Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC Thread) {02}

Started by Azlan, August 13, 2007, 12:20:43 PM

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*yawn*If our little jaunt through town did not illustrate what I speak of, then you are hopeless.  It is not about how hard you hit, how often or how much damage you do.  It is about the strategy, planning your moves and hitting for maximum effect at vulnerable areas.  You can hack away all you want at the mainbody and the most heavily armed areas, I strike were it counts.  Jexx, and I assume Exo fight with their strength, dexterity and/or weapons, Morgan fights with everything... cars, gas mains, power lines, etc. 

Morgan estimates what he is capable of from his encounter with the Enforcer.  He will append his estimates if suitable data is provided, plus he is trying to get a reaction from the Rebellion leader.

Frontline fighters require more muscle then sense, and my propensity for thought precludes my inclusion into this category.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


So basically you're saying 10 by sneak attack?  That seems fair, although you'd think - unlike in Deus Ex or Thief - that they would twig something nasty was going on after the first three or so.

Either way, I guess you'd better explain it to Dorcan in-character.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Azlan on September 01, 2007, 05:56:06 PMJexx, and I assume Exo fight with their strength, dexterity and/or weapons, Morgan fights with everything... cars, gas mains, power lines, etc.


Does it count if you're lifting and throwing the cars, or using the power-line pylons as gigantic baseball bats?


Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Azlan on September 01, 2007, 01:57:25 AM
Though Morgan wields no magic at this point, he is a really expensive cyborg and max initiated level psion physical adept (this is a Shadowrun thing).

Keep in mind what I had said earlier about psions and magic users.  Manifested powers are weak for some reason that you haven't found out in play yet.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I also note for the purpose of this argument you (Azlan) specified 10 in "hand to hand". Not environmental and ranged assault.


Gah, forgot to mention that I was going away for a few weeks for vacation. Back now... There any chance I could get back into the RP or has Mister been mothballed?


I seriously doubt Mister's been mothballed. Nothing too important has happened, it's just pretty much our Rebellion reinforcements have arrived. You could probably just continue as if you never left.

Oh, BTW, you have some cathing up to do in the Villain's League ;)

lucas marcone

i agree with techmaster though, azlan. your character is over powered. and the fact remains, even if you don't go wadeing into the battle sliceing and diceing or use your "full power" your still over powered and have that to fall back on incase things "don't go your way". i've seen lots of people use characters like this in stories and frankly it makes for a pretty bland story.  ie character fights evil, evil gets stronger, but oh wait he wasn't useing his full strength! it's very predictable and very boreing. honestly i wouldnt even beable to play a character like that. it would be too damn easy for me.


Might be an idea for someone to look at Jexx.  I'm not intending Dorcan to do this as he does need to get up to speed with their tech.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The head guy pointed him out, so he can't be unnoticed, unless you all are ignoring this guy.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on September 04, 2007, 03:15:59 PM
The head guy pointed him out, so he can't be unnoticed, unless you all are ignoring this guy.
I was thinking that Dorcan had already slipped away.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

josh is engaged in conversation with sally so it would be rude to up and leave. mister might want to check him out though. he's probably have a better time calming jexx that an asshole like josh. :giggle :P


Yeah, that'd be a good way for Boogy to get back in the RP.


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on September 03, 2007, 02:49:02 PM

Keep in mind what I had said earlier about psions and magic users.  Manifested powers are weak for some reason that you haven't found out in play yet.

I await the time for that revelation, until then, I shall continue to rely largely on "embedded" abilities.

Quote from: Arcalane on September 03, 2007, 08:51:17 PM
I also note for the purpose of this argument you (Azlan) specified 10 in "hand to hand". Not environmental and ranged assault.

I thought better of you then this... yes, not ranged assault, but anyone knows that hand to hand is largely environmental as well.  Watch a good (or bad) kung fu movie, and you will see that every object in the environment plays a roll in hand to hand... without having to get into chi and mystical martial arts.

Quote from: lucas marcone on September 04, 2007, 12:07:58 PM
i agree with techmaster though, azlan. your character is over powered. and the fact remains, even if you don't go wadeing into the battle sliceing and diceing or use your "full power" your still over powered and have that to fall back on incase things "don't go your way". i've seen lots of people use characters like this in stories and frankly it makes for a pretty bland story.  ie character fights evil, evil gets stronger, but oh wait he wasn't useing his full strength! it's very predictable and very boreing. honestly i wouldnt even beable to play a character like that. it would be too damn easy for me.

Thank you for your informed input, it has been filed where it belongs.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

Quote from: Azlan on September 05, 2007, 01:21:48 AM

Thank you for your informed input, it has been filed where it belongs.

you know Az when it comes down to it i can never tell wether or not youre being sarcastic. ill assume for the time being you mean it.

techmaster i don't mean to sound rude but the mental images i got when jexx had the mental breakdown were too damn funny. infact at one point my mind was playing the benny hill theme music. no offence


Quote from: lucas marcone on September 05, 2007, 02:39:52 AM
techmaster i don't mean to sound rude but the mental images i got when jexx had the mental breakdown were too damn funny. infact at one point my mind was playing the benny hill theme music. no offence

.......  No comment.


Lucas just asked me an important question that i completely overlooked.

"Is Jexx's communicator still on?"

Thinking about it, Jexx hasn't gotten a chance to turn it off. So, at the moment, I'm going with the assumtion that the bile from his tossed cookies mucked up and/or shorted out the microcomm. But I don't know if it would be better if the micro actually does work. What do you think? (asking everyone)

lucas marcone

well you could always get a new one. but i dont think the muck would spend much time on the tooth (where the comm is located) to do any serious damage.


I know Jexx can get a new one, and it wasn't just mucking up, i imagine the acidic bile might short it out or something. When I said I was wondering if it was better for it to work, I meant that in that everyone else hears what Jexx said. Right now, I'm leaning towards no.

llearch n'n'daCorna

If it's designed to sit on a tooth, it's going to be designed to be chewing on food.

After all, someone might forget to remove it...

In that case, a little bile will just wash right off.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


........The how am I supposed to explain no one hearing what Jexx says? Or do I have no choice but to just have to go with everyone who's still wired in hearing him?

Though even if somehow, the bile does actually fry up the microcomm, everyone will still have heard a retching sound in their ear :giggle I'm all right with that >:3

EDIT: If there really isn't any real plausible way of having Jexx's micrcomm off or out without streatching credibility or odds... I'll just go with it being on. This can't get too bad...can it?


Quote from: lucas marcone on September 06, 2007, 12:50:04 AM
"This meat matter how  sickened i am right now, cares about ya. I just though you needed some down time."
Um, who is Josh talking to, Lucas?


*sigh* Ok, um, Tape, Prof? Jexx walked (well, staggered really) into the woods, and pretty well out of sight. There wouldn't be a 'small crowd' around Jexx, the only one who followed him was Mister. You probably woldn't have been able to really hear his plasma handcannons either, you might've heard a light buzzing for fifteen seconds, but that's about it. Especially Sally, she's so busy with her immediate work that the only thing she might be noticing is Jexx's voice sounding in her microcomm reciever (after a retching sound ;)), and I'm still not clear on weather or not that should be happening.


Okay, a complete rewrite ignoring Jexx entirely.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 06, 2007, 01:08:30 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on September 06, 2007, 12:50:04 AM
"This meat matter how  sickened i am right now, cares about ya. I just though you needed some down time."
Um, who is Josh talking to, Lucas?

jexx of corse didnt you say the comm was on?


No I didn't. I said I was undecided, or words to that effect, and that I was leaning towards 'no'.

EDIT: Scratch that, now I'm sure of it; no. We'll just assume Jexx turned it off as everyone fell asleep. Prof's appearence I guess is all right, as Boogy responded to it.


Hope Ryudo doesn't mind that I'm inventing electronics standards for his world.

It's a shame Kryptic is AWOL.  Otherwise the two of them could have gone off into the woods to do that, which could have sparked some rather interesting rumours  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

I may end up being more AWOL than normal for the rest of the month.  I've been told that I am requried to be ITIL Foundations certified by the end of the month, so I get to do a whole bunch of training.  But at least they're covering the training and the exam voucher.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

llearch n'n'daCorna

heh. My wife did that. She said, and I quote, "it's all a bunch of obvious answers to stupid questions" but it doesn't hurt to do.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Boggy, I though Mister, Jexx, and Sally were all going to walk back together...oh well.

Tapewolf: Dude! Awsome avvie! Turnsky has some skill, eh? I'll make sure to give him compliments in his thread.