Folklore (PS3)

Started by Mao, January 16, 2009, 03:54:09 PM

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Has anyone else picked this one up?  I have to say I'm enjoying it so far.  The controls are nice and simple, the graphics are decent and the story has been fun so far.  I haven't had time to play too much unfortunately so I'm just trying to find out how others felt about it and what sort of things I should look forward to/out for.

Janus Whitefurr

I played it far back when it first came out, it's certainly entertaining. I kind of surrendered when it turned out you actually NEEDED to play both sides of the plot to reach the endgame, as I much preferred Keats over Ellen. But I have no real objections against the game - it's fun, some of the individual Folklore are awesome, and the plot's certainly interesting.

And Keats is attractive. :boogie
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Keats is a pretty good lookin' dude.  However when Ellen gets ready to travel to the underworld I have to say.. that's more my cup o' tea.  I've always had a thing for goth types and in that outfit.. yeah.  :eager

Janus Whitefurr

And depending on your experiences, the "tearing out their souls" by using the motion sensor can be a bit irritating, depending on the method required. Some of them require pretty decent timing - or the proper application of another Folklore to expose them. I particularly loathed the side to side ones, if only because I inevitably got dramatic waving around the controller and felt like a fool.

And well, therein lies our different preferences, regarding Keats and Ellen, doesn't it?  :giggle

Loves me some Keats.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Hey man, I can see the beauty in just about anything, and I agree:  He's a good lookin' fellow.  However, were I to have preferences along those lines, I'd actually prefer something a little less... hmm I'm not sure what it is about him really.  Maybe just the way he dresses?  Maybe without the glasses.  There's just something not there that I'd look for.  I've seen a few guys that would likely hold my interest (if you want star references Orlando Bloom and strangely enough Adrian Brody.. if he'd fix that damn nose up a bit) but there's something he's just missing.

However for girls, give me one that's got a bit of a visible dark side and I'm a happy camper (on the condition that they're not as dumb as a post).