Okami (Wii)

Started by Nikki, July 15, 2008, 10:42:31 PM

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Went into a Video game store to buy my BF a birthday present. We were looking for a DS for him so he could have something to play that wasn't his N64.

So i'm browsing the Wii games, and i see it. Okami. The game i have been dying to play ever since i heard of it. I almost, literally, fainted from extreme joy, and i bought it for me and my BF, agreeing on joint ownership.

So, i go home, plug it in and begin playing. and play i did~until 3 in the morning.

So, the good and the bad.

The obvious good for me was that you could play as a wolf and have fun slicing and dicing bad guys with your Wii-mote, as well as a pretty darn good storyline.

The bad was the slight difficulty of making the brush strokes. Also that you can't really explore the world as much as some other games.

All i can say is, that this game is totally awesome so far, and i kind of want to know who else has played it and have enjoyed it as much as i have ^-^

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Now try making those brush strokes.... with a ps2 controller.  This is a vast upgrade over the original.  I think that compared to it's previous incarnations this one is godly.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Mowser on July 16, 2008, 07:18:54 AM
Now try making those brush strokes.... with a ps2 controller.  This is a vast upgrade over the original.  I think that compared to it's previous incarnations this one is godly.

Are you implying Amaterasu's tale wasn't divine in the first place? :b

The game handled just fine on the Playstation 2. "Vast upgrade" sounds like fan preference for the Wii controller more than anything else. I certainly had no problem using the PS2 controller to draw anything.

Everyone should play Okami. Whichever way they want. Just don't go claiming one version is super-special-awesome over the other when in the end, you're all - plotwise - playing the same game.
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Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on July 16, 2008, 10:57:03 AM
Everyone should play Okami. Whichever way they want. Just don't go claiming one version is super-special-awesome over the other when in the end, you're all - plotwise - playing the same game.

AMEN, brother! For the record, my local Gamestop doesn't have the PS2 copy (I check whenever I go, though, but since I've heard how good it is I'm not surprised that no one seems to be giving them up), and I find it unlikely that I'll ever get a Wii (for various reasons, including that there's really not much point to buying a system for the three or four games that I want). Then again, I did buy the PS3 for literally one game and just added to my collection later... (for the record, it was Ratchet and Clank Future)
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Actually it's not rampant fan-boyism for either controller, but in all honesty it's much easier to get those brush strokes with the wii-mote.  The game also feels well... right on the wii to me and that controler is the reason imho.  Also, where did I claim that one version was 'super-special-awesome' over  the other.  I claimed it was a vast upgrade and (trying to make a pun) Godly:  I'm not saying that it sucked on the PS2, just that the wii-mote seems far more suited to it and feels far more natural to the concept of a brush.  :D

You can claim system fan-boyism if you like, but that will be contradicted by the fact that the PS3 is still the ruler in my living room. 

Edit:  Oh, and the godly part was just an attempt to have fun with the concept of the game.  Take that for what you will.


I haven't played the PS2 version so i can't really say anything for that version, but i'm pretty sure it's on equal footing with the Wii version =3

Now, i think i'm pretty far into the game (Finding the last ingredient for the Chef imp), and so far, it's been totally awesome. The only thing i'm getting frustrated about are the Divine attributes. The only way i can find to get Praise is by feeding the animals...

Is there another way or will i have to look at a walkthrough of the game?

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Haven't you been blossoming the trees? That gives you tons. Same with every time you clear up a cursed area. Or go through those cursed gates and defeat the baddies. Or doing little side quests for the NPC's.
That far into the game you should have plenty of Praise. There are tons of ways to get it other than feeding the animals.


Blossoming the trees, yes. The gates, yes.

Maybe i'm just too impatient about upping the attributes...

Is there something you're supposed to do with those green patches of light? I know you dig them up but i sometimes get a four-leafed clover and i'm not sure what to do with it.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Draw a circle around it. You get praise from that, too.
Draw circles around the dark cursed patches of land. That will also give you praise.
Honestly, you're not even half way through the game. You have plenty of time to get praise.


Something tells me to read those scrolls.

Thanks so far, Zina  :)

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3