so i went to peta's website

Started by gh0st, June 09, 2008, 11:31:58 PM

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sadely i was forced to go to peta's website for school, the first thing i saw was a mario spoof called "Kentucky fried cruelty" and apparently they are pissed at how kentucky fried chicken is raising their chickens. so i play the most addicting online game ever and then go on to the next thing and i quote "tell lowes to stop selling glue traps"... apparently they are too cruel for pests... you know the little things that caused the black plague... the thing that wiped out almost 3 quarters of europe's population... glue traps are too cruel for the pests... i'm trying not to throw rats with the plague at them...

this just in they apparently have a video to promote the spay and neutering of your cats... all that is shows is them having way too good of a time to be appropriate  for young eye's, that said i think i'm going to go gouge out mine.


Freaks exist in every form , sometimes its best to ignore them.
That and cruelty makes everything taste better :B
Hooray ellipsis!


I thought the chicken vacuum was funny, PETA just has no sense of humor. They even forced a TV show to give goldfish a bigger bowl, the goldfish cared for 5 seconds, then forgot.
Also, PETA is known for being almost as stupid and mindless in its goals as Scientology is. The thread on THAT had a pretty clear pattern on the opinion of the organization.


Hey PETA is a very good group...

People eating tasty animals! I mean whats wrong with that  :P


they are a good group but there is a line between good and obsessive...


Quote from: gh0st on June 10, 2008, 12:22:22 AM
they are a good group but there is a line between good and obsessive...

I am not obsessed with eating tasty animals!


Quote from: Azriel on June 10, 2008, 12:43:25 AM
Quote from: gh0st on June 10, 2008, 12:22:22 AM
they are a good group but there is a line between good and obsessive...

I am not obsessed with eating tasty animals!

i wasn't calling you obsessed i was calling peta obsessed


Quote from: gh0st on June 10, 2008, 01:02:21 AM
Quote from: Azriel on June 10, 2008, 12:43:25 AM
Quote from: gh0st on June 10, 2008, 12:22:22 AM
they are a good group but there is a line between good and obsessive...

I am not obsessed with eating tasty animals!

i wasn't calling you obsessed i was calling peta obsessed

but I am a member of Peta...oh wait you mean those nut jobs, the ones who don't even want the blind to have guide dogs...the people who don't want animal testing for medicine, despite the fact without it we wouldn't have modern medicine?


No, we meant Partition for Ending the Teaching Alchemy personally I'm against them.


Quote from: shadowterm on June 10, 2008, 01:29:51 AM
No, we meant Partition for Ending the Teaching Alchemy personally I'm against them.

Ah well that makes sense now!


Um. I can't speak for KFC specifically, but chickens are generally treated really poorly. And it is important to spay and neuter pets so that they don't breed and create street animals that will likely starve in the streets. I haven't seen the site personally, and I'd believe that it's presented in an extremest fashion, but nothing that you've listed is really unreasonable. Rodents slowly starve or dehydrate to death in glue traps...
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: Eibbor_N on June 10, 2008, 02:30:36 AM
Um. I can't speak for KFC specifically, but chickens are generally treated really poorly.

RIGHT!  Ever had anything to do with REAL Chickens?

Real Chickens are only slightly smarter than rocks.  They are also QUITE mean to each other, every flock picks on one chicken and they just torment it to death hence the term "Hen Pecked."  And they are cannibalistic they WILL and DO eat chicken if one dies in the pen.  They will also eat each others eggs from time to time to.

"Chicken Rights" is about as smart as Oyster Rights or Cockroach sensitivities.


Where you have PETA, ALF (Animal Liberation Front) is right there with them in the shadows. 

Mice are rather nasty to each other as well.  They're cannibalistic and often fight to the death.  In our lab, I always have to check the ones housed together.  Sometimes even two male siblings that have been living in the same cage since birth will just start killing each other once they reach two months of age (approximately mouse maturity).  They also breed like bacteria if left unchecked.  Their numbers can go from two to a million before you know it.

Face it, mice are a 'feeder species', which practically every carnivorous critter will gobble up, and they reproduce faster to keep up.  Just look at Australia's farming regions a few decades ago when there was a mouse population explosion.  The scurrying fuzzballs were everywhere.  Nobody there was concerned with mouse rights as they smashed, gassed, and did whatever they had to do to stop the swarms of bitey little rodents.

Same thing with rats. 

And people too!  PETA should help out the human overpopulation problem by committing suicide.   >:3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Alondro on June 10, 2008, 07:50:34 AM
And people too!  PETA should help out the human overpopulation problem by committing suicide.   >:3

I'd vote for that...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

King Of Hearts

Personally I disagree on how KFC treats its livestock... Free range chicken tastes a lot better.


Quote from: Zorro on June 10, 2008, 03:30:13 AM
RIGHT!  Ever had anything to do with REAL Chickens?

Real Chickens are only slightly smarter than rocks.  They are also QUITE mean to each other, every flock picks on one chicken and they just torment it to death hence the term "Hen Pecked."
I believe it's also the origin of the term "pecking order". The biggest and strongest chicken picks (or pecks) on the next strongest, and so on down the line.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

Ryudo Lee

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


out of curiosity, did PETA ever get over the blow to their reputation when people found out they bought meat lockers?

i mean, sure, donate money to PETA- they save poor little puppies and kitties! no, they euthenise them because they're too busy comparing people who eat chicken to nazis to even dick with the puppies and kitties, and spend their money on airfare to throw paint on celebrities fur coats instead of paying for the critters to get adopted.

So, tell me, did they ever think of a good excuse for that?
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Ryudo Lee

PETA: Umm... umm... *Throws paint on Brun* Meat is murder! *Runs away*

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 10, 2008, 01:39:11 PM
PETA: Umm... umm... *Throws paint on Brun* Meat is murder! *Runs away*

*Charles demonstrates why such statements are useless upon the evil humans*  Yes.  It is murder.  Tasty, delicious bloody murder of helpless dumb animals to FEED our ravenous carnivorous appetite!  Our rage increases as we devour our fellow beings and we fight and kill and slaughter to sustain the addictive mania until ALL IS LEFT IN DESOLATION AND WE MUST EAT EACH OTHER TO SURVIVE!!!    :mwaha

Join us!  It's devlish good fun!   >:3

Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


ahh, nothing like a battle royale. :)


i call the katana!!!

and i call dibs on P.E.T.A's headquarters!



I went to peta's site once and posted a rant on their forums about how meat is not murder, the animal is already dead and they arent honoring it by throwing it away, how experimenting to see if they could get predators to eat alternatives to meat is no less cruel then experiments done by the very labs they try to get shut down, how they constantly argue against cruelty to animals then turn around and mess with the natural order and food chains, and act like hypocrites in general. Ya, I got about 100 angry emails and death threats that week on my yahoo mail account from that and permabanned from peta's website.


Quote from: Zorro on June 10, 2008, 03:30:13 AM
RIGHT!  Ever had anything to do with REAL Chickens?

Real Chickens are only slightly smarter than rocks.  They are also QUITE mean to each other, every flock picks on one chicken and they just torment it to death hence the term "Hen Pecked."  And they are cannibalistic they WILL and DO eat chicken if one dies in the pen.  They will also eat each others eggs from time to time to.

"Chicken Rights" is about as smart as Oyster Rights or Cockroach sensitivities.

I know that REAL chickens are awful. Believe me, I've been chased around a farm yard by one! But I'd be uncomfortable with cockroaches being locked in cages only slightly larger than them for their entire lives, too. *shrug*[/bleeding heart]
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: Eibbor_N on June 10, 2008, 11:48:00 PM
Quote from: Zorro on June 10, 2008, 03:30:13 AM
RIGHT!  Ever had anything to do with REAL Chickens?

Real Chickens are only slightly smarter than rocks.  They are also QUITE mean to each other, every flock picks on one chicken and they just torment it to death hence the term "Hen Pecked."  And they are cannibalistic they WILL and DO eat chicken if one dies in the pen.  They will also eat each others eggs from time to time to.

"Chicken Rights" is about as smart as Oyster Rights or Cockroach sensitivities.

I know that REAL chickens are awful. Believe me, I've been chased around a farm yard by one! But I'd be uncomfortable with cockroaches being locked in cages only slightly larger than them for their entire lives, too. *shrug*[/bleeding heart]

*Charles holds up a matchbox*  I've got a roach in heeeeeere!  It's been here for yeeeeeears!   >:3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Quote from: Teroniss on June 10, 2008, 11:05:51 PM
I went to peta's site once and posted a rant on their forums about how meat is not murder, the animal is already dead and they arent honoring it by throwing it away, how experimenting to see if they could get predators to eat alternatives to meat is no less cruel then experiments done by the very labs they try to get shut down, how they constantly argue against cruelty to animals then turn around and mess with the natural order and food chains, and act like hypocrites in general. Ya, I got about 100 angry emails and death threats that week on my yahoo mail account from that and permabanned from peta's website.

Death threats? Banned?
Well... seems at least on their message board they're just like most other internet groups...

Faerie Alex

4peta  :3

I suppose it's just useless to try to argue with some people, if they believe they're right no matter what you say or do or prove through basic logic.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


in some perverse way i am proud that ive eaten meats from such unusual sources as roadkill deer, roadkill snapping turtle, painted turtle that was not roadkill but was darn easy to catch anyways, pheasant that another hunter shot but couldn't find cause I got to it first, squirrels that got into our bid feeder, at least a dozen different kinds of fish taken from local lakes and rivers, bison burgers, pigeon/morning dove cant really tell the difference, roast mutton like old William used to cook, wild goose, purloined duck, flattened skunk sandwiches with tomato sauce,  and of course the usual assortment of pork, beef, goat,  and chicken

one day i will have to try beaver, i hear its superb, but until then my favorite will be goat.

also an age old question has been answered- i met someone who had eaten penguin and i had always wondered if it tasted like fish or chicken..... apperantly penguin tastes like fishy chicken, what a letdown.

QuoteMan is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I view PETA as being no better then terrorists. They even hired an arsonist to burn down an animal testing lab. The son of a bitch now teaches people how to make Molotov cocktails and is still endorsed by PETA even though they won't admit it. Their finances were checked into and it was found they were actually paying the guy.