
Started by Rakala, January 20, 2009, 03:43:50 PM

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I seem to remember, a while back, a movie that at this point I can't even recall the title and was wondering if somebody could help me.

It starts with this kid, things happen, for some reason he's walking over swirling water on a pipe. I don't remember why, but it was inside somewhere, lots of concrete. When he falls in he's transported to a world with kangaroo-people-things that use the different elements. (Fire, water, etc) It's very fantasy-esque but I can't remember any of the other details for the life of me. In fact I thought it was just a figment of my imagination until a friends of mine asked about the very same movie, or at least it sounded similar.



I think that may be it. It sounds familiar, though certain parts are fuzzy.


What the... dear gosh, I'd been wanting to know the identity of this exact movie for ages! I'd only ever seen a trailer for it once on TV! Thanks Mao.

You know, this reminds me of something else I've been struggling to find the identity of for years upon years. It's a half hour animated short movie set in this city in the (apparently apocalyptic, with the sun beating down and city surrounded by plains) future where a dictator (we don't see his face at the beginning) suddenly turns the city's robots against its citizens. We cut to the city being practically abandoned, where a girl meets this guy (while he's taking a sub from an abandoned fridge) and they try to figure a way out of the city together. This is hard because apparently there is an electric forcefield around the entire city. This gives the short its name which I can't remember, something like "Electric Barricade". There's a lot more that goes on, but it's spoiler material and involves the true nature of the dictator, what happened to the city's citizens and what the forcefield really does.
It's short, but feels like a movie, and I remember it well because even though the characters didn't win any awards, the setting, atmosphere and ideas really struck with me. It seemed like a beautiful piece of work and ends very different from how it begins, symbolising a long journey.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Okay. I got two more. This fairy shrinks a guy, there's apparently a cursed tree and it's full of evil black goo that wants to destroy everything.

Second one, more evil black goo but two siblings, a girl and a boy, are teleported there for some reason. King is captured or something, evil witch makes the boy cry a river of tears or something. Remember both as being animated.


Not sure about the second movie but as for the first one...
sounds about right.


I'm looking for a 70's or 80's  movie about a Puerto Rican Man. the story takes place  in New York or Florida ...

all I can remember of the movie is He (the Puerto rican) sets up this elaborate con/(more of a  prank) No one would hire him because he was Puerto Rican, they were willing to hire the Cubans, but were prejudice against PuertoRicans because they were all theives... He tries to pass him self off as a cuban but after a night in the bar the cubans knew he was puerto rican and fired him. He then comes up with another  elaboate scheme to find a job and takes his sons out to sea and has them wash ashore in New Jersey or Miami and they pretend they're Cubans who cant speak English, and communicate  only in Spanish. The Puearto rican man then wants to get paid for his services as a translator... the two boys then get adopted by a wealthy family and their father convinces the family to hire him on as a gardener or translator or something.

It was a really endearing movie I thought it was Called Papi, but it doesn't show up in the IMDB least not a movie with the same plot under the same name and I was wandering if anyone else had seen it or knew its name.     
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.