Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Swearing quite far above his breath, Boogey attempted to change direction in mid air. This went about as well as one would expect. However, it did bring the mushroom cap on his tail into contact with the armored individual. These spores, rather than simply eating away at the individual, were made of arguments that fungus could in fact grow on these angel things.
Have that start eating toward the brain, see if I can rewire these things a bit. He thought to himself as he plowed into aforementioned armored scary guy. Flailing a bit, he bounced away toward another target, the angel with the shields. Gotta keep moving. Stop and they'll catch me, and I don't know what sort of punishment this shape can take.


The fungus did indeed grow in these things, or at least the softer parts of them. Within a few moments the raging angel's arm was wracking with green growth, but the monstrous man was still after Boogey, his usable arm reaching and clawing for him as he roared in pain.
   At first, the woman with the shields didn't seem to notice the moss-covered thing bulleting against her. Then, her arms moved with mechanical efficiency and speed. One sheild came up in front of her, symbols on it glowing. The next, she was hidden behind a seemingly solid wall of flames, the air heavy with the musky smell of burning wood.


Boogey hit the wall. Hard. How they had managed to solidify a wall of flames he would have loved to find out, but right now he needed a way to put himself out.
NO! I put so much work into this form! He tried to heal himself, but to little avail. The shape was going to die and who knew what could happen to the poor thoughts in it...
No... I don't want to die.
Boogey was shocked. He knew he had worked hard on this one, but the body was having its own thoughts! It wasn't some nightmare cobbled together from whatever was lying around, meant to have a lifespan measured in hours. It was a full blown monster, like his greater creations!
You wont, Boogey mentally replied to his new child, Not if I can help it.
Unfortunatly, it was rather doubtful that he could. They were taking from this shape the life it could have, and he could only sit here in its head. The only thing it had. It was only fair to do the same. Searching the mind of the shield angel he found the only thing it had, the orders from its master, and took them; mentally wrenched them away and smashed them, using up most of his own power in the process. Using what little power the swamp dragon had left, he propelled it over to the now powerless angel and began integrating it into the idea he'd already crafted.
You don't need all this meat, do you? It's no different from your hardware, and it doesn't have too good an idea of what it is to be really ALIVE. It's just another tool grafted to you, and has too good an idea as to why you have it. Feed it to the dragon, use the moisture to dampen the flames, and focus on the metal. The metal is used to being interchanged and altered, it should be fine. Besides, meat is so uncomprimising. Plants, now THOSE are mallable!
Vines and spores and fungus spread over the angels flesh, and is in turn encased in metal. The arms the shields are on retract into the body, the arms reshape.
Antipersonel infinate repeaters. A cannon to replace most of the other arm. Treads. Sensor arrays HERE and HERE. Don't let the flesh see what's happening, cover it in metal. Replace neural pathways with plants. Heh, a homebrewed bolo right here in the attic.
The end result is a terrifying piece of military looking hardware. All of the angels original organic componants but some of the upper left arm is covered in a dull green painted carapace. Rather than the claws you'd expect such creatures to be sporting, this has gone the route of guns and cannons. The treads it rests upon are wide but fast, with wheels beneath in case said treads are shot off. On various places one can see vines and rust; the newly crafted machine looks like it's been mothballed for years.
"Now," the Diablos ex Machina said, it's voice a hypnotic soprano, "What shall I take first?"

((OOC: Gah, the angst and the drama. I'll have to pull so many pratfalls to make up for this later.))


((OOC:  :erk Okay, now we've seen it all. This place will be worse than a Dali painting on speed once we're done with it. It will be sporting unfriendly tentacles, full of aliens and making forgeries of Fabergé eggs!))


((OOC: Overdid it? Should I edit that?))


((OOC: Do as you please. I wasn't expecting it to become a machine-plant-angel hybrid though...))

The four-winged angel-creature was moving against Aisha now, hovering ominously and seemingly unfettered by the commotion in the room. Its wings were "spreading", metal pieces disconnecting, reforming and even somehow hovering loosely in the air with nothing to support them.
   "You will come with us. The great Lord will be most pleased to see you, I beleive."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha's eyes widened as she witnessed her would-be captors regenerated after she had tried with much effort to damage them, even so little.  "Oh, why am I not surprised?" she rolled her eyes.  "Machine-angels.  What next now?"

The pantheress leaped away from the two large males, still keeping lightly on her toes and literally a few steps ahead, when she spotted Gareeku.  Still he was injured, but still he was willing to fight; not too surprising.  When the stranger had batted his opponent away, Aisha landed next to her comrade.  "Si, nice of you to join us, can't stay away from a fight can you?"  She smirked.  "Be careful, alright?  Your injuries."

Her boomerang flew, and her blade danced, hitting any of these creatures that she could find or who would get in her way.  Then...then she came face-to-face with the ringleader herself.

She gazed with slight disgust at this paradox...a darker entity had helped her before, and now angel-like creatures were moving against everyone.  What was the meaning of it all?  Was the house itself some kind of entryway into other realms?

Aisha hadn't time to think on that.  With one weapon in both hands, she sneered defiantly at the woman.  "Right.  And why would he be interested in me?  I'm nothing special...just another Being," Aisha mocked and with a surprisingly quick movement tossed the boomerang towards one pair of the angel's wings, while she brought her sword down upon the other side, in case she dodged...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The boomerang stopped dead in mid-air. The creature hadn't even touched it, but Aisha had seen a... wave of sorts, coming through the air against it. It floated, as if held by the very same force that suspended the "angel" herself, following her movements as she floated ever closer.
   "I can sense it. You have it with you, inside you. The Darkness. The Lord wants it, and his word is law." The angel-thing was less than three steps from her now. "With you, we might even not have to take the Other one. That would be even better."
   Something struck out against Aisha. She couldn't see it clearly; it didn't seem to be more than a ripple in the air. But with her senses she could feel it coming.


Looking up at the "angel", Gareeku's eyes widened with shock, before displayed a look of anger.
"You're no angel..." the wolf growled. However, before anything else happened, the "angel" was attaked by Boogey. The wolf then turned his attention to the angel facing off against Aisha. Growling, Gareeku suddenly dashed forward, tackling the "angel" to the floor and taking it by surprise.


At Gareeku's assault, the angel was knocked aside, and Aisha's boomerang dropped to the floor. But it never fell. It just floated to the side, then turned to face Gareeku. It was barely visible behind that helmet, but it looked as if its face had turned sour.
   "Impudent cur! Know your place!" An invisible wall swept lightning-fast against him.


Grunting in pain, Gareeku was flung away, but managing to flip and land on his feet.
"I already know my is to defeat you..." the wolf growled, " believe you are soldiers of good...well i say that is bullshit. A soldier of good would not go around mercilessly killing others who may kunknowingly have darkness within them. They would try to help that person overcome the darkness, in order to live a life of peace. You, however, only wish to slaughter in the name of your so called "good". Well, I say your belief in "good" is utter bullshit! I will not let you hurt those i care about!" Gareeku roared out in defiance, before dashing forward, his katana unsheathed and burning brightly with light magic.


"Good is a point of view. Logic is not. So long as we do what is neccessary for a better world, our justice trumps yours. And there is nothing that you can say that changes that." The creature's voice was low, but furiously indignant. She sped against Gareeku, her wings turning into claws as she did, and a shockwave of unseen force forming in front of her.

((OOC: Also related to this;


Aisha deCabre

Aisha snapped instantly, keeping out of the way of whatever wave had come against her from the angel, only getting the brunt of it on her side.  It felt like a hammer blow, but nothing more.  The panther grunted with pain and grabbed at her boomerang, the difficulty of taking it from midair almost like taking it from someone else's grip.

She watched as the angel turned to face Gareeku, taking a second to recover...only a second.  Her friend was valiant, but not invincible...she couldn't stand and watch him lose the fight after he had helped.

Stygian's words echoed in her head right then.  He was waiting for the blood of one of these things...what better chance now that the angel's back was turned?  It was dirty play, but it seemed what was needed.

While Gareeku kept her busy, Aisha raised her sword slowly and quietly...then, in a horizontal slashing motion, the blade swished down like a guillotine...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


E grumps on guard duty again. he would stay here and guard these to form any attack still it was not what these recent experiences in existence had dictated. They dictated that he should chare into the enemy stronghold and attack with any and every weapon at his disposal. But still he was here protecting these demon repliods or at least their bodies. " why am i here? i'm a war machine! a warrior that can destroy armies of other warriors but I'm babysitting there demons that are too weak to defend themselves. why?" because they are too weak to defend themselves. that is why not stop whining and  readjust you sensors again. you still picking up alpha and theta waves on you audio feed.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aisha's blade took. But the thing's belts and straps came in the way, and its body seemed as thick and hard as wood, so she missed her intended goal. Still, the next moment a good bit of the woman's white, red-swathed forearm dropped to the floor, and the creature made a mental scream of pain. At first she felt triumph with the blow, but then Aisha noticed. Now the creature's face really was furious. What was more, its anger seemed to have affected the other creatures in the room.
   "Stage three force authorized. Dispose of them!" At those words, the silvery robot on the floor became active, "unfolding" itself into a shape at least seven feet tall, with some sort of ornate minigun-like weapon at its side, and blasted a barrage against the Boogey-bot that tore a long hole in the wall and roof. The rest of the angel squadron started to move in as well, silvery swords and long barrels flashing.
   The four-winged creature's belts and buckles suddenly loosened and fell to the ground. Its arm was slowly regrowing, blood dripping around circuitry and metal that seemed to build on itself. One pair of its wings reached down and "fused" with its arms, ripples in the air becoming apparrent around them. It pulled back one arm, and the next moment a much more violent shockwave surged against Aisha.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel sat on the corner of the least damaged bed and glared at the pulsing blob on the floor. "At least, e, you CAN do something" She rubbed her temples irritatedly. "I've been nothing but a hinderance so far. I can't fight, or at least not at this size. If we were outdoors where I could go to my full 22 feet I could have squished someone or used my magic without damaging either my allies or the building." She addressed Stygian, or what of him was on the floor, "Am I here because I gather stories? Did you need someone to record your story for posterity? An audience to your clever little game?" She sighed and rolled her eyes, "Obviously it wasn't for my grasp on sanity if I'm having whiny arguements with blue-eyed hunks of interdimesional matter." She looked upwards, "Speaking of dimensions, someone is mucking them up again. I hope everyone is doing well, or at least everyone on our side."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


e sighs." don't worry Mel i probable did more harm then good with that thunder wave attack  i need to feel out my enemies as i fight them so i try one weapon at at a time till i figure out what work. " e pauses " that is unless i have inside information as to what will work. Roll used to radio me what i needed to know when she could. if you have research on this situation you can tell me whats is effective." he smile and he  looked at his hand  " i'll stay at 90% just in case we need to fight. but for now i could really use a want to keep my mind off of everything. " he looked at  Mel wondering if she understood. "last year i realized i don't have to be a war machine anymore but i've been more for most of my remember existence. it's hard for a war machine to wait on stand by where there are battles going on around it. battle is what were were made for so even if were are given a choice it's hard not to fight"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


As bullets thudded against his side, the Diablos ex Machina moved into action. Its treads whining, it shot forward and crushed the nearest of the angels under its treads before heading for cover behind some convenient crates. It released a sensor-net bomb (a small canister that explodes to spread an area with remote controlled sensory nanobots. It basically gives the bot a greater range of perception and thus better reflexes) and fired the infinate repeater in a slow arc against the oncoming angels.
Damage to aft sensor pod, not a problem. Damage to organic componants of upper arm; good. Let the angel feel that, the little @#$%...


The barrage took the angels quite by surprise, and two of them dropped. Yet more red bolts were crossing the air, finding their way from the thing assaulting Aisha to heal the charging angels as they fired their weapons with rage at the other Machina. And the Boogey's creation did not appear to affect the silvery bot at their midst very much with its fire. Sure, its bullets dented the thing, but the other machine seemed quite tough and was also quick to respond. Its cannon whirred slowly into action, and when it fired it was not bullets that left the barrel, but veritable lances of coherent light that sizzled through the air, vaporizing it as they did.


Moving again, the Diablos ex Machina continued to fire, the lethal cough of its infinate repeaters (antipersonel automatic weapons not entirely unlike a P-90) now intermixed with the roar of its cannon vomitting fire. Attractive imagery, ne'? It released a few more sensor bombs, and aimed both the cannon and the infinate repeaters at the center of the silvery 'bots chest.
Smile you sonova...


*noticing the creatures are distracted by his friends, Karl gets up off the floor*

Karl: Dang...normal blades can't affect them...Guess I'll use Lightning attacks to fry their circuits!

*Lightning shoots forth from Karl's right arm, Striking a few AngeBorg*

(OOC: just thought up a name for the creatures).
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Karl's and Boogey's attacks rip into the angel-creatures, but they seemed to have successfully established a perimiter, setting up shields and firing back with impunity. Though the lightning dropped two, they quickly rose to their feet again, assisted by the four-wing's healing powers. The silver bot lowered itself to the ground, a large "pod" at its back unfolding and slinging forth over its shoulder. It looked like a long, solid metal rod, a few coils and wires at its base. It started to glow faintly white, some white cracks of lightning forming around it.


*Karl notices the AngeBorg set up a defense*

Karl: so they have shields, eh?

*Karl's Implants analyze Shields in an attempt to find Shield Frequency, whilst linked up to his Saber-blaster so he can program it to penatrate the shields*

Karl:(to allies) Can anyone keep'em busy while I calculate something?

*Karl goes to duck behind any object large enough to shield him from being shot at, only leaving his head showing to get good sight of AngeBorg*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Karl barely had time to analyze the shields' consistency. He had come to the point where he realized they were particle-based, rather than energy, when suddenly the room exploded around him. The silver wardroid had fired its weapon, some sort of remote discharge energy cannon, and the area where Karl and the Boogey were presently at tore itself apart with a ripping, blasting sound that made ears ring and microphones smash.


Frig. This body didn't come out as good for close range fighting as intended; it's more of a small mobile weapons platform. Ah, well, spilt milk and all that. Gotta break through their barrior-
And then from his perspective the world exploded. The Diablos Ex Machina rushed forward, on the basis that it was somewhere to run to.
Alright, so now I'm rushing toward people who want to kill me painfully. Lost a tread, the arm the repeater's on is about to fall off, lost another sensor array. C'mon, I've got a brain capable of formulating a battle strategy in a matter of seconds right now, this should be easy.
Turning the cannon to unleash a stream of fire at the silver behemouth (if only to keep it from firing again) and the infinate repeater to scythe against the other angels, the Diablos Ex Machina rushed forward to try to break the defensive line the angels had set up.
Getting a bit too boloesque on myself. Yeah, next I'll start yelling "For the honor of the regiment!"

Mel Dragonkitty

"E, there is something I can try to do. But I'm blind and deaf while I'm doing it. If anything happens here, I won't know. I'm relying on you." She scooted backwards on the bed and seated herself crosslegged. She closed her eyes and with her magic touched her ring. The light flared and almost instantly she found herself in contact with the "Great Hoard," the treasure of her clan. Memories going back to the time of the first of her clan, magicly held despite the minds they came from being gone. As always the memories rushed her; memories wanted someone to remember them. She forced them back as she described the creatures she wanted to know more about. Only a few memories buzzed around her now. She touched each one until she found a match. "It's always the crazy ones," she thought as she forced herself to live the memory. The mind it had come from had been insane and dying when it's memories had been copied. An interdimensional adventurer who had seen all his companions killed in horrible ways by these creatures, barely escaping himself. She grabbed what little information she could and fled back to her own mind. As always she came to with a jump, as if she was in a falling dream. She found e looking at her with what may have been concern and wondered how long she'd been out. But it didn't matter, she had information that could help. "E, can you get hold of the Admiral. I doubt anything they are doing can help. The one controlling these creatures," she gestured to the girl's body on the floor, "isn't anywhere around for them to hurt. And knives and explosions aren't going to do much either. We need something called radiation. I don't know that word, is that one of your machine words?" Then she flopped back on the bed. "I also answered my question earlier, why our erstwhile host detained me. They also don't like cold or electricity." She giggled stupidly, "Guess who has an ice dragon for a mother and a lightning dragon for a father. The big old coward."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Suddenly, something rushed through the minds of practically everyone in the house, like a sudden and strong gust of wind on a still day, but an emotion. And not a comfortable one at that. The walls loomed higher for a moment, the evening lighting was darker, and the shadows were more real and threatening. A chill seemed to run down everyone's spine, for those who had one. And all those sensitive to magic or extradimensional activity could hear something like voices, right on the edge of hearing.
   "Hell why have I been living like this body is frail things up there they will kill me someone kill me before this I didn't have to put up with a Dominion with them and they will murder her that I killed that woman and Hell forgive me oh please Moira can you ever forgive me they have come for not the others and I need blood blood blood blood blood BLOOD!"

Aisha heard his voice in his head again. You cannot defeat them like this! Awaken me or you will die, and I will be restored in another way!


*it is then that Karl got word from his personal Comm of what was said by Mel*

Karl:(to Mel, over Commlink) radiation, eh? there are only two techniques I know that can use that...Sol Disruptor and Solar Slash...thankfully my katana that I have on my Ranger form right now can do a low-level Solar ought to at least disrupt their self-repair subroutines!

*Karl then unsheathed his katana and powered it up with the power of light and fire (both elements can emit radiation)*

Karl: here I come, you (censored)!

*Karl then got up and rushed towards the enemy*

(OOC: is it ok that I censor the bad words that my character says?)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Aisha once again saw the blast coming, but she couldn't get away fast enough.  She held her sword in a defense position against the oncoming surge of energy...and it was like a wrecking ball slamming into her body while she was protected with a shield.  It dragged the cat back on the floor, claws leaving gouges in the wood, until she collapse and it seemed to fly over her with a loud windy sound and a flutter of her cape.

As she was getting up, the voice blasted her mind, and instinctively the girl clasped her hands up to her tightly folded ears...but this was a psychic thing, it couldn't be blocked.  Her nails dug into her skull.  And when the yelling cleared, the voice was quieter, but more urgent.

No more fooling around...Stygian...he said he wanted the blood of one of these?  She considered the stains on her clothing, the entrails of these angel-things.  Did he say how much blood?

Aisha glanced around at the battling.  She saw the others fighting the angels, and the ringleader was once again preoccupied with another of her comrades.  The dark creature was bonded with her...and so it seemed she was the one to heed his wishes so far.  Besides...the machines wanted her alive.  That couldn't have been a good thing.

The pantheress thought about that as she stumbled to her feet, tossing the boomerang in the air and slicing through the lesser creatures with her sword, all the while avoiding the gaze of the woman.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


e touched his chest. "radiation? it is a byproduct of the energy that my kind generates to use. my particular brand is tainted with dark energy as well." he looks at Mel. he had caught glimpsing of her network before he  powered down his senor range a touch more.. "whats more all living thins have some form or radiation. in my last world the looks for the radioactive decay in the bones of ones living being to guess ho old they were. but i ramble. what kind or radiation do we need and where do they need to attack?" as he speaks he opens a channel to Karl with the image or a ringing phone to Mel the image is project from the jewel on his helmet. "i don't want anyone to die." E's voice sounds almost remorseful thou this is a illusion. he has no remorse. "unlike them i can be rebuilt and since i know how to separate my self form my body i can live even when others think that i will die. they don't have that chance though."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey