipline back up, and launched an arrow at the demon. It hit him in the neck, though it simply bounced off his hardened skin. With a grumble, he put his bow away and readied his two sabres, he moved up to Kassin, and kept both blades held ready.


"On second thought, don't move and answer the question from the fellow behind you."  Ty said just before the demon turned and launched fire at Garis.

Ty put a hand to his forehead and sighed, demons could be so irrational and predictable.  He lowered his arms to his sides and drew a menacing grin on his icy visage, "perhaps you didn't just hear me... I said freeze!"

The fox drew his arms up from his sides in wide sweeping arc, bringing them together at the wrists with his palms facing the demon's back.  He drew in the snow around him and hurled a cone of frost at the bloodhound.  The force of the snow was rather strong as the snow around all of them slowly disappeared due to Tyrian channeling it at the demon.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Grim satisfaction was the only thought that radiated from Kedered, and a short mental cry of fool. When the demon turned his back to launch a fire assault at Garis, Kedered, still under the speed enhancement, swung his blade at the creatures right knee, intending to sever it and possibly strike at his other leg as well, depending on how resistant the thing's hide was to his blade.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"Gods damn them all.." Zanfib muttered softly, erasing the barrier as he placed one paw on Chance's shoulder, and one paw on Kassin's shoulder. "Hold tight kids, we're leaving." He said, and closed his eyes in a brief moment of concentration. The trio vanished in a soft sparkle of light, only to reappear a short distance away from the fight. After erecting another barrier around the three, he kept his eyes on the battle, but directed his comments to the two.

"While I suppose I could say long time no see, Chance, I think we better focus on the present for now. For example, how in the world did you get here, and what are you doing so far from Astranaar?"


Still feeling hands on her Chance looked to the tiger angel. Realizing what he wanted her to do she grumbled before laying back down - not liking one bit being in such an open position, but there were more than enough to protect them. She shivered as her muscles relaxed again, silently thankful for the opportunity to rest and be healed. Her eyes went over to Zanfib again, half unbelieving what she was seeing.. she closed her eyes and shook her head.

She was surprised to suddenly not hear the fighting so well..  opening her eyes she found her, the tiger, and Zanfib a distance away from everyone else. Smiling and shaking her head again she closed her eyes and concentrated on Zanfib's question.

Chance tried remembering what happened before she passed out in the snow.. she still had the restrainer bracers on which she couldn't take off.. and she was only able to grab her belt with one of her broad-daggers and pouch before making her escape from the three demons. Suddenly she opened her eyes again and looked back to the one demon attacking one of the Incubi.

"Zanfib! There are more! I remember three demons!" She rasply said, forcing the urgency out from her dry throat.


As the demon turned it's head Garis let loose with the poited tendrils.  He brought them crashing in from all sides as also loosed alightning bolt at the demon's head.  The hand seemed to rise in almost slow motion and he recognized what was happening.  Continuing the assault with the tentacles, Garis lept to the side in an attempt to avoid the demon's spell.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


The tendrils barely hurt the demon, causing only minor injuries due to it's hardened skin. The lightning bolt to the face affected him far more noticeably. The swipe to his knee was a glancing blow, it didn't sever the limb, but did leave a nasty injury, though it did appear that the demon had a great deal of resistance to heat. The blast of frost also hurt the demon quite a bit. It roared in anger as it sustained the attacks, the demon started to stumble. It didn't look to be in any condition to continue fighting, but pride prevented it from surrendering. He didn't make another attack though, and continued to snarl loudly.

It's fire blast, though it missed Garis, struck a tree behind him, the blast largely kept to the tree, but lighted it and many of it's branches alight into a brilliant conflagration.  

Kassin cried in pain as he could feel what was happening to the demon, yet, he maintained enough discipline not to go rushing after it. After a few deep breaths, he let out a loud "Look out!" to Zanfib and Chance. Another demon had come into view, a large, vicious looking equine. It was gathering power, flames danced in it's hands. It also possessed a mind shield.

Eilan gave a look of alarm as Zanfib translocated Kassin away. Not trying to lose sight of him, he quickly glanced around, he noticed the other demon before Kassin did. He rushed at it, blades in hand. It was still concentrating on it's fire spell, when Eilan ran past it and swung at it, making a glancing blow across it's belly, and then positioned himself behind the demon. The demon however, didn't drop his spell, despite the blow and intense bleeding, and then loosed a large stream of fire at Zanfib, Chance, and Kassin.


Zanfib glanced back at Chance a moment. "Three? Wonderful. They must be scattered about, and probably headed this way-" He said, but stopped short as the second demon appeared. "And in quite a hurry, so it would seem." He said, and quickly strengthened the shield around the three. The flames came within mere inches of them, before hitting an invisible wall and washing right over and around them. While it protected the three quite well, it did nothing to douse the flames, and so one could suspect that Eilan's fears would soon come true..

Perhaps he should have put them out, but Zanfib apparently had another plan in mind. He reached out with his telekinesis, and made to grab a hold of the demon, to snare its legs in telekinetic bonds. He smirked then, saying, "Going up?" before wrenching them upward, more than likely propelling the equine demon vertically in a very sudden and violent manner. "Going... down!" He said finally, suddenly and viciously reversing the force of his telekinesis, which would bring the skyward equine plummeting down at heightened speeds.

While Zanfib waited on the results of his counter, and took a careful inventory of what power he had remaining, he quickly sent out a burst of telepathy to the others. That is two of three, watch your backs!


Rolling off the ground and launching himself to his feet.  The near miss sent an extra bolt of adrenaline through Garis' system as he moved in towards the first demon.  He retracted the tentacles while sprinting in, he dreww his dagger in an underhanded stance.  He loosed the other lightning bolt at the demon while moving in for the kill.  Once in range, garis became a flury of limbs as his bladded tentacles attempted to wrap the demon up, he brought a slash across the demon's side, sent his other hand towards the throat of the demon, and he stomped for it's Knee.  Although he felt the second demon, Garis was more intent with eliminating thefirst before moving on.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


As the second demon appeared Chance growled low. This is not good.. I have to do something! Seeing the equine get struck did raise her hope but not without that hope quickly turning to dread as the stream of fire was unleashed upon the three sitting ducks. Luckily the shield protected them but she looked at Zanfib with worry, concerned how much longer he'll be able to keep it up.

Chance sat up again, more slowly this time although she was feeling better than before. Her bleeding stopped at least so she just felt like she got put through a meat grinder. Hearing the tiger cry out in pain she cringed, wondering what was happening to him. She grabbed the healer's wrists and looked at him straight in the eyes. "I'm much better now. Thank you for saving me, but I don't want you putting all of your energy into me when there are more... worthy warriors who may need assistance after this." Dropping his wrists she continued "Do you have the power to hit that jerk with a spell? If the third one comes soon I'm afraid we might be a bit over our heads." 

The tip of her long tail twitched with the agitation of having to sit there like bump on a log. Her fur was still a horrid sight from the blood and the feathers on her wings were all ruffled from the recent events. She would wait to ask for assistance with removing her restraints until after the battle, she doubted she could perform any spells in this condition anyways; starved and thirsty beyond which she's never experienced before.


Ty released his sylphine form, returning back to the normal white furred fox angel.  Most of the snow had been spent and to keep the form would have meant resilience, but fairly slow movement. 

With two of the demons occupied, Tyrian concentrated on locating the third.  He remained near where Kassin was and focused his senses into their environs.  He extended his abilities over the earth, into the trees, and even looked into the sky.  The searching took most of his concentration and it employed his staff. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Noting its relative ineffectiveness against the first Demon, Kedered waved a minor spell, switching his sword's composition from fire to an emerald acid, that slowly collected around the tip and would drip into the forest floor, leaving small puddles of slush where snow once lay. Guessing that the demon that Zanfib tossed was still active, even after that flinging, Kedered raced over to his form, standing near the legs and studying the mind shield, looking for a way to magically snap it. He sent out a tendril of thought to anyone who could hear such things. Let's try to get a prisoner. Data collection and all that. But if you can't, it's no big deal.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


The bloodhound demon, barely in a position to fight, didn't dodge the lightning bolt. He moved to defend himself, but was too slow to evade the attack to his neck, it cut clean in, and slew him nearly instantly, he fell to the ground, letting out a soft stream of obscenities before he died.

The equine demon was surprised as he was hurled into the air, however, with a brief burst of negative energy, managed to break free of Zanfib's hold while airborne. While in the air, it launched another stream of fire at Zanfib, and then came to the ground, landing on it's feet. Eilan, who was behind where it landed, made a slash at it's right flank, it cut in deep. The demon let out an angry roar, but didn't look like he was slowing down.

There was a soft breeze, normally not noticeable, but did cause the fire along the blazing tree to spread towards other trees nearby. The first tree started to wobble as well... as it's branches writhed with flames.

It's difficult to concentrate, with all of the commotion that the first two demons are causing, the screaming, the hurling fireballs. Yet, you are able to locate the third one, a large looking leopard demon. It's approaching your position fast, gathering negative energy in it's hands, approaching you. As he makes his way to your position, he jumps onto a tree.

The third demon then reveals himself, a large leopard. He stands on a tree above the action, it has a large amount of negative energy gathered into his hands. In a flash, he fired a stream of negative energy at Tyrian, wearing a sadistic grin on his face.


Garis felt as his fingers formed claws and dug into the demons neck, the slice sent a spray of red across his silver neck and chest.  His eyes started glowing as he noticed the leopard demon and began to focus.  He reformed his wings and launched himself at the demon's exposed back, he was charging another lightning bolt and let loose his bladed tendrils, trying to wrap the blades around the demon, as if the tentacles were some python from hell.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Tyrian was nearly caught completely off guard.  Had the demon closed to melee or grappling ranges, the fox would have been in dire straights.  However, he choose to be standoffish, and attacked from range.  This momentary re-positioning gave Tyrian enough time to react. 

Bringing his staff in front of him, he interposed the scintillating gem between the negative energy ray and his person.  The block was not complete and a small amount of the energy played over his body.  Ty felt a bit weak and dizzy as it sapped his strength, but that was minor compared to what it could have done to him.  He leaned on his staff for a bit as he cashed in his willpower to remain standing without aid as he hurled his rowan stave at the leopard demon's tree.

With what seemed no more than an act of frustration, Ty's staff impacted the trunk and lodged itself well.  A moment later the tree shook and wailed with a sound akin to the splintering of wood and howling wind as it sprouted sharp tendrils from the core of its heartwood.

They assailed the demon with a celerity.  Two wooden tentacles struck at his arms, each one seeking to impale his upper portion or the shoulders.  Two others sought to do the same with the creature's thighs and yet another desired to bury itself deep in the demon's lower abdomen.

If they struck, the wounds would not be immediately fatal, but they would nearly completely immobilize him and provide significant volumes of agony. 

The spell had the final effect of channeling significant life energy, hopefully enough to dampen the negative power of the creature, as the tree burned up its life force at Tyrian's command.

The fox turned his head away at the sight, a small tear streaking the fur of his cheek.  He did not shed such for the demon, but for the horrible murder of an innocent tree.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered smelled the smoke from the burning trees, hoping that Kassin had enough sense to stay upwind from any blaze. More immediately, he dashed over to the side of the equine demon that Zanfib had thrown. The thing still seemed mobile, and alert to his presence, so Kedered didn't waste time trying for a leg stab, instead giving a low slice at around hip level, while probing into the shield that protected the thing's mind. If he could crack it, Zanfib ought to be able to simply kill the thing or immobilize it.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Zanfib gritted his teeth, quickly wrapping his powers around the oncoming stream of fire, and redirected it, curving it about and sending it back at its caster, with a quick mental alarm sent to Kedered. In the same instance, the ringtail noticed that Kedered was trying to punch the creature's mind shield, and decided it best to lend his assistance in that matter, launching a simultaneous attack on the demon's mind as well. He wouldn't need to use up as near as much energy as if he had done it alone, and protecting the angel and cubi was taxing enough as is.

"Chance." He whispered ugently through gritted teeth, "Think you can match this bungling fool's fire?"