Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {3}

Started by Aisha deCabre, October 21, 2007, 09:05:27 PM

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The bat was about to speak up against the building animosity between Mel and Jakob with a hopefully disarming comment, when James interjected. He thought he noticed something in the timing between the squirrel and Jakob that triggered some former experience, but instead of doing anything, he simply heard them out, and then laid his eyes on Cog when the conversation shifted in the third wolf's direction. Leaning back and spreading his arms and stretching a bit, he then made an amused little sniff, as the corner of his mouth drifted upward.
   'Maybe we should have gone for that approach instead, Mel?' Ignatz said, still keeping his eyes on Cogidubnus. 'Fake identities may be lies, but the fresh starts they offer are not.' It sounded like a joke, and probably was, but even though he used no intonation the formulation and the mention of false names and faces was enough to trigger thoughts and thoughtfulness concerning being on guard and attentive, in case they might be dealing with another disguise.

Aisha deCabre

While Aisha set her coins on the table for the things she ate and drank, she observed the mood of the group.  There were some, especially Jakob, who was still adverse to letting the bat and Mel join in...but a deal was a deal, and they were going to have to run through with it if there was to be any more progress made.  Without saying it, though, the look on the panther's face seemed to make it clear that she too would be keeping an eye out.

Then she listened in on the conversation between the two wolves, the silver one finally introducing himself as Cogidubnus.  There was a light smirk as he spoke of his reasons for coming.  If there was to be more animosity, another level head would have been welcomed.

But she did happen to notice the grimace of pain on Gareeku's face, the same look he had before she realized that he was dying.  She turned her gaze away for a moment.  It bothered her that there was nothing she or anyone could do to help...nothing...but to keep moving forward.

And hearing the wolf announce that it was about time to leave, Aisha stood as well.  "I certainly agree with moving on," the huntress confirmed, double-checking to make sure that she had everything, and looking around at the others.  Glancing back at the silver canid, she nodded politely.  "Good to have another with us, Cogidubnus.  I'm Aisha."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Gabi nodded. She still didn't know what to think about Cog's presence and stated intention, but at least he'd done nothing bad to any of her friends yet, which was more than she could say for the other new additions to the team. At least there were still some friends she knew and trusted in the group. She could rely on them if things went wrong, and she'd do everything in her power to help them if they were in trouble. With these thoughts, she stood up and walked to Aisha's side.

"Yes," she agreed. "We should get going."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


"Mr. Manoko." he said politely, making a bow, and took a step back to lean against the wall of the doorway. At the white wolf's words, the rest of the party began to stand and get ready to leave. The wolf patted the side of his satchel, making sure everything was there. The stiff resistance of the spine of his book, and the odd lumps and hard shapes of his various small possessions and monies reassured him that he hadn't forgotten anything. He pushed his shades up the bridge of his nose, and waited.

At the red-cloaked panthress's words, the wolf merely nodded his head, smiling at her. "A pleasure...Aisha." he said, not knowing her last name. He noted the boomerang hanging from her belt at the sword at her hip, and nodded.

  He found himself suddenly examining his new party-members. Gareeku used the same sort of blade as he did, and his clothing screamed martial artist. His ragged appearance seemed to indicate he wasn't a stranger to using the weapon, anyway. The Cubi Jakob, now toting a large coat, was a filmmaker, but also a teacher at SAIA. Fighter by trade or not, that spoke volumes about the wolf. One of the bounty hunters he'd already met, and he seemed to at least have half a brain, and the other one, a feline of some sort, seemed to have garnered a special kind of...'respect', from the others. If her skill was as sharp as her mouth, she would be formidable indeed.
The yellow Jackal, hung over as she was, was toting an enormous mace. Werther or not she could use it was another matter, but she didn't seem to be dead yet. The nice vixen, Gabi, he hadn't seen any obvious signs of weaponry on, which left monk or spellcaster. Either way, she survived this group's last attack. Still, something struck Cog about that one...
The blue squirrel and the girl with the bow he hadn't met before, and didn't know anything about. Except that the squirrel seemed to enjoy his pudding very much.

Cog grinned to himself, and waited for everyone to get ready. It seemed he'd picked the right time to volunteer.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel stood and brushed the crumbs of breakfast from her brilliantly red coat and white divided skirt. Having already paid her bills she dropped a tip on the table for the waitress and stepped around the table. She bowed politely to the new party member. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Mithlome. I am Mel. That most recently stood for Amelaine Donovan. "
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Most recently? I see..." Cog said, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He removed his hat and bowed deeply and formally to the brilliantly-red coated feline. "A pleasure, Amelaine." 
He returned his hat and leaned against the wall again, his eyes drifting every now and then to the door. One could never be too careful, especially with a party this big. Everyone had their own special enemies to consider, as well as the attention and scrutiny such a band brought on naturally.

He didn't bother asking the feline what brought her on this journey. He'd heard her state her reasons quite adamantly earlier, and he doubted that any more questioning would shed light on the subject.
"Already ready?" he said, smiling, and noticing the feline's new and fresh clothing and a lack of any sort of luggage. He made mental note of it: on the other hand, she could just be very rich and wasteful, true, but he somehow doubted it...


'She responds to "Ice Queen" as well,' Ignatz added at Cog's first comment, smirking a bit. There was no need for introductions from his side, at least. And unlike these others who to him seemed prude, Mel and he had a quite healthy and amusing mutual tolerance for and enjoyment of exchanging playful comments and insults.
   'Yes, and well that is,' the bat added, after the query from Cogidubnus' side. 'Allow me to express my opinion that we should get this show on the road, and some mild expression of annoyance at certain people's tardiness.' He sounded serious, but the fact that his morning tiredness didn't seem to have passed entirely took the air out of the argument a bit. 'I would also like to reiterate my suggestion that we acquire some manner of transport.'

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel laughed, just a little, when Ignatz interjected a new nickname for her. "But ice is such a refreshing change when there are so many hotheads around. I affect it to stand out from the crowd." She glanced at the little gold watch pinned to her jacket lapel before responding to Cog's question.  "And yes, I am quite ready to depart. I would not think there so much to prepare considering the vagabond way everyone arrived. The hamper of lunch I ordered for the road is already done and waiting." She sighed softly, "I think I will wait outside to give the illusion of progress. "
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Ah." the wolf said, his voice mixed with a bit of amusement and something else. Ice Queen. Well, that clinches it. he thought, and stepping out of the way of the door he let the red-coated feline through.
"I'm sure we'll be out shortly." the wolf said, finding another spot to lean against the wall and wait.

He looked at the bat. "Transportation? I assumed we were walking." he said, his expression turning sardonic. "If we can actually afford transportation, perhaps I should have asked for something in return..." the wolf grinned, and adjusted his hat.


Ignatz looked boorishly up at the wolf. 'Well, you thought wrong. I enjoy my exercise as much as the next man, but walking for days on end, out in the sun?' he said, closed his eyes, and shook his head. 'This is not a holiday trip. I think the others can agree that we can't afford to be slow.' He said that almost gravely, but it was rather convenience and a bit of irritation that went through his head. I wouldn't cover ground like that during the day anyway, he thought. And I could move much faster if I were alone.


 The wolf shrugged. "Ah, well. When you've got no place to go, you're usually not in a hurry." he said, adjusting the strap on his bag. "If we need to get somewhere quick, though, the walking ticket isn't that fast, no."

He scratched his chin. "Did you have something in mind?"


Listening to the conversation, Gareeku frowned.
"Then feel free to go ahead and use transportation." the wolf replied. "I am walking."

He agreed on the fact that they had no time to waste, but in short, Gareeku hated transportation. He would much rather be putting his legs to good use than sitting in a seat for hours on end.
"Besides. I can't afford it. I'm not made of money." Gareeku commented.


"I'm easy," Jakob said.  "If we need transportation, I can pay for us."  He had taken the money during his visit back to SAIA, shortly after the bandit attack.  Really it was for paying off any future bandits, or anyone else who needed a bribe, but the cost of a taxi wouldn't make too much of a dent in it.

There were other ways too.  If they could get Jakob or a Warp Aci to the destination quickly, they could bring back the others back in shifts.  But Gareeku seemed to have his heart set on walking, so if that's what he wanted, fine.  If I was slowly dying, I think I'd want to spend the last of my life in the open too...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


'I'm not exactly poor either. If you'd rather take a carriage, or go down to the docks and catch a ship, I'd gladly pay for the expenses,' Ignatz spoke up, in a surprising act of charity. 'I mean, it's not like you haven't deserved at least something for being caught and locked up by us. Not to mention it so well coincides with both our interests.'


As the patrons of the room conversed among one another and discussed their methods of transportation, Keaton remained in an almost unnervingly statue-like state, her muscles frozen and taut beneath her saffron-sable fur, fingers fixated in a steepled arrangement beneath her chin. Her head was propped up against her knuckles, ocher-orb eyes locked on the furthermost wall as she repeatedly turned over the options in her head, still prodding at that one idea which was bothering her. Ultimately, Keaton's expression was devoid of passion or emotion, easily concealing the emotions lurking behind her calculative countenance.

Then, with a rubbery squeak, she jabbed her heels into the floor and pushed her chair outward, climbing to her feet. Imperceptibly, Keaton's hand flicked within her pocket and she surfaced her hand with a brilliantly colored, lustrous marble pinched between her fingers. Flipping the marble in the air, she caught it effortlessly, then slinked behind the group. Her eyes combed the congregation of characters in search of a distinctive white canine.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Listening to the others somewhat protest, Gareeku growled slightly.
"I said I am walking." he snapped. "If I say I am walking, then I mean I am walking. You can all get transportation if you want. I am not."

Quickly checking he had his possessions, the white wolf looked around the group.
"Let's go." he said gruffly. "You know what? Fine. We'll get transport. Happy?"

With that, the wolf stormed out of the tavern, clearly agitated.

Aisha deCabre

As the others stood, getting ready to leave the town finally, Aisha nodded with slight approval.  Things finally seemed to be going smoothly.  Even Keaton stood with the group, and though the panthress hadn't gotten an answer from her on why she'd be going, she shrugged it off...perhaps it was best that many questions weren't asked.  Another ally was always a good idea.

But then, the thoughts that things were going smoothly turned around on its head when Ignatz had mentioned getting some sort of transportation, and even fervently so, even after Gareeku had already said he was against.  Aisha had stayed quiet about that...much like the warrior, the huntress was used to walking most often to different places.  It made adventuring lingering, and more enjoyable when each mile traversed was a personal milestone.  Though it seemed the opinion of some was just to get somewhere quicker...who could blame them when their families were in danger, but still...

Aisha's head suddenly swiveled toward Gareeku when he voiced his opinion, in a clear voice, and stormed out of the tavern.  The panther's ears pinned against her head...this was no way to begin an adventure.  With a sigh, she turned to the group...mostly to Ignatz, Mel, Cog, and Keaton...the newcomers.  The rest of their comrades hopefully knew what she was to say.  Her tone was level, neutral, hopefully reasonable.

"If you all are coming with us, you would be advised to have some respect for Gareeku's position and opinion.  Out of all of us, he has the most weight on his shoulders, as Gabi had put just a few moments ago.  It would be very ill to go against him.  More so because there are more of us who will stand with him, no matter what."

She let that sink in, before turning and moving out the door in a trotting pace, hoping to catch up with the wolf.  I go where he goes, she had decided.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The bat's head and ears swiveled around as Gareeku suddenly stood up, fired off some indignant comments, and then went out, slamming the door after him. Aw, fuck. We insulted him, he thought. Seems he's a bit touchy. Well, if he's dying... Or maybe he just has a temper. Even through Aisha's statement, Ignatz kept his eyes on the door. Then, he sighed, and leaned forward in his seat, putting his forearms on his thighs. Maybe it wouldn't be too good to go with them after all.
   The bat sat so for a few moments. Then, his eyes drifted up in an expression of hesitation, settling on Mel. He held them, then glanced over all the others, and then finally locked his gaze at the newly arrived Keaton. Meh. It's a bit of animosity, he thought. So what?


"Well, that's settled that," said Jakob pleasantly, heading out after Gareeku and the panther.  "Anyone else coming?"  He added as he reached the door.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

The Tasmanian devil stood up and followed after the white wolf.

"Gareeku...Did you want to get some new clothes? I know a shop on the way out of town and they stock stuff like that." She said when she caught up to him.


Gabi was rather shocked when Gareeku stormed out of the room. More than ever she wished he would open up, but she couldn't see that happening any time soon. When Aisha and Jakob manifested their will to follow him, she joined them. She wished they could rescue the kidnapped as fast as possible, but if the group was splitting up she'd much rather go with the ones she trusted.

"I'm going," she said, and turned towards those who were still inside, looking at James in particular. "Are you coming?"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Much to Keaton's frustration, just as she approached the white wolf, he departed the room for reasons which were slightly ambiguous to her. It was probably out of annoyance, as far as she knew, but at that moment she was somewhat lost when it came to motivations in general. They had a questionably-motivated pair of mercenaries, one of which she wanted dead, the other who managed to intimidate her; an Angel; a nosy wolf Incubus; a silver-furred swordsman who behaved politely, but who she didn't quite trust yet; fox lady who Keaton didn't know well enough to pass judgment on, but who looked nice enough; a Tasmanian Devil archer who, as far as Keaton knew, couldn't hold her booze; a dark-furred pantheress; and herself, who was utterly fucked up beyond recognition in terms of capricious stimulus. Oh the joys of being a Succubae and experiencing not only mood swings, but emotional instability, trauma, and personality disorders.

It was quite an eclectic group. With a sigh of resignation Keaton inclined her ears backward and glanced to Aisha, who was speaking directly to her, Ignatz, Cogidubnus, and Mel. Something about respect--Keaton felt her curiosity pique, somewhat. What was going on with this Gareeku fellow? He seemed to be in pain before, but she hadn't been paying much attention to her surroundings, and hadn't observed his behavior for any defining attributes to a malady or injury. It probably wasn't an injury...

Keaton exhaled through her teeth. Oh well. Right now that was irrelevant; she'd ask someone about that subject later. First and foremost she had to discuss something with the alabaster wolf. Shaking her head, Keaton spun around on her heels and walked out the door, following the approximate path that Gareeku had taken. Normally she would've hummed, but was too focused to do so.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Beginning to walk down the street, Gareeku heard A familiar voice; Epharael's, to be exact. Listening to what she said, the wolf didn't say anything for a moment, before beginning to speak.
"I'll be fine. After all, we don't have any time to waste." Gareeku muttered in reply. In the direction he was walking, it was becoming apparent that he was heading for the docks.


"I guess we're all going the same way, after all," Gabi shrugged, wondering what that had been all about.

"Let's go," she suggested, as she picked up her pack from her chair and turned to follow Gareeku.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Ignatz merely sighed and slapped his knees, before getting up. He'd put his bag by the side of the bar when walking down, and as he passed Gabi and followed Keaton, he just swept out his hand and swung it up and the strap over his shoulder. Moving on toward uncertainty... he thought to himself.

James StarRunner

"Indeed. I'm coming miss Gabi..." He followed after Gabi and slipped a few acorns into her hand. "A few stun bombs for your protection." As James gazed at the docks memories of home began to wash over him.

Paladin Sheppard

Noticing he was heading for the docks (It is her home town after all), Eph spoke up again. "And I know a stall down by the docks aswell...I don't want to force you Gareeku... But I give that vest you're wearing about another day before it falls apart. Hell gimme your size and I'll run ahead and get you something."


Surprised, Gabi thanked James. She hadn't expected the gift.

"I've been thinking..." she told him as they walked. "Maybe I could learn afew things from you too. You may have noticed I'm not very good at fighting, now I've seen that I can't always rely on magic and the way things are going, I'll be lucky to survive many encounters like the last one."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


"I know some unarmed combat," Jakob put in, slowing down a little to catch up with Gabi and James.  The important thing was to keep between them and Gareeku, so that they would be able to see which way he was heading.

"I've never been a very good teacher," he added, "but if it's going to be useful to you, I may be able to cover the basics."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


A little while later, the group has reached the rather picturesque docks. Lined up along the water side were boats of all shapes and sizes, ranging from small yachts to larger, ferry-like watercraft which were situated a bit further away. Walking up and down the waterside were what appeared to be staff who worked at the docks, making sure everything was in order with the boats and their owners.

"Excuse me." Gareeku said as he approached one member of staff in particular, a female raccoon. "Are there any ferries leaving for the north sometime soon?"
"I'll just check for you sir. Please wait here for a minute." the raccoon replied politely, before walking off to find out. Watching her go, the whitr wolf then turned to the others.
"So then. Anyone mind telling me what Mel's first "clue" is?" Gareeku asked. If one were to check the map, they find out that another message had appeared upon the back of it.

North is the direction you desire, for it will be there that you will approach what you are looking for, whether you realise it or not.

Not the most helpful statement in the world.