Gingerbread Houses! (may take time to load)

Started by techmaster-glitch, December 14, 2008, 06:34:11 PM

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   So, my youngest sister was at something yesterday (I'm pretty sure it was Girl Scouts), and they made gingerbread houses (though it's graham crackers, and not actual gingerbread). She brought her (half-eaten) one home, as well as all the leftover supplies. Which was highly coincidentally fortunate, because I wanted to try making one as I haven't done one since elementary school.

   Now, an overly-long blow-by-blow account of how I made the damn thing! (go ahead and skip this if you want, it's not even that interesting :/)
   Anyway, their (sister's Girl Scouts) houses were apparently all little square-by-square boxes, really. I wanted to do something a little...more. Not too much, but not a box either. I started by laying two squares side-by-side (wasn't until I was finished that I realized I could have used a whole rectangle cracker), and for a little more even width, put two half-square rectangles alongside the two whole squares (you can see this in the third pic). I then raised the walls (again, could have used whole crackers for the sides), putting on a little extra mortar-icing to seal spaces. Then came the first problem. I wanted a slanted roof (nothing else would do! :O), and tried with two squares. Put some icing on the edges, and then balanced them on top. It seemed to work I, so looked up for a minute at the movie my mom was watching in the other room, and when I looked back down, the roof had fallen in, and pushed the walls over :cry. I then declared that this was a failure, and that I would probably have to start over (apparently, indulging in a childish activity induces childish behavior :B). However, all the stuff I had already used would then be a waste, so I didn't know what to do. However, my mom took a look at it, plucked out the roof pieces, and pushed the walls back into place, telling me to just let it dry a bit. I watched the movie some, and eventually went back to the kitchen. The icing had dried a little, and the foundations were sturdier. I tried the roof again, and it stayed this time. I finished the other half of the roof, and then came to fill in the triangle spaces below the roof on the front and back of the house. I accomplished this by nibbling two cracker pieces into shape. I put some icing on the edges, and fitted them into the spaces. Went back to the movie to let the roof dry, then came back a little later for the actual decorating. Slathered on some icing on the "panels", and randomly applied the various candies we had: M&Ms, peanut butter M&Ms, Skittles, Mike&Ikes, Hershy's Kisses, a few Peppermints, and a couple of candy Orange Slices. And two Double-Stuffed Oreos. Yes, those guys were a little tricky. I had stuck the first one on, then put some icing on the top and added the second one. They almost slid off of each other. Thinking for a moment, I devoured the bottom Oreo and saved the top one. Reapplied some icing to then panel, and put the second Oreo in place, and left that one alone. That one almost stayed in place, so I ended up using a Mike&Ike to brace it (you can see that in the first pic). Waited some time for that to set, and then came back, put on a little icing (not too much and not too little), and put the second Oreo on. Over a little time, that one slid, but I moved it back up. The icing was partially dried by then, and I deliberately pushed it about a cm too far. It slid back down a little, right were it was supposed to be as the icing dried completely overnight.

And, here are my results! (if the pictures are causing errors or taking too log to load, I can repost them as links instead of images)

Top View:

Other Top view:

And Bottom View :P (so you can see how I got the width)

So, has anyone else made any sweet edible domiciles this holiday season?


Now try a gingerbread mansion, or a gingerbread skyscraper!

Or a gingerbread Statue of Liberty, or a Gingerbread Eiffel Tower, or a gingerbread St. Louis Arch, or a gingerbread Sky Needle, or a gingerbread Golden Gate Bridge...

*the challenges have been issued!* 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


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