Started by Rakala, November 04, 2008, 11:38:08 PM

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You know I kinda lost my faith in America for awhile, thinking Mccain was going to win. It was one of the fastest elections yet. Only took a night to get the required 270. Anybody who was supporting John McCain, I also respected him as a politician, I just don't think he belongs in the Oval Office.
:boogie :villagepeople :funkmario1 :funkluigi1  :megagroove :ddrabel :ipod :mowhappy :marle :catgirl :wiggle :catgirl2

Reese Tora

Congratulations to Obama, though I present my misgivings at a majority Democrat house and senate with a democrat president. (I would give similar misgivings for a majority republican congress with republican president, mind...)

My faith can only be restored by a third party candidate from a third party that isn't bat-s*** insane getting a legitimate shot at election instead of the only threat from them being to drain critical votes from the two major parties.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


oh goody, now the rest of our world can get along with out lives without being bombarded by news reports about the US Election Circus for a few years..  >:3


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Nah.  Palin will start her campaign the day Obama is inaugurated.


Yes, congratulations to Obama.

I have to admit, I'm a little scared.  Not by Obama, but by the future, which seems so uncertain right now.

We're in the middle of a huge economic crisis and I don't think we've hit bottom yet.  We're going to have to switch to alternative energy sources and eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, requiring us to scrap the entire gasoline-based infrastructure.  To top it off, some European nations want to renegotiate Bretton Woods, which isn't all that important except for the part about the entire freaking economic underpinning of the Western economy.  To be fair, we need to renegotiate it, because of the crap that the World Bank and IMF are responsible for, but if we don't do it properly, we could really mess up the entire world economy.

I need a hug.  :cry

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Quote from: superluser on November 05, 2008, 01:11:40 AM
Yes, congratulations to Obama.

I have to admit, I'm a little scared.  Not by Obama, but by the future, which seems so uncertain right now.

We're in the middle of a huge economic crisis and I don't think we've hit bottom yet.  We're going to have to switch to alternative energy sources and eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, requiring us to scrap the entire gasoline-based infrastructure.  To top it off, some European nations want to renegotiate Bretton Woods, which isn't all that important except for the part about the entire freaking economic underpinning of the Western economy.  To be fair, we need to renegotiate it, because of the crap that the World Bank and IMF are responsible for, but if we don't do it properly, we could really mess up the entire world economy.

I need a hug.  :cry
:hug It'll be okay.

So long as people wise up a little and we work together, we'll make it. I know we will.

Congrats to Obama. Now let's save the country.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Congratulations Obama. Really, I'm just happy this nonsense can cease for a short amount of time (until the next election), and that I won't be bombarded by it every minute of every day.
https://www.weasyl.com/~boximus<br /><br />My Weasyl!


Quote from: Yugo on November 05, 2008, 01:34:56 AM
Congratulations Obama. Really, I'm just happy this nonsense can cease for a short amount of time (until the next election), and that I won't be bombarded by it every minute of every day.

Going by '06 standards, you have two days until the 2010 midterm election talk begins.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll take it.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll make it.
The power and the glory is over, and I'll break it.
The power and the glory is over....


Quote from: DarkAudit on November 05, 2008, 01:41:54 AMGoing by '06 standards, you have two days until the 2010 midterm election talk begins.

Not this year.  The Republicans are imploding and I don't think they'll be able to run a successful campaign for a while.

Also, thanks for the hug, Jairus.  I needed it.

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The only thing I can say is that I'm just glad I won't have to listen to annoying campaign ads for a while now. Hooray for not getting my ballot for my first presidential election, sure sets a nice precedent for me not voting.


 :boogie :boogie :boogie :boogie :boogie :boogie

The first Election i can vote in turns out to be historical!!!

Now i only hope that things will slowly turn around for the better.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Indiana. Obama won freaking INDIANA. No Democrat has won the Presidential vote in Indiana since 1964.  And the AP (and other media outlets) have called it for Obama.

That's it. It's officially an electoral college LANDSLIDE. That's right, I used the L word. LANDSLIDE.
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein


Last election was a landslide too. Though I'm surprised my origin state went blue this year.


Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 05, 2008, 03:17:26 AMLast election was a landslide too. Though I'm surprised my origin state went blue this year.

Last election was 286-252.  That's 47% to 53%.  This election is shaping up to be 338-158.  If McCain gets every EV that hasn't been called, he can make it to 200 EVs.  That's 63% to 37%.  That's a blowout.  The popular vote in 2004 was 51% to 48%.  According to CNN, it's 52% to 47% this year.

So no popular vote blowout, but a definite electoral vote blowout.

Also, Sean Quinn reports something screwy going on in Georgia.  According to news reports, 1.7 million Georgians voted early, but official results list the total for Georgia at only 3.6 million?

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Y'know what, I find this depressing, I'm out of this thread. Yay Obama, great job wooing the American public.


Congratulations, guys!  Hopefully you can now start to undo some of that paranoid security theater crap, so that people will enjoy visiting the US rather than hoping that the TSA guys don't take a fancy to their laptop  :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I am filled with childlike elation and joy at this news. There are no words, except I truly hope America changes for the better. I truly do. But I feel that Obama is a man that inspires hope in a lot of people. I have nothing but admiration for this, and I feel that after Bush's twenty percent approval rating and the disappointing performance of his presidency, this is something America needs. We need confidence, we need a man we can support and count on.

However, I finally realize by now that McCain's a good man. He had the decency to step down and he praised Obama in his speeches, even chastising his voters for booing Obama's name. To an extent, I feel a little ashamed that I expected the same act from Bush in McCain.

Quoting a Farker site:
QuoteCongratulations to Barack Obama and the rest of the Democratic party.

Don't screw it up.

Dear Senator McCain,

You seem like a good guy. It's sad you didn't get to serve your country again in the capacity you wanted, but I am sure that you will continue to serve her at every opportunity going forth.

Dear Senator McCain's supporters,

Please have the same decency as the man you're supporting.

Oh, and Jer-oh-me, there's a difference between wooing the American public and inspiring them. :3 And I think Obama did just that: he inspired people. Some of the most cynical people I know are overjoyed and enthusiastic.

So no, I don't think he's some slimy dictator-in-presidential-clothing that's managed to woo the public with his fake charisma.


It's not nice to be a sore loser, Jer  :<

Anyways....that Georgia thing really does sound screwy...

i just hope the 'R' word doesn't come up...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on November 05, 2008, 04:17:21 AMHowever, I finally realize by now that McCain's a good man. He had the decency to step down and he praised Obama in his speeches, even chastising his voters for booing Obama's name. To an extent, I feel a little ashamed that I expected the same act from Bush in McCain.

McCain's a riddle wrapped in a mystery.  Whether that mystery is inside an enigma is something that not even I know.  If I ever write a story with a politician, McCain may very well be my archetype.

McCain's a class act and he used to be a moderate.  The problem was that a moderate couldn't win the Republican base, and thus couldn't win the election.  In order to make the conservative base like him, he had to shore up his bona fides.  So he turned hard right on abortion and started voting with George Bush, even to the extent that he voted to allow waterboarding.

Maybe he told himself that he just needed to wear the hard right mask long enough to win the election, and then he'd take it off and be his old moderate self.  Maybe the mask changed him, and the moderate McCain is no more.  Or maybe the McCain of 2000 is still there.  I can't see into his soul, so I don't know.

Here is one theory that I had as a sort of epiphany tonight: Maybe McCain saw how far right the Republican Party was going, and knew that it would become more and more of a know-nothing party: anti-immigrant, racist, and theocratic.  And maybe he decided to put a stop to it.  It would destroy the Republican Party and it would destroy his career, but at least it would save America.

It would certainly explain all his bonehead moves.  And it would explain why, though he went negative, he never aggressively played the race card and always chastised those who did.

OK.  I'll edit this one more time:

Quote from: Xze-Xze on November 05, 2008, 04:24:39 AMIt's not nice to be a sore loser, Jer  :<

I sympathize with Jer-oh-me.  This is not a normal loss, and I'd like to cheer him up, but the most cheery that I can get is ``Cheer up, your candidate lost because they ran the wrong candidate, not because the American people are stupid or your ideas are bad.'' (I should hasten to add that I do not think that your ideas are bad)  This is a very bad time to be a Republican, and I think I'll have more to say about that later in this thread, but I think I may have a soak in the tub and meditation first.

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Quote from: Turnsky on November 05, 2008, 12:55:39 AM
oh goody, now the rest of our world can get along with out lives without being bombarded by news reports about the US Election Circus for a few years..  >:3
Like it or lump it, what happens to the US does affect the rest of us.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I was quite elated myself, in fact, my whole dorm was. People were cheering for about an hour straight, it was hard to sleep, ah well, I guess I shouldn't complain, this did turn out for the best after all.
Speaking of which, I also noticed that there are at least 60 democrats in the senate, that is enough to bring about cloture, meaning partisan legislation can't be filibustered as easily. I'm not sure about the house, though I think that has a democratic majority. Normally I get quite scared when one party controls too much of the government, but I guess this time is an exception.


And among everything else Palin gets to go back to Alaska. However they're probably going to have to heighten security of Obama. Some angry redneck is going to try and kill him.

Aisha deCabre

Now I for one am definitely proud of Obama.  Not only was this election historic, it was an absolute shoe-in for him.  Once it was announced that he got the 55 Electoral votes of California, it was over and done with, we were all cheering.  And even though I'm not one to pay attention to politics at all, I'm glad my generation's alive to see this moment (my mom even taped it).

Quote from: Rakala on November 05, 2008, 07:38:20 AM
...However they're probably going to have to heighten security of Obama. Some angry redneck is going to try and kill him.

I dunno if someone'll go that far, risking their lives or jail just to satisfy a racial ilk; but then again, I sometimes underestimate the stupidity of the human race.  The rednecks'll just have to deal with it.  It's the future, there's an African American president, deal with it.   :rolleyes  Like I heard them say on the news, today's generation is colorblind compared to those that grew up in the 50's, 60's and 70's, all the way back, and here's hoping we're better for it.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Congratulations Obama. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how things turn out for my bretheren to the south now that someone that isn't Bush is in office.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


The great thing is not only do we once again have a liberal democrat in the presidential seat, but seeing as Obama is black, it's even more historical, and not just for America. Obama is the first black leader in a Western European culture ever, in fact, save Africa and the middle-east, I believe he is the first black leader of a country in History. I cannot think of any other country, save Africa and the Middle East, that has had a black leader. So today, we not only have set a new standard for the American government, but a standard for the World government as a whole.


Yay for President Obama. Let's hope he does a good job.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


I heard someone state that Obama being elected makes it finally feel like the 21st century, and i agree wholeheartedly
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 05, 2008, 07:25:25 AM
Quote from: Turnsky on November 05, 2008, 12:55:39 AMoh goody, now the rest of our world can get along with out lives without being bombarded by news reports about the US Election Circus for a few years..  >:3
Like it or lump it, what happens to the US does affect the rest of us.

No, no.  He's right.  Talk to most Americans, and they'll tell you that they are so glad that this thing is over.

I've never seen an election like this.  The attack ads have been some of the most scurrilous of all time, and crazy McCain supporters and just plain crazy people.  McCain, to his credit, has tried to stop the crazies.

I don't even live in a swing state, and the political advertising has been non-stop for the past two months or so.  If you try to follow politics at all, it's been exhausting.  It wasn't like this in 2006 or 2004.

Quote from: The1Kobra on November 05, 2008, 07:35:04 AMSpeaking of which, I also noticed that there are at least 60 democrats in the senate, that is enough to bring about cloture, meaning partisan legislation can't be filibustered as easily.

CNN is reporting 56 to 40 with 4 undecided, so they might get that filibuster-proof majority.  If they do, Lieberman will probably defect, so that would put them back at 59/41.  And you can't filibuster in the House of Representatives.

Quote from: Rakala on November 05, 2008, 07:38:20 AMHowever they're probably going to have to heighten security of Obama. Some angry redneck is going to try and kill him.

Calling this plot half-baked would be generous, but yeah, it's already happened.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: superluser on November 05, 2008, 12:58:32 PM
crazy McCain supporters[/url] and just plain crazy people.  McCain, to his credit, has tried to stop the crazies.

yeah, this is plentiful

example 1- obama is a muslum! and yet he also attends the sermons and is friends with a racist preacher. both of these can happen at the same time

example 2- obama will raise taxes on middle class! (hes lowering taxes for about 95% of the actual workforce) even those poor hardworking souls making as little as three hundred thousand a year! wow, from a guy with eight houses he HAS to have a clue as to what an average worker makes (one tenth that number)

example 3- i have a stack of no fewer then fifteen little flyers claiming obama is a bad man, including that he is a friend to criminals, hates cops, isnt white (gasp), and did not shoot people in the war

Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


sorry but this visual is all that I can express for my joy on the internet :kirby :kirby :bunny :zombiekun2 :mowcookie :mowcookie :mowhappy :mowhappy :mowmeep :boogie :boogie :boogie :boogie :boogie :boogie :mwaha :ddrabel :ddrabel  :wiggle :wiggle :goodtimes :goodtimes :funkmario2 :funkmario2 :funkmario1 :funkmario1 :funkluigi2 :funkluigi2 :funkluigi1 :funkluigi1 :mikelo1 :mikelo1 :mikelo2 :mikelo2 :villagepeople :villagepeople :megagroove :megagroove
once again I am sorry.