[Costuming] Cyborg updates power pack mounted... testing all extremities

Started by thegayhare, August 17, 2008, 12:59:36 AM

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I'm holding off on doing any major battle damage for now

It'll be better if I do the damage after I have all the paint details done.

that way serial numbers or what have you would be realistically marred by the damage.

I'm thinking a glancing blow to one of the side pannelsa few burn marks and some bullet stitching the breast plate  I'll ding up the shoulder a bit too.  I'm also thinking of taking the soldering  iron to the shoulders fake seams.

I figure I can add a bit of realism by burning an indentation along them


I just recently had an Idea.   The designations numerals and symbols on the armor should pay omag to my favorite mecha

I was already planning to put a 12 on the shoulder in referance to Megas XLR.,  Should I throw in my Rabbitech Defense Force Svymbol as well?  I was going to but a designation on the chest piece T.G.H. and then some numbers maybe T.G.H.-0 to referance Big O.

anyone have any other idea's


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 13, 2008, 03:50:18 AMYou might consider "smoke damage around a dent" as something to think about how you'd do it, though...

Powdered graphite or charcoal, and blow it out a straw. Hairspray to make it stick. Both of those can be really messy tho.

As for the no.2 corrosion. If thats rust, it should be a lot darker then that. More of a reddish orange, or a light reddish brown.

[Edit] Gah, didn't see TGH's most recent post.

YF-19 or 21: The veritech prototypes from Macross Plus. (Shaddap. I liked Macross Plus)

The Tachicoma from Ghost in the Shell are cool, if you want something, but not really a number.

AV-98, or AV-X0 from Patlabor.

My 2c. I know I'm gonna look like the nerdiest geek for this. Unlike all the cool geeks out there.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


yeah some one else also sugested darker colors

I had used raw sienna in that test but burnt umber has a better color I've found.

but I think I'll skip the rust.  as a combat cyborg I think he'd be willing to put up with a few dents and dings but not rust.  It's sometihng he needs to keep him alive he's not going to let it get rusty

Man I love the Tachco's  I wish I could do something with that... *pouts* but they don't have any unique markings I could use... other then maybe there bubble eyes but I've no Idea how I'd incoperate that into the design...

I've been thinking of the designations and I don't want the surface to become to cluttered with designs.

I've got my pirate symbol and 12 on the arm  I'll add one or two burns and dings as well.  T.G.H.-00 (name, unit or rank designation maybe) on the right breast plate (the speaker part) I was thinking a long diagnal scorch.  The left breastplate could have a designator (it'll be the heart, light or maybe a power source depending on what I scrounge) no damage to it.  The rest of the body armor would 't need designators (there will be a nice pattern of bullet impacts on the belly section)

The mouth won't need any designators but I do want to do some sort of pattern there.  I know some painted on whiskers might look cool

Hmm do the eye's need any labling?

The intake fan that'll be on over my left ear could use something (if anyone asks about the lard cylender protruding from the left side of my head I've even come up with an explination.  During the reconstructive surgery part of my brain was replaced with computerised parts,  these need to be constantly cooled in order to function properly.  the reality is it's set up to blow air over my face)  I like AV-XO for that

and my back pack life support system I could use my Rdf symbol there with a veritech designator as very fitting I think


Quote from: thegayhare on October 14, 2008, 12:24:52 AM
Man I love the Tachco's  I wish I could do something with that... *pouts* but they don't have any unique markings I could use... other then maybe there bubble eyes but I've no Idea how I'd incoperate that into the design...

Could treat it like it's a corporation or brand name("Tachicoma Robotics" labels, or some such). I was going to suggest the same thing for the names of the Guymelefs from Escaflowne.

Quote from: thegayhare on October 14, 2008, 12:24:52 AM
Hmm do the eye's need any labling?

Take a look at what they put on camera lenses, maybe. Shouldn't be necessary though, your head looks like the most intricate part of the outfit.

Thing about rust is, it can be very quick to set in if the surface is scuffed or scratched up. That's why armor was polished, actually. Polishing would more easily resist corrosion. You could touch up scratched surfaces with a bit of black speckling (indicating pits in the metal) rather then brown. It would still look like corrosion, but not look like the armor is shabby or dirty. (You know that thing where you use a toothbrush to spritz paint at paper? That would work nicely)

Quote from: thegayhare on October 14, 2008, 12:24:52 AM
Man I love the Tachco's  I wish I could do something with that... *pouts* but they don't have any unique markings I could use... other then maybe there bubble eyes but I've no Idea how I'd incoperate that into the design...

Could treat it like it's a corporation or brand name ("Tachicoma Robotics" labels, or some such). I was going to suggest the same thing for the names of the Guymelefs from Escaflowne. I couldn't really think of a way to fabricate a cheap fake label that looked decent. Stenciling somewhere might work, if you have the space. Like, up the leg or something.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


I've started constructoin of the head.  not tooo far along but here is an update anyway

Looks kinda like some freaky half done gas mask so far


for some reason when ever I start working on this I get Styx's Mr Roboto stuck in my head


Here is my head about two- thirds of the way done

I've covered the frame in felt, added foam to the sides of the face, set up the left side ear piece and wired it for sound.


I just have to use faux leather to make the nose, and thne fur the out side. after that I'll need to get some bolts to go through the cheeks as suport for the mouth piece and I'll be set to fit the over helmet over the top and my head will be compleate

llearch n'n'daCorna

wow. Those eyepieces are seriously eye-catching.

looking good, Hare, looking good.
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Well I've attached the armor portions to the costumes vest


It seems a good start but I think it needs a few more armor pieces

llearch n'n'daCorna

You might want to consider colouring the vest into a sort of plated pattern, as if it were the underlying armour upon which the "lumps" were attached, if that makes sense?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


So maybe I should take off the platting and give it a spray of silver.

a light coat of silver should still let the gray come through to weather it.  I can then use some black to paint in armored segments.

llearch n'n'daCorna

That could work.

mind, it _was_ just a thought...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hmm the paint didn't quite have the effect I was hopping.  it may help the over all look (since it did eliminate the black zipper running down the front) but I'll still need to make additional plates for the armor.  Luckily I have a good suply of pieces I can use to form them.  tomarrow once the paint's dry I'll  try to get the shapes I need.  then I can drill the bolt holes, paint them and finish the armor off.

as a few decoritive pionts I'm also thinking of adding some tubbing and some bogus wires

my plans for stenciling serial numbers don't seem to be working either since I can't get the letters to come out clearly

llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 29, 2008, 01:45:43 PM
... bulletmark over the stencil?

every time I've tried to do a T it comes out a big ugly blob

currently I'm working on my gun belt and holster.

though I need a few more pouches, I've also bee wondering do you think it would be too grusome to have a few realistic skulls dangling from the belt?


so I've started working on the additional armor plates and wanted you folks opinion

bare in mind these are the unpainted plastic so they don't look right yet



well since I'm waiting for armor to dry I needed a project. 

so I tried my hand at furing a cyborg...

and this is what I got


It looks like the result of a tequilia soaked one night stand between Fozzy bear and the borg...


back to the drawing board.  maybe a more robotic head would be easier.  anyway I'm going to see if my sister can help me out

llearch n'n'daCorna

It's not as bad as you think, I think.

Mostly, I'd expect a cyborg head to be just a little mashed up, anyway. So having a somewhat uneven shape is about par for the course...
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thanks for the vote of confidence Learch but I'm not so sure. 

I just don't think it looks right pluss it's not too comfy to wear

anyway I've broadly got a second design in mind. It's a bit simpler and involves the steel pot helmat and a israli gas mask



I know looks more WW2 then distant future but I figure some lighted eyes, and some tarnished silver on the rubber and it might be a pretty good metal face.  I still might be able to use the jaw piece from the first try

llearch n'n'daCorna

Not looking right is a matter of what you're trying to accomplish, but not being comfy is a killer.

If it ain't comfy, you're not going to want to wear it for the entire stretch of the con, and that's just not right. So yeah, if it's not comfy, then you're gonna have to rethink it. :-/
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Well be fore I start a new build my sis is going to give it alook see I've already removed the helmet so who know it still may be do able

Till then I'm working on other parts like the furred right arm


The blue pad is a make shift solution for now to cover the rather bad seem I made at the wrist.  I rather like it but I think I might see about making sometihng specificly for the costume.

llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



the second comming of the armored vest.

I think once I'm done wiring up the backpack I'll use the left over wires in the fron of the vest for alittle more metal man feeling

King Of Hearts

well, gotta say, the costume's coming a long great. cant wait for the end result.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears




Good stuff, can't wait for this all to come together. Sad thing about the eyepiece though, that was good. You certain you can't still use that?


I might be able too.
My sis is going to help me build a new head
she's much better at it then me, and I still have the eyepiece intact


just one update it's a little one

I finished a holster for my nerf gun.

It's a little tight but thats okay and it rides realy well on the gunbelt I'm making.

Thats almost don all I need is canteen for it.  something I can run a tube from the head down into so I can drink in costume.  I'm going to start looking soon


Nice holster. Rather simple, but it's hard to go wrong with simple.

When you say a canteen connected by a tube to your head... do you mean that there'll be a long straw-like thing inside the tube for you to drink through?


yep though I'm planning just to use some tubing I an drink through with out anything extra.  I've got a good length og clear plastic tubing and that should work fine