Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

OOC:   Best advice, ignore the first post. This thread has changed directions so many times we should rename it the Rollercoaster.

Current Status:  We're a mixed group of near strangers in the Admiral's home (points at Karl) which is under attack by interdimensional forces. We just finished a fight and have dragged the wounded to medbay. The cause of the attacks/main source of information was Stygian who is currently presumed dead/severely missing in action. Our remaining sources of information are unconcious in med bay (Sal and mysterious angel girl). We are recouping and awaiting whatever event will start the next chapter of our saga.

P.S.: If either of you want to be the pizza guy so Aisha can finally get her meat lover's with extra cheese she'd be ever so happy. (a joke)
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


*OOC: Is it me, or was this scenario made for me?*

*Sylver: Samanthium?*

*OOC: Yeah. That and if my character gets caught in battle…*

*Sylver: Yeah. That could be interesting.*

Sylver and I hear of this and travel to med bay. “I come bearing Samanthium,” I say to those present once we get there.

“Um, Joat, you may want to tell them what Samanthium is,” Sylver says.

“Oh, right. Samanthium is the healing chemical. Though it takes two days and heavy machinery to make, it’s worth the wait, for it can heal any wounds once ingested.”


( yeah it's a little crazy right now. were in the after math of a  attrition battle and my dark side is inhabiting a shadow replication of myself ready for a fight)

"Good grief Karl this is likely the last time i go to a party thrown by you guys" E shakes his head. "well next stop trying to protect people and fight like the war machine you're inside of" "you shut up. this was meant to be a relaxing time spent with a few friends not a war to conquer the world"  "my my aren't you touchy"  " THATS IT!  It's time to go back!" Erebus  and E vanish  into beams of light and reappear in the attic to setter there differences."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I smile.

“Um… I know that grin. What are you thinking?” Sylver asks.

“One dose is enough to heal one person, but if you light ten doses on fire at once…”

“…It becomes a gas that will spread out and heal everyone capable of breathing within a 75' radius. Of course!”

I take out ten doses of Samanthium all contained in a single bottle. I light a match and drop it into the bottle. The Samanthium ignites and explodes, knocking back everyone close nearby (probably nobody other than Sylver and myself) and dealing great damage.

“Ow…” I say, eyes closed.

“Maybe you should have tested your theory in more controlled circumstances first,” Sylver says.

“I see a light at the end of a long tunnel.” I open my eyes. “The light is… blue? Blue! The same blue as the samanthium.”

Indeed, a gaseous form of the Samanthium is spreading out and healing those who breathe it. That is, except Sylver, who only had a few dents from the explosion anyway.

“Wow. I was actually right,” I say.

“Of course, you do realise this leaves you with no Samanthium left,” Sylver says.

“Small price to pay. ‘Cause the people I just healed were…” I pause. “…complete and total strangers.”

“Oh, well. You did the right thing, Joat.”

*OOC: I hope this doesn’t qualify as godmoding or anything.*


*Karl looks at the new people*

Karl: you say it's Samanthium? I think I heard of it once while I was in the field.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


“Have you ever heard of Tiberium and how Samanthium affects it?” I ask.

“Are you sure now is the time for bragging?” Sylver asks.

“Nah, but let’s face it, I’m a show-off.”

“Fine. Do what you must.”

“So, do you want me to tell you?” I ask Karl.


In medbay, the angel-girl was laying down with her eyes closed under a sheet as pearly white as her fur and skin, seemingly sleeping calmly. Her vitals were reasonably stable, although both her breathing and heartbeat were a little slow for someone her size, and she hadn't shown any signs of much strange at all, save for the fact that she now had barely visible half-healed scar-like lines across her body where the deeper of those lines of "circuitry" had been, as well as a number of others that seemed the remnants of her battle with Stygian.
   Salticia though, was far from still and alright. The equipment had not liked her vital values at all, but she was sitting up, one arm still across her chest and the others limp by her side. Her black hair fell forward over her turned down face and hid it as she leaned on one knee pulled up by her abdomen. She was sucking on a straw stuck down into a bag of blood. One already emptied bag lay on the stand-table beside her. At the entry of more people she looked up for just a moment, eight eyes taking them in, and shivered slightly with clenched teeth before she turned down her face again and continued draining the blood-bag. The stumps of her dismembered arms were covered in gauss, but seemed to have stopped bleeding.
   "They'll grow back. I just need more to... eat," she said in a low, sad voice.

   When the apparrently human man came in and did his trick with the mist, Sal was in no position to do anything. She coughed on the fumes, and then jerked her head back in pain as her arms grew back with loud, cracking and snapping sounds. They were back in moments, turning a waxy colour before she moved them and broke through the molting skin which peeled and fell to the floor. She grumbled, as did her stomach.

((No, please. Step in without a description and spoil the drama. It's not like we are having a conversation.

Shit... now I am going to have to rethink this.))


*OOC: First off, for all I know, med bay could by a mile wide. You could probably have gotten away with having your character out of range. Also, if you want a more detailed character description, you got it.*

Joat Legend Delia
Species: Human?
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Male
Class: Scientist, Swordsman
Age: 15
Appearance: Short, brown, shiny hair. Wears a lab coat and goggles, though the goggles are usually above his forehead when not in use. Gray eyes.
Inventory: Huge Sword (5'9" long and 4" wide) sheathed and strapped to the back of his lab coat, Laptop computer usually carried in his left hand.
Abilities: High intelligence (wisdom, on the other hand…), high willpower, exceptional hacking skills, Skilled with huge swords.

Species: Robotic Dog
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: “Male” (technically, robots have no gender)
Class: Robot
Age: 0
Appearance: Painted silver and blue with blue eyes and has surprisingly realistic movements. His voice does not sound robotic.
Add-ons: Speech Chip, Chrono Drive
Abilities: Sentience, flight, speech, can shoot flames from paws, fire breathing, waterproof, can cry, can blush, thermal vision, night vision, teleportation, time travel (disabled in some dimensions; he never uses this due to fear of temporal disaster)

Aisha deCabre

((Heh, D&D "good or evil" stats...awesome.  Welcome.  :3 And, my precioussss... XD  Try not to bring out any more big-and-giant healing tricks though, Styg has been trying to make this a good and serious RP.  :mowtongue ))

Aisha had kept her eyes on the various wounded in the medbay, wondering what in the world they were going to do about them.  At this rate, if any more battles occured, there would be a serious lack of medical supplies.  Someone's going to die, I just know it, the pantheress thought, eyes clenched shut, so of course she hadn't noticed someone walking into the room.

Not until the slight explosion had rocked her off her feet and a strange smell permeated into her nostrils and made her cough.  She covered her mouth.  Was this an attack?

But just from that small dose, suddenly she didn't feel her bruises.  There was no longer a slight limp in her leg either...she rolled up one of the pant legs to inspect where a bullet had pierced much earlier.  The pain was gone, but the scar had remained.  Perhaps infection wouldn't set in if she was lucky.  Still, she covered her mouth.  By this time, Aisha hadn't need to trust strangers in this house that much, or their methods...she could more easily trust her own pain.

She rolled the sleeve back down and stood up to look over the newcomers, tilting her head as she walked towards where Sal and Gareeku were.

"And who are these new helpers, then?"  The huntress inquired with a polite smirk as she leaned against the foot of a bed.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


*OOC: Like said, Samanthium is hard to make. I forgot to mention how hard the ingredients are to find. Needless to say, this is probably a one-time occurence.*


Salticia only grumbled, while she moved her arms. Then, she laid back down on her side and stared at her topmost right hand with heartbroken eyes.
   "I should have..."

   Then, she sat up with a jolt. Her stomach growled in protest, but she only unconsciously moved a hand to it as she jumped down from her bed and ran out from the room, dressed only in her pants, with a large-eyed look on her face.


( ooc as she said awesome status i like how clear cut your charter are and they are defied. if only mine fit into  a chubby hole like that)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*OOC: Of course, character development says that my characters’ stats will change over time, no doubt. And thanks.*

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel had remained behind in the lounge for a moment after everyone else had left. First she healed her swollen eye. She wasn't wearing a stupid black eye from being hit by a book into a medbay where there were real casualties. Second she wanted to take a look at the area where the portal had stood. She had noticed from the moment she had entered the house that it had the weirdest dimensional interfaces she had ever seen and they seemed to be getting even stranger. The more she tried to trace the lines the more confused she got. Finally with a shake of her head she dismissed it. It was probably nothing more than all the technology in the house. Only the best technomages could combine the two disciplines without creating a lot of pollution. Karl's contractor had probably cut corners.

Muttering to herself about sloppy hack technomages the little white dragon started for the medbay.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Before she even got up the first flight of stairs, Mel ran into Salticia who was running down into the commons as fast as she could. The spider-woman met her head on, and not getting around the dragoness on the stairs, she spoke hurriedly:
   "Is it still there? Have they...?" she started, but then simply shook her head and set her hands against the wall. She quickly scuttled up it and around Mel, then into the roof and against the ruined wall. Then she dropped to the floor, hitting the ground almost soundlessly, and reached down to pick up something laying on the floor amid all the debris.
   "Still here..."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel turns to watch Saltica scramble across the lounge ceiling. "You shouldn't be up, you're injur..." Mel trailed off as she realized that Sal once again had all her limbs. She had to be the fastest healer Mel had ever met, considering that the dragon could quite clearly see her previous set on the floor, still dripping slightly from the traumatic amputation only minutes before. "Okay, you're not injured, but it's probably still not a good idea to run around like this so soon. Why don't we go back up to medbay with everyone else? I haven't even done much today and I'm exhausted."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Boogey was addled. Mel's mind had been confusing with all the information lying around, and it had taken him this long to clamber out of that.
"And it's all over. Great." He threw his hands in the air, or at least the mental approximations of both, "Looks like I can get out of here."
"And I can't get out on my own. Beautiful. Mel, could you do me a favor? Write down my name or draw my face or something. I need a way out of your head. And while you're at it, what just happened?"

Mel Dragonkitty

Hearing the grumbling in the back of her mind Mel managed a half smile. She scanned the wreckage for anything that might have been a desk prior to the "party." "I'm sure there is a much more technical explanation but the short answer is that Stygian's clockwork toy turned into a giant vacuum and Exel and Stygian got sucked through. The portal exploded so I don't know if they are somewhere or nowhere." Mel headed out to the kitchen to see if anything survived there. She spotted a pencil hanging from a string next to what she guessed was a high tech phone system but the pad of paper it belonged to was empty. "Our wounded are up in medbay, except Saltica who has gotten loose of the medic's clutches and is picking the rubble from the explosion." Mel looked around the kitchen again and noticed one ragged piece of paper hanging on the fridge by a magnet. "Ah, you have been rescued by a fridgie magnet from, of all places, a pizza delivery service." She freed the paper from it's magnetic captivity and looked at it. She tore the paper in half and returned the written on part to the fridge. "I wouldn't want you to turn into milk, eggs, baloney, and pickles," she laughed before writing Boogey's name with a flourish on the remaining portion.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


With a sound best described as "poff!" the paper vanished and Boogey appeared, holding Mel's hand where the paper had been.
"Thanks much. I appreciate not being groceries; in this crowd, edibility could be hazardous. So, in short, things are quiet again?"


*OOC: Yay! Ninja-proofing! (“Ninja” is the term used in the Keenspot forums for being posted in front of by surprise)*

“I don’t think there’s anything left for me to do here,” I say, “So what do you want to do, Sylver?”

“The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!” Sylver says.


“It’s narf or nothing.”

We both laugh.


*Karl gets a little annoyed by the "Pinky and the Brain" quote*

Karl: not funny...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


“Sorry. Anyway, I guess I have nothing to work on now. Not like I have an experiment to tend or someth…” My eyes go wide. “SORRYGOTTAGODOSOMETHINGBEFOREMYLABBURNSDOWNBERIGHTBACKGOTTAGOBYE!”

I run back toward my lab. Sylver looks at the exit, then at Karl. “He must be really nervous to forget that I could just chronoshift him there,” Sylver says.


Karl: Chronoshift? You mean you can manipulate time?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Salticia doesn't hear when Mel is speaking to her. With a slight tinkle of metal, she hugs the thing she picked up close to her, and shakes for a bit. But she holds back her sobs, then sniffles, and stands up, breathing deeply.
   "Gone," is all she says. She puts the thing into her pocket, and then turns and starts walking against the stairs.
   The light in the room flickers. Salticia stops. She feels the thing in her pocket, then hurriedly pulls it out. It proves to be the "watch", that Stygian left behind. A faint, whirring sound is spinning through the air. Salticia looks at it as it pulses with that sickening green light.
   "What the...?" she says, then turns her head back at the wall. The lights flicker again, and the room becomes dark for a few seconds. "No... oh no..."


“‘Chronoshift’ means to travel through space and time. Time travel is dangerous, which is why I don’t do it, but my Chrono Drive can also be used for teleportation,” Sylver says.

Mel Dragonkitty

The lights flickered and Mel groaned. "Boogey! Don't ever mention things are quiet. That's just asking for it." She turned and looked out into the lounge. Saltica was still near the damaged wall, staring at it. And whenever the lights dimmed Mel caught sight of that acid green glow that she was beginning to associate with trouble. "Saltica, what are you doing?" Mel yelled as she started across the room, or rather around all the piles of rubble that used to be a room.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Meanwhile, back at the lab, I have tended to what needed tending and inadvertantly fallen asleep on a couch while relaxing to catch my breath.


"No, no, no..." Salticia moaned, whilst slowly shaking her head and backing away from the wall. She turned and hurried up the stairs, looking mel in the eyes with a fearful expression.
   "Please, we have got to get out of here before it's too late. Where is the exit?" From that look on her face, she was scared to death.

   Upstairs, Aisha's tail ring started going frantic. It brightened in a flash, and then they heard a snap as the jewels in it cracked, like a light bulb receiving a much too high load of electricity.

   The lights flickered again, and this time, something shook. It wasn't so much a thump as it was a quick, low rumble, through the air as much as through the structure of the house itself. Darkness settled for just a moment, but then the lights came back on. But that had been enough.
   It hadn't been there for more than an instant, and it had been very dim, coming from the back of the wall down in the room. But for just a second, Mel was sure she had seen a pair of glowing, blood-red eyes peering at them.


"Aw hell, I take it back alright!? Oh come on!" Boogey looked around, and then turned toward Salticia slowly, "What. Did. You. Bring. With. You." He glowered at the arachnid, furious, "Well? What followed you here? What are we dealing with?"


*OOC: I’m pretty sure Sylver would notice this stuff happening, so…*

Sylver begins to focus.

Suddenly, my cell phone rings very loudly and I wake up with a jolt. “I didn’t do it!”

Realising the source of the noise, I blush, then pick up the phone. Somebody had left me a text message. Sylver. I head back toward med bay. “Crud! Crud! Crud! Crud! Crud! Crud! Crud-and-a-half! Crud! Crud!”