Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC Thread) {02}

Started by Azlan, August 13, 2007, 12:20:43 PM

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Jexx is ready, though he isn't actually asleep now.

lucas marcone


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

Okay.  I will wait until PBH responds to lucas's action and then make the transition to morning.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!



Ryudo Lee

And we've transitioned to morning.  The cavalry has arrived.

@PBH - You really can't blame them, now can ya?  :)

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on August 31, 2007, 10:11:51 AM
After a moment of dead silent, Sally comments," And yes I have gone down a a dress size or two.  A size 12 to 8 in fact, Goddess, You guys, are so Goobrrr  rrr Males!"    and walks off after sending her data into the moble lab's mainframe.


Oh gods I hope they didn't bring a mainframe with them...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 29, 2007, 09:16:07 AM
And we've transitioned to morning.  The cavalry has arrived.

@PBH - You really can't blame them, now can ya?  :)

Sally is/would be flatter, but she is trying to get they to stick with the program and help these people.  Beside She is hunger, no one feels sexy when they are hunger... Yumm Food Okay I'm off to breakfast and lunch here..

To Azlan:  Mainframe or Main computer?  Is there that much difference?  Multi-core CPUs put together in a large tower would or could equal a supercomputer of today.


Ryudo Lee

They're not going to have brought the entire mainframe... just enough computers so they can work remotely.

Also, is Sally on edge like this right now because she's hungry, or is there some other reason?

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

No she had only coffee and was half asleep when the backup arrived.

lucas marcone

Aww and i though Josh had a special nack for pokeing sleeping bears.

Ryudo Lee

Okay, this is the GM being ignorant... what the heck is a Faraday cage?

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

lucas marcone

you're only ignorant if you don't and won't want to learn about it.

still what the frick is it?


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 31, 2007, 03:49:08 PM
Okay, this is the GM being ignorant... what the heck is a Faraday cage?

A Faraday cage is a mesh of wire built into a completely enclosed box, or cage.  It blocks radio waves completely to anything inside it.  Hence, if you put the guard inside it he will be shielded from the transmissions.   If he shows adverse reactions they can open the cage up again quickly.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

@Tape - Okay, that makes more sense.  Thanks.

@lucas - Why poke when cymbals are so much better?

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

Faraday Fields?   I thought, The vans, themselves, can isolated any outside radio frequencies sources from entering inside the van.  Now, they may not be able to block all radio waves, but a good portion.



I imagine they would be called something else unless there was a Michael Faraday here, that built the first one and subsequently the object was named after him.


I'm moving to the country and gonna eat a lot of peaches...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"




Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 01, 2007, 12:42:38 AM
Oh, I love that song :mowwink *starts humming*

Yes, but do you know what it is really about...   :3
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


OOC: the gaming model Morgan is based off of can allow him to defeat Motoko cyborgs and Matrix Agents.

Ok, granted, I don't know jack-sh*t about 'motoko' cyborgs, but I do know about Agents. This is actually something I researched a while back, believe me.

If you're implying that Morgan can beat an Agent in single, one-one-one, hand-to-hand, fully leveled playing field combat, then he is now the single most powerful charcater in this RP. In the first movie, when Morpheus said "I won't lie to you, Neo. Everyone who has stood their ground against an Agent, everyone, has died.", he wasn't shitting around. The only times anyone other than Neo was able to "kill" an Agent, it was because they had a buttload of environmental factors or other extenuating circumstances stacked in their favor. Sure, you can land a few hits on them, that's how they've been killed before. One was killed by Niobe because he was kicked out the open bay of a cargo plane. The same one was killed by Niobe again when he was thrown into a huge electrical box. Morpheus killed one in the second movie because he was able to kick him off the truck. In the first movie, Trinity shot one at point-blank range. Neo also used a gatling gun and killed three because even they can't dodge that many bullets.
My point is, the only reason all of these Agents were killed by "normal" people was because they had stacked odds. If these circumstances didn't exist, and they stood their ground anyway, they would have been the ones killed. Period. Basically, if you are not The Freaking One, you simply cannot kill an Agent in a "fair" fight.

However, I could have misinterpreted you're statement, and you aren't actually implying that Morgan can beat an Agent in a straight-up fight. In that case, disregard this entire post.


Matrix agents are limited by real-world physics and to operate on a technological level equivalent to the 20th and early 21st century, they are ultra maximum humans, but are still limited to a model of flesh and blood in the construct.  This does not account for bionics and cybernetics, psionics and magic.  Though Morgan wields no magic at this point, he is a really expensive cyborg and max initiated level psion physical adept (this is a Shadowrun thing).

Agents are really wimpy in comparison to most other things out there.  Even Jexx could defeat one.

A Motoko cyborg refers to Motoko Kusanagi, the main character of Ghost in the Shell.  Though her complete conversion cyborg body is vastly superior to Morgan, she lacks the psionic powers he has.  However, I refer to cyborgs like her, because a plot featuring her will always lead to her success in the end and it wouldn't matter if Morgan was the Beyonder... he'd still lose.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on September 01, 2007, 01:57:25 AM
Agents are really wimpy in comparison to most other things out there.  Even Jexx could defeat one.

Really? I kinda doubt that. I actually figured, that if Jexx went up against just a single Agent, and the Agent gets to keep all of it's powers, Jexx would have his ass handed to him. I think you're seriously underestimating the Agents. I can't even imagine Jexx being able to land a single hit, and he was designed to be one of the front-end fighters in our party.

And by the way, I'm speaking from actually reading up on information about Agents, and the entire Matrix universe in general. They were pretty much designed to be untouchable, save for The One. How much have you read up on them?

The reason the Agents are pretty much unbeatable is, with ranged combat, they can and will dodge everything you shoot at them, unless you have a gatling gun that spews 6000 bullets per minute. This leave on hand-to-hand. In melee, they can take almost limitless amount of punishment from fists and feet. For offence, they can punch straight through brick walls, and do uber-mach-punches.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 01, 2007, 02:13:45 AM

Really? I kinda doubt that. I actually figured, that if Jexx went up against just a single Agent, and the Agent gets to keep all of it's powers, Jexx would have his ass handed to him. I think you're seriously underestimating the Agents. I can't even imagine Jexx being able to land a single hit, and he was designed to be one of the front-end fighters in our party.

And by the way, I'm speaking from actually reading up on information about Agents, and the entire Matix universe in general. They were pretty much designed to be untouchable, save for The One. How much have you read up on them?

Jexx is probably too slow and physically soft to cope with an agent.  You are probably right here.

As for knowing about agents... more then you can ever imagine, more then you can ever imagine.  Agents are a prime example of how game system mechanics can break when translating between different systems.

The limits of the Agents are still the confines of the system they inhabit.  Agents can perform superhuman feats, such as jumping great distances or tearing the roofs off of cars (generally depends on if they are original or upgraded though).  They can move really fast for short periods of time, hence they dodge bullets (unless the rate of fire is overwhelming) or throw a fury of punches.  They are hellishly resistant to pain (they got Morgan here... he is really not good with pain), but their inhabited shells are just as weak as a normal human. 

Morgan can short circuit possessions with electrokinesis, he can match movements because he has cybernetic reflexes with a move-by-wire interface that is computer controlled and has dedicated processing equivalent to their's (because Agents are forced to allocate code processing to advanced AI systems, which cuts into their resources... Morgan has a second separate processor, his organic brain, for handling that *i.e. he is not a computer program*).  I can go on, but I abhor fly swatting with Cadillacs.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on September 01, 2007, 12:33:21 AM
I imagine they would be called something else unless there was a Michael Faraday here, that built the first one and subsequently the object was named after him.

Yeah, this came up before.  We decided to use it as a generic term because otherwise it opens up a can of worms about language  :rolleyes

Here's the thing from July if you're interested:

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

Quote from: Azlan on September 01, 2007, 02:34:05 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 01, 2007, 02:13:45 AM

Really? I kinda doubt that. I actually figured, that if Jexx went up against just a single Agent, and the Agent gets to keep all of it's powers, Jexx would have his ass handed to him. I think you're seriously underestimating the Agents. I can't even imagine Jexx being able to land a single hit, and he was designed to be one of the front-end fighters in our party.

And by the way, I'm speaking from actually reading up on information about Agents, and the entire Matix universe in general. They were pretty much designed to be untouchable, save for The One. How much have you read up on them?

Jexx is probably too slow and physically soft to cope with an agent.  You are probably right here.


Oh snap homie it's ON! :giggle


Quote from: lucas marcone on September 01, 2007, 07:55:23 AM
Quote from: Azlan on September 01, 2007, 02:34:05 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 01, 2007, 02:13:45 AM

Really? I kinda doubt that. I actually figured, that if Jexx went up against just a single Agent, and the Agent gets to keep all of it's powers, Jexx would have his ass handed to him. I think you're seriously underestimating the Agents. I can't even imagine Jexx being able to land a single hit, and he was designed to be one of the front-end fighters in our party.

And by the way, I'm speaking from actually reading up on information about Agents, and the entire Matix universe in general. They were pretty much designed to be untouchable, save for The One. How much have you read up on them?

Jexx is probably too slow and physically soft to cope with an agent.  You are probably right here.


Oh snap homie it's ON! :giggle

Yes, lucas is close. I know a thinly veiled insult when I see one. But, I'll pass over that for a moment.

Going to what you described for Morgan, all that stuff that makes him uber-powerful... I just don't get it. You have said, repeatedly, that Morgan is not one of the front-line combatants in our party. Then you turn around and give him all this? Like I said, you're making your charcater into the single most powerful one, and unless you're changeing your mind again and saying he is a frontal fighter, that just doesn't fit.


Dorcan now reacts to what Morgan has said.  Personally I think 10 is a bit much, but that's up to Ryudo really.  If he doesn't like it we can always assume Morgan is boasting...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I think ten is a bit much as well. Jexx can handle zealots no problem, but even he would be hard-pressed to take down ten Enforcers simultaneously, at least, not until much later in the RP, when Jexx gets his extra abilities. Speaking of which, while I've already sent the basic concept to Ryudo, it's high time I compiled all of it in detail and send it to him for final approval. And that makes me think of something. Maybe Azlan just has Morgan modeled in a way that he's started out at is maximum power, and won't really get any significantly better through the RP.

Hm. Either way, I still think that if anyone's powergaming here, it would probably be Azlan. With all the suff he's described,I can't see how any of the other characters can even come close to his power at this point in time.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 01, 2007, 04:19:05 PMHm. Either way, I still think that if anyone's powergaming here, it would probably be Azlan. With all the suff he's described,I can't see how any of the other characters can even come close to his power at this point in time.

Exo certainly doesn't have the sheer reflexes or speed, but he can hit a hell of a lot harder and is considerably more durable. :U


True, true, I was thinking that as well. I just initially balked because Morgan has the abilities that are really more suited for a front-line fighter, even though Azlan's said he's not. That and he's more powerful than Jexx and several other members of our party, who are supposed to be the full combatants. But, Jexx is supposed to get much more powerful, and I was actually wondering weather or not his future 'upgrades" would overpower him. But, seeing with Morgan and Exo, I guess I don't have much to worry about.