Kittah art Third Pic Posted

Started by kittyblackrabbit, July 10, 2006, 08:30:12 PM

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Art is relative. I cannot stress that enough. If some shmuck can draw abstract crap and get millions, I believe he was known as Picasso, then what someone does with figure drawing hardly matters. The point is, there will never be a point at which you can stop "improving" in art because there will always be things that you think you need to do better at. A class will only teach a specific type of technique, in this case figures, but come on... She's drawing this to show to her furry friends, not impress some sixty year old hippie college teacher.

I realize this is the art forum and art pieces are open to critique, but you're being a little harsh and I'm getting the impression that you're more focused on making the piece seem shoddy than wanting her to improve. If you ask me, the goal of the picture has been met; to make her friends appreciate even one part of it and contribute to her title as an artist.


<EDIT: grrr i need to stop posting...


Darkmoon's been chastised for his comment. There's no need to start a flame war, Netami.

And I'll have you know that Picasso didn't start off his career in Cubism. There were the Blue and Rose periods before the Cubism time. Also, Picasso did not make "millions" off of his work. He actually made very little money from his paintings. Fine artists rarely make money off of their work while they are alive. And the reason Cubism was so popular was because it was different, and it had a flare to it. Cubism is not abstract. Abstract art has no form at all but the artist has put some sense of order in it. Cubism shows one or more objects, each part in a different perspective. Get your facts straight about Art Theory and History before calling someone on them.

The issue can be one of two things: The leg or the curvature of the spine. I myself notice that there is actually no curvature of the spine at all. In order to look anatomically correct, the leg in the air must be turned, or the spine given a long, gradual curve.

The leg and spine are the only issues I personally have. Everything else seems to be alright. I do like the flowing of the kimono.

Amber Williams

I think you guys are all being poopie-heads and derailing this thread. XP

1)Damaris posted a valid critique...she felt something was off with the leg and I admit there is a bit of distortion(the length of the arm and the angle of the leg don't particular match in terms of proportion)  However it doesn't mean the picture sucks, and as most people have pointed out, the kimono is very well done. She was simply suggesting some areas in which Kittah might look towards future improvement.  Cause yes, while Kittah has grown in leaps in bounds in her art, there are some minor anatomy quirks.

2)Dmoons weakspot is the flashing red when he feels people are teaming up on Damaris.  And it somewhat does feel like everyone was going "oh noes! You cannot make this critique because I personally feel everything is great!"  That's why critiques are held, because sometimes one person can catch something other people might overlook.

3) Its one thing to be happy with ones art, its another to be stagnant.  If you never have a reason to improve, then you are going to decline.  You can be happy with a picture yet still want to make improvements.

4) I want tacos...and I do think the kimono is nice. But not worth a page and a half of debate over.


*sigh* as Art Forum Moderator, I think this is an appropriate time to have everyone read the Art Forum Rules (click)...

Please pay attention to this rule in particular:

Quote6.   CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM AND POSITIVE COMMENTS ONLY. Negative comments WILL NOT be allowed. Negative comments include but are not limited to: bashing of technique and/or skill, harsh comments, direct insults. Constructive criticism is commentary that should aid the artist, not degrade them.

Carry on.


I used no inflammatory language in my above post, Clara. I did not and do not intend this to be a flame war. Furthermore, I think you're misunderstanding the reason I referenced picasso. I don't need to know his life story or "get my facts straight" about what part of art theory he belongs in, because he is just a name reference. The general populace will not look back on his work and remember him for his clean lines. That is as far as you need to look into that.

I am not saying that she should never seek to improve her work, I just think, for a critique, y'all could use some work on your bedside manners. The vibe and language used wasn't positive, namely the whole, "This would fail in a college class" thing.

I suppose in that sense, I felt as if the rules were being pressed, even if intentions were pure.


For the record, Flames do not necessarily need to have curse words. They're merely posts that could anger someone and lead to a big forum battle.

And I called you on Picasso because your description was inaccurate.


Ok i appreciate all the comments and constructive critques. I posted my work not just to show people what i was doing but to get ideas on what i can improve on. Like i said i couldnt get the pose exact, it was a similar type of pose based on the picture that i posted, which i had seen months before drawing this picture.

Once again thank you all for the critique but i think thats enough on the bend of the leg or the curvature of the spine at the moment, since it seems to be developing into a wawr. So to derale that i will post something else.... have this...

Yes i know alot of you from the dmfa fourms have already seen this but i think the thread needs a new peice while i work on some other stuff.


Kittah, this next one is a very nice piece. The legs are very well done, and I especially love the folds in the skirt. ^_^


Quote from: Clara E. Leet on July 14, 2006, 08:45:35 PM
For the record, Flames do not necessarily need to have curse words. They're merely posts that could anger someone and lead to a big forum battle.

And I called you on Picasso because your description was inaccurate.

I believe this needs to be better described then, since any comment could tick someone off... I mean, something really passive can be taken in the incorrect way and spark silly things.

As for the picasso thing, it's a widely held belief that any picasso painting that goes up on bidding these days will cost a crapload of money. Granted he isn't the one recieveing them, I should have just tweaked the words to get that point across better.

And I've never seen that picture before, cool. I'm surprised it fit so well with the background...


Flames are what the admins say they are. Does that clear things up?



oh you have my perverted side thinking about Zina, because that pic is hot!
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Quote from: KarlOmega1 on July 14, 2006, 09:56:12 PM
oh you have my perverted side thinking about Zina, because that pic is hot!
....dude, ew. There are some things you can kindly keep to yourself. =/



Quote from: Zina on July 14, 2006, 09:59:51 PM
Quote from: KarlOmega1 on July 14, 2006, 09:56:12 PM
oh you have my perverted side thinking about Zina, because that pic is hot!
....dude, ew. There are some things you can kindly keep to yourself. =/

Damn, rebuffed. That's cold.


Quote from: Netami on July 14, 2006, 10:02:34 PM

LIES HORRIBLE LIES. D: I'm as attractive as the noble horseshoe crab.

All joking aside,  maybe it's just me, but I'm not too keen on people telling me they're thinking 'preverted thoughts' about my character. There's just...some things you can keep to yourself.


Well, I'm the guy that thought it was weird that Wildy didn't appreciate someone trying to be her character from the comic on the old forum. Affection isn't easily gained, after all.

That being said, I think it's a little rude to present your thoughts about someone in such a way when you know that person is real and like, RIGHT THERE MAN. We don't especially need to know about this inner struggle you're having over a hot Zina.


I didn't have any issue with it, since she shot him down quite neatly afterwards.

Paladin Sheppard

 :yeahthat <--- Most uselfull smilely ever


Hell yeah it is.

Although the :evar emote is a close second.


Quote from: Darkmoon on July 14, 2006, 11:47:05 PM
I didn't have any issue with it, since she shot him down quite neatly afterwards.

Although I hate to agree with you, she did tell me properly to not do that again...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Zina is Teh love!

I love the colors and the background of this one! Yeeee! I'll nevah get tired of it. Good work Kitty. And I hope things in life are starting to look up for you.


You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Beauty, grace, shyness, innocences all those qualities come befiting a lady of proper class if i'm not mistaken, but who could this young lass be? You give it a try and see if you get it right. :)

Special Request pic


 ;) keep up teh awesome work, hun!
And i'll take a Stab at...Either Wildy or Sienna

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


Great art you have here.
I'm gonna guess... Janus?

(What? Someone's gonna say it sooner or later.)


Paladin Sheppard

Wow Kittah that looks gorgeous!