Turnsky's art 2.0 - with abel fanarts and other new stuffs.

Started by Turnsky, September 16, 2008, 10:46:01 PM

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Right, so it was the brightness of my monitor,sorry, though I still stand by the notion that it needs more mustard  :) The evil spark on the Butcher is a great touch indeed!


Amber Williams


The Turnsky arts again!  I'll have to try to commission you again one of these days X3

And able does seem very bright.  The cream is there, though I may have to look into color calibration tools.  This monitor is too nice to let it go to bad colors :<

There is also much love for the Janus commission.  One of these days he has to tell me how to get blood out of cloths.  I have a few that still have brown splotches on them no mater how I wash them.
The All Purpose Fox