Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (OOC) [M] {2} - Closed

Started by Gareeku, July 12, 2006, 01:29:01 PM

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It's cool, you can still wear black and have sexy sharp teeth even if you're not a vampire.  >:3


Karl and Valkyn, just two little things: how do your characters know Gareeku, and how did they find out about his dilemma? You didn't explain that at all.


NAME: Christopher A. Davis

RACE: Panther Being

AGE: 18

FAMILY: Shari Davis (mother), Daniel Davis (father), Sara Davis (little sister, adopted).

EYES: Brown.

HAIR: Blue – unkempt but short.

CLOTHIING: Black leather jacket, no shirt, and jeans.


PERSONALITY: Distant, often distracted. Tends to focus on one thing to the exclusion of everything else. Quick to get annoyed if paying attention, but frequently ignores annoyances along with everything else.

CAREER: Failed magic student, now a runaway between careers.

SOMEWHAT BREIF BIOGRAPHY: Chris' parents are powerful and famous magicians, and the heads of a magi academy. Everybody expected Chris to follow in his parents' footsteps and be a powerful wizard, but he astonished everybody by failing in the academy. He frequently argued with his teachers, and only was interested in what he felt was engaging, and let disinteresting subjects slide, falling behind in classwork. One of the only class he passed was Enchanting/Imbuing (infusing regular items with magical properties.)

Although he was tested for magic potential several times and found to be more than capable, he never grasped more than the basics of magic. He was more interested in technology, but the only classes offered at the academy were magic-related. So, instead of studying, he would spend his time building stuff or doing things on the computer. His parents didn't necessarily disapprove of technology, but eventually came to view it as an undesirable force in their child's life, and banned Chris from using most electronics.

Chris' little sister Sara was sympathetic, and while she was very good at magic herself, she understood the allure of technology. Even though she was only 10 years old, she was very concerned for her brother, and she used a mind-reading spell to discover his intentions. She was upset, and tried to dissuade him form going, but she eventually agreed to keep his secret, and even used magic to help him steal a powerful crystal from his parents' room.

So, at age 18, he ran away, with his parents' magic crystal in a shielded sack. Although the city he lived in was magically warded, he managed to slip out undetected on a motorbike he built, because most everybody else in the city didn't use technology (also, the crystal protected him from his parents' magic, but he didn't know this at the time). However, he had no plans past that, and while sleeping by the side of the road one night, his bike was stolen. He drifted form town to town, avoiding the searchers his parents had sent out for him and taking up odd jobs here and there. This is the state he is in now.

POSESSIONS: Enchanted handgun, PDA, 2 daggers, and a magic crystal with many properties, most unknown to Chris.

TALENTS: An eclectic mix of technology and magic – creating things and then imbuing them with magical properties.

WEAKNESSES: Creations frequently don't work as planned, and Chris' extreme singular focus tends to get him in trouble, because he isn't paying attention to anything else.

I hope everything's in order...


I hope I'm not too late to join. If I am, tough luck! I'm in anyway!  >:3
Name: Benetier Myres, nicknamed 'Bent'

Race: Lynx-Undead, formerly a being.

Age: Appears to be 17, has actually lost track of his actual age. He estimates it to be about 120 years.

Family: He never speaks of them. They are all dead, and as far as they knew he died normally.

Body type: Grotesquely skinny. This is covered by layers and layers of clothing that he never removes. They actually give him a misleadingly pudgy appearance.

Eyes: Glowing yellow.

Hair: Dark blue, his fur is a lighter shade.

Favourite food: Living flesh. ...Whaaaat?

Favourite colour: Green.

Speaking style: SARCASTIC. Also insensitive. Over a hundred years of death has taught him that eventually, people get over it, no matter how bad it is.

Clothing colouring and style: Random faded colours, layered shirts, gloves, pants and assorted other clothing all covered by a frayed brown robe. He tries to hide his eyes from the casual observer with dark shades, but they do not do as good a job as he would like. The only clue that he is undead is his yellow eyes.

Personality: SARCASTIC and cynical, he is not above compassion but feels that it is less important than the matter at hand, whatever it may be. He has an unfortunate streak of curiosity, however, that can cause him to make poor decisions that sometimes lead to harm. Don't worry too much, though. He won't be too nasty ... unless you give him a reason. It doesn't take much.

Very thick-skinned, he would love to match wits with a kindred spirit. He doesn't believe in honour, except to women. However, not even they are spared his cutting tongue. And if anyone feels the need to sacrifice things for him, he'll not stop them. He believes in surviving.

The only redeeming quality that he'll allow to be seen is an unusual kindness to dirty slum people. He would hate for anyone to see it, but he actually is a kind person to those less fortunate.

Career: Swordsman-Enchanter. He casts spells on his weapon to increase it's effect.

Possessions/weapons: He uses an ornamental fencing foil, which would do no more damage than a scratch if not for the magic he sends through the blade.
He carries with him (buried somewhere in the layers of clothing) a potion to restore his magic, many bandages, a large needle and cord, a switchblade, and three small packages- a special mix made for him by a friend. With fire, they produce a bright light to cover an expedient escape.

Strengths: "The Undead have no need to eat, breathe, sleep, and have almost an unending supply of endurance. They are also able to fully function even if missing a limb or three"
He cannot feel pain, and is a trained fencer. His magic is fairly powerful, especially his lightning spells when conducted through his weapon. Very light on his feet, despite the bulky clothing. The foil is not strictly necessary, but it helps direct the magic.

Weakness: His foil can be easily broken, and he does not feel pain. Not a 'team player.' If his magic is blocked, he is more or less useless. If he overuses it, he will suffer headaches and not be able to cast for a good while.

Hobbies: Mocking people he feels deserve it. That's all he needs.

Talents: Masterful fencer, sprinter.

Short Story:
Was a slums kid, associated with criminals. Died in gang war, came back to life. Traveled to find family or undead that caused him to become one, never found either. Is still looking, but losing hope and turning to random distractions to keep him interested.

Long story:
Benetier was born of a normal family living in the slums of a big city. He made solid friends with the thieves and prostitutes of the area, and fit in well. He was actually considered the moral high point of the gang (for that's what they were), his worst crimes being shoplifting and property damage. They had exciting teenage escapades, as every teenager wishes they could, but the fun ended when they were pressured into attacking a rival gang by a third, more powerful gang.
The guard arrived at the end of the battle after allowing the rival gangs to finish each other off and arrested those still breathing.
Benetier wasn't.
All the dead were piled into a pit for later burial, but Benetier returned to the world and fled.
Since then, he has travelled seeking closure for his own death, and those of his friends. When he returned to his home town, he found the gangs all disbanded. The town was no longer his home. The discovery of a gold deposit nearby had turned the whole town into a shining jewel.
He never found his family, nor the undead that must have attacked him to turn him into one. What he found instead was fear and hate for him and his new race. Over time, the prejudice transformed him into the cynical, cold-hearted Creature he is today.
Now, he travels in hopes of finding nephews and nieces, or even newer additions to his family. These hopes are fading, and more and more he is turning to random distractions to keep his mind occupied.
It should be noted that he has eaten living flesh on more than one occasion, but feels too much guilt over it to do it again. Well, unless someone really deserves it.
He has never created another undead, choosing rather to protect anyone he fears he will cause to be undead for at least two days after he scratched them.
/kicks the internet over


Edit as per 07/08 was removal of GPS & Thermals. Not so much use when there's not going to be any GPS Sats, and when Arc is a feline... I have no idea why I added those in the first place.

Edit as per 13/09 was addition of description for sword and family.

Edit as per 17/11 was modification of family relationship.

*snrks* Just to even out the count of Beings and... uh, non-Beings, a tough-talking, meanie of a Merc. >:3

Full Name: Arcalane Celso

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Felinoid Being

Height: 6'2"

Build: Like a Brick S***house

Coloration: Platinum Blue-Grey Fur and Hair

Eye Color: Orange

Clothing / Armor:
Camo Overalls in Forest Colourings, Bandanna to match.

Black NIJ Level II-rated Kevlar Jacket - high stab protection, stops most handgun and SMG rounds - even stops shotgun slugs! Minor magical enhancement gives a small degree of protection against magical projectile attacks.

Occupation / Class: Mercenary

Affiliations: None

XM-8 AR in "Sharpshooter" or "Parasniper" configuration. ( http://world.guns.ru/assault/as61-e.htm )

Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO
Action: Gas operated, rotating bolt
Overall length: 838 mm in basic configuration, butt extended
Barrel length: 318 mm in basic configuration; also 229 mm in Compact and 508 mm in Sharpshooter and SAW versions
Weight: 2.659 kg empty in basic configuration
Rate of fire: ~ 750 rounds per minute
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds (STANAG) or 100-rounds double drum in Automatic Rifle/SAW role


Steyr M1-A w/ Laser Pointer ( http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg45-e.htm )

Type: Double Action (Reset Action System)
Chamber: 9x19mm Para
Weight Unloaded: 780g
Length: 180 mm
Barrel Length: 101 mm
Capacity: 15 (9mm) rounds


"Arming Sword" - a 'cruciform' sword designed to be held one-handed, with a double-edged blade designed for slashing attacks. 36" blade, weighs roughly 1.1kg. It's not very fancy - a work of functionality over aesthetics by a long way. It's always kept sharp, with a razor edge.

I realise some may try and correct me and say it's actually a longsword. Trust me, it's not. Longswords are also called Hand-and-a-Half swords, or Bastard Swords. Blame D&D. No, really. If you really doubt me, check wikipedia.



Mercenary Training
Training as a Mercenary is long, arduous, and involves tasks that would break many lesser beings several times over - and only the toughest survive. Arc is skilled in many forms of hand to hand combat, as well as ranged combat using a wide array of weapons - even improvised ones - and has good survival skills, as well as high levels of fitness, stamina and endurance when it comes to physical hardships.

Special Effects:
Innate Nightvision
Being a feline, Arc has innate nightvision. Surprise surprise.

Sharp Senses
As well as the innate nightvision, Arc has sharp hearing, smell and sight. This comes in handy when 'blind sniping' - ie, not using the scope.

Armed or Unarmed, Doesn't Matter;
His training makes him a force to be reckoned with even when he's unarmed. Trained reflexes, agility and strength mean he hits harder and faster than most people. And he's not afraid to fight dirty. Nosir. So, y'know, watch out, or he'll kick you in the nads.

Strong willpower. Good resistance to psychic stuff. Not invincible, but mental "persuasion" is more difficult than with your average person. As is any form of physical persuasion, ie torture.

What, you hadn't guessed this already? He's totally mortal!

Magic Sh-magic;
Arc is a bit superstitious about this whole magic thing and prefers not to get involved with it whenever possible. That won't stop him from using, say, enchanted bullets or a magic sword, but he won't exactly keep it around. He's a down-to-earth guy... when he's not climbing trees. :laugh

Description of Personality:
Gruff and serious when on the job, and quiet off it, Arc isn't much of a people-person.

Speaking Style:
Faint 'Russian' accent, perhaps related to his colouring. He lapses into using Russian when caught offguard.

A Short and Possibly Character-Revealing Quote: "Objective is in sight..." *BLAM!* "Objective terminated, over and out."

"We Will Rock You" - Queen


Mmm, no history, because... well, what's the point in writing a detailed history for someone who's almost certainly going to have it marked as "EXTREMELY CLASSIFIED INFORMATION"? :3 Nevermind the fact he spent most of it in training too. D:


Very little is known about his family although his father is confirmed to be an incubi. Obviously Arc inherited none of his traits, and is almost certainly a full-blood being unless it's very suppressed. Which wouldn't be too surprising, since his mother was a very strong-willed woman. Finally, Arc has two siblings - a brother and a sister. Both inherited their father's traits, meaning that Arc has a lot to make up for, hence his choice of profession. There is a strong sense of rivalry between the siblings as well, as Arc finds it appalling that his brother and sister get a 'soft' life, and thus makes a point of being the toughest of the three. He is also the oldest. He gets on very well with his sister and father, who seem the only people he can actually care about, but despises his brother - as do most of his family. He often turns to his family if he is in need of favours, resources or assistance - his sister makes a mean mindshield.

Paladin Sheppard

I should leave this to Gareeku but Amber pointed out at some point that there are no firearms in furrae bar primitive ones. most ranges weapons would be ether crossbows or bows.


Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on July 22, 2006, 12:01:49 AM
I should leave this to Gareeku but Amber pointed out at some point that there are no firearms in furrae bar primitive ones. most ranges weapons would be ether crossbows or bows.

I already conferred with Gareeku on the matter, actually. He specified modern and didn't mention anything about firearms specifically. :3


Heh, I made liberal use of a sniper rifle in one chapter of the BH RP. It's not like an atmospher destroyer weapon or some heavy mech suit stuff, so I think it should be fine.


Personally, I don't really like guns, especially in this situation. I think that in a world where guns are a rarity and there isn't much in the way to combat against it, I almost feel sorry for any creatures we'd come up against. But it's Gareeku's decision, so I should stay out of it  :0


*Shrugs* When I was first forming my Netami character we were just starting the SAIA arc and the SAIA RP thread. That's when a bunch of people came out of the wood work to proclaim their characters were these creatures of mass cunning, power and speed that were all a few hundred years old. Azlan came right out and said, "Hey, look, even the pinnacle of Being physical fitness couldn't hold a candle to a relatively educated cubi." And he's correct. I've wrapped my brain around how beings are supposed to have had the upper hand in battles between creatures for hundreds of years (which I believe Amber still maintains as truth) and the only conclusion I've come to is A. Big groups. B. Big tools.

Beings aren't born with powers, so they have to find ways to supplement them. My character uses intense physical technique of the spiritual variety. Others would have to use guns, crossbows, or any form of weapon/relic/tool of power to grant them an equal level with things that can basically shoot tentacle limbs out their back whenever they so please to impale, grapple, or otherwise maim opponents. Other threats include creatures that shoot fire from their fingertips or rays of cold from their eyeballs. Beings have to be creative in order to survive, and I think it's only fair in a campaign where you've got pretty much 85% cubi of no small talent that the beings should have a small but capable choice of tools.


Hm, I guess we should get Gareeku in here to specify the restrictions on what is and isn't allowed. The Creatures among us will need the most scrutinising probably.


Quote from: Gareeku on July 21, 2006, 08:28:48 PM
Karl and Valkyn, just two little things: how do your characters know Gareeku, and how did they find out about his dilemma? You didn't explain that at all.
does Xze need to do that?

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Xze-Xze on July 22, 2006, 10:08:30 AM
Quote from: Gareeku on July 21, 2006, 08:28:48 PM
Karl and Valkyn, just two little things: how do your characters know Gareeku, and how did they find out about his dilemma? You didn't explain that at all.
does Xze need to do that?

Think it through - is this the same Xzelia who fought alongside Gareeku, Jakob and the others in Furrae Chronicles?  If so, they already know each other (unless Gareeku is suffering from some kind of amnesia in which case he's just about to say "Who the hell are you?" to Jakob, but I digress).

You will need to explain her presence, though.  I'm going on the principle that Gareeku wasn't the only one who received a letter from whoever sent them.  It's quite likely that whoever it is has heard of the defeat of 'Johan Cross' and is trying to summon those responsible to perform some task for them.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


i think my idea was that she's down on her luck and has forgotten HIM and the adventures XD Hence the Rum-drinking...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Netami on July 22, 2006, 07:17:39 AMBeings aren't born with powers, so they have to find ways to supplement them. My character uses intense physical technique of the spiritual variety. Others would have to use guns, crossbows, or any form of weapon/relic/tool of power to grant them an equal level with things that can basically shoot tentacle limbs out their back whenever they so please to impale, grapple, or otherwise maim opponents. Other threats include creatures that shoot fire from their fingertips or rays of cold from their eyeballs. Beings have to be creative in order to survive, and I think it's only fair in a campaign where you've got pretty much 85% cubi of no small talent that the beings should have a small but capable choice of tools.

Quite. Taking anything less would practically be crippling my character. Fights would not be at all fair, as all I'd have to do is stand back and watch the others do all the dirty work, which doesn't suit the character at all. I included the sword primarily as a backup weapon when disarmed (in order of important; XM8, M1-A, Arming-Sword) or out of ammunition, as I figured that while it might be a normal sword, it's still going to hurt like buggery for anyone you stab or slash, unless you're following silly rules which deem that the victim can only be hurt by magical weapons. I mean, come on, it's still going to sting if they're stabbed! :erk


NAME: Anzimani Moria Havkova. Her friend Marglen enjoys calling her 'Zim,' but she slaps him with a wet fish whenever he does so. She prefers either her full name, or 'Ani.'

RACE: Pheonix (B)

BIOGRAPHY: She was born in a southern desert. A force of creatures (mostly demons) took over the land when she was six years old, and she, her mother, and all the pheonixes living in the area were forced to retreat to a single city within a magical barrier. Her father was killed trying to fight them off. (insert entire book here.) Bad things happened, she escaped with her baby sister. She met with a camp of others about her own age, who became her friends. They discovered the story behind Shroket's conspiracy, she learned how to use her powers, (and the reason she had them in the first place), fell in love, visited a nearby happy seaside city, killed the big boss lady, yadda, yadda, yadda. With the demons & co. gone, the heroes lived happily for a time in the new, peaceful kingdom. Anzimani, having been confined to the small city her whole life, itched to travel. Her spiffy new boyfriend stayed behind to rule the kingdom, where she plans to return after she's had her fill of the world.

AGE: 21

HEIGHT: 5 feet, 9 inches

WEIGHT: She looks like someone who would weigh about 130 pounds, but actually weighs about 60 due to her hollow pheonix bones.

BODY TYPE: Small-boned but sturdy

EYES: dark chocolate brown

HAIR: Raven-black and straight, coming down to just above her waist. She keeps it streaked with dark purple, like her boyfriend's is naturally, for something small to remember him by. It also looks pretty cool. ^^

CLOTHING STYLE: Most of her clothes are made for living in the desert, so she mostly wears lightweight fabrics. Her favorite outfit is a long purple silk shirt and black pants. She wears soft black boots that come up to just below her knees.

POSSESIONS: She holds her possesions in a sturdy, medium-sized, dark brown backpack, spelled to be waterproof by one of her friends. In her belt, she carries a matching dagger and sword, each with a black wire-wrapped hilt and an iridescent black and green stone pommel.

SPEAKING STYLE: She has a slightly lilting and exotic accent from her years in the desert. She enjoys a friendly chat, but she's not one who talks just to hear her own voice.

GENERAL DEMEANOR: She used to be a bubbly talkative teenager, but with the years and things she's been through, she's become more reserved and quiet. She still likes to have fun, though.

CAREER: When she returns to her homeland, she plans to marry and help rule, but for now she's a traveler looking to explore as much as she can.

PREJUDICES: Since she discovered that the goddess she worshipped her whole life was fake, she has had a disdain for religion. She tries not to show it as best she can, but sometimes she doesn't succeed. Surprisingly, she doesn't hold a grudge against the demons that temporarily took over her homeland, as she was very young when it happened, and it was really the fault of the woman who controlled them.

BEST QUALITIES: She is able to keep her head in a dangerous or unexpected situation, which has served her well more than once. For battle, she sometimes utilizes her second form, that of a feline. It depends on the situation, but the option is often a handy one.

WORST QUALITIES: She is overly sentimental, though she'd never admit it. She has trouble 'letting go.' When she's angry or sad, she tends to stew in her own emotions rather than talking about it and letting other's know what's wrong, which always makes it worse.

WEAKNESSES: She is sometimes quieter and more reserved among men and boys who she doesn't know. This is due to the fact that in her old town, made after the demons attacked, the men and women lived apart from each other. The first time she saw a boy, after she was six, was just after her fifteenth birthday. (Sorry for the confusing sentence...)

HOBBIES: She likes to read, since that was really the only thing the people in her town did as recreation. She also enjoys flying and playing a game known as 'Pearl chess' that she invented with her friends. She likes to eat fruit, especially peaches.

TALENTS: Like other pheonixes, she has command over a single element. In her case, it is electricity. This was very rare where she used to live (for many very complicated and interesting reasons I don't really feel like explaining). She didn't discover it until just before she escaped with her sister, and now she enjoys learning new techniques and ways to use it. In the air, she's also got some wicked loop-the-loop skills. ^^

Quote from: Tapewolf on July 22, 2006, 10:36:53 AM
I'm going on the principle that Gareeku wasn't the only one who received a letter from whoever sent them.

I suppose I'll use that too. Anzimani has been traveling for a while, beating up stuff and doing good deeds, so whomever the letter-sender is could have heard of her.


Quote from: Gareeku on July 21, 2006, 08:28:48 PM
Karl and Valkyn, just two little things: how do your characters know Gareeku, and how did they find out about his dilemma? You didn't explain that at all.

You could say that Issac is the brother of a certain vixen (you know the one we talk about on messenger...lilith)...he's a bit more serious than her though...not to mention he was hired as one of the guards of your home village...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


that looks like a fun game i would like play as well if you have room for me.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I'm out of town for a few days, which may put a crimp in my ability to roleplay. If you end up leaving before then, I'll come up with an excuse to follow you.
/kicks the internet over


Guh...I go to work for a couple of days and this is what i come back to... @_@

1. Karl, i dont consider Lilith and Gareeku's encounters to be canon. I'd like you to think of a reason why your character would be in the tavern, please.

2. I held the belief that the technology in Furrae was fairly modern. For example, in the Janus Bond arc, Dan has a gun when we see him and Lorenda meet for the first time. Another example is that, even though his lab is secret, Jyrras has been building weapons such as railguns and other such weaponry. With this in mind, i would presume weaponry would be modern enough for Jyrras to build what is a very powerful weapon, even by modern standards.

3. It has been brought to my attention that people are creating characters, and then proceeding to start posting in the rp without me actually giving it the "all clear". I'd like to remind people that this is the very first rp i've ever prganised, and things like this DO NOT HELP. Its also been noted that people's characters are heading straight for Gareeku, without acknowledging the fact that there also OTHER CHARACTERS THERE. Don't just head for Gareeku. There are other characters as well, you know.

*walks out in a worse mood than he was before, which is saying something* :compbash


Sorry about that. Gabi headed for Gareeku because she recognized him, and then talked to Jakob because she knew him too, and because of the letter.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gareeku on July 23, 2006, 04:28:53 PM
Guh...I go to work for a couple of days and this is what i come back to... @_@

1. Karl, i dont consider Lilith and Gareeku's encounters to be canon. I'd like you to think of a reason why your character would be in the tavern, please.

Ok...he was a guard at your home village when your mom and uncle disappeared...is that ok?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


That's ok Gabi. Its just that some people's characters are heading straight Gareeku just for the sake of it. One way in which this could be tackled is that one character overhears another muttering something about Gareeku, and so the two characters get talking. Stuff like that.

Karl: Try to think of something a bit more in-depth and more original, please.


is Xze doing ok?

*Hasn't done an RP in 2 years*

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3



I'm trying, Gareeku! my head just won't come up with something... *steam comes out of ears from forcing his head to think*
OW!...I've got it! he's the son an alchemist...and he was raised in a manner that made a fighter out of him and had a mentor at age 14 that taught him ninjitsu...graduated from ninja school at age 19 and began his job as a guard of the village of Sune'nok in order to raise money for traveling to any college/academy that he might be accepted to, maybe even SAIA ? however it was  two years into his job (one year after his headwings grew in) that  he is assigned by the mayor to help investigate the disappearances around the area*hopes gareeku lets him play*

Edited in order to prevent gareeku from being ticked...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


I'm not sure if I'm guilty here... sorry, if I am. This is the first real RP I've done in... well, ever, really. It's the first one that's really caught my interest. But I'm doing my best to follow the rules of RP-dom. :pumpkin


Karl: What town would this be? how did they know of Gareeku's situation when he hasn't hardly told anybody?

Valkyn: how the hell did the police know about Gareeku's situation barely 1-2 days after his mother and uncle disappeared? Oh nevermind.

*storms off*


 :< methinks people jumped in too quick before you ok'd their profiles, Gareeku...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


it's not a big secret in that village, that's why...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius