Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (OOC) [M] {2} - Closed

Started by Gareeku, July 12, 2006, 01:29:01 PM

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Quote from: Tapewolf on March 30, 2007, 02:14:25 PM
Quote from: Stygian on March 30, 2007, 01:26:38 PM
   Well outside in the half-lit corridor, the feline dissappeared, almost in between steps. Only a clerk caught a glance of his vanishing, and not seeing clearly thought he had just seen a shadow. No one, not even the oracles themselves, could have told more than that.

That's something Demons can do by default, but not Angels - since they are light-based and demons are dark-based.  I'm taking it to mean that Ignatz knows dark magic too, which means he really knows his sh_t magic-wise.

In other words, I'm dead impressed.

Thank you. You might find out more about Ignatz's magical inclinations later. For now, let me just say that he is stronger with and better at dark magic than light. A lot stronger.


Quote from: Xze on March 31, 2007, 03:47:59 AM
*nods* Will i be allowed to bring Xze back in soon? as soon as a i see a plot-hoop to jump through?

I'll have to think about it. This isn't something that you can jump in and out of whenever you like. If you had real life issues, then that's fair enough (though if you did then its funny how you had time for everything else on the forums), but it would have been nice if you'd told us.


Jakob has cloaked himself and is probably going to follow James covertly to make sure he's okay, but I'm keeping my options open.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

I -love- your exit, there, Tapewolf. Rolling about on the floor laughing, seriously. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yay. You know, there were a certain few of us who had planned out an opening, so we could set this in motion again and allow the players who want to pause to do so, and the ones who want to come back to do so, but... It's not going to work until people get to bed.


~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I'm pretty sure Gareeku is going to driven insane by Jakob's sheer level of paranoia.



Sign-ups are now closed, if you hadn't read the title already. I think I had them open for long enough.


Quote from: Gareeku on April 05, 2007, 07:05:45 PM
I'm pretty sure Gareeku is going to driven insane by Jakob's sheer level of paranoia.
He doesn't have to know about this particular episode  >:3

Quote from: Stygian on April 05, 2007, 06:18:03 PM
Yay. You know, there were a certain few of us who had planned out an opening, so we could set this in motion again and allow the players who want to pause to do so, and the ones who want to come back to do so, but... It's not going to work until people get to bed.

Well, it never was my intention to have Jakob go to bed.  He doesn't need to and he's currently in much too strange a state of mind to want to.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 05, 2007, 05:55:29 PM
I -love- your exit, there, Tapewolf. Rolling about on the floor laughing, seriously. :-]
I was trying to imagine what Tom Baker might do if he was in DMFA...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Regarding Keaton's post, are we assuming that the dorms are not covered by the mindreading suppressor field, or that it only prevents thought-reading and not emotion-reading?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Thoughts and emotions are different things. There would be no need to hide emotions in a phoenix temple.


Quote from: Gareeku on April 08, 2007, 08:47:09 PM
I have no idea what you're talking about.


QuoteRegardless, thoughts and emotions are different things. There would be no need to hide emotions in a phoenix temple.

I beg to differ.  The mechanism for reading them is likely to have the same operating principle, and besides, if you can detect stray emotions from the Oracles, you'd have a much better shot at deducing what they mean, which they do not want.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It is easy enough to mask one's emotions, or emulate others, as proven by the emotion-jamming technique. The oracles likely would need no magical assistance to keep their feelings hidden, just practiced calm.


Well I beg to differ, Tape. This is for story progression. Besides, Phoenix Oracles ae not emotionally involved in telling prophecies, and if they do have emotion concealment spells, it would be cast on them individually, not on the whole temple.


Quote from: Gareeku on April 08, 2007, 09:04:03 PM
Well I beg to differ, Tape. This is for story progression.

QuoteBesides, Phoenix Oracles ae not emotionally involved in telling prophecies, and if they do have emotion concealment spells, it would be cast on them individually, not on the whole temple.

So, rather than arguing, could we perhaps nail the scenario down so that people with 'cubi characters (for example, Keaton, RJ/Blaze and myself) will know when we can and cannot use those powers?  After all, it dictates what strategies I can use and where.  Perhaps that's not how you work, which might explain why this seems to irritate you, but alas I'm a software engineer and I tend to to work to specs  :rolleyes

This is what I'm thinking.  According to Mel they have wards in all 'the main rooms' to prevent thought-reading.  I had assumed they also prevented emotion-reading, either as a side-effect or by design.  If you say they don't, you're the boss but it does raise awkward questions in the Jakob-James confrontation and it might need to be rethought.  (EDIT: I can change his question to "Do you want to talk about it?" which would have the same effect on James)

Personally I'd be inclined to suggest a blanket jam on thought and emotion reading, but only in some rooms.  This appears to be what Mel was saying anyway.
The dining hall would be one such location, which would explain why Jakob has to ask James if he's okay rather than just knowing.

The incident where Jakob meets Gabi but doesn't know it's her only works if he can't feel her mind properly either - I had assumed they had warded the entire temple, hence my query about what's allowed - but that could equally well be a ward in the adjacent room spilling over into the corridor.

If we assume that the dormitories are not warded at all and that 'cubi powers are go (or possibly only slightly restricted) that allows what Keaton has done, and it has the bonus of allowing me to have Jakob actually do something interesting rather than just patrolling the corridors all night because I assumed his mind powers were being jammed completely.

This method also has the flexibility of allowing the player to specify - within reason - which parts of the temple do and do not allow thought-reading.

Does that make sense?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 09, 2007, 06:59:26 AM
So, rather than arguing, could we perhaps nail the scenario down so that people with 'cubi characters (for example, Keaton, RJ/Blaze and myself) will know when we can and cannot use those powers?  After all, it dictates what strategies I can use and where.  Perhaps that's not how you work, which might explain why this seems to irritate you, but alas I'm a software engineer and I tend to to work to specs  :rolleyes

Yes, so I noticed.

QuoteThis is what I'm thinking.  According to Mel they have wards in all 'the main rooms' to prevent thought-reading.  I had assumed they also prevented emotion-reading, either as a side-effect or by design.  If you say they don't, you're the boss but it does raise awkward questions in the Jakob-James confrontation and it might need to be rethought.  (EDIT: I can change his question to "Do you want to talk about it?" which would have the same effect on James)

Bear in mind though, that even though people will believe what Mel is saying, what she is saying may not necessarily be true, especially considering she was talking to people who were on friendly terms with the 'target'.

QuotePersonally I'd be inclined to suggest a blanket jam on thought and emotion reading, but only in some rooms.  This appears to be what Mel was saying anyway.
The dining hall would be one such location, which would explain why Jakob has to ask James if he's okay rather than just knowing.

The incident where Jakob meets Gabi but doesn't know it's her only works if he can't feel her mind properly either - I had assumed they had warded the entire temple, hence my query about what's allowed - but that could equally well be a ward in the adjacent room spilling over into the corridor.

If we assume that the dormitories are not warded at all and that 'cubi powers are go (or possibly only slightly restricted) that allows what Keaton has done, and it has the bonus of allowing me to have Jakob actually do something interesting rather than just patrolling the corridors all night because I assumed his mind powers were being jammed completely.

This method also has the flexibility of allowing the player to specify - within reason - which parts of the temple do and do not allow thought-reading.

Does that make sense?

Sort of. I guess.

However, I'll take you back to the issue of story progression. This is for story, so I'm letting it stand. And I still stand by the fact that emotion jamming does not exist in the temple. All this large amounts of nitpicking is driving me up the wall, to be honest, and this is why, even though cubi-characters are very interesting and I like them, it is so god-damn hard to work with them. They can basically do anything. I'll think about this and come up with something later.


Quote from: Gareeku on April 09, 2007, 07:41:19 AM
All this large amounts of nitpicking is driving me up the wall, to be honest, and this is why, even though cubi-characters are very interesting and I like them, it is so god-damn hard to work with them. They can basically do anything.

Quite.  That's why I believe setting limits is so important, but it does mean I try to keep within them.  I don't want to do the RP equivalent of going upstairs in a bungalow since that would annoy you.  Of course trying to prevent that annoys you anyway so I'm forever stuck between a rock and a hard place.

QuoteHowever, I'll take you back to the issue of story progression. This is for story, so I'm letting it stand.
I do not and would not advocate undoing what Keaton has written.  That was not the point of my original question.

QuoteAnd I still stand by the fact that emotion jamming does not exist in the temple.
Noted.  Do you want me to go back and change Jakob's question to James?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Trying to prevent it is not annoying me. The fact that question after question is constantly being fired at me is.

Regardless what Mel said, Mind and emotion reading are placed upon the individual, not rooms or the temple as a whole.

If James wants you to change it then do so, but I don't think it's important in the slightest.


Okay.  Ignoring the mindreading issue for now, I've taken the liberty of assuming that James will sleep.  If not, let me know and I'll scrub it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


No offense meant, Gareeku, but being asked questions is a part of the job of being a GM. You can answer them or say the players are not supposed to know that now, or even say you're not in the mood to answer them right now, but as long as people are playing your game, there will be things they/we want to know and to which only you can have a definite answer.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Of course I know that being asked questions in part of being a GM. What I didn't know was that every teeny tiny little tidbit and detail would be under investigation.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Completely off-the-wall, but... this is DMFA. We're -all- mad speculators on the most trivial, inconsequential crumb of info.

I thought you knew that, Gareeku? *grin*

(... and feel free to growl at me and/or ignore me, no offence taken. :-] )
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Aisha deCabre

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 09, 2007, 12:25:50 PM
Completely off-the-wall, but... this is DMFA. We're -all- mad speculators on the most trivial, inconsequential crumb of info.

*Slight cough*  Not -all- of us.  Speculation may be the job of the fans, but it's always the writer's job to either prove them wrong or right, because it's their story, or their variation of one.  One can see how nitpicking can be just a little aggravating in that aspect, feeling like you're doing something wrong anytime someone speaks up.  People appreciate criticism but not overly.  I like to sit and see what happens instead of guess, and take the full surprise.  More likely than not, the things that everyone comes up with are quite interesting, and just funny.  Nothing more.

Spectator, not speculator.   :3

:paranoid  ...Assuming spectators get to live.   :P
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


What the frick is up? >:[ I wrote specifically that "Ignatz" shifted back before anyone entered the room. It is supposed to fill a purpose. Please observe.


Quote from: Gareeku on April 09, 2007, 09:22:27 AM
Of course I know that being asked questions in part of being a GM. What I didn't know was that every teeny tiny little tidbit and detail would be under investigation.

You underestimate the curiousity of your players. :B


Quote from: Sheridan on April 10, 2007, 01:28:57 AM
Quote from: Gareeku on April 09, 2007, 09:22:27 AM
Of course I know that being asked questions in part of being a GM. What I didn't know was that every teeny tiny little tidbit and detail would be under investigation.

You underestimate the curiousity of your players. :B

Speaking of which... I am curious as to how long it will be before Arc discovers that someone is trying to claim his bounty and tries to cap me. I am actually looking forward to it... >:]