Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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Not if you're not around to do it! :P
And you can't come with us, cuz Exo has more important things to do, like, say, coordinating the evacuation if the Brotherhood comes a-calling, since Exo seems to be the 'unnoficcial' leader of our operation, as no one has actuallty steped up, or been elected to, that post officially.


I'll blow you to kibble too if I have to. >:3

(I could probably nail you both with one well-placed shot, but it'd have to be a good one...)


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 06:00:33 PM
   Gerald and Jexx are going to be taking a loooong walk together... :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

Just as long as they both come back...  :erk

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 05:47:45 PM
Oh, and Tape
Now I know how Johan Cross felt.
I must say, masterful touch there. For some reason, it's the little things like that in literature that I love.
Thanks.  It was difficult to write that speech, very depressing.

For those who are wondering who Johan Cross is, he was a criminal mastermind in my DMFA fanfic, 'Chronicles of Jakob Pettersohn'.  In a nutshell he ruled by fear (his primary emotion) and had a reputation for mass soul-stealing and murdering tens of thousands, neither of which were actually true but he loved to maintain this image to keep the population under control.

Probably the best summary you are likely to find is chapter 12, especially the ending, which I was specifically thinking of while writing the Dorcan lines.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 13, 2007, 06:17:34 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 06:00:33 PM
   Gerald and Jexx are going to be taking a loooong walk together... :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

Just as long as they both come back...  :erk
Oh, we both will be coming back...not sure what kind of mental or physical state Gerald will be in when he gets back, but Jexx will bring him back... :bat

Ok, seriously. Gerald will be back fine unless he makes 'strike three' which case he won't be coming back at all. I interpret permission to do that from Ryudo...but if I'm mistaken, please correct me.

(Strike one, the shapeshifting gun. Strike two, this whole hacking business, which should probably count as five in comparison...Strike three...waiting for that one...)

EDIT: So that I'm not accused of bullet-posting again, I'll say it here,
Both of them, Caffy. Get both of them in the laptop. Don't make this any longer and more bullet-posty than it needs to be.


... They are... they upload at the same time...


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 06:36:28 PM
(Strike one, the shapeshifting gun. Strike two, this whole hacking business, which should probably count as five in comparison...Strike three...waiting for that one...)

I don't care about the gun.  In my book, strike 1 is him possibly leading the Brotherhood to the base.  That alone jeopardises 'our' position because although he lost them, they must have some idea which direction he was heading and if he was important enough they might sweep the forest and uncover the base in the process.
Strike 2 is the hacking thing, and hopefully there won't be a strike three  :<

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I don't hope for a strike three either, but to be honest, Jexx does.

Oh, and BTW Ryudo, did you ever get any response back from Bill? Or is he out?


...Gidget smirked and cast a glance to Jexx - his eyes a bit on the sinister side. Still with that evil smile...
Jexx only got that evil smile when he decided to accompany Gerald into the woods to look for a new campsite, should the need for one arise. :P

Also, which laptop does she want to work on, and why?


Kryptic and Baiye (and Gidget... but who really cares?) are BACK.

Yesh. Very back.

On what's been mentioned, in retrospect, Gid does definately not work of the 3 laws. I'd suppose it's obvious. He's snarky, irritating, and loves to push people's buttons. He's basically someone who likes to mess with people for fun. He has his morals (somewhat a reflection of Baiye's), but he's a lot more... liberal.

I personally call Gid a Cognitive Robot, or maybe a "Hybrid Intelligent System". Basically it means that he's got values.


On the subject of Gerald's spontaneous hacking - Baiye's amused. I don't think the reality of the situation has totally kicked in that she might be killed working for the rebellion. 24 hours ago, she was just a robotic repairman with a build-your-own hobby.


Gid's evil smile, not Jexx's. He loves manipulating people. I tend to write in a weird perspective (if you haven't already noticed), so I refer to some of their actions from a narrative point of view. "Still, Gid's evil smile was somewhat unnerving." - That's more what it's supposed to sound like.

Baiye's just got what she calls "itchy fingers" - she wants to work on something; it's basically boredom. She's referring to the laptop used for the hacking in order to make sure it's properly wiped.


Quote from: Kryptic on July 14, 2007, 12:10:43 AM
Baiye's just got what she calls "itchy fingers" - she wants to work on something; it's basically boredom.
That I can understand, but

Quote from: Kryptic on July 14, 2007, 12:10:43 AM
She's referring to the laptop used for the hacking in order to make sure it's properly wiped.
If the Brotherhood's really on their way, I'm not sure if that's going to help much...But if the only reason she's doing it is because of boredom, well *shrug* At least she's not trying to hack the Brotherhood either...


"Won't the AIs be able to beam back to G over here and tell him the pass word?
When Jexx ordered Gerald to upload Omega and Mars into the laptop Jexx got from one of our vans, he made sure it was one with a detachable transponder. Jexx removed it as soon as the AI's were in there, effectively trapping them until Jexx feels like putting the transponder back on. Right now, they can't beam themselves anywhere. All three of them are with Jexx in the woods now, and all three are effectively at Jexx's mercy. Which isn't a place you really want to be at...

   Jexx watched the laptop, until he was sure both AIs were secure in it. He then disconnected the wireless transponder, effectively trapping them there, (so they can't try to sneak back out), folded the laptop, and swung it over his back with the strap. It rubbed at his bare fur a bit, but he didn't mind.
   Taking Gerald by the arm again, Jexx led them both into the woods, where they eventually disappeared from sight of the camp.


I wrote most of that off the top of my head, so it may not be exactly the same as Ryudo's version or idea of the Brotherhood, but I imagine it's fairly close. :B


Well I'm back, and I need to catch up on what has happened.

I find it interesting to learn that anyone considered the use of Asimov's three laws.  The origin of the development of this model lacks a corresponding concern that was the impotence of its creative need in Asimov's works.  The hardware necessary to implement this logical model is also not present.  The design is highly dependent on base pair annihilation, a metaphor for the fleeting or evanescent nature of thought, and highly sophisticated core processor design.  The equivalent of Radio Shack rarely stocks bleeding edge circuitry made from platinum and iridium substrates.  The three laws are a significant programming bottleneck, one that I doubt our new script kiddie could possibly have the patience to work with. 

From what I can tell, the artificial intelligences in this RP are of a computational design that developed sentience from a mixture of Hollywood PFM (Pure F*cking Magic), ignorance of computational science, and an unspecified iteration of sentience derived from a self expanding algorithm.  This sentient expansion in an nth iteration contains merit due to the inherent mutability of this type of computational repetition.  The fact that these systems can spontaneously develop personality traits, independence of action and can originate unique thought beyond programmed information and environmental conditions is extraordinary, especially when you consider that most of our AI's in this game are still run on logic gate based processors.  Quite extraordinary.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Well, as far as can be said, the only (know) AIs in existances of this RP that have even convoluted, mutated versions of the Three Laws (mainly to accomodate furres), are Omega and Mars, because it seems that, in this RP, Gerald is the one who invented the three laws. So the only AIs who would even have said heavily nmodified laws would be ones created by Gerald.


Gerald... oh yes, the script kiddie that follows the whole l33t haxor thing... meh, such audacity and arrogance to think he has what it takes to portray a computational engineer and theoretician.  Even more so that he should take the works of a great science fiction author, twist them, and call them his own even for an RP.  Normally I would take umbrage at this, but its allowance by the controlling authority gives me much leeway to expand my own capabilities to bring myself to par with everyone else.  I was worried that Morgan would be over the top, but careful analysis has determined that I am the least powerful and most limited character in the RP.  Hence I have the most potential for growth and expansion then anyone else.  If this were a book or a movie, then these qualities would make me the main or title character.  For this I am pleased. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on July 15, 2007, 05:04:52 PM
I find it interesting to learn that anyone considered the use of Asimov's three laws.  The origin of the development of this model lacks a corresponding concern that was the impotence of its creative need in Asimov's works.  The hardware necessary to implement this logical model is also not present.  The design is highly dependent on base pair annihilation, a metaphor for the fleeting or evanescent nature of thought, and highly sophisticated core processor design.  The equivalent of Radio Shack rarely stocks bleeding edge circuitry made from a platinum and iridium substrates.  The three laws are a significant programming bottleneck, one that I doubt our new script kiddie could possible have the patience to work with. 

I must admit I would have ignored them.  Probably one of my favourite references was in Beneath A Steel Sky, when Joey is fitted with the welding robot's body:

"Stop that.  You're not supposed to kill people."
"Says who?"
"The three laws of robotics."
"That's FICTION, Foster.  Some guy made them up."

IIRC they were designed to be good story material not practical, and I never liked the idea of a brain made from antimatter.
Mind you, the rules - flawed as they are - can be implemented in a system not based on positronics.

QuoteFrom what I can tell, the artificial intelligences in this RP are of a computational design that developed sentience from a mixture of Hollywood PFM (Pure F*cking Magic), ignorance of computational science, and an unspecified iteration of sentience derived from a self expanding algorithm.

... The fact that these systems can spontaneously develop personality traits, independence of action and can originate unique thought beyond programmed information and environmental conditions is extraordinary, especially when you consider that most of our AI's in this game are still run on logic gate based processors.

Harsh, but mostly true.  However you may have overlooked the concept of physical modelling, which can and has been implemented in systems based on boolean logic.  Whether a physically-modelled brain could become truly sentient depends on the nature of sentience itself of which we know basically sod-all.

In the case of Dorcan, I'm aware of my own ignorance and am therefore tending to the PFM model - indeed, Dorcan's creator purchased the technology from yet another dimension.  However, being an incubus, Jakob was able to verify that the brains using this technology are sentient and sufficiently compatible with Being or Creature minds to allow him to transfer souls into them - most likely with a few adjustments beforehand.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Azlan on July 15, 2007, 05:49:59 PM
Gerald... oh yes, the script kiddie that follows the whole l33t haxor thing... meh, such audacity and arrogance to think he has what it takes to portray a computational engineer and theoretician. 
I personally think that's giving Caff/Gerald waaaaaay too much credit. If anything, Kryptic/Baiye is the team's personal uber hacker (and mehcanical 'medic'), at this point, Gerald is prolly just going be her backup, cuz she was here first.
I would just say that Caff just used the idea. In actuall implementation, his version of the three laws (modifications notwithstanding) are an above-average hacker's equivalent of a hobby toy you'd make in your spare time.

Quote from: Azlan on July 15, 2007, 05:49:59 PM
I was worried that Morgan would be over the top, but careful analysis has determined that I am the least powerful and most limited character in the RP.
Hmmm...genetically engineered super-soldier, supertactical computer built directly into the brain, numerous cybernetic enhancments and grafts throught the body, not to mention a whole bunch of other stuff I proly missed...
Yeah, that's limited...
I was actually classifying Morgan as one of our frontal-combat characters, like this:

Front Main Combat Characters:
Support Combat Characters:
   Griffy(if Bill's still around)
Backup Mechanic:
Backup Hacker:

And I'm honestly not sure where I'd put Dorcan :confused ...He doesn't seem to fit in any of those categories. :/


Comedy Relief.

If we were to further subclassify the group, I'd put Exo squarely in the "Party Tank" role. It's not particularly fast (for a combat bot, or any skilled combatant), but once it catches up with you, you're going to regret it. :B It can also take a kicking and keep kicking back.


My primary concern here is how to stop this, without letting the Brotherhood know it was a Rebellion strike,
Umm, Azlan. Isn't letting the Brotherhhod know it was a Rebellion stike exactly what we want?


I'll resume posting on Monday. Sorry, folks.


I guess it's ok, but you missed the opportunity to do a pat-down of Gerald :P :P :P

lucas marcone

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 06:17:32 PM
My primary concern here is how to stop this, without letting the Brotherhood know it was a Rebellion strike,
Umm, Azlan. Isn't letting the Brotherhhod know it was a Rebellion stike exactly what we want?

we all have comunicateors.....why not bring that up IC?


Well, I'm having to assume that, for the moment, most of us have ours turned off. The reason for this is so I can put off posting in the IC until everyone else has posted enough to the point where Caff and I can have Jexx and Gerald actually search for a new campsite, and possibly have a 'talk'... :bat
No, really. I don't want Jexx to have to respond to anything at the moment, and the assumption that most have their microcomms off..that's incorrect...You know what? I'm going to edit my last post a bit.


Limited in power, not in operational scope.  Morgan does not fit the frontline combat model, his function is the same as that of elite special forces and intelligence agents.  He fills a hybrid role between such classic examples of special forces such as US Navy S.E.A.L.S., SAS, US Army Rangers, OSNAZ, etc., and the Intelligence services such as the Mossad, FSB, CIA, MI6, ASIS, etc.  He would be a second line combatant, providing support functions (sniping, first strikes, assassination, sabotage and the like) as he lacks the staying power and endurance of the typical "brick" of frontline combat.  The brick can typically take hits and shrug them off due to high armor or endurance factors, whereas Morgan is regulated to agility to avoid damage with a secondary amount of armor and systems/abilities to reduce damage or the effects of damage.

Don't get me wrong, Morgan can fight very, very well, has strength beyond any maximized normal human or furre (or that of some powersuits or exoskeletons) and excessive agility (he has that Matrix thing down in spades), but he prefers to sneak around the shadows and garrot, knife and sabotage potential threats rather then confront them directly.


Quote from: lucas marcone on July 15, 2007, 06:30:55 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 06:17:32 PM
My primary concern here is how to stop this, without letting the Brotherhood know it was a Rebellion strike,
Umm, Azlan. Isn't letting the Brotherhhod know it was a Rebellion stike exactly what we want?

we all have comunicateors.....why not bring that up IC?

Do bring it up, that way we can discuss it where these things should be discussed.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I don't know why, but this
As long as it is less then a company of conventional troops and doesn't include any heavy powersuits, I can take care of them.
Tells me your a front-line combat person if you can handle that. :3

Do bring it up, that way we can discuss it where these things should be discussed.
I just said, right before your post, why not. And I've edited my last IC post accordingly.


Head-on he probably wouldn't stand a match (hence ruling out heavy powersuits) but I imagine he'd be capable of picking them off, hence being able to kill them.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 06:58:42 PM
I don't know why, but this
As long as it is less then a company of conventional troops and doesn't include any heavy powersuits, I can take care of them.
Tells me your a front-line combat person if you can handle that. :3

A company is typically 100-200 troops and I didn't say how he would handle them.  He could only handle this situation in stages or in a method to where he can limit the amount of enemies that can engage him at any one time.  It is also dependent on ammunition and in this case, his ability to pick up replacement weaponry and ammo as the skirmish drags on. 

He cannot, however, step out in front of a whole gaggle of people and just throw down with them, relying strictly on his ability to absorb damage and deal it back sufficiently to eliminate the enemy (i.e. the heavily armored space marine with a suitable portable cannon facing down an army or conventional troops like Chinese regular army soldiers).

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 06:58:42 PM
Do bring it up, that way we can discuss it where these things should be discussed.
I just said, right before your post, why not. And I've edited my last IC post accordingly.

The edit only seems to reflect that you cannot receive transmissions at this time.  I directed the communication to Exo for the moment at least.

Quote from: Arcalane on July 15, 2007, 07:04:32 PM
Head-on he probably wouldn't stand a match (hence ruling out heavy powersuits) but I imagine he'd be capable of picking them off, hence being able to kill them.

Very correct, his 15.2mm cannon masquerading as a rifle is sufficient to take out heavy powersuits, but I didn't bring it with me to town, its in the van he was driving.  The South Africans developed a 20mm anti-material rifle, but that seems excessive.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I directed the communication to Exo for the moment at least.
Then why the hell are you asking me to bring it up in the IC thread when Jexx didn't hear it anyway?!?

But, brining the point in discussion back up, isn't letting the Brotherhood know it was the Rebellion who hit them what we wanted? Let them, and the public, know that the Rebels are out there, and can hurt them, fight back, encourage more people to join the Rebellion, knowing that they do indeed stand a chance standing up?


This world probably never had a Michael Faraday.  Nor did DMFA come to that - Jakob uses the term in CJP, but he's stolen most of his technology from Earth.  If anyone has a better term that the inhabitants of Ryudo's world are likely to understand, let me know and I'll patch it in.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 15, 2007, 07:56:15 PM
This world probably never had a Michael Faraday.  Nor did DMFA come to that - Jakob uses the term in CJP, but he's stolen most of his technology from Earth.  If anyone has a better term that the inhabitants of Ryudo's world are likely to understand, let me know and I'll patch it in.

The term is probably fine, I used it in the BT series... not that it legitimates its use in furrae, but its hard to come up with terms at times.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"