Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {3}

Started by Aisha deCabre, October 21, 2007, 09:05:27 PM

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Jakob still held the map within the voluminous folds of his trenchcoat.  The trouble was, he didn't really want Ignatz or Mel to know about it.  With a sigh, he pulled it out and unfolded it.

"North is the direction you desire, for it will be there that you will approach what you are looking for, whether you realise it or not," he read, and promptly folded it back up again.

"Any ideas?"  As he spoke, he folded the map back into his coat.  Or so it appeared.  As he released his hand, it vanished into a small hyperrealm, a trick he'd seen done with swords once.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


 Gareeku walked out of the Tavern, and Cog took that as a sign that the group was moving on. Pushing himself off the wall, he walked out behind the white wolf and into the dusty street, following Gareeku down to the docks.

He pulled his hat down further on his head as he noticed them walking towards the docks. He'd spent some time on ships before. He sighed, and shook his head. At least he didn't get seasick anymore.

"Pretty sure, anyway..."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha felt more appreciative of the rest of the group, as soon as they started to file out after Gareeku behind her.  The wolf still walked headstrong and with purpose, however they were going to get there or not...and that certainly was what the situation needed.  No hesitation, or conflict.  A part of the panthress, however, despised the thought of rushing...especially when it would just lead to the wolf's death.

Another friend's death.

Aisha's dire thoughts kept her from listening to the small conversations that had been initiated...but they were soon drenched when she looked upon the sight to which they were lead.  From the docks, water extended far off into the horizon, and boats of many sizes lined their sight and rested upon the gently chopping waves.  Aisha tilted her head, just a small smile appearing in her eyes as she appraised the scenery.  She knew not what sea it was, nor ocean.  But the smells and senses of hope that it brought had an air of poetry.  This part would probably go in the song about this saga.

After Gareeku checked with the staff on finding a ferry, he had turned to the others for their opinion.  Aisha glanced toward Mel, about to demand what it was.  But that was when a few of the maps were brought out, one of which she saw glancing over a shoulder, and her eyebrows raised.  "Strange.  But if north is the direction it chose, and that you chose, we're headed the right way."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

James StarRunner

James was just about to answer Gabi when Jakob spoke. He listened to Jakob's suggestion of unarmed combat and grinned. "We'll figure something out for you miss Gabi. I'm quite good at martial arts and use it quite often to defend myself when caught unawares. You may like the self defense aspect where you don't aim to kill, but to subdue your opponent." Kept a lot of my bounties alive that way. "I've never formally taught, but I'm sure you'll find me a decent teacher. Or course, should you wish to try something else you can. I believe you may even be handy with a rapier, a slender sword which you won't find that heavy."


"My ideas are only assumptions at this point." said James trying to answer Jakob's question. If it where at the Northern most point in the world then we wouldn't have to worry about missing it, no matter where we start from, we'll find it. But there seems to be a hint of something where we may run across our goal sooner then expected... We may even have someone following us, who will guide us as we near our goal. One thing's for sure at this point though... I'm really starting to hate cryptic messages."


'Cryptic can be good sometimes,' Ignatz said drolly from behind James. He'd slid up behind the party in what seemed to be the customary manner for him; smooth and uncomfortably silently. 'It has a tendency to filter out the stupid,' he added, glancing around under the brim of a quickly produced hat that while quite warm for the weather at least helped keep the blasted sun out of his eyes.

Mel Dragonkitty

Having produced a parasol from somewhere to shade herself from the sun Mel strolled behind the rest as if it were an afternoon promenade. Compared to the rest with their packs and weapons the unburdened leopard in her brightly colored outfit truly appeared as if she was on a pleasure jaunt. If the white wolf's decision to head to Ghaelia was counter to whatever information she had she didn't show any distress.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Sometimes it does," Gabi replied to Ignatz's comment. "But when the writer wants the reader to get there anyway, it doesn't really filter anything, does it? I'd say it mearly creates entertainment for some at the expenses of others. Then again, you seem to like that kind of thing too much."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


As he waited for the member of staff to return, Gareeku listened to the others speak amongst themselves, rolling his eyes at some of the comments.
"If we are all done flinging insults at each other like children..." the wolf spoke up, his arms crossed as he looked at the group. "Then I would like to know from our clue-bearer if we are headed in the right direction."

It was then, however, that the member of staff returned.
"Yes sir, we do have a ship leaving in half an hour, but you are welcome to board the ship now if you like.
"Yes we will, thank you." Gareeku replied, then following the member of staff to the ticket office, where he paid for himself.

Once he had done so, the wolf then made his way to the ship itself. The boat was a large one, but not as big as some of the other boats in the docks. Shaped and styled much like a ferry, the white paint that gleamed in the sunlight gave the craft a polised look. The people who owned the boat obviously were proud of it.

Stepping on board, Gareeku gave his ticket to the crew member who was stood by the entrance, before making his way to the front of the boat, where he stood, leaning on the railings as he gazed out to the horizon.


"If anyone's short, I can pay for several," Jakob said, as Gareeku boarded ship.  He waited for a moment to see who, if anyone,would take him up on his offer, and went to pay.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had stood back while the others put in their two cents on the subject of being clued in on leaving, arms crossed.  She had to roll her eyes, wondering just when it will be that they will start cooperating like a group.  But at least they had some more help on their quest, however she still doubted how much help they would be.  The panther had to wonder about something...if there were these two having hunted the group, how many more of those were they certain to encounter?

But soon, the staff member returned and guided the way to the ticket office, and to the ship that they were to take.  When Aisha laid eyes on the vessel, she was impressed.  Large enough to take them all, small enough to leave a good view of the sea.  So long as nobody gets seasick, she added.

Hearing Jakob's offer to the others, Aisha shook her head and walked up.  "I can pay for myself, but thank you, Jakob."  Thus she did; it set her behind just a bit, but at least left enough that it didn't matter.  And then she followed Gareeku aboard the gleaming pearlescent vessel, walking slow so as to get used to the slightly choppy motion that the water caused until she went to lean on the side.

"So this is a boat," Aisha muttered.  It was obvious that the feline never had much in the line of experience with that mode of transport.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Surprisingly, despite her belligerent nature and her normally consistent urge to interfere in every argument that occurred in her presence, Keaton did not participate in Ignatz's attempts to rouse a reaction from the others, being more focused on following the others in the group. Once they arrived at the pier, Keaton started frantically searching through her pockets for money that she didn't waste on booze, fortunately finding the appropriate amount of money needed to board the ship. Normally Keaton was financially bankrupt from constantly wandering, never adopting a consistent job, but when she could, she either picked up a freelance assignment to earn some money legally, or stole acquisitioned something from an unfortunate soul who meandered in her direction when she was in a bad mood.

After she was allowed onto the ship, Keaton resumed her search for Gareeku, her chocolaty gaze combing the ship for the distinctive white wolf. Not far away, she noticed him leaning against the railing and staring off at--well, the horizon, she supposed. From behind, Keaton walked over to him, the sound of her heavy footsteps the only harbinger to her approach.

"Uh, hey," she said, tapping Gareeku gently on the shoulder. "You're--Gareeku, right? Think we can talk for a minute?"

~Keaton the Black Jackal


"I'm done," Gabi replied to Gareeku's words before turning back to James. "I'll take you up on your offer, thanks."

Then Jakob made another offer. She counted her money. She seemed to have enough this time, but not by a big margin. Unless she found a way to earn some money, she'd have to start borrowing from her friends.

As she got on board, she approached Jakob and told him: "I'll see if I can manage to get some blood cookies out of my bag. That way they might help me pay for our next trip."

As worried as she still was, she felt a tinge of excitement when she looked at the see from the boat. There was a wide river near her hometown and her family had sometimes taken boats for fun when she was a child, but she'd never sailed on the sea before, nor gone on a long aquatic journey.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Watching the water grimly from the edge of the pier, and still as he passed over the walkway, Ignatz was the last to set his foot on the deck of the large boat. Fortunately it was simple enough to pay for oneself, and considering the capital he had, not to mention what they had just earned the day before, that was small change at the moment. To his great liking, they weren't even searched. He were somewhat conflicted about going by boat; cabins provided a nice stay, and he was familiar with seafaring why waves and tumbling did not bother him, but he did not like the sea particularly much. And he'd also found that most regular sailors weren't the most agreeable sort to him, for some reason. If there was anywhere he was comfortable being on a ship, it was up in the masts, or under deck. So, when he stepped on board, he immediately began looking around for some place alone and out of sight.


 Cog's ear twitched at Jakob's offer, and a for a moment adventuring instincts told him to accept the rather generous offer of free passage. He wasn't hurting for money at all, really, but a penny saved and all that. Still, the wolf kept silent, instead approaching the ticket vendor himself and giving him a measure of silver coins.

Ticket in hand, the wolf boarded the ship quickly, and took up a position on the far side of the ship, facing the open ocean. The sea breeze quickly filled the wolf's nostrils, and he let his hand drift up to his hat, keeping it from flying off.

The wolf couldn't help but enjoy the view, but he still made a grimace. Seafaring vessels and him usually had an agreement - he stayed away from them, and they didn't make him seasick or give him cabin fever. He absently wondered how long they would be on the ship...

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel paid her fare and boarded the ship. With her bright blue sunshade still over her head she took a place at the rail. She didn't get seasick or claustrophobic, but having sunk several pirate ships in defense of the being village she once called home ships always struck her as vulnerable. The rest of the party was ignoring her for the moment and for the moment she was quite content to be ignored and watch the little fishing boats hard at work in the distance. She was having a little bout of nostalgia for that long ago time.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


As he stared out at the horizon, Gareeku then felt a tap on his shoulder and a voice. Turning to look, he found that it was one of the newcomers; Keaton.
"Uh...sure..." the wolf replied. "What is it you want to talk about, exactly?"


The instant Gareeku turned around, he was greeted with an uncharacteristic, toothy grin brandished in his face, etched in ivory-white over the jagged streaks of ebony-tainted saffron of Keaton's face. Clearly, there was an underlying edge of discomfort to Keaton's smile, as though she wasn't used to exercising her facial muscles in such a positive manner, but she resisted regardless, and leaned back to grant Gar some personal space. To make the wolf more malleable, she needed to present herself in a more benevolent, trustworthy manner, and give him what he wanted.

"Hey there!" she said cheerfully, beaming from every molecule of her face. Keaton continued, feeling she was on a roll, "I just have a small favor to ask you" - suddenly, her expression fell. Sighing, Keaton ran her hand over her face, disgusted with her charade. Attempt to convince Gar or not, she didn't enjoy being so... outrageously out-of-character from her original personality, even when she was a skilled impersonator - "oh to hell with this. Listen, I... well..."

A sigh of resignation. Keaton shrugged her shoulders loosely. "I want to join your group. You're looking for kidnappers, right? Well, I'm hoping they have two people I'm looking for."

~Keaton the Black Jackal


When he turned around, Gareeku was quite surprised to be a huge beaming grin on the jackal's face as he looked at her. It was becoming painfully clear that she was making an effort with this over-the-top smile, which only caused the wolf to raise his eyebrow as he looked at her.

As Keaton tried to get her words out, Gareeku leaned back against the railing, folding his arms as he waited for her to say what she wanted to say. Once the jackal had said what she needed to, the wolf looked at her for a moment before he spoke.
"And what makes you think I can trust you?" the wolf asked, looking at her with a neutral expression, his voice possessing a calm, almost soothing tone as he spoke. "The world is full of people, both being and creatures alike, who would gladly kill someone once their back is turned."

Turning away, Gareeku gazed back out towards the horizon, a distant look in his eyes as he did so.
"To get them back...to free them...only to leave them again..." the wolf said softly. "Provided I get them back..."

Looking back at Keaton once more, Gareeku looked at her dead in the eyes.
"Fine. You may join us." the wolf said, a slight nod of his head as he spoke confirming the words he uttered. "But I will keeping an eye on you, just like the other newcomers. In this world, trust between strangers must be earned."

Paladin Sheppard

After paying for her ticket Ephrael headed up the gangplank. She could of followed Gareeku but saw he was talking to...'Oh what was her name' She thought 'I guess I'll find out some time, she seems to be going with us'.

Waving to Gar she headed up a deck and towards the bow where she found some deck chairs set up. Shrugging off her pack and bow she pulled out a pair of sunglasses and lay in the chair closest to the bow.


Although Keaton's previous grin had been insincere and uncomfortable, something akin to smirking elation colored her angular features when she heard Gareeku grant her permission to join his group--albeit there was a tangible sliver of begrudging hesitance to his voice. Probably because, with the addition of Mel and Ignatz and their questionable alliances to his party, he had enough on his plate. Understandable, but at least Keaton had made her intentions rather clear. Impersonator or not, when she was honest, she was honest. The Cubi race often thrived on lies, both small and of incredible magnitude, but Keaton could be frank when she wanted to.

"Hey. We may have not gotten off on the best of starts, but I'm not going to start stealing souls left and right," Keaton said defensively, holding up her hands. "I have some degree of self-control. Scout's honor."

Of course, that latter promise could easily be redacted with Keaton claiming she was not a scout (this was true), but she had no intention of doing so. After all, she wanted to travel with these people. "And look, I'm a useful fighter. I've had five hundred years of experience under my belt," Keaton pointed her thumb toward the mace strapped to her back, "So you don't have to worry about looking out for me. Plus, I can help you guys out when you need me to."

The smirk returned to Keaton's features, then she turned away, waving to Gareeku over her shoulder. "Either way, I'll try not to give you a reason to punt me out," she said boisterously. "Oh, and..." A reluctant sigh, then she attempted a less devious smile - much more successfully than her first try. "Thanks."

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Jakob stared out over the railings, but he kept an ear open as Keaton spoke to Gareeku.
Nothing wrong with stealing souls from the dying, he thought, just as long as you let them go afterwards.

Jakob didn't have much experience with boats, although he had collected schematics from his stay on Earth, and even built lavish scale models - a childish distraction from the burdens of running his empire.  Not that anyone would have dared say so, or even think it too loud.

There were things to like about them though, especially the powered ones... an engine room full of noise and diesel fumes could be music to his ears.  In any case, it was far too long since he'd had a pleasure cruise and it might even be a way to distract himself from the burdens of their quest, at least for a short while.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Listening to Keaton explain that she would not betray them or do anything to step out of line, Gareeku turned back to face the horizon as the cubi spoke.
"If you say so." the wolf replied. "But in my experience, peopl can really seem like they mean something, only to stab you in the back at a later date. So I'll be keeping an eye on things."
Hearing Keaton say her thanks, Gareeku glanced to her from out of the corner of his eye for a moment.
"...No problem..." the wolf said in reply.

A short while later, the large funnels on the top of the vessel began to excrete more steam as the ship's horn sounded, signalling that it was about to set sail on it's journey. Making final checks that the boat had been freed of it's tying to the dockside, the staff working at the docks then waved the ship off as it began to make its way to the harbour's entrance.

After having bought a drink from the on board bar, Gareeku was back at his position at the front of the boat, leaning against as he took a swig of the ale. Looking out at the horizon once more, the wolf hoped that the journey would not take too long.

James StarRunner

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" said James as he slid up to Gareeku's side at the front of the ship, watching the seemingly endless waves. "A sea that stretches on beyond what we see. Kind of like life. We never know what might be in store for us up ahead. There are times of calm, times of hard weather, but always heading towards a goal." Looking at Gareeku now, James looked more serious. "Gareeku, I want to make sure you reach your goal. If I have to go through the storms of hell for you, I would." James gripped the railing tighter, his nails digging slightly in the wood. He didn't want him to die, but it was becoming painfully obvious that he won't last much longer. "Tell me... What is the thing you desire most now? I swear to you I will get it done."


Suddenly hearing James' voice, Gareeku looked to see the squirrel join him, also watching the waves stretch on to the horizon.
"Wise words indeed." The wolf replied to what James first said. Looking at his old friend out of the corner of his eye, Gareeku noticed that the bounty hunter was now looking straight at him, a more serious look on the squirrel's face. Listening to James as he continued to speak, Gareeku smiled slightly, his eyes looking back at the water that the boat was sailing across.
"There is nothing that needs to be done. Only the successful completion of this quest matters to me now." The wolf replied, putting his hand on James' shoulder. "You have already done more than enough for me by joining me and the others on this journey, my friend, and I thank you for it."

James StarRunner

"I was already on this mission before we crossed paths once again..." James admitted. "There are a lot of rich people paying top dollar to get their loved ones back and to bring justice on those who wronged them... It was something I couldn't pass up." James looked away and took a deep breath. "I must sound like such a heel saying that, but the money was not intended for myself... Never was." James looked down at his feet which he shuffled around, his old boots showing lots of wear and tear.

"You might have noticed I haven't been living a life of luxury though I easily could have with all the money I made, but it was never intended for myself in all my years of hunting. I never told anyone before, but all this time I've been donating most of my money to the failing, broken down orphanage I grew up in. There are a lot of mouths to feed there... And I felt with my skills, it was the best way to help. I may not have had the best childhood, but that doesn't mean others must suffer. I have to help people in need... So when I saw you guys were taking the more direct approach instead of the longer, easier way I was taking, I couldn't leave you to face all those dangers alone. You're my friend, I can't leave you behind. I'm sticking with you to the end, no payment necessary."

James put his hand on Gareeku's shoulder. "At first it was just for the kids, but now I have another motive: To help you make sure you see the faces of your family again."


It would have been such a pleasant conversation. However, as should have been expected, and as simply is with how things go for some hateful reason, Gareeku and James were interrupted by a passing creep.
   'How heartwarming. Just don't be so quick to get your hopes up, kid,' Ignatz said darkly, pacing slowly past behind the two. He looked around distraughtly, back and down to the hatch leading into the forward cargo room. Where the heck do they expect us to go if this trip is going to take a while? he thought.
   'You know, not that I'm saying what you've done isn't gratifying work, but you ought to look out for yourself first. That's the only way to get things to develop, so you can make even more of a difference,' the bat continued, not even looking at the two as he kept searching. 'And keep a clear outlook on things. Because those storms of Hell you mentioned aren't nearly so easy to defy as you'd want them to be.'


"Have you lost something?"  Jakob asked the bat in a concerned tone.  It looked almost as though he had dropped a contact lens and was trying to find it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Listening to James explain how he did not live a life of luxury despite the good money he earned, Gareeku nodded his head as he listened to the squirrel tell of how he donated the money that he earned to the orphanage that the squirrel grew up in.
"Maybe I should have been a bounty hunter instead of ah adventurer." the wolf commented, a slight smirk on his face as he spoke.

It was then, however, that Gareeku heard another voice comment on the conversation. Looking round, the wolf saw that Ignatz had decided to chip in on the conversation.
"Fuck off Ignatz." Gareeku said rather bluntly. If Ignatz wanted somewhere to be alone, then the cargo hold would probably be the safest bet. Hardly anybody went down there, especially not on this particular journey as there weren't many things that were being taken across the waters, and none of the cargo was particularly valuable.

Turning back to James, the wolf's facial expression was now one of grim seriousness.
"All I am concerned with right now is freeing those who have been kidnapped." he explained. "Before it is too late."

James StarRunner

"Without hope though, there's nothing..." breathed James almost inaudibly. Despite not being fond of Ignatz, James did find some grain of wisdom in his words. Those storms may not be the easiest to navigate through safely, but it'll be an exciting ride...

"We'll free them, all of them. The gloves are coming off when I see the despicable demon who's done this..." he said as he looked at his new gloves which Jakob magically patched. He made sure to choose his words carefully though. He didn't know what the crew's stance was on angels. "I'll shake the pillars of hell with holy fury, unashamed of what I am, you can count on that."

He looked back towards Gabi. He had told the vixen that he'd help her train to be able to better protect herself. "If you'll excuse me now Gareeku, I'm glad we had this talk. I'm going to see if I can teach Gabi a few things about fighting." He gave a small wavelike salute to his pal and walked towards the vixen.

"So, Gabi? Have you decided on what you want to learn? We could try unarmed combat or even some swordplay if you want to try that out."


"I heard what you said to Gareeku," Gabi told James. She usually tried (often without success) to stay out of other people's private conversations but she thought this one deserved a comment. "I must admit I'm quite impressed. I think it's a great thing, what you're doing." She felt her cheeks become slightly warmer. "And helping me too... I don't know how to thank you. Things would be much harder if you weren't here. I..." she thought of his question for a few seconds. "I've never used a sword before. I've heard some say they're harder to wield than they look, so I don't know... Do you think I could learn to use one?"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly