Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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"I may be feeling a bit under the weather..." Gareeku began as he turned to face Aisha with a serious look on his face, "...but I can't myself rest until people are safe. Besides, i've got a score to settle with that son of a bitch..."
It was then that Gareeku suddenly ran as fast as he could towards his weapon, diving into a forward roll and retrieving his katana, unsheathing it as he dropped the sheath to to the floor.
"Come and get me!" Gareeku roared out in defiance at the creature, his blade held towards his foe.


Stygian barely thought as it darted away from Aisha and Gareeku, through the door to the attic, and slid shapelessly down the stairs of the mansion. There was little time or need to think in any case; it made it to the door of the infirmary in moments. The two above were trailing after it, but they could not stop it. They were too slow. It winced, if such a thing could be said about a formless shadow entity. It must consume quickly or it would get worse. Forming enormous claws out of its "hands", it tore asunder the door and part of the walls of the infirmary and leapt in.
   The girl, her angelic ivory shape now somehow having taken on a sharper, more deadly character, faced it squarely as it entered. She spoke, her voice strong and metallically monotonous.
   "Cease and surrender!" She stretched out her arm, red circuits forming across her skin. In the blink of an eye, a bolt of singeing red energy shot out from the palm of her hand, hitting Stygian head-on and burning a hole in it. Her wings started pulling back, thin red lines spreading across them too, and small silvery tendrils starting to form at their base. Whatever she had planned on doing though was abruptly interrupted, as Stygian plowed into her like a freight train, throwing a sickbed aside and slamming her against the back of the room. The next moment though, Stygian was the one flying across the room, almost colliding with Mel. The girl was after him immediately, claws and wings outstretched. She had sustained some serious injuries though, and what looked like crimson sparks of electricity were leaking along with blood out of a huge gash in her side. But she didn't seem to mind. Her face was blank, emotionless. Her movements seemed almost mechanical in their determination.
   "Your miserable existence must end." she said, in a matter-of-fact way, as if she had been stating that it was getting late, or that she was feeling bored.


Aw crap, Boogey (that much of himself had arrived; he had his name with him now) thought, as the two unstable creatures crashed through the room. An no niche in sight. No way I'm possessing Crazy-boy there, and I doubt the angel's much more plesent a mind to tinker with. And of course, everything else is either sapient, which would complicate things, or useless, which would be, erm, useless. Something I could fit myself into, c'mon, SOMETHING!
He looked thoughtfully at the blade E was holding. Inanimate, which means possessing it wouldn't so much be dangerous as simply tedious; it was a tool, it knew what it was for, he would simply have to change its mind. Then, of course, there was the catch.
Eehyeah, cursed. We'll call that plan Z.
His eyes flicked around the room.
Fridge, robot, couch, pizza, broken building materials, mildew... Boogey glanced at a patch of mold growing on part of the stairs up to the attic, ... Could work. Alright, now I have a plan B too. Now to see if there's an A...


Racing into the room, Gareeku's eyes widened at the scene before him.
"What the hell is going on?!" He exclaimed, taken by suprise particularly by the change in the girl they had saved earlier.


"The girl and the beastie are angry, and the girl doesn't know what happened. This is the extent of my knowledge on the subject." Boogey replied automatically, the dictations of common sense and stopping the monters being abandoned for a chance to be snarkey, "Hey, you're the local proffesional at the whole villian-smiting thing, yes?" He points at the two tussling terrors locked in their terminol tango. "You may want to do something about that."


"Gee...I'm honoured. Thanks..." Gareeku replied sarcastically. "Wish me luck." He said to Aisha, before dashing in and stepping between the girl and the creature, who looked ready to go another round.
"I think I speak for the others as well as myself; I want a damn good explanation as to why you two are fighting in a room of injured people," Gareeku demanded, before feeling slightly weak; he had almost forgotten that he himself was not 100%.


Stygian melted and slid to its "feet" with mercurial speed, but it was the girl, not he, who struck Gareeku, sending him crashing into the wall beside the Boogey.
   "Interference with the objective will not be tolerated." she said, in that same metallic monotone. Red bolts were flaring around her fists as she dove for Stygian. But he was faster, and before she could reach him she was hurled back, a huge black spike jutting through her stomach with its origin point in Stygian's arm. She clasped her hands around it, sending crimson energy into it, and Stygian pulled it back with a roar of pain. But he did not waste any time. The next second, before the girl had a chance to move more than two steps, both her arms were impaled to the wall by black spikes. And then came a third, landing with pinpoint precision in the middle of her forehead. Her wings flared, the now silvery and stiletto-sharp tips of her "feathers" cutting the spikes, but Stygian was already on top of her, pressing her into the wall.


"Nuughh...ow..." Gareeku groaned. Staggering to his feet, the wolf looked on as the girl and the creature continued their fight.
"Damn it...neither of them will listen..." Gareeku growled. Thinking back to the change in the girl, he had noticed something. "Do you think that girl could be possessed by something similar to that creature?" the wolf suggested to Aisha and Boogey.


E did not understand who was right or wrong but form the look of it there were going to kill each other. it was better to try to stop them both now the quest it later. everybody get down. i'm going to  try to shock some sense into them." E jumps into the air his hand point up as he calls forth the power of thunder. The air is filled with lighting and the attack is fairly divesting to mechanical entities that are not the cause of it. It is and attack that strikes nearly all moving machines. Very few can withstand this attack as is seeks out electrical signature or and unshielded AI's. Very few robots can shake it off. Have been on the receiving end of this attack e knows how devastating in can be. Even if you doge the bolts of lighting the mini EMPs can still wreak havoc with your system. he only hoped the organics would be out of harms way.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Alright, new strategy." Boogey hissed, wincing as Gareeku hit the wall, "I felt that, and I'm not even corporeal right now. Gah!" He noticed the attack E was charging, "Not inside! No big electric pulses inside! That is an outside attack! Use your indoor weapons of mass destruction!" Giving that up for a lost cause, Boogey went with the most obvious course of action.
He panicked.
The mold! Running over to the stairwell, he insinuated his way into the thoughts of a patch of mildew. This was more trickey than you would think; not being able to do much means having more time to devote to thinking deep thoughts, and Boogey had to work hard convincing the stain not to drown him. Just fix that, add that, release these spores.... The patch began to grow and swell into a lump of ooze. Yeah, that's attractive.
"This will take me a bit!" The ooze blurbled wetly, "I'll help when I can! Distract them from destroying the whole house!"


Nodding in acknowledgement, Gareeku then dashed back into the fray, once more stepping between the two who were fighting.
"Stop this fighting at once, or I will be forced to engage you in combat!" Gareeku bellowed to the two of them, his katana drawn.
Shit...I don't think I'm going to stand a chance...still, if it means helping to stop these two, then I'll do it... Gareeku thought to himself as his eyes darted between the girl and the creature.


At the strike of lightning, Stygian screamed out and lost his shape, turning into his flowing form and losing his grip on the girl, collapsing together before her. The girl stiffened and jerked with the electricity crackling through her, but recovered from the shock with surprising speed, nullifying the charge and turning against E. One of her wings swooped forward with great speed, changing shape and length as it did, and rent E across his chest, throwing him back.
   "Interference will result in punishment later." she declared calmly.
   The girl then immediately turned her attention to Gareeku, who had stepped between her and the stunned Stygian again, this time delivering a swift kick to his face to move him away, breaking his nose and nearly cracking his jaw. "And will possibly result in mental reconfiguration" she droned. Stepping forward to Stygian, she then administered the same treatment to him as he tried to re-form. He was knocked into the floor, which cracked under the pressure. She stomped on him again a couple of times, for good measure, and then brought up her hands. The red lines on them deepened, blood-like substance flowing out of them and forming spiked shapes crackling with red bolts of electricity. Crimson light flared as she charged her hands with an enormous amount of energy, and she raised them, readying to thrust them down into the dark shape before her.
   A black tentacle shot up and dug into her skin, just above her navel. Then another, just below, and then another. And another, and more of them after that. Stygian's head took on a spiked shape and drove itself up into her stomach, his body slowly following it. She froze in her movement, her face now twisted in a part confused, part horrified grimace as her skin began to bulge and move from the inside.


"Aaarghh!" Gareeky yelled out in pain as his nose cracked. His head swimming with pain, the wolf opened his eyes, his vision blurry from the blow delivered to him.
"Get everyone out of the house!" Gareeku yelled to the others. If he was going to fight, he was going to get his ass kicked, sure. However, he didn't want other casualties.
Filled with fury and yelling out in a battle cry, Gareeku dashed in, his sword shining with energy as he aimed a series of sword strikes at the girl, hoping to keep her from fighting the creature and concentrate on him instead.

Mel Dragonkitty

From the corner she had been trapped in since the fight began Mel watched the battle. Spells ran through her head but trapped in a smallish room full of a variety of lifeforms nothing seemed safe. Her eyes searched the room but there appeared to be nothing safe but air. Air... wind. Perhaps if she could corner one of the combatants the fighters could do something. Which one? She decided Mr. Creepy Critter didn't look solid enough to physically push. That meant the girl. She used a wall of wind, hoping to pin the girl to the wall long enough for someone else to do something clever.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


e slammed into the wall his hand on his chest. he watched as the Nantes rebuild the armor then stands. his energy has taken a mils shock. yes this was like facing an fortress guardian alright. He's concentrates to close as he brings his reactor power back to 50% continued until he is at 100% normal capability. " i'm sure surprised that thunder wave didn't work on you very well . you must be considerably powerful like king was but i'll get you two to stop even if it means i have to dismantle you both!". E switches weapon his trim going blue as he changes his weapon to the remote control mines. he point has arm at them and fires at the girl.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


To Mel's surprise, the wind magic slid off the girl like steam over a hot surface, almost as easily as it did on Stygian. The rest of the room felt the gust, but for all intents and purpouses, she might as well have been flicking paper at the angel-creature.
   E's mine though, had considerably greater effect. It collided with the frozen girl where she stood, black tentacles still thick out of her stomach, and threw her crashing into the wall behind her where she left a huge imprint. She slumped to the ground among the blasted rubble that was that end of the room now, her clothes almost completely torn asunder, dust and bits of plaster all over her. She was screaming, trembling and jerking spastically, the shape of her skin stretching violently with movement from within.
   "Yooo- yoou wiill beeeieiiiaaragh dees- dees-stroooyed!" she howled.


"Been there done that not stay down or i'll get nasty" he's powercore as slowly climes and has reached 105% normal capacity. " i want to know what is going on here before i revert to the kill everything that's trying to hurt me mode i get in when fighting dad's armies" he was deadly serious and his sword bangs in it's scabbard and begged for release.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

Aisha stood aside, helping the others in the room to their feet and getting out the door, as much as she could.  From the intensity of this fight, it looked as if the whole room was going to be leveled in a matter of minutes.  She couldn't stop Gareeku from charging into the fray...all she could do was acknowledge him and wish him luck.

But, watching this turn of events, the panther didn't know who was evil and who was good.  Who was the true living entity and who was the automaton?  The girl and this strange form was not only going for Stygian, but anyone who had gotten in her way.

The battle raged, and Aisha didn't know when to jump in, or even if.  Everyone was on their feet, trying to keep them apart...trying to pound answers out of either.  But no matter how many times the question was asked, someone avoided answering.  What was this all about?  The huntress pondered it all as she guarded the door, dragon-sword gripped in both fists.

Blood, broken bones, and yelling.  Mindless.  Irrelevant.  Without purpose.


"I think it's about time we got answers," she spared a comment in passing to Gareeku and whomever was there.  Finally, when the "girl" was detained, it was Aisha's turn to try and help...instead of standing aside like a coward.  Her blade whistled as she flashed it up in the air, holding it up against either Stygian or the droning angel-creature as she stood by the side of her injured and winded comrades.  Whatever attacked first.

Whatever it took to keep everyone safe...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The girl was completely out of control. Tossing forth and back hard enough to make bones creak and tendons snap, she was practically out of view, hidden in a swamp of wrestling black and red tentacles. Her skin was shredding, re-forming and then shredding again, and hairs and bits of fur were whirling in the air. Her arms were flailing wildly and her heels beat against the wooden floor like drumsticks, thudding quickly against the backdrop of her now all too normal screams. Her face was barely recognizable, fangs bared in a wordless shriek.
   Suddenly, her throes lessened considerably, though they did not stop. All the tendrils pulled into her, and she stiffened, her back arched and her limbs tensed. And then her right arm, moving as if separate from the rest of her body, shot forth and back, digging itself into her chest just below her breastbone and grabbing hold of something there. It then pulled back fiercely, and slowly drew something out of herself.
   In her clenched and straining right hand, she was holding what looked like a small, segmented metallic larva, blood red and with what appeared to be something like a pair of small, white wing-like things sprouting from its back, but neither eyes nor legs. Long red tendrils snaked from it, fiercely trying to pull it back into her body. It shrieked, a low, high-pitched and dry squeal escaping its small mouth. Many of the tendrils were shifting, trying to get in under the skin of the girl's hand.
   The girl's hand clenched, and the creature jerked. Then, a loud snap came, and it went still. The tendrils stopped moving and pulled out of the girl, and her hand stopped clenching, falling to her side. The wound in her chest closed up and healed almost completely, as did the rest of her injuries. Her ivory shape was still flecked with blood on parts of her body though, and her eyes were still and glazed. She didn't seem to move a bit. She was not even breathing.

((OOC: Is there anyone here who has seen the movie The Faculty? Raise hands please!))


((OOC: No, sorry.))

Again, Boogey finished his latest form just in time to see the majority of the action end. Rather disappointing; he was proud of this one. It wasn't the same as making something that could operate on its own, but there was still something satisfying about creating something capable of terrorizing countrysides for at least a little while out of whatever was lying around, and now he wouldn't get to show it off. By some fantastic leaps of logic, he'd managed to convince the mildew that it was also moss, toadstools, and petrified bogwood, forming a creature not unlike a small wingless dragon made of swamp refuse. It's head, torso, and upper haunches were covered in green moss, with the wood forming a basic frame that was visible on the upper arms, lower trunk, lower legs, and tail. There were flecks of small toadstools amidst the fur, as well as mushroom caps at the end of the tail and on each arm, which would soften blows from the fist and tail to prevent strain on the bogwood underneath, as well as releasing poison spores. He didn't abandon the form, out of both caution and stubborn pride in what he'd managed to throw together.

"So much for answers," he rolled his (now prominantly browed, colorless, phosphorescent) eyes, "She went unconcious again. Wish that worked when people asked me questions."

Mel Dragonkitty

OOC:  I've not seen that movie.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

((OOC: 'Fraid not...but at least it calls for a post, however a short one.  Show must go on, no?  :mowtongue))

Unexpectedly, the girl had done something entirely different, thus turning the events somewhat out of favor for a least for the second.

Aisha's eyebrow quirked and she lowered her sword just a few inches.  "What on Earth...?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


(OOC i vaguely remember it.. salt water aliens that infest a living host. some homemade drugs killed them. these remind more a limited version of the phallax form x-men)

E look as the determined Female and her opposite me. there he saw something that looked like it was on of dad's devils. (Nanete monsters that server as fortress guaranteed) was that a swamp devil? as long as the girl has stopped moving and the black counter part was not attacking e held his position. his power core having raced 109% normal capacity
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The girl lay, apparently dead, in the trash and rubble. Not a hair on her moved. Her eyes, big and dark, were absolutely still. Not even Aisha, with her heightened senses, could detect any signs of life in her.
   The little critter-like thing in her hand began crackling with electricity and glowing. Though mashed completely, it seemed there was just a little bit of life left in it, and that it seemingly proved enough to let it move again. But it had not done much more than twitch before black tendrils burst out of the skin on the girl's forearm, swallowed it completely, and then retracted, the little red thing completely gone. A minute movement of something inside the girl's arm, and then everything was completely still again. E and Mel could even feel all the trace energy and quantum activity dying down in the room.


(OOC: Sorry I'm late...had a sleepover at my Parent's place...)

*Karl managed to teleport into Medbay, though in somewhat in a half-hearted effort...*

Karl: Oof! *gets up* Sorry for missing the party...that trip took the last drop of energy I could spare, so I fell unconscience. I could still sense everything happening, though.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


((OOC: Okay, now something is seriously messed up. I can't change my profile information AT ALL. I need a bleedin' break...))

Mel Dragonkitty

"The dimensional disruption to the house seems to be dying down. Admiral, perhaps you can contact the other wings of the house to see if the occupants are safe. Your wife must be quite worried by now. As to the two on the floor, I hope someone else has an idea, because I am out. The only thing that seems to contain them is each other."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


*Hearing Mel's Statement, Karl Began to call the main level when he was hit with mindspeak*

Lilith: (telepathicly) Karl, did you forget our minds are linked? You don't need to call me about the ones on the main level...they're safe!

Karl: (telepathicly) Ok, I'd better check the other levels though.

*Karl then turned to the other people in medbay*

Karl: my wife says all those on main level are OK.

*Karl turned around and hit the Intercom button*

Karl: All levels report in!

LVL B6: B6 green

LVL B5: B5 green

LVL B4: B4 green

LVL B3: B3 green

LVL B2: B2 green

LVL B1: B1 green

Main LVL(Lilith answering): Main green

2nd LVL (Karl Reporting): 2nd lvl green

3rd LVL: 3rd lvl green

4th LVL (Attic): Attic- RED ALERT!!! Unidentified warpage of Space/time detected! Request investigation!

*Karl didn't like the sound of that last report...*

Karl: what the? Looks like there is still a presence there that's not authorized...*presses 4th LVL Comm button* ...Seal off and quarantine lvl til we can atequte (did I spell it right?) healing and preparation down here, Soldier!

Officer on 4th LVL: yes sir!

*turns to Mel*

Karl: I hope you didn't have much difficult using the Healing pods (beds)...*points to 3 colored buttons * ...the red button makes it heal Physical problems (Diseases, burns, chemical imbal., other physical) and revitalizes health and stamina...the Blue one heals magical problems and revitalizes one's magical or spirit energy...the yellow button does things of both the other two do.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Mel Dragonkitty

"When the girl... or whatever... was on it the bed detected nothing unusual. I could tell something was wrong but could not tell anything more specific. Perhaps your equipment would produce better results now that the overall level of dimensional activity is reduced." Mel looked at the damaged room, "If any of it still works, that is."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


e rubs his had sheepishly. "sorry if i broke any of it but i was in a strange battle. i didn't really know what to so i started out with a wog weapon."  it was true though effective the thunder wave was a sloppy weapon that attacked a set area and enemy tip when high force but low precision. it was also limited to about 8 uses before it required refilling.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey